Posts Tagged ‘job’


I have learned a lot from Neothink. I learned to break my job and other actions to physical smooth movements. I also learned to have an iron grip control of actions. I learned to break or divide work into smaller units and use some time as a mini-day. A lot of the study is geared to people in there jobs and how to excel in them to make a lot of money. I am disabled and don’t work but use the teachings to make my disability go better with out dwelling on the condition that others use as a crutch. I do this by integrating physical movements with time. I did not know how to do this before Mark Hamilton showed me how in his books. I am living better with my disability do to Mark’s writings and study guides. Thanks Mark. yours Leo H. Y

Mark Hamilton is changing the way I look at life.

i am learning so much from all the material im reading or listening to. Mark Hamilton is changing the way i look at life and the things around me, mostly my job…i always enjoyed what i do but there seemed to be something missing. a feeling that i could do more. I never went to collage after high school because i had no idea what i wanted from life, and these meetings, and the books iv read have given me that idea…shortly after i became a member i sat and thought about what i wanted or could be good at and decided i wanted to become a psychologist to help others and create values i could be proud of, and i am now going to school to do just that…the other side of my experience is that i was twenty pounds over weight and in just a few months, I’m am for the first time, happy with the way i look…thank you Mr. Hamilton

My Story about Neothink Society

It has been a year now that I was hand picked to join the Secret Society, the Neothink Society.

I have not put Mark Hamilton’s 12 Visions to a test as yet. I am still thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life.

I have enjoyed reading all of the Neothink Manuscripts.

The 12 Visions taught me to think for myself instead of letting others think for me. People have the right to think for themselves.

If the Government has it’s way they would regulate every thing we do. I thought this was a free Country, but it seems the new President thinks he should think for us and tell us what to do.

This Health Care Reform Bill is a very bad idea. First of all if we let the Government regulate our Health CAre then what else are they going to try to regulate. Who we can and can not Marry. How many Children we can have and what sex the child should be.
What kind of job we should have.

This type of thinking has to stop and the Neothink Society is just the Society that will pervail.

Keep up if you Can!

I spent 20 years in the Navy and the recruiting statement “It’s not just a job, it’s an adventure” was definately true.

After my 20 years I was struggling to make ends meet as my retirement check and restarting my career wasn’t covering my expenses.

Then the freedom came in a letter. From the research I did on the information from the NeoThink Society I was able to anticipate certain trend in the future and find much more prosperous pay.

Now I am stil not satified at working for someone else so I have the confidence to create at my pleasure. I thought the adventure was over but since Mark Hamilton bestowed his secrets upon me I now know the Navy was only a warm-up!

Thanks a million!

I am very thankful to The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton for all the powerful information that changed my life forever for the better! By reading the multigenerational manuscripts I got a better paying job that I enjoy.The multigenerational manuscripts empowered me to do it! I am so grateful to be a member of The Neothink Society! I found who I am and where I belong with The Neothink Society after so many years of searching. I also believe in The Twelve Visions Party that was created by The Neothink Society. Change is needed in our country and the TVP will bring a better tomorrow for all of us to live the happy,prosperous and romantic life we are meant to live! Also,it gives us hope for a brighter future for not only our country but also the world! John H Pa

Mark Hamilton, I am seeing things in an all new light…

I am 59 years of age and in severe debt. I am on the threshold of bankrupcy, and my life has been on a downward spiral for years. However, upon being discovered by Mark Hamilton, I am seeing things in an all new light, free of illusions and mysticism. I have taken control of my job, and now make $14,000.00 a year more than I did a year ago, and I know this is only the beginning. I am in control of my destiny again, and I want to stand at the ready to assist others with their break from the anticivilization. THANK YOU,MARK HAMILTON.

I think that the neothink has already become apparent here in Cleveland

I think that the neothink has already become apparent  here in Cleveland ;s  counties with so many corrupt government county officials being hauled into court and convicted by the old establishment in an attemt to hide the even higher up corruption that persists still by  this move clouding the citezenry into thinking that “we are doing our job for you “while the real corruption goes on in the state and fed levels which mandated the investigations to cover their own corruption and fleecing of the American people .Example : The speaker of the house wanted to order a bigger jet so she would not have to stop and refuel .so much …….the whole of the senate  wanted to order all new fleet of planes when America is down so low as it is and to burden her more

Just some thoughts ,

Rick S

TVPNC Officers On Neothink Radio May 23rd 2010

TVPNC Officers On Neothink Radio May 23rd 2010

Vision Five — Land the Job of Your Dreams

Subject: my testomonial of what the Neothink society has done for me.

listen, when I was first invited into the Neothink society., ( 4 years ago ) I was looking for away to educate myself and create a better life for me and my family., You see, I do not have a high school diploma and was charge with crimes that I did not commit., Today I am an unemployed paratransist driver trying to create a income for me and my family., I cannot get a job nowhere because of my record, basically I was banned from the anticivilization., The ( Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party ) is the best Knowledge I ever came across it ( Set me Free ) in so many ways that you cant even imagined., Unless you my friend took the journey to ( FREEDOM OF THE MIND ) and come in contact with a ( LOYALTY TO HONESTY ) from this point everything in your world gets put back on the right track., If an only if you have and ( OPEN MIND ) ( YOU WILL EXPERIENCE HEAVEN ON EARTH )., TO BE TOTALLY HONEST WITH YOU I LOVE THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY AND THE KNOWLEDGE I HAVE RECEIVE., SO WILL YOU


Your literature and the Neothink Society

     I cannot even begin to tell you how my life has changed, since my first letter from you and the society.
     One year ago this Christmas I was ready to give up on life so much mysticism, 
Neo-cheaters in my life I had no room to breathe anymore.
     For four years I’ve been living with this heavy heart, I gave up believing in people 
in a whole, church wasn’t the answer for me.
     I was a truck driver and four years ago years ago I lost my mother and my job, 
because of the need to come home.  My company fired me for coming out of route 
when she died, I hadn’t put things together until that letter i spoke of from you and 
the society.
     Your literature and the Neothink Society has brought me back with this large heart.  I’m so 
thankful for getting this new chance at life, I’m living proof of my child of the past 
will catch the child of my future.
     Knowing that we have a Twelve Vision Party and what they are doing is the best 
thing that has happen to me since my FNE and the best is yet to come.
     Please keep your literature and the Twelve Visions Party going.
                              A Neothink sister,
                              Lavonne B

March 2025