Posts Tagged ‘invitation’

Approximately one year ago a invitation came to act on a opportunity


Dear Mark,

Approximately one year ago a invitation came to act on a opportunity to receive the Package.  I chose to go forward, knowing the discovery, and the discovering cycle seemed  to be on target with recent events in my life. Upon reading the Orientation Booklet excitement filled the air. The Package arrived and after reading and assimilating the information a definite “ah ha” experience happen.  Armed with the Secrets, plans are in place for a start-up business that will bring great value to mankind. Understanding the meaning of “value creator” this concept will be implemented to achieve limitless growth.  The plan is to create a living business with Neothink strategies and Neothink concepts.  I must express my sincere thanks for you mentoring me on this journey.

Cecil B      Laguna Beach, CA

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society


I have only been a member of the Neothink Society for a little over a year. I have traveled the world done about everything a person on limited income can do and I am 80 years old.  So why join a society of any kind? I have always suspected that many things wrong with the world was caused by Government and others guiding our lives that we put too much trust in those people and not enough thinking for ourselves.  I was never able to put my finger on it.  One day I received a letter from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society, I was impressed and curious so I accepted the invitation for more information. That was a great day thank you Mark.  The beneficial information about a new way to live, a new way to work, a new way to love, a new way to run a business, a new way to run a country a new way to bring people together. a new way to die and above all a whole new you. At my age I will not benefit much from this all new world but I intend to pass it down to my children and grand children.
Thank you Mark Hamilton

From Vincent G

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party


Back in July of 2009, I received my invitation to receive the manuals from Mark Hamilton. I, like others, have seen and have been approached with offers like this that seemed too good to be true. However, this was a little different. The letter felt like it was written to me and not just a form letter. So I responded and received the package. I have to say, I have long held the same belief’s as the
Twelve Vision Party and thanks to Mark, I know there are others out there who have the same belief’s and truly want to make a positive difference. I worked for a national company several years ago who I felt was taking advantage of people. People, who were financially challenged. Through the time that I worked for this company, I came to realize that there was a circle going on. One where these people were taking advantage of a program designed to help them, and the circle continued as the company took advantage of these people. When I really understood what was happening, I had to leave the company so that I wasn’t part of the problem. I really hope that more people will start seeing what is really going on in this country and become part of the solution and not the problem.

My Amazing Life With Real Honest Values


Hello, my name is Brian T. McCarther and I have been a Neothink® member since June 2006. I want to personally thank Mark Hamilton for all that he has done with his Neothink® members and especially with the Twelve Visions Party® that will surely be something that everyone in the United States and around the world can look forward to.

As for a little background about my life, I have mostly been a quiet and reserved individual who did what I was told so that I would be able to be successful, particularly in school. I however realized fully later in my life that I was someone special and that I really wanted to accomplish all my dreams while also being as happy as possible. Although most of the people who were involved in my life including most of my relatives, they seemed to me that they didn’t and in most cases still don’t understand the real purpose of how a person is really supposed to live life and how life can be much more than what most people see it to be.

Anyway, when I received the invitation from Mark Hamilton to become a member in the Neothink® Society, I knew my dreams and goals could really be accomplished in my lifetime. I knew that I had been truly awakened into understanding what the world is really like and how people and society and supposed to function. Even if many of my peers and relatives don’t comprehend how my life has changed for the better, I know one day they will also be able to realize just how precious and magnificent life can be and ultimately should be for every kind human being on this planet. I know that one day life on this planet for everyone will change for the better (and continue to get better) and I am gratefully thankful that I can take part in accomplishing that dream.

Thank you so much my mentor and friend Mark Hamilton for letting me become a Value Creator in order to bring real and honest values to the world.

-Brian McCarther

Giving Back what I have received.


I began my journey with Mark Hamilton by accepting his invitation to join a new way of thinking…called Neothink. His new way of thinking was very familiar to me as I had already begun the process when I received his letter.It was a letter to remind me of learning to love myself, believing in myself while encouraging me to realize those gifts of purpose that just maybe I could help to create something to change our world and make it a better place. Guess what? It happened! It is happening right now! I went from working for someone else to creating my own company! I now produce radio shows that have content that is changing lives! Mark Hamilton and Neothink has changed my life and those that I market to with my radio show. Mark Hamilton taught me to follow my passion, create a business from that and give back while you’re doing it. I have and I am doing it! Thank you Mark Hamilton! I am giving back what I have so kindly received!

