Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

The Neothink books have been the …


The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a better person from my old ways.

Paying 30 dollars a month for the Neothink membership is the best

Paying 30 dollars a month for the Neothink membership is the best 30 dollars to spend a month and you are learning the Neothink Inside Secrets and Mark Hamilton has been an inspiration to me and he has saved my life and with Mark Hamilton’s help I started to make more money and joining the Neothink Club House and becoming a member of Neothink is in everyone’s good and best interest and buying books from Mark Hamilton is the best money that I ever spend on and rewarding Hamilton books has given me confidence, honesty, discipline and fair play!

The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a …


The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a better person from my old ways. I’ve gone way back to the morals and prospects of my childhood and I’ve found that the Neothink concepts are the truths that I have known all along but have been skeptical to embrace because of the propaganda pushed by the deceivers of my time.

I’m no longer a slave to this blind movement that’s being pushed by the slave drivers of our society. We will overcome this negative policy that is being propagated against us. The truth is the future and it will make this world a better place.

Thank you for showing me what I have known all along.


Erik G

The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a better …


The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a better person from my old ways.

With the Neothink Literature, I was able to open up a business …

With the Neothink Literature, I was able to open up a business that Mr. Mark Hamilton has and will always be conducting, with his literature, I have followed for the last 12 years, how to run a successful Business without having to read any other Book, or format or read 10 to 15 books, Following his format and following every detailed that he has written, I have been a very successful Business owner, nobody that I know has the master in Business that Mark taught me thru his Literature. I believe that Mark Hamilton has taken the time and the love to write positively to anyone that has read his literature, He is not only a teacher, an Inspiration to me, and I know that to anyone that has read any of his writing. We should have more writers like him, he teaches you about life, about what to expect from life, He directs you into the reality of life.

I can never Thank You enough for all that you have done with Neothink…


I can never Thank You enough for all that you have done with Neothink and the Neothink Inside Secrets. The positive impact on my life, brain, marriage, work, and every other aspect of that which I call myself, has been anything but AWESOME. Granted, it has been a little work applying it, but once its in there it works like a charm. Thanks for all your help and inspiration.

Arnold L

Mark Hamilton – Thank You

I want to thank you for changing the way I think. You have filled my mind with powerful positive energy and it feels exhilarating. You’ve taught me that I am one-hundred percent responsible for everything that happens in my life. Your literature has inspired me beyond any other source of encouragement. I feel as though I have already entered into the Twelve Visions World. When the rest of the world joins the Twelve Visions World, every value-creating human will feel just as excited to wake up every morning no matter the circumstances. I don’t think that there is another person alive who loves humanity in a more reverent way than you do. You are the most dedicated person when it comes to transforming this world into a place where poverty doesn’t exist and pure love reigns. I believe in you Mark Hamilton. Thank you for the invaluable knowledge and immense inspiration you’ve brought into my life.
Connor S

I was introduced to the fantastic eye opening works of Mark Hamilton

My early life was spent wandering from job to job. Wondering what it was all about, to be born go to school, then work all your life with nothing to show for it in the end, like my father (who has since passed away). Then to pass away myself, spending my life in constant misery. With barely enough funds to carry me to the end of the month, most times no funds for the end of the month. Does this sound familiar to any one?
Knowing something was not right about the system that we live in today. But could never figure it out what was wrong or how to fix it, let alone escape the trap of life. With two ruined marriages, how many times did I just want to chuck it all? I was never really able or wanting to settle in any one place.
Always dreaming and fantasizing of something better. Keep your nose to the grindstone and follow the rules that are imposed on all of us. Just plod along beaten and frustrated till you die like every body else, just to relieve this misery we call life. The closest I could get to some sort of happiness was to move close to my younger brother in cottage country,
As fate would have it I was introduced to the fantastic eye opening works of Mark Hamilton, My mind and my life was changed forever. My life immediately began to change as I read the beautifully crafted words of Mark Hamilton. I found answers for many questions that had haunted me all my life. Along with many eye opening secrets hidden from the general public.
Through the works of Mark Hamilton, my life is now happy, educated, productive, escalating to ever higher heights. I now feel whole, useful and with purpose. Life is now brighter and more meaningful to me. I am now able to actually believe that I can have a happy prosperous life, full of meaning and value.
I join the many other people who have read your great works. You Mark Hamilton have given them and myself unbounded inspiration. With the dedication and ability to achieve more then they or myself could ever have dreamed of. We are all grateful to you, and we stand by to support you and your great achievements, in any way that we can.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for showing us the way to great achievements and success for all who have read your books. Those that have not read or heard of Mark Hamilton’s works are surely in the dark.
This is where “The Twelve Visions Party” will one day soon shed light on those waiting for this great and needed solution to our freedom, happiness and prosperity.
It is my opinion that the rest of the nation visit.

An Inspiration

Mark Hamilton has been a great inspiration in my life. I know he will influence many others, who joined us in the Twelve Visions World. With his knowledge we will all thrive in life.

Fast Blast

I crack open one of Neothink Founder, Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts, and ZAAAA -> my mind flashes into action! There is the Power and Focus to get the job done! Thank you for the Inspiration!
– Yon

March 2025