Posts Tagged ‘invitation letter’


When I received my invitation letter to join the NEOTHINK Society, I knew I was about to embark in a journey that would change my life. Reading the secret information from Mark Hamilton’s heavily guarded literature really opened my eyes. Now, I am walking through life with thousands of years old of the Society’s Secrets and Visions. I am able to see through daily illusions to what is, see the future, start my own company, diet down to the body I want, focus downstream, create my own life, apply top marketing secrets that every marketers want, build super puzzles, and much more. I fear nothing. Now that I am illuminated, I am grateful for everything Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have done for me.

I am forever grateful for the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that Mark Hamilton created, to depoliticize America and the rest of the world in order to bring Health, Wealth, Peace and Safety on earth through an indestructible protection law for humanity: The PRIME LAW.

With the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) president in the White House and the PRIME LAW in place; we will be living in the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD, A totally different Civilization. Wow!!!

Then and on, never again will there be War, Poverty, Malady, Hatred, Crime, Aging, Terrorism, Nuclear menaces, illusions, Politics, Inequality, Mysticism, and Silent Frustrations.

Integrated honesty will prevail. And the world will be at peace.

Looking at America among all Nations on Planet earth, it looks clear that it is a Nation where all good things are coming from. It is a blessed piece of land.


Thank you immensely, Mr. Mark Hamilton, to caring for humanity. It is a moral responsibility to opening the NEOTHINK Society and its TWELVE VISIONS PARTY to the world. Now, all human beings: The Highest Values of the Universe will be able to live a creation driven life.



To my Mentor, MARK HAMILTON:
Society in general, especially in the last 20-30 years has been degenerating at a
very fast pace. Morals and the family structure have taken a huge hit, as well as many other aspects I.E. the financial and political scenery has been dramatically altered.I’ts no
wonder the world is in such turmoil and chaos.
Throughout my adult life, which has’nt always been pleasant, I’ve fought my
“Demons” and tried very hard to live a life based on honesty and respect for others. I’ve also been searching for new ways or methods to improve using a variety of techniques offered by various experts.They work only for a short time and then it’s back to the same
old “Rutt”.Boy’O’Boy what a dull life !!!!!.
Then alas! came this letter in the mail from the S.O.S. society.I almost threw it
out, but this funny feeling in my gut told me,”hold on to it and read it.This is what you’ve been waiting for all your life.It was quite long, but right to the point and very informative, it
hit me like a brick. It finally was time to wake-up from that mediocre life I was living and start in a completely different direction.
This invitation letter came from the desk of Mark Hamilton my mentor, explaining all the advantages and the benefits the society offered if I decided to become a member. I immediately jumped at this once in a lifetime chance. For the last two years my life has
changed all for the better.I’m one of your apprentices and am becoming a mentor also.
As I slowly progress, constantly learning and reading the litterature , I become more and
more the “person I was meant to be”.
During this transformation , which I don’t think will ever stop, I ‘ve met and befriended the most amazing and admirable people in my entire life. They are like-minded and totally devoted to advancing the Neothink(r) society and changing the present structure of the world through an HONEST business approach.Honesty and love will bring a major
paradigm change to the human race.We must stop violence,suffering and human indignity caused by all the parasitical elite’s at the helm of this sinking ship.
I will forever be grateful, THANK YOU, Mark for this precious gift, this opportunity of a lifetime you’ve given me. And also for accepting me and my mysticisms into the “fold” of
your apprentices. I’ve become very involved with multiple programs in the society and I’m
now very much looking forward to a long life of HEALTH, LOVE , WEALTH and the CofU.


I would like to share this to every one who by wish and desire, accidentally read my letter. I am no extraordinary person, nor exceptional; just like you….Who Aimed At Improving My Life And The Life Of Others Around ME. Instead, me looking for them, they found me….that is why I get an invitation letter from the Neothink society to come and join. Before I decided to joined, I read all the books I got from them and I was very thankful….the BOOKS are priceless. IT CHANGE MY LIFE. THE WAY I LOOK AT IT. The invitation promised, as well as the books, that you will become a millionaire without lifting your finger….and its true. Come and join…I will share to you how you can be a millionaire too….while others are skeptical, about it…they just come and go. To become a millionaire is not easy, it’s a responsibity ….if you can handle it …you will become one….that is why you need to know and read the books. Come and join the NeothinkSociety.Com