Life Changing Breakthrough


My name is David Groode and there is so much I can say in praise of Neothink, I am not even sure where to begin.
When I first got my invitation to become involved in Neothink, my life was a mess and I was in the process of attempting to put everything back together as a result of a huge shattering on many levels that I had gone through as an adult.
As a result of reading the books and being connected with Neothink, I was able to put myself back together psychologically and get my life back on track and find my true self that I thought was broken and that I had lost.
I have never been to any meetings yet, or have met anyone in person that is also a member – because I have recognized the need to clear some things in myself first – so I could show up in a more impeccable way.
One of the big things that changed for me as a result of reading the books is that I cleared a gigantic piece of mysticism that was clearly holding me back in life. The reason it was holding me back was that it did not allow me to see reality in a clear way when it came to taking responsibility for my own life, in my choices and actions. After I was able to finally clear this layer of mysticism that was in the way, it was like having a different life, so much more healthier and empowering on all levels, and so much more productive.
Although I do recognize that working on myself and making positive changes in my life and in the world is a continuous process, I am very grateful that I opened the door and gained keys of knowledge that has supported me to access and unlock some of my most powerful integrations, which has brought everything to another level.
As a result, I am now living in the most beautiful home with my partner and I am able to manage our “movie star rent.” I was also able to quit a job that I was very unhappy in and now I am working for myself full time, doing what I love, and sharing my talents with my clients and in the world.
The value that I have gained through being connected with Neothink is indescribable in what I have been able to access within myself and to create in my life. I am looking forward to meeting other members soon and to sharing and creating together.
I can now go through life with complete confidence and trust in the decisions and choices that I am making and to know that everything is amazing!



It is a great honor to have the opportunity to express my thoughts and gratitude about Mark Hamilton. I came aboard The Neo-Think Society in August 2004,after recieving a letter from MH.At first I was skeptical after reading the letter,then I reread it and decided to answer. About two weeks later I recieved an Orientation Booklet which gave me more details about his invitation. From that point on I Have been steadily improving my life (Psychologically,Emmotionally). Mark Hamilton is, in, my openion, a briliant value producer and creator that has demonstrated through his publications and writings moral and compassionate standards. Also in my openion, anyone who has ever demonstrated (valuation for human life, self-respect, clear thinking)would support or embrace the Society Mark Hamilton has established.

You Mark Hamilton have changed my life for the better


You Mark Hamilton have changed my life for the better

It was about  August or September 2008 that I received my first invitation purchase my first Heirloom manual. I thought surely they must of made a mistake by inviting me to join there Secret Society..It gave me hope again that I was worth something other than being a number but I  was now being a person who was now going to be a member of an elite organization of the Neothink Secret Society. Now I could be a person that others  could count on being apart of a team of members who are committed to helping each other in the Society to be-come the man or woman we were meant to-be in life, I believe that You Mark Hamilton have changed my life for the better, so I could Be a value creator again for children, and my family, And the NEOTHINK Society..   Thank-You Mark Hamilton for your faith in me as a member of your Neothink Society..    I can be a person you will be glad you have given another chance at life to be valuable member of your team..    Now that  I’m a member I can only thank you for helping me to be all I can believe I can,  Where I could do what I always dreamed I could be an do. This was a new beginning In my life. I had just gotten out of prison in June 2008 that year, I didn’t think I had a chance at a normal life again, But after reading the little booklet I was made to believe in my-self that I could leave a legacy for my children an grandchildren, I felt that I was wanted for what I could do as a value creator once again, Plus having a lot of friends who wanted me to create my polishes again for their trucks. They wanted something that would protect their trucks from the harsh chemicals they run into on the highway and truck washes. They wanted my polishes to protect their trucks.. I made the only polish for Enr & Clear coat Base coat paints That did not wash off like all the other polishes did..  Thanks Mark for helping me to focus on being of service to others again in stead of feeling sorry for my-self in being a loser, but instead of being a value creator our NEOTHINK Society..creator

Thank you Mark Hamilton for sending me


Thank you Mark Hamilton for sending me an invitation to the Neothink
Society. I believe it will prove to be the single most important venture that
I shall ever make. The heirloom manuscripts with all of their wisdom and
insights have been most valuable to me in my daily life. I am forever grateful.

Otis M

Mr.Mark Hamilton I am 100% with you….

My name is Mike Covarrubias here in CA central Valley.

My testimonial is this… I was deep in stagnation as well in mysticism.

back in late 2004 I encounter with Neothink I received your invitation to

be part of this society.

well as an old man with a traditional “believes” well rooted into my

psychic.I decide to get inside I order the first orientation panphlet.

Then I orderd the first herloom for me is (priceless) information

I ordered the secund herloom…… that was my turnig point.

that book specially the SECUND INSIGHT openned my eyes!!!

Mr.Mark Hamilton I am 100% with you…. because where else can go

is nothing up there but irrationalities, cruelties and opression

I am 64 year old virtually blind.

I beleive in you Mark I believed in your dad Mark Hamilton. This a

historical DAD the dawn of fredom for all of us and eventually for

all humanity.

“GO” FO IT” Mark you wll have my 100% support.

sincerely Mike Covarrubias here in Madera CA

February 2025