Posts Tagged ‘inner child’

For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A …

For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!!

I owe my life to the Neothink literature and the man that wrote them, Mark Hamilton. He has helped me more than any government assistance ever could, for he has taught me how to think. How to become a self-leader and to live the life I was meant to live. I was stuck in a rut of depression and oppression, until my Neothink family found me and gave me the hope to carry on. They showed me that the perfect world I always knew existed could actually be created here on Earth. When I first connected with my new family, I knew I was finally home. Like every other person in this world, I have a dream. Only my dream isn’t lost and forgotten, locked away with the child of my past, it is alive, living and breathing, and growing with every step that I take. A dream is like a flame, it must be fed to stay alive. It is a life force that needs to be cherished and appreciated.

Neothink has shown me how to multiply productivity and how creating value for others is the true root of happiness. Because, when we can view ourselves as a valuable contribution, then when we can accept love from others. Love is why we do what we do. It’s the motivational force that backs us. Awaken your inner child and play at life. I do, every day, and because I have this mentality, I stay forever young. People have even mentioned how young I look, and that I don’t age, because I am in tune with my inner child. If this is but just a taste of the fruits of life, then I intend to live forever.


Jessika T

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,

The initial invitation letters from the Neothink Society struck me as amazing writings in themselves, yet I resisted.  The thing that convinced me to invest in Neothink was the mention of displaying my art and music at one of the Clubhouse Meetings.  I had been working to find my audience and this idea spoke directly to my soul/inner child/higher self and my business self.

I received my literature and read it in 8 days, writing many pages of notes with new mental integrations like I had never had before.  After 2 more long, yet highly energized weeks, I received an invitation to a Clubhouse Meeting.  The next day, Wednesday, I called to RSVP and was offered the chance to play my music at the Clubhouse.  I suggested a Clubhouse Drum Circle and that’s exactly what happened – my new team/family stomping/clapping/chanting/banging/moving to our own music.  And this happened one day short of 4 weeks from the day I received my first book – the lure of the letter had come true!  

By this time I was familiar with the web site and had music and video up on my Neo-Space.  Reading NEOTHINK SOCIETY Secrets had connected me to Mark Hamilton and the Prime Literature;  the Clubhouse and web site connected me to the body of NEOTHINK SOCIETY, the people.

When I called to RSVP about the Clubhouse meeting, I was also invited to listen to a national conference meeting that night (wed 10/8).  One thing that came through to me clearly from the meeting was that Mark Hamilton wanted the leaders to video their testimonials.  I learned my A-Team Coordinator was having some trouble with her video.  I sensed the importance and on Thursday (10/9), I offered to help.  At first it seemed she would not have time, then later she realized that she had asked the Universe for help with her video and here it was.  So, Friday evening (10/10) we shot the video, and on Sunday we were able to upload it to her Neo-Space.  It turned out wonderful!  The focused mental and physical energy we experienced was the result of reading, learning, and applying Neo-Think.  It was actually rather easy, and so much fun!

I now keep an essence journal.  I’ve learned that my essence is akin to my creating value.  The Society has welcomed my essence/value creation:  I shot and edited an important video for my team leader;  I shot and edited video of our Clubhouse meeting where I facilitated a drum circle to open the meeting; and, I offered to help with data management and now I will be gathering regional data about the introduction conferences.

For a second business of mine, I have set up databases, tracking reports, and analysis tools.  Activities are grouped into mini-days.  Very soon I will be working my mini-day schedule.

My plan is to update my written testimonial regularly (every few days), while my video will be updated once a month, so that a video update will be an addendum to the previous video(s).

I am Stephen Blank and this is my testimonial.

Neothink and the literature has…

Neothink and the literature has cleared the cob webs of my mind . To a better understanding of why people and governments do what they do. I am no longer supertisish I can read and see circumstances as they really are. The world is filled with 3000 year old mindset of not thinking for ones self and blindingly following the leaders like sheep. My experience with the literature and concepts has shown me how important it is to develop self leadership and think and act for my self . I have also learned alot about how the brain functions and how Neothink and neothink has made a major break through in my life and circumstances.
More importantly the literature speaks to the inner child in us all.
Live Life With Passion

The Inner Child

Thank yuou Mark Hamilton for reminding us of our inner child. How much fun we had as children and bring that to life in our adult life

Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s writings…


Neothink opened my eyes and let me know that I wasn’t alone about he way I thought about and saw how politics and religion affected me and the people around me. Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s writings I can now speak freely about the corruption around me and KNOW that there are others who feel and think as I do. Thank you, Mark, for freeing my mind and my voice. I can now move on to finding others around me who think like I do and start spreading Neothink to all those whose inner child cries out for the change needed to make this a better world. A better day is coming soon, and Neothink is the forerunner to all of it.

Anthony B

I received a beautiful letter from Mark Hamilton…


To whom it may concern,

In a perfect world every problem has a solution. We live in a perfect world and for every solution one can come up with there are more problems to solve.

I would like to thank Mark for giving me the blueprints to finding solutions to my many problems. Now when I encounter more of these hardships I can confidently embrace them knowing pride from the humble self-leader training I’ve recieved. Never before have I absorbed such revelating skills for managing stress, than to feel the empowerment of such life lifting advantages as being a part of competent like minded and influential people.

When I grew into the Neothink Society there was a lot of hospitality and room for praise of positive “value” creation. The themes revealed by Neothink literature gave me great inspiration to follow my dream. When all options were gone I decided to give this neothink society a run for my money. The kind of return I recieved was phenominal I became deeply motivated and experienced happiness unlike any other.

It was all for me that Mark Hamiltons labor revealed to me who I could become and now that I’ve discovered that pure inner child there’s a level of success that is virtually priceless.

I had been badly treated by my husband of 27 years He had embesseled  $26000 from Montgomery Ward, gotten a girl 15 years younger pregnant, turned my three children against me ,lied to my family & friends about me , made me give up the home we had. Ifinally after a few years married another lier worst than the first one. I had no idea a person that claimed to be christian, a deacon in the church, would be so low. He proved to be  even bigger  & lower than gully dirt along with his children, who stole my belongings from me & wouldn’t let me have my things. They are so ignorant, even with their college degrees.

I received a beautiful letter from Mark Hamilton, telling me I could be the person I wanted to be if I would just follow a few simple rules, mainly suggestions.

I have learned to think for myself, to do  for myself. Because of my eyesight, I have not progressed like I should have.

The new world we are bulding, will be good honest & kind a place anyone would love to be, to raise their children. The Cof U will be a healthy, loving, & marvelous place to be.

We will have a new political party , an Honest one , that means more then anything to most of us. TVP will take us where we need to be. With Mark Hamilton to guide us, We cannot  fail. We will prevail

Love & Carring

Peggy  L.

March 2025