To my Mentor, MARK HAMILTON:
Society in general, especially in the last 20-30 years has been degenerating at a
very fast pace. Morals and the family structure have taken a huge hit, as well as many other aspects I.E. the financial and political scenery has been dramatically altered.I’ts no
wonder the world is in such turmoil and chaos.
Throughout my adult life, which has’nt always been pleasant, I’ve fought my
“Demons” and tried very hard to live a life based on honesty and respect for others. I’ve also been searching for new ways or methods to improve using a variety of techniques offered by various experts.They work only for a short time and then it’s back to the same
old “Rutt”.Boy’O’Boy what a dull life !!!!!.
Then alas! came this letter in the mail from the NEOTHINK SOCIETY society.I almost threw it
out, but this funny feeling in my gut told me,”hold on to it and read it.This is what you’ve been waiting for all your life.It was quite long, but right to the point and very informative, it
hit me like a brick. It finally was time to wake-up from that mediocre life I was living and start in a completely different direction.
This invitation letter came from the desk of Mark Hamilton my mentor, explaining all the advantages and the benefits the society offered if I decided to become a member. I immediately jumped at this once in a lifetime chance. For the last two years my life has
changed all for the better.I’m one of your apprentices and am becoming a mentor also.
As I slowly progress, constantly learning and reading the litterature , I become more and
more the “person I was meant to be”.
During this transformation , which I don’t think will ever stop, I ‘ve met and befriended the most amazing and admirable people in my entire life. They are like-minded and totally devoted to advancing the Neothink(r) society and changing the present structure of the world through an HONEST business approach.Honesty and love will bring a major
paradigm change to the human race.We must stop violence,suffering and human indignity caused by all the parasitical elite’s at the helm of this sinking ship.
I will forever be grateful, THANK YOU, Mark for this precious gift, this opportunity of a lifetime you’ve given me. And also for accepting me and my mysticisms into the “fold” of
your apprentices. I’ve become very involved with multiple programs in the society and I’m
now very much looking forward to a long life of HEALTH, LOVE , WEALTH and the Twelve Visions World.

