Posts Tagged ‘installments’

Your 3 Neothink installments shouldn’t be secrets

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,
Neothink has pushed me so far on a left and right brain understanding on how the human mind operates. Its without question, If you didn’t come into my life and show me the basics on being a human being, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thank you so much! I don’t live in the past, present, or future. I live in the NOW! This is a universal way of thinking. With this type of mind frame possibilities are endless. I can go on and on talking but my actions are speaking louder than my words. Your 3 Neothink installments shouldn’t be secrets. They should be in class rooms all over the world! You are the answer for love, peace, and prosperity. Again, Thank you for shedding light on my darkness. As a Great mentor said, LET THERE BE LIGHT!
Your apprentice,
Gregg Flagg

With all do respect. Mr. Hamilton…

This is your apprentice Gregg F. I thank you for coming into my life. You don’t know or can’t even imagine how you’ve changed my way of thinking and the way I look at life!
When I first received your letter; I thought you were someone trying to pull my leg or play with my head. The information you were relating to me sound good until I started absorbing it. Then it felt great! I felt a euphoria I’ve I couldn’t explain. I knew you were the one. All you tried to do was open my eyes to ” what is.” You gave me a choice. Open my mind to reality and the rest will come naturally. I’ll thank you forever on how you’ve helped me come to grips on how the real world operates. Instead of the illusions they feed us in order to continue stagnating the bicameral thoughts we all humans possess. I’m not stating that I’m mentally slow. It’s the fact I had a sheet over my eyes for quite sometimes but my mind was always free of the b.s. they wanted me to believe. I’ll be brief. When acquiring all three installments; I studied and studied your literature. At times my girlfriend thought I was being fooled by your techniques, because of all the negativity the internet spoke of. Your words helped me block out my girlfriend and the anti-civilization I dwell in at the moment. See there are choices I had to make. As you once spoke, the individual sometimes have to believe in his or herself. So I went into that hard firestone-like thinking mode and the rest spoke for itself. I know we haven’t ever met but I think one day we will. You’ve shown me a hardcore gentleman way of handling things. We all need a little motivation sometimes so I’m gonna challenge you. With all do respect. Mr. Hamilton, you better not give up or give in to this weak anti-civilization. Remember, I’m your student, so continue being my teacher. I’m a 6′0 235 lb. ex military soldier who wasn’t satisfied with the death sentence my government tried to issue me. With your leadership; maybe I could be one of your right-hand loyal warriors in the near future. I’m hear if you ever need me. I’m mean I’ll put my life on the line for what I believe. You have shown me part of the cosmos in a mental aspect. Now I want to see what the rest of the universe has to offer. The Twelve Visions Party you are about to introduce to us will prosper. I know it will. That’s also my vision. You’re the man. You’ll be surprised of who’s behind you. I believe in you and there ain’t too many people I’d say that too. You’re one of them. Keep the wheels rolling. Like the Miss Annabelle Story; we are your seeds. Help our planet developed into the beautiful flowers you envisioned. Sometimes; to get through the forest. You have to chop down a few trees. Don’t let anyone stop your goal. If I were in your position. I’d keep it MOVIN!

Much love,

Hello Great One


Hello Great One,

If only you could imagine the light you’ve brought to my darkness. Since acquiring your 3 installments. The world of illusions I’ve experienced; are a thing of the past.

I’m ready to join the Twelve Visions World! You gotta understand. I see through all the lies the government has presented. I knew long time ago I was different. Thanks

to you. You’ve shown me a vision. That vision tells me I’m not alone in this. I’m honored and this planet should feel the same to have a great leader such as you. I’m a ex military

warrior who survived the B.S. my so called present government tried implant the mystic spirit into me. I knew there was an enlightened out there. That was you all the time. Again,

I’m honored to be an apprentice of yours. No matter how they try to stop you. Keep it movin!  Like the Miss Annebelle Story; I see your vision such as hers. Plant the seeds and

let your flowers grow. I know The Twelve Visions Party will help me and many who are searching for that major break through. The little you’ve shown me; means alot. I appreciate

it. I’ll always stay loyal. I you ever need me; I’m not hard to find. If there’s something you’ve taught me. That is ; sometimes to get through a forest; you gotta chop a couple of trees

down. Don’t let those neocheaters scare the movement. Keep going! I believe in you. I’ll see you in our bright future. ” LET THERE BE LIGHT.”

We’ll speak again,


March 2025