Posts Tagged ‘jesus’

I will support the TVP every way I can

Dear Mark Hamilton:
I am sending a second note to tell you what I like about the Twelve Visions Party. The TVP as I like to call it, is the best movement that could happen to this country! It will take us back to the constitution and fix all the problems this country has now. We have these problems because we have let our country move away from the values embodied in the constitution. We were founded on the love of Jesus and individual freedom and that is what the TVP is all about. I will support the TVP every way I can and am trying to find more ways to help.
Martin A Randolph
DeLand Fl.

The Neothink Society is an group hard working honest people…

The Neothink Society is an group hard working honest people, who is dedicated to doing what’s right for the good of all. Many people and groups one encounters in there life time often do good things out of fear. Mark Hamilton’s literature can and will help you overcome your personal fears and accomplish many if not all of your goals in life. Most of us want to live a good clean honest life, but with all the dishonesty in our World today one can find this difficult, This literature can help you begin to think and start looking for answers from within, that will benefit yourself and your family. The one thing I noticed about our brother Jesus is that, in every situation, he was always honest about things, The he had concurred all the illusions of this dishonest World that had crucified him according to their law. To make just decisions about things, first gather all the information.

I am very very very…………………….grateful to you


Dearest Mark Hamilton,
I have just been reinstated by Yahoo.  I can now send mail from my account.
I am so………..grateful.

Hey, Mark, I need help in another issue.  I need you in the next lives thereafter in human form to watch after me.  I need in all our next lives (reincarnation), to be unconditionally loved and to be nourished emotionally deep.  I also want to look extremely beautiful — like a Goddess inside and out perfect in every way, having my health, and being very financially wealthy from my family, and much protection for myself, family, and close friends.  

In this life, Mark, I was so……verbally abused.  That set the tone for a spiral downward in my life.  Like I said, in prior email thank GOD for you and Jesus in my life.  

I want to have you in my life.  I love you deeply in the deepest religious soul and mind way.  I know you are with me.  I hear you talking wonderful, positive things to me:  ex:  “You will be restored”.  And then I experience visions which are lovely and light a lot of light.  This is incredible.

I want to meet you.  I want to embrace the Neothinker in you.

I am very very very…………………….grateful to you.

I need to know in what way I can help you — if you need it.  I will do my very best in helping you.  

And, Mark, I hope to see you run in the elections in 2012.  I will support you.
Love, Beth

Letter to Mark Hamilton


Dear mark hamilton,

Thank you!

Before neothink my mind was blind. After reading and integrating the information in your literature, It felt like the veil covering my mind was falling. Neothink showed me how to remove internal and external blocks and limits preventing my body- mind- soul alignment.
I had never before experience happiness in my life like these days. I had never before felt in control of my life and the lifes around me.
Jesus said : my people are suffering because they lack knowledge. I think everyone can practice and acquire that knowledge by reading your literature.

Mark, everytime I read your literature again, my understanding gets deeper and wider.
To me, understanding neothink is like finding multiple gold mines.

Pure love & honesty,
A Neothinker.


Hello my name is Evelyn M M, I a writing to let the whole world know that I have found something that we all should be involved in.
Its called Neo-think. I have learned so much about all that is going on around me. Mark Hamilton is a man I respect and that voted for president. Yes
I had to write him in, but as you can see as time has gone by with our new president, I am convinced Mr. Hamilton would have been a better choice. He has such a love for the people and really does care about you and me. I have found in reading his material that without Neothink and Jesus, we will always live the way we are now and
the government will rule you. You don’t anyone to rule you. I am grateful that I have read and know the truth. I searched for the truth for such along time and was
about to believe that all was for nothing. Until I read neo-think and learned from Mark Hamilton, I now know that this is not what life is suppose to be. We made
perfectly and were never suppose to live the way people have for centuries. All mankind were made to be treated with love and compassion. Do you see this in the world we
live in. Well I don’t and haven’t ever. I hope you will read with compassion and listen so we can have the lives we were suppose to live. Thank you Evelyn M

March 2025