I received my first invitation letter from the Neothink Society …

From Gerry R
Capreol Ontario Canada
Good afternoon, fellow Neothink members. It is an honor for me to share my testimonial with you at this memorable Canadian conference. I would like to briefly talk about where I come from, but more importantly where I am now and where I am headed as a member of the Neothink Society.
I was born and raised in a Northern Ontario family of seven sisters and one brother. I am the eldest, and my brother is the youngest. We were fortunate to have loving parents, and their goal was to sacrifice their comfort, and work hard physically to get the best that they could for us with what they had. Like many families in the nineteen forties and fifties, we experienced tough financial times. And even through our financial struggles, our parents taught us to share and “put others’ needs ahead of our own”. Being tolerant of others, and respecting authority figures such as religious leaders and teachers, was our family code, even when it hurt. My parents’ modeling reflected that it was expected of all family members to have it in our heart to love and be ready to forgive our fellow man, no matter what wrong was done to us. It was also stressed that physical work, no matter how hard it was, was the only right direction in life.
I am the voice the Society has not heard allot of so far. This is my debut at “jumping in”. It is said that a habit starts out as a simple thought that we develop from the messages we receive from significant others, whether verbal or by physical example of an event (positive or negative) in our lives, that we record in our mind. When a new thought is recorded, it can be compared to a thread, which in its original new state is flexible and breakable at that point in time. Cutting or pulling can easily remove this new thread. However, when this “thread” is allowed to remain in our mind, it becomes tempered by our A/C life experiences, (in other words, this is how we get programmed), it grows and hardens and becomes a steel cable that holds us prisoner in the A/C world of dog-eat-dog and neocheating. Hence my instructions from the A/C society: “Don’t make waves and listen to authority because they know more what you need, more than you do.
Since my twenties, I lived with a tenacious feeling of not belonging most of the time in my work setting. I never seemed to “fit in”, and could not find any sustainable source of factual information that would offer me some answers to where I was headed in life. At that point, I went through a marital separation and divorce. My whole world was turned upside down and my life was chaotic from that disintegration. Three years later however, I met and eventually married my new partner and our relationship has survived the test of time to this day. My wife supports me in my growth with the Neothink Society.
For most of my adult life, fundamental questions about where I was headed and what I could do to improve my life continued to plague me. In answer to my questions I received my first invitation letter from the Neothink Society three years ago. I found that letter and subsequent ones very intriguing and I was somewhat skeptical at the outset. The message these letters relayed to me was that I have talents and capabilities I was not aware of. The letters further told me that these talents and capabilities would surface in time through nurturing from the Society if I would let them. I decided to accept the Society’s invitation for membership. It was at that point I finally discovered that yes, there is ‘something” more to life than what my present experience was. Accepting The Neothink Society’s invitation for a membership is the best decision I have ever made in my entire life.
Mark Hamilton supportively communicates to us and assures us that the answers to each our own life questions are all addressed in the Prime Literature. The most significant message I get from reading the Prime Literature is that it will allow me to grow in self -awareness. “Self-awareness is defined as having a clear perception of my personality, including my strengths” that give me some indication about my FNE. Being human, it also means I also have weaknesses that I need to acknowledge. Being aware of my thoughts, beliefs, and emotions allows me to identify and let go of my very own personal mysticisms. I can become an effective influence for others only when I become mysticism free. Self-awareness also allows me to understand other people, how they perceive me, from my attitude and response to them right now.
Having said that, I need to guard against assuming that I am completely self-aware at this stage of my growth, because self-awareness denotes the ability to experience events as I progress with the Neothink Society and develop the ability to clearly notice every nitty-gritty detail of my thought process of whatever event I am dealing with. This is known as “heightened awareness”. This requires persistence and practice on my part to develop the ability to see the pieces of my own life puzzles and integrate new opportunities through my thoughts, emotions, and conversations. Having self-awareness allows me to understand where my thoughts and emotions are taking me. It allows me to exercise Discipline, Thought and Control, (DTC). DTC gives me the power to act instead of automatically react to people and events.
As I indicated a moment ago, I went through a separation and divorce in my first relationship. Relationships are easy until there is emotional turmoil. This is the same whether I am at work or in a personal relationship. The Neothink relationship concepts have shown me that when I am able to change the interpretation in my mind of what I think of my personal and business associations, I can change my emotions thereby shifting the emotional quality of my love and other relationships. Having self-awareness enables me to change my emotions in my relationships, and that can open up entirely new possibilities in my life. Having the ability to empathize facilitates better personal and professional relationships. I have it in my power to exercise a choice; I can choose to be constructively helpful instead of being destructively critical.
Mark Hamilton also puts allot of emphasis on the importance of discovering my FNE. The Prime Literature tells me that I actually hold a blueprint for continual discovery in my brain as is true for each of us. Hence, in discovering the person I was meant to be will lead to living the life I was meant to live. My inborn talents are the tools I need to develop self-confidence to use to accomplish my life’s purpose. The A/C world places its expectations on us through rules and traditions, thereby stunting this discovery process. I have listened in face-to-face meetings and in many Neothink Webminars to many fellow brothers and sister giving an account of their progress in self-awareness as members. I am amazed at how easily and enthusiastically they tell us their story of how they have discovered the secret of their life blueprint. I have come to realize that reading the Prime Literature and interacting with my Neothink brothers and sisters will allow my life blueprint to unfold in its own, natural way.
It is said that one gets what one tolerates. I’ll be happy when…” was my thinking during my A/C life. I know now that happiness dwells inside of me now as I am speaking to you. Only the Prime Literature and the “Insta-Act” concept have the power to pump in sufficient energy to activate my internal everlasting motivation in this process. I only need to allow happiness to surface by thinking and doing as indicated by the Prime Literature which will resultantly lead me to value creation. So, the happiness part of health, wealth and happiness comes about if I know myself, what my true calling is, and that I will get in life what I tolerate. The better I am able to understand myself, the better I am able to accept or change what I must in me. Remaining in the dark about myself means I would continue to get caught up in my own internal struggles and that stagnation would allow A/C forces to continue to mould and shape me for their neocheating purposes.
I am now a Level 10, and I have read the three Heirloom Packages. This is a new time in my life. Human beings, I am told, tend to resist change however, for the steel cables of the A/C conditioning require a cutting torch fuelled with love and support from my brothers and sisters combined with persistence and my accepting the responsibility in reading the Prime Literature, and attending as many Neothink workshops as I possible can. In doing this, I am ever so conscious of my dissipating A/C programming that has held me back for most of my life. I am now able to recognize and work to let go of that sugarcoated A/C conditioning. It is my experience that the letting go process sometimes can be as tough as breaking through a cement wall. I need to remember that as I progress toward the Twelve Visions World, my old go-nowhere living habits are being replaced by health, wealth and happiness habits and because of that, I may feel unsure of myself at times until the integrations take place. With patience and persistence and use of the power thinking/mini-day team and as I develop sound Self-Leader skills, I will flourish into a life of creating values for myself and for others. I need to remember and never forget that it must always begin with me.
I thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for saving my life and increasing my personal effectiveness to opening the door to value creation. From my perspective, I was immediately taken with the conscious choices I have in what I want to do at this point in my life, and how I can contribute to my quality of life and that of my fellow man. The impact of my choices in achieving the results I desire finally redirects my life to being the person I was meant to be. The Society’s model for successful evolution to the Twelve Visions World is truly life changing. Within three years, I have progressed through significant growth and integrations in my daily thinking and actions from being a devout church go-er in the A/C world and waiting to be given instructions on how best to lead my life, to growing as a self-leader. I still need to work on letting go of some of mysticisms every day; some are tougher than others. After reading and rereading the Prime Literature, I now long for the leap into the Twelve Visions World.
As I progress in the Neothink Society, through my internship and Self-Leader training, and in my association with my Neothink mentors and brothers and sisters, I am experiencing a forward movement to the extent that not only doors, but gates to never-before encountered to personal growth and business opportunities are opening up to me in an invitation to join my fellow brothers and sisters to work with you all, shoulder to shoulder, in bringing about the Twelve Visions World. Thank you to the Society for its many truly effective programs that steer me toward reclaiming my own authority and in believing in myself. Thank you to Steve F and Jeff H for your effective support to Canadian members, and thank you to Raymond D for helping to move me forward in the business direction. Thank you my Neothink brothers and sisters for being there when I need you.
I can now visualize in my mind that place in my life where I need to be and the blueprint to get there. That vision is becoming clearer day-by-day. I have come to realize that what the Neothink Society truly holds for me is that promise that I have to power to alter my destiny as well as that of my family and the rest of the world. I am finally arriving at that mental plateau of the person I was meant to be.
My brothers and sisters in Neothink, I remain yours in love and unity.

