Posts Tagged ‘individual rights’

Mark, My name is Joel D, and I would like to thank you for just believing …

To Mark Hamilton,

Mark, My name is Joel D, and I would like to thank you for just believing in a civilized world where people have individual rights and are not diminished by peer pressures and the usage of the minimizing properties of mysticism.

I still have a lot to learn myself, and at this time, I don’t feel comfortable with being a “teacher” or an expert within Neothink.


It has been almost 5 years since I first heard of Mark Hamilton. I have read his three heirloom volumes. I discovered some things that I had know all my life but never could put a name on. I discovered other things that really opened my eyes. Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer with a mentality advanced far beyond most of us. Now that he has created the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) the powers that be will do their best to destroy him. The dishonest Media and the dishonest Politicians see him as a threat to their existence. The past year should open everyone’s eyes to just how corrupt, dishonest and out of control our government and the news media have become. The TVP is the best and perhaps the only hope of our country’s and perhaps the whole world’s survival. The TVP will put an end to the Government for the Government and against the people and change it back to what it is supposed to be. That which the writers of the Constitution of the United States of America foresaw. Government for the protection of the individual rights. I spent 8 years in the service of this country and even though I am in the twilight of my years, I would still fight for her today. I feel that is what I am doing here is fighting for my country and for Mark Hamilton. If the Politicians and the Media are not stopped they will destroy this country and all of us. The Twelve Visions Party must succeed.
Jerry P.

Without Mark Hamilton and his literature …

Before I received the literature I was falling into hopelessness and was beginning to think about taking my own life. Do to no hope for the future, not enough money to pay the bills, and loneliness. After I received my first package as I began to read hope filled me for the first time in a long time. The more I read the better I felt. The more hope that began to fill me. Not long after my girlfriend returned to me I did not start gaining wealth but I did gain the knowledge on how to start building wealth and how to grow my business. I plan on starting a second business and I have very high hopes of its success. Without Mark Hamilton and his literature I would not have any hope at all and most likely may have died. I can not tell you what the difference of how I feel about life and the future. I owe all of this to him and the secret society.
As far as his political agenda I am all for it. Politicians today suck up a lot of money out of the economy, and I mean a lot. Law makers have been making laws for over 200 years don’t you think every law imaginable should have and could have been written in that amount of time. As far as I am concerned this new party of Marks solves a lot of our problems while enforcing individual rights. Keeping the right amount of politicians to do only what needs to be done. But getting ride of all the ones that suck our tax dollars up. Freeing Americans to build values and create enough jobs for every one.
Tony I

I want to thank Mark Hamilton

To the Neothink® Society,
I want to thank Mark Hamilton for being the business minded genius that he is. The books he writes and publishes through his publishing company shows that genius. He has developed a philosophy that is unprecedented to any other. Out of this philosophy has emerged a new way of thinking. I am so grateful to be a part of The Neothink® Society. I am shown something that many don’t see. I have learned how to think for myself. This is quite a new concept for most of society. I am growing to know who I really am. Not what others say I should be. It is a wonderful, empowering experience. I am on a journey of no return. It is an exhilarating journey.
Out of The Neothink® Society has emerged a new political party. The Twelve Visions Party. I believe in this party with all of my heart. The TVP stands for individual rights. It doesn’t get any more fundamental than that.
The purpose of life is to live happily. The purpose of government is to provide that condition. No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. This means FREEDOM for all! Not just a minority. No more government interference in anything other than protection. What a wonderful THOUGHT after the farce that the career politicians have made of OUR Country. Time to take it back! We are all smart enough to know that the small bit of freedom we think we’ve got will only get smaller if we continue to travel the political path we are on. We need a new way of thinking. Neothink®. We need to take our country back. We are also smart enough to know that when these career politicians begin to feel the importance of The Twelve Visions Party they will do everything in their power to silence this party, this philosophy, and this man. EVERYTHING.
I must stand up for what I believe in. For the future of my family, my friends, and the world. I WILL THINK FOR MYSELF! LET FREEDOM RING! Thank you for this gift to ME, Mark Hamilton. I am now a Neothink®er. I am also becoming a self leader. What a wonderful gift you have given the world.
With Gratitude, Happiness, and Love,
Rhonda L. F

