Posts Tagged ‘knowledge’

It’s impossible for me to put into words how grateful I am


Dear Mr. Hamilton, It’s impossible for me to put into words how grateful I am to have been chosen to be part of your society.  The knowledge I have learned and continue to absorb from your heirlooms is life changing!  I find myself reading over and over your books so that I absorb as much as possible and don’t miss a thing.  I truly look forward to my journey with you over this next year. 

Thank you again for helping me and my family live the life we were meant to live. 


John P

I am very pleased with the new insights that I’ve gained.

My comment:

I first came upon the literature in 1996. I was very impressed with the research and the organization of the knowledge. The powerful business methods described have increased my business knowhow. I am very pleased with the new insights that I’ve gained.

Thank you Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the TVP.

Your literature and mentorship have been invaluable to me.  I believe my life, and my future, and the future of my children is enriched and secured by the support and knowledge I have received from you.

May God Bless America

Brian S,  Maine

I would like for you to share this letter with those who would like to destroy your business and Neothink Society

Mark H,

      I would like for you to share this letter with those who would like to destroy your business and Neothink Society. The world as I see it. Our government was designed to take care of the people in our country and in the original constitution, it was written that if our elected did not do so, that we have the right to change that government Also, as I see it the government has designed a program,( called welfare, social services) that keeps our people down. Most of them never get out of the system. I believe in my country and its people, but I no longer believe in my government. It is time for a change. I see no wrong in anything that you have done. What you have done, is arm me with information, that will not only make my life, my children and grandchildren’s life, and the world a whole, a lot better, because we are given a chance for the first time, to have the knowledge to better ourselves. I also believe that by standing by Neo-Think, there can be world peace!   Imagine that!!!


                                                                          Leslie S

THANK YOU for your great knowledge

First THANK YOU for your great knowledge I have learn a lot from your books, things that I never thought it will exist or even happen you made me more educated I will never thank you enough, you made us wake up from being innocent followers and think why things are the way there are in the world, you made us THINK and not just to believe everything … your lessons are like diamonds, forever, I wish you continued with all your valuable information so we can see and become what we really come to be and become creators of our destinies and made a great contribution to humanity in whatever field we chose, I will always be thankful to you and your father and you always can count on me; wishing you the best .


Neo-Tech and all the rest……

I have to go to school pretty soon but I just cant wait to do this!

I cannot believe how fast my life has changed ever since Mark Hamilton bought himself and the heirlooms into my life! I was going nowhere and FAST! Until I was finally bought back to reality and yes reality hit me hard and fast. It hurt for a while yes it did. But I picked myself up, I love learning new things and everyday is a new opportunity for that to happen. Mark Hamilton has changed my life, my heart and there is just no stopping him (thank golly).

I am extremely motivated towards the state of mankind. I am willing and ready now to do anything and everything possible in my power. This regular young woman, 20 years old living in Chicago, Il. I am willing and ready to do whatever it takes and so should you! Nothing can compare to the feelings, knowledge and understanding that I have receives from Mark Hamilton and Neo-Tech. Well I’d better get ready for school!

Stay Fresh my friends -Tamarah

March 2025