Change my complete outlook

Hello all of future friends and family. To begin with, I have lived in the anticivilization for many years. I have never really been happy there. It is very difficult to live in a world where I found out that in my early 20’s the government teached us how to lie, cheat and worry about our actions. The “Hall of Justice” is really “The Hall of Money” In alot of cases it isn’t what you know but rather who you know. So I wanted or rather needed to believe in something so I got very involved with religion and even to the point of planning my mansion when I finally died and went to Heaven as I was taught. I also had to endure abuses after I grew up and left my wonderful loving parents home. I learned to protect myself and in so cases children, animals, the homeless and the unfortunates. I worked in many positions and lived in several states and went to different schools. I finally worked for my GED and got it, then with the help of my parents went back to high school and recieved my diploma. I have been married 3 times. The first two lasted 10 years each. This time has been 25 years to date and hopefully forever. After recieving Mark Hamiltons first invitation letter and studying it for a week (figuring it was just another scam) I decided to try again to have faith in something else that might just work. I purchased his first heirloom and read every word that took me one month. Then I read his second heirloom and finally the third, went through all twelve levels and joined NeoSpace where I met many, many friends that are totally honest in every aspect. I found myself and love every thing about me. I want to share my new knowledge and want to live in a world that is total honesty, love, healthy and eventually without the disease of death. Thank you Mark Hamilton for taking the time and caring enough to include me and my family in the civilation of the Universe. Pat

Change my complete outlook

Hello all of future friends and family. To begin with, I have lived in the anticivilization for many years. I have never really been happy there. It is very difficult to live in a world where I found out that in my early 20’s the government taught us how to lie, cheat and worry about our actions. The “Hall of Justice” is really “The Hall of Money” In a lot of cases it isn’t what you know but rather who you know. So I wanted or rather needed to believe in something so I got very involved with religion and even to the point of planning my mansion when I finally died and went to Heaven as I was taught. I also had to endure abuses after I grew up and left my wonderful loving parents home. I learned to protect myself and in so cases children, animals, the homeless and the unfortunates. I worked in many positions and lived in several states and went to different schools. I finally worked for my GED and got it, then with the help of my parents went back to high school and received my diploma. I have been married 3 times. The first two lasted 10 years each. This time has been 25 years to date and hopefully forever. After recieving Mark Hamilton’s first invitation letter and studying it for a week (figuring it was just another scam) I decided to try again to have faith in something else that might just work. I purchased his first heirloom and read every word that took me one month. Then I read his second heirloom and finally the third, went through all twelve levels and joined NeoSpace where I met many, many friends that are totally honest in every aspect. I found myself and love every thing about me. I want to share my new knowledge and want to live in a world that is total honesty, love, healthy and eventually without the disease of death. Thank you Mark Hamilton for taking the time and caring enough to include me and my family in the Twelve Visions World. Pat



When I received my invitation letter to join the NEOTHINK Society, I knew I was about to embark in a journey that would change my life. Reading the secret information from Mark Hamilton’s heavily guarded literature really opened my eyes. Now, I am walking through life with thousands of years old of the Society’s Secrets and Visions. I am able to see through daily illusions to what is, see the future, start my own company, diet down to the body I want, focus downstream, create my own life, apply top marketing secrets that every marketers want, build super puzzles, and much more. I fear nothing. Now that I am illuminated, I am grateful for everything Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have done for me.