With Great Appriciation Mark Hamilton

A day does not go by without giving thanks to Mark Hamilton for finding me and exposing the unticivilation of the world in which I was a part, as well. Through his Neothink literature I learn to integrate my thinking and now I can evaluate isolated political events and find the common denominator which is suppression of individual rights to name just one common denominator. Now I know that only a political system which puts human rights above all else is a system for everyone, and The Twelve Visions Party is such a system with it’s Prime Law. Also, through Mark Hamilton’s literature I learn to stand on solid ground, knowing without a doubt that I am responsible for whatever shows up in my life, that is priceless. Life looks much brighter, optimistic and above all wonderful because I’m in a group of like minded individuals who wish to bring the Twelve Visions World on earth. Everything is possible when a determine group comes together in a single thought, and I know it’s possible. Many Thanks To Mark Hamilton for his Courage and Clirity of Vision.
Paola A

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society’s, Honest…


Think Your Way To Freedom And Prosperity With NeoThink

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society’s, Honest, Rational, Integrated thinking is most Valuable. Rational Honesty allows me to view life in a Reality Exists, Neothink Mentality.   By taking the time to think, I can avoid Irrational Choices that are Emotional Based.

Mark Hamilton and the Literature has helped to Identify and Purge Dishonesty and Self-Deceiving thoughts and Behaviors within me, and as a result, Thinking in a Honest Reality-Exists perspective.  The TVP Political Movement will bring Freedom, Individual Freedom, for Myself, my Family, and the World. Freedom is Myself, the Family and the People of  this Country and the World being who we were meant to be, Happiness and Prosperity, by way of Creative, Productive, Business, to afford to have and do what we want, with Millionaire Incomes. With the Twelve Visions Party, Minority, will no longer exist. Being regulated to what we can do will be Non-Existent. The only Function of a Government is the Protection of Individual Rights.              In contrast, without the TVP Movement and Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the Poor has No Freedom and Prosperity. Sickness and Disease will Quite Likely reach Disastrous Levels.                                                                                                                              Me and my Family and All the People of this Country and the World, would live a life unfulfilled. Instead of Happiness and Prosperity, the people of this World will continue to struggle and it can and will get worse, without the TVP Movement.                                    Without Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the People of this World, will not Discover the Potential they have to use the Brain in a new way, Neothink. The means to be the person they were meant to be, to Discover that there is More To Life than Each Individual has now. Wealth, Prosperity, Happiness, Peace,–  Freedom.                                                           Greg  K.

Tony I


Before I received the literature I was falling into hopelessness and was beginning to think about taking my own life. Do to no hope for the future, not enough money to pay the bills, and loneliness. After I received my first package as I began to read hope filled me for the first time in a long time. The more I read the better I felt. The more hope that began to fill me. Not long after my girlfriend returned to me I did not start gaining wealth but I did gain the knowledge  on how to start building wealth and  how to grow my business. I plan on starting a second business and I have very high hopes of its success. Without Mark and his literature I would not have any hope at all and most likely may have died. I can not tell you what the difference of how I feel about life and the future. I owe all of this to him and the secret society.
     As far as his political agenda I am all for it. Politicians today suck up a lot of money out of the economy, and I mean a lot. Law makers have been making laws for over 200 years don’t you think every law imaginable should have and could have been written in that amount of time. As far as I am concerned  this new party of  Marks  solves a  lot of our problems while enforcing individual rights.  Keeping  the right amount of politicians to do only what needs to be done. But getting ride of all the ones that suck our tax dollars up. Freeing Americans to build values and create enough jobs for every one.

