Posts Tagged ‘judgment day’

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

My name is Larry D. Barnett and I am the president of a corporation that was inspired by my mentor and directional compass Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. I must begin by telling you as a child I was raised and cemented into the church and that is to say the least. God was always first and foremost and was the reason I had anything or the reason I will ever have anything if you can truly wrap you mind around that. I was truly convinced that there was a higher power called GOD that controlled everything and held us accountable for all the wrong things we consider to be wrong or what we have been taught to believe was wrong. Now to say the least this was one hell of a guilty trip I was on and the constant mental anguish I felt thinking of my judgment day punishment. THEN MY LIFE CHANGED. I RECEIVED MY LITERATURE FROM MARK HAMILTON AND MY LIFE BEGAN FOR THE BETTER. I cannot put into words the change the Neothink Society has made in my life. It has given me a true and pure outlook on life and how it truly should be. LIFE SHOULD BE SUSTAINED AT ALL COST AND NOT PREPARED FOR DEATH AS WE ARE TAUGHT IN THE ANTICIVILIZATION. I truly want to share all of the new insight and enlightenment I receive on a daily basis just by association with the Neothink Society and it beliefs. I will do whatever it takes to assist in the progress of our society and the TVP success. I will not stop until I give my family the opportunity to experience the life they are suppose to live. PEOPLE PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE AND JUST THINK “COULD I HAVE BEEN TRICKED BY SOME BAD PEOPLE FOR ALL THESE YEARS AND NEVER ASKED MY OWN QUESTIONS TO FOUND OUT WHAT REALLY IS”. Please just go inward and ask yourself because this is life and death and our fight is for LIFE!! Don’t let anyone stop you from giving to your family what we all want and that is happiness and a long, long life to enjoy it. I have found that path with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and I will never turn back I will only push forward in our quest to save our world from destruction at the hands of the anti-civilization. MARK THANK YOU AND I WILL STAND WITH YOU UNTIL THE END AS WE ALL WILL!!!!!!!

March 2025