Posts Tagged ‘irs’

Thank you for introducing me to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY


Dear Mark:
Thank you for introducing me to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, and for being my mentor. I am relatively new to the concept of true freedom.  I have been a member less than a year.  I am a sixty nine (69) year old retired real estate trainer and instructor.  I spent the majority of my career teaching the laws of real estate to the practicing realtors and real estate agents in my State.  I retired due to illness.  I fell behind in the payments of my federal income tax, due to my health issues. I have withstood the pressures and penalties of the IRS when I lost my ability to earn a living. I lost my home and all my life long acquired assets.  I am living in one room off the garage of a good friend.  My wife lives with her mother.  Since becoming a Neo Thinker, I have formed several businesses which this next year will bring me to a level of prosperity that will exceed all my previous losses. I have six people that will be building their future based on the premises of the NEOTHINK SOCIETY working for my company.  They will be developing their own businesses as NEO Thinkers earning money solving the business puzzles and fitting the pieces together. My health has improved and I am now working with the enthusiasm I had 30 years ago. My Friday night essence is in full gear again.  Thanks for your introducing me to the Neothink information, which has given me hope for a better future. I feel I still have a lot to learn.  The Twelve Visions Party is developing at a time, when we in America are in real need of a party of truth, prosperity, love and true happiness.  Today, our political opinions do not mean much; as our politicians can not respond to them any longer because the PARTY bosses are running our government.  The politicians themselves are just an illusion. We are to close to being a complete socialistic society. I feel the Twelve Visions Party is the only way our country can survive in the future.  Our current politicians are sucking us dry. There must be a change in our country’s direction soon!  Good luck with the coming challenges in your life.  You have my support as a learning student of the Neothink society.
Billy R
Mount Vernon, WA

The career politicians used their strong arm


The United States of America was founded on the ideal of a government by the people, for the people and of the people. Sadly career politicians have taken that government away from the people. It is now; the government against the people, who it is suppose to represent.

The career politicians used their strong arm government IRS to tax us unfairly and spend money for their pet projects against the people’s will. They use other government agencies to keep the people pushed down killing new businesses and controlling existing businesses.

They try to control the MEDIA thus eliminating free speech. The government tries to control every aspect of our lives. If the founding fathers were alive today they would encourage an armed overthrow of such a government as they did in 1776. Fortunately today there is a man with a vision to restore America to what it was suppose to be, a country ruled by the people and not politicians. The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY.  The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY wants to take government out of our lives so we SOAR to whatever heights we want to achieve! We want government back to what it was originally intended, and that was protection only from outside enemies. The TWELVE VISION PARTY wants America to again be a government by the people, for the people, and of the people. We want a FREE AMERICA, free from government interferences. I’m glad we have THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY, and let us get back to our TRUE America!



I agree with the prime law and getting the government out of the way of our freedom. I want the IRS gone too, but what about the under lying root cause “The Federal Reserve. As long as a private central bank has the power to print our money and loan it to us at intrest we will never be free or in control and the cause will fail. The government needs the power to print its own money intrest free which will protect the country from the true ruling class, the “Federal Reserve”. We must also amend the U.S. constitution which only allows the government to print money, intrest free. Is this what the TVP plans on doing to protect the publics money?
Jun. 1, 2010
The answer to your question is no.
The underlying root cause of the issues you are concerned about is not the Federal Reserve; it is the fact that the government has its hand in money system outside of its only valid purpose, PROTECTION from initiatory force. With a TVP induced protection only government the money system will be completely separate from government. The money system will be whatever the people make it. Money is only worth what people make of it and accept it as.
The United States did not have a national paper note used as money until 1861 and when that happened the notes were backed by reserves of bullion. At that time, the notes were for the purpose of stabilizing the money system and were not, legally, the only form of currency, but did become the predominate form of currency. People had a choice to use the notes or not. Since then the money system has failed, due to the fundamental flaw in the nature of government control of money and now we have the Federal Reserve, which is still fundamentally flawed and could fail at any time now. You can see that it doesn’t work. That reinforces the fact that the government can’t do it.
There are valid concerns about the stabilization of money without a national control mechanism and standard, but the answer is not the government. The only answer is a system determined by the free marketplace, which in this day and age of technology and communication could be a number of ways.
March 2025