Tony I

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM


Myles Conefrey Testimonial


Myles Conefrey Testimonial about the greatest value on planet earth, the coming of the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, who will become our heroes in protecting individual rights by restoring amazing values to our Society our friends, family and co-workers, all our loved ones, and to the entire world.  This is the one and only Party that offers Americans HOPE.  This is not a dishonest illusion, but PURE and SIMPLE FACT.  I suggest that everybody learn all they can about the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, its PLATFORM of the twelve (12) steps and our great intentions to help this country out of its present mess and debt it is creating daily for the next several generations. 

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM, one that I can support 110% + and feel great about doing so.  I have read several manuscripts of Mark Hamilton and his family and have found no more valuable reading anywhere else on planet earth.  The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM has so much to offer everyone who has an open mind and a willingness to create values for themselves and all their loved ones.  I’m now 71 years of age and in my lifetime I have never seen a Platform that could even hold a feather to the TVP PLATFORM.  You owe it to yourselves to read and learn all you can about the TVP and what it stands for, once you do, I’m sure you will have no problem joining and supporting our efforts to create a much better tomorrow for our loved ones, present and future.

Please go and take a look at all the emotional testimonials that are available at more than 20 websites starting with and continue from there and also see the individual video testimonials.  These great testimonials are value reflections of the individuals who have felt such great happiness and NEW HOPE for our SOCIETY and the future of America and the World.

This is a PLATFORM that will change the World, as we know it today, into a form of government and individual rights for all.  A government that will not only work here in the United States, but has the potential to bring about peace and prosperity throughout the world.  The TVP is the PARTY of NEW HOPE and need your support in our uphill battle to correct the present situation, not only in this country, but throughout the world.  The (12) TWELVE VISIONS could be considered to be the (12) TWELVE MIRACLES of the 21st Century.

I, Myles Conefrey, first got involved in mid-March, 2009 when I first started reading Mark Hamilton’s Literature and several interesting Testimonials from people in all walks of life.  This information made reference to the greatest kept secret of all times and for Money, Power and Romantic Love, and that something astounding is about to happen in my life!  The knowledge obtained from Mark Hamilton’s Literature I found to be the most interesting literature I have ever encountered in my lifetime of 71+ years, and should be required reading for high school students today because it offers those students a glimpse of what they can obtain in the years ahead with the most phenomenal personal abilities that lead to enormous wealth, health, love, and peace.

Become aware of what’s coming down the pipe-line.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is not a political party but, will be offering methods to help change the USA and eventually the World for the better.

Mini Day Power Thinking and Neo Tech is coming.  Depoliticize and down-size government:  Anti-Political Party.

The politicians are the problem, not the government.  We are not changing vehicles, only the drivers.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is the Business Man Party and we are trying to change the way the government does its business for the better and for each and everyone who wishes to have their individual rights back.  Come join us in working with the concepts and not the processors that our present government produces.

Join with us in the Forward Movement and Forward Essence – Wealth, Health and Peace, PRIME LAW FOR PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

We the people of America, feel the new emotions, the cause of what we hope to achieve.  Come and take part in this movement for a better day.  Every vote will count for a TVP candidate in all upcoming elections.

Integrate principals, develop family enterprises, unlock doors for the next generations – for our children and grandchildren, lean about the law of attraction, believe in your dream and it will come true.  Move forward with your dream by becoming involved and understanding and integrating these great opportunities and NEOTHINK principals.

If you are not going to INVEST IN YOURSELF, who are you going to invest in?  Come and build relationships and social integration.  Learn and understand the difference between Value Production and Value Creation in your life.  Come and learn more about the Prime Literature and exchange ideas with other people who present their values and give their reason for coming to the TVP Clubhouses in their area.  Remember, (There is Power in Numbers) so, come and integrate your value added concepts.  Learn about Thought, Discipline and Control, Stimulation, Education, and Integration for a better tomorrow by checking out the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM.

Join in the FORWARD MOