Posts Tagged ‘interferences’

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society

Hello Mark,
I would love to shout this testimonial from the rooftops, but as it is, use it as how you see fit and please know that it is heartfelt and sincere.
I no longer question how I became a member of the wonderful Neothink Society, but appreciate that I am a part of this wonderful society.
Please understand that my background is very interesting yet common. I was, what you call, a product of my environment. I ran with crowds and got into what most kids got into … Trouble. Fortunately, for me those troubles were overcome by what we call “fortunate chances,” or maybe “conscious interferences” in life.
However, I attribute those “fortunate chances” to my will of, not necessarily wanting more, but to know more.
Life had to be more that just the short flash of time of our stay here on earth, and the never-ending hurt that we endure.
I remembered asking myself during the loss of my father, “why?” I don’t know if i ever answered that question mentally during those adolescent years, but no one else’s explanation sufficed … That’s for certain. Even after all these years I’ve come to realize that it was inevitable at that time, but that he died too soon.
There are and were questions to many occurrences that couldn’t or can’t be answered at the moment in question, but being a part of the Neothink Society allows me to seek answers from a real-life perspective … Not just an “anti-civilization” perspective where the hurt is compounded because those misfortunes are explained away by priest, parents and friends as a way to ease the pain only … Forgive them. For they know not what they say.
They explaining that he or she lived a happy life and it was “their time”. They never never explain that they did nothing to contribute to society … left no existing value to anything (not even their kids in some cases) … otherwise, in these cases we would have prayed that “their souls” are not lost forever due to their lack to pursue true knowledge.
During the death of a love one, priest, parents and friends appease us by comparing the common loser and non-achiever with the great achiever and compassionate person … confirming to us that their destinations in life were far different, but in the inevitability of death (the end), they are alike. This is their ultimate reasoning (or teachings) in life … That everyone is equal.
Well, being a part of the Neothink Society, reaffirms a sensation that has dwelt in the pit of my stomach as a child … the gut feelings that I had throughout my adolescent years … and remains in the consciousness of my being as an adult … That I am not only a part of the “here-and-now”, but that I am also a part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.
“No man is wholly free in the anti-civilization. He is a slave to the man-made laws of the land and their wealth and fortune … Else the people restrain him from acting according to his will alone.” Euripides (485 B.C.)
Larry D. S

March 2025