Posts Tagged ‘individualism’

The lifting of the curtain

In my life I have always been a man who has been an independent individual. Though I recognize the influence and teaching of others have contributed to my thoughts and development I none the less have preserved my individualism. One day, three years ago, I received a letter that perked my interest in many ways; this letter was from Mark Hamilton. I have always had a vision, a dream so to speak, of a wealthy man pulling up beside me in a limousine as I am walking down the road, opening the rear door and asking me if I wanted to learn how to make it in the world and become wealthy. The first letter from Mark Hamilton was the realization of that vision and dream. It was not a limousine nor have we ever met in person but what he reviled to me in that letter, the letters that followed and the literature that he presented to me not only opened my mind and eyes on how to live a life of wealth, it showed how I could live a life of Peace, Health, happiness and Love. Mark Hamilton Literally took the growth of individualism within me and fertilized the ground it grows in. Mark Hamilton’s work gave me the knowledge to organize my life and take control of everything that passed through my life. It showed me how to manage time, the knowledge to integrate, the importance of business and the beauty of creating. Mark and the Neothink Society has opened closed doors and presented a new way of thinking more dynamic and exciting then all the self help and motivational books that I have read combined. The value in what I have learned far outweighs any money I have invested to gain that knowledge. Then there it the Twelve Visions Party, the fruition of hope, that brings the future of a life of Health, Happiness, Wealth, Peace and Love to everyone. The TVP will bring and make paramount the right of the individual by introducing the prime law, a universal law which will govern us. It opens the door where individuals come together and share their ideas and creations through the free open market. The prime law, the right of the individual will eliminate and set us free of Initiatory Force which is any action that is harmful, dishonest and wrong. With the prime law in place and the right of the individual honored we will no longer need Native American Indian Rights, Black Rights, Woman’s Rights, Hispanic Rights, Minority Rights, Homosexual Rights and on and on. We will be protected as individuals to chose and live the way we are and wish. There is no better freedom than that. Free to create, free to accumulate wealth, free of government interference, free to live the lifestyle we chose. Before you judge Mark Hamilton, take the time to read his literature, know the purpose of Neothink and what it can do for you and take a look at what the Twelve Visions Party proposes to make us a freer Individual, people, nation and world. I am sure you will find that the value you receive will be well worth your time.
Shanawa C. Littlebow


Just to know that there are a few honest people left in this world, is such a comfort. But to find an entirely new way of transforming everything through real, honest evaluation is an evolution into understanding my own life, life on earth, and how we all can be transitioned for brighter and more prosperous futures. This is possible through the NeoThink writings of Mark Hamilton. He has used the teachings of history-past and present, to convey ideas that have always been part of who we are as Americans. Our constitution was based on the freedoms of each individual. Mr. Hamilton’s new Twelve Visions Party is based on this founding premise.
How can a new political party have anything to do with honesty? Individualism? Find out for yourself by learning the facts. Turn a deaf ear to the usual attack & slander style politics we have become so accustomed. I have found a NEW group of positive, honest, friends in the NeoThink Society and Twelve Visions Party with Mark Hamilton in the lead. The future of America and planet earth will be great! Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Elaine O

January 2025