Posts Tagged ‘job’
When I became a “Neothinker”; my fellow colleagues wanted to know more.
I was born a teacher; looking for ways to help others grow.
My dream became reality graduating and working for P.B.S.
Well over a decade later I needed to leave, to make money;
Securing a job with C.B.S.
On that first day, I was announced in the news room;
“…do you know who this is?” my reputation had preceded me.
When I became a “Neothinker”; my fellow colleagues wanted to know more.
That is why they want to hear and see of what I bring to them today;
for you and the world you have brought to each of us.
Since our beginning I have sought to record for posterities sake,
on video everything that has transpired until now.
I hope I too can reach the level of conveyance,
you have inspired us all to become. Thank you! Kerry H.
If not for you and Neothink I would not be here…
Dear Mark,
HI I know we have not meet in person but I have talk to a few other if not for you and Neothink I would not be here right knows the battle of my health and mind were at great stake till neo think pop in to my life most of all the health issues are under control with out the med s mind over matter I can heal and the survival of my kids as well people need Neothink / Also I have gone from being in a finical hole to now having thing straight and by the end of the year should be debit free as well have to fix me to move for ward the iron grip move in November stated to work 12 hour out of the month for my self on top of working a regular job of 40 hour s I have refinance my house so that I keep it I have lost 40 pound there a lot more but I will keep moving for ward , Neothink is needed in many ways if people can just see the good of it all these are some of the thing with in the last 10 month that I have done , you have my support mark , I came from all most losing what I had to stable now , much love Michelle
Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party…
Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party, I can now look forward to the future of the USA. It seems to be obvious that our elected officials can no longer think for themselves, and just follow the leader (the sheep syndrome). When politicians only vote their parties line, it is time to vote them out. I do believe the TVP will bring forth candidates that think for themselves and make decisions based on the good of America. However I will do as Mark Hamilton has taught me to do. I will look at all candidates and vote for the one I think will do the best job to make America great again. Thank you Mark Hamilton and the TVP.
Dave L
Mr. Mark Hamilton, whatever happened to freedom of speech?
Mr. Mark Hamilton, whatever happened to freedom of speech? We are human beings, we think of better ways. I read the manuscripts and did enjoy reading them. All I got to say, is this is going to be a job. It’s going to be rough road. I do believe in what you wrote. It’s not the government; it’s the people running it. – Thank you Wayne K
Fast Blast
I crack open one of Neothink Founder, Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts, and ZAAAA -> my mind flashes into action! There is the Power and Focus to get the job done! Thank you for the Inspiration!
– Yon
Mark Hamilton has help me
Mark Hamilton has help me a 35 year old here in portland oregon i am vicente and for the most part i have had a hard time keeping down a job and what Mark has done is given me tools so i can keep a job down and then move on to my own business if i want the business that Mark Hamilton runs is nothing more than pure and honesty with all members that are part of this club and one more thing look at it like this we have lots of churches the door is open to any one right? well Mark Hamilton is saying the door is open for any one you do not have to that is up to any person like myself vicente i step in NO one made me or paid me to step in i wanted to step in all on my own. Mark Hamilton has given me hope in m self to start my own business if i want to last thing here Mark Hamilton is NOT a crook in any way he is truthful and upfront and a very honest man let his business run i ask you not to shut him down it is helping people like me in a big way thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done for me it has been great i love the life i have taken on and by the way my little one that is 6 years old her name is Leann san martin all will be past down to her and she is a smart little one for her age so i am looking to see what happens when she gets older and when i pass down all the tools to her and see what she does with her life but my life has just got going thanks to Mark Hamilton vicente
Who will make sure the environment is protected?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government agencies like the EPA will be disbanded and private companies will fill the need of making sure the environment is protected. Motivated by profits and having a bottom line to answer to, these businesses will do a much better job than government. Using the environment to commit initiatory force against any individual is breaking the Prime Law. All violations will be dealt with in the judicial system.