Posts Tagged ‘ladies and gentlemen’

I have benefited greatly from Neothink and Mark Hamilton

I have benefited greatly from Neothink. It has allowed me to determine what is important in my life and pursue it fervently without any distractions. I am more focused now than ever and can see through the lies of the national media along with the brainwashing from T.V. advertisers.
it is refreshing to see through the political and governmental parasites attempts to control us. All in all it is a pleasure to be a part of this enlightening mindset. The paradigm shift has arrived and the tables are now turned.
Ladies and Gentlemen: My name is Reggie Hilton and I would like to share my testimonial on how the Neothink Society has benefited my life. This society and its teachers and mentors has giving my life new direction filled with hope for the future it has physically added years to my life where I feel like a Man in his early thirties though I am 51 years old I have changed careers from the corporate rat race to one of a self employed in charge of my life and destiny making it no matter the outside world economy which is in disarray were it not for Neothink I would probably be a freighted person controlled by all the negatives this world has become instead I am a energized confident man that looks forward to every day filled with new opportunities and possibilities. though I have limited income I feel in control of my finances for the first time in my adult life. My health is great my relationships with my family and friends are great. I also support The TVP party simply because its time for our world to get it right for our very survival and to take mankind to the next level of development which is to end poverty and disease and to create great enterprise for the world by reducing government from controlling our lives , and to do what it was meant to do. Serve and protect the public only, not to regulate every aspect of our lives.

Our Savior


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.
My name is Michelle A. I have been a Member of the Neothink Society for 3
years now. When I first received Mark Hamilton’s Multi Generation Manuscripts I was going threw a really tough time, at that time. But by reading those Multi Generation Manuscripts… I over came my problem’s and figured things out for myself, I was deeply depressed. I was going through an abusive relationship, yes he is an alcoholic.
And the courts took my kids away illegally 18 years ago,and I still have not seen them since. I would like to give my greatest respect to Mark Hamilton for letting me see the light, and a complete look at what this government has done to people, without them even realizing it. And now with the help of the twelve vision’s party, witch I am part of! Thing’s are only going to get better than what people think they are, yes it is very hard to trust people, but what other choice do we have right now, none. This government has ruined every ones life.
The twelve visions party is our only hope that this world has, then we can turn around, the things that Obama has
done, if not things are only going to get worse, we cannot afford to let that happen.We will do everything that we
can to help every Man Woman and Child, to succeed in life. I love you Mark Hamilton and so do Million’s upon Million’s of people!

Thank You Once Again!
Michelle A.

March 2025