I am forever grateful for the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that Mark Hamilton created, to depoliticize America and the rest of the world in order to bring Health, Wealth, Peace and Safety on earth through an indestructible protection law for humanity: The PRIME LAW.

With the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) president in the White House and the PRIME LAW in place; we will be living in the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD, A totally different Civilization. Wow!!!

Then and on, never again will there be War, Poverty, Malady, Hatred, Crime, Aging, Terrorism, Nuclear menaces, illusions, Politics, Inequality, Mysticism, and Silent Frustrations.

Integrated honesty will prevail. And the world will be at peace.

Looking at America among all Nations on Planet earth, it looks clear that it is a Nation where all good things are coming from. It is a blessed piece of land.


Thank you immensely, Mr. Mark Hamilton, to caring for humanity. It is a moral responsibility to opening the NEOTHINK Society and its TWELVE VISIONS PARTY to the world. Now, all human beings: The Highest Values of the Universe will be able to live a creation driven life.


Mark Hamilton, I congratulate you


Hello Mark Hamilton 

My name is Joshua D.  I first received my invitation letter from the Neothink Secret Society in the month of June, 2005.  I never gave it a thought that the letter contained very important articles about hidden secrets were life on Earth supposed to be.  At that time, I just put the envelope away.  One day in the year 2006, I started to sort through the junk mail that I had, and I started to discard them.  For some reason, this one envelope was still in the basket where I put the ones that I thought will be discarded later.  In the month of Nov. 2006, I went through the kept mail again.  It felt so different like I never felt the feeling of touching it before.  I opened it and started reading it very carefully, just like it advised me to do.  Anyway, I was really into it.  It really opened my mind up and I never second thought it. 

I started having this feeling that Mark Hamilton already knew me just by reading this letter.  At this moment I was feeling sad, thinking that my chance to become a member of the Neothink secret society was passing by. 

By the way, my hope for another chance to be a member was still strong.  My concious told me that I will have another chance to wait for the same envelope to come again.  Sometime in year 2007, that same envelope was in my mail box again.  I quickly opened it and started reading the same information that I already knew.  I quickly respond to it and the process started from there. 

Mark Hamilton, I never second guess or thought what I have read from the letters, the manuscripts, or the books.  Seems like everything just clicked.  It was like the, “miracle” is finely arrived or borne.  It prove to me that what we are accustomed to in the anticilization is not the essence of life.  I started to realize that Neothink is the most valuable work ever developed.  It started make me feel free of guilt and inferiority feelings.  Lift big false hoods that hold me back into the anticivilization by overcoming Neothink advantages in facing up to the Neo Cheaters, and the fact of how the producers us are robbed by the non producers. 

Neothink is so profound, wise, and simple.  Mark Hamilton, I congratulate you on your significant achievements.  I am passionately desire to work with you, and the members of our Neothink secret society in achieving man’s highest goal, “the biological immortality.”  Neothink has clearly defines my attitudes to lives, values, and future achievements to live life the way it is meant to be. 

Mark Hamilton, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your achievements that has discovered me as one of the chosen one. 

Joshua D

One Point!


I want to Thank you Mark,

I was Tenured out of the Navy in 2003. I had a modest pension and medical coverage for life but no more direction for my career. Receiving your invitation letter was strange but curious and after much debate I returned it to start my learning processes.

Fast forward several years my outward appearance to the world hasn’t changed. I still live in the same house, have a little bit better job but not much, and I drive the same car. However I am extremely happy!

My focus has been on my family and just last night my son, my wife and my son’s girlfriend were talking about her going to school for her career and my wife was worried about what she chose and my son spoke up that even though it would be difficult it was Okay because it was her passion!

While my son has not read the multigenerational manuscripts I have incorporated a number of the advantages into my own personnel philosophy which are carrying over now to my son and he is an extremely happy college student pursuing his dreams.

If there is one point to be made it is that no matter how old you are, you can still be happy chasing your dreams if you understand how life works!

February 2025