Posts Tagged ‘irrational fears’

Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions Party

I am sharp enough to know that this great republic was not made great by the current “powers that be,” but rather by its great people. America’s forefathers began in bondage and later began attaining freedoms for themselves, their progeny, and for naturalized Americans, through honoring “…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence.
I know that as a whole, the current powers that be ever increasingly stymie those great people who are simply endeavoring to pursue their inherent freedoms. Those powers have done so in dishonesty and tyranny born of their own irrational fears of losing their wealth, their power, and the chokehold that they have on the people. They have also taken their dishonesty and tyranny, while in pursuit of ever more ill-acquired wealth and power, outside of this country and into foreign lands. They have misused monies belonging to the people and have thrown America into debt on an unbelievably outrageous scale. They have created a nation of dependents living in fear and despair. They have polarized the people into rich – poor, powerful – powerless, those that feed off the broken backs of others – those that can’t see the way to feed themselves…you get the idea….
I also know that the great people of this great land are waking up to the dishonesty of those in power. They want their freedoms restored and they want a government that will not place a yoke on them, will not deal dishonestly with them, will empower them, and will help them learn how to make-themselves-over into value creators that can hold their heads up high with pride – once again restoring inspiration, creativity, dignity, and glory to America.
Those waking up need someone peaceful and great, bold and intelligent, to take the lead in offering a completely new type of political party with fresh ideas for a unique system of government. I know of only one such person and one such party – Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions Party. No doubt the powers that be will vehemently and dishonestly lash out at him, his party, and his Neothink Society; but no matter, because those Americans tired of the lies, those who know a good and honest man when they see one, will call out in support of him…they know they must, for their freedoms and livelihoods are stake…freedom of speech and freedom of assembly for all is at stake.
To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom, and abundance for all. It would be unethical and immoral to attempt to roadblock him, for in doing so they would be blocking honesty from reclaiming its rightful foothold in this country. Each individual has the right to present his or her ideas – unencumbered. No intelligent person needs the current powers that be, government officials, controlled media, slammers, flamers, mudslingers, and the like, to decide for him or her, just whom he or she may give ear to. Each person needs to decide for himself, or herself, whose ideas of government are best suited for the betterment of his or her own life, for the children’s lives, and for the country as a whole. The corruption and the controls employed in silencing honest opposition must and will stop…the people are calling for it. The great people of this land need honest representation, they will claim it, and they will have it. – Liz S., New York

To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom…


I am sharp enough to know that this great republic was not made great by the current “powers that be,” but rather by its great people.  America’s forefathers began in bondage and later began attaining freedoms for themselves, their progeny, and for naturalized Americans, through honoring “…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence.

I know that as a whole, the current powers that be, ever increasingly stymie those great people who are simply endeavoring to pursue their inherent freedoms.  Those powers have done so in dishonesty and tyranny born of their own irrational fears of losing their wealth, their power, and the chokehold that they have on the people.  They have also taken their dishonesty and tyranny, while in pursuit of ever more ill-acquired wealth and power, outside of this country and into foreign lands.  They have misused monies belonging to the people and have thrown America into debt on an unbelievably outrageous scale.  They have created a nation of dependents living in fear and despair.  They have polarized the people into rich – poor, powerful – powerless, those that feed off the broken backs of others – those that can’t see the way to feed themselves…you get the idea….

I also know that the great people of this great land are waking up to the dishonesty of those in power.  They want their freedoms restored and they want a government that will not place a yoke on them, will not deal dishonestly with them, will empower them, and will help them learn how to make-themselves-over into value creators that can hold their heads up high with pride – once again restoring inspiration, creativity, dignity, and glory to America.

Those waking up need someone peaceful and great, bold and intelligent, to take the lead in offering a completely new type of political party with fresh ideas for a unique system of government.  I know of only one such person and one such party – Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions Party.  No doubt the powers that be will vehemently and dishonestly lash out at him, his party, and his Neothink Society; but no matter, because those Americans tired of the lies, those who know a good and honest man when they see one, will call out in support of him…they know they must, for their freedoms and livelihoods are at stake…freedom of speech and freedom of assembly for all is at stake.

To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom, and abundance for all.  It would be unethical and immoral to attempt to roadblock him, for in doing so they would be blocking honesty from reclaiming its rightful foothold in this country.  Each individual has the right to present his or her ideas – unencumbered.   No intelligent person needs the current powers that be, government officials, controlled media, slammers, flamers, mudslingers, and the like, to decide for him or her, just whom he or she may give ear to.  Each person needs to decide for himself, or herself, whose ideas of government are best suited for the betterment of his or her own life, for the children’s lives, and for the country as a whole.  The corruption and the controls employed in silencing honest opposition must and will stop…the people are calling for it.  The great people of this land need honest representation, they will claim it, and they will have it.  – Liz S., New York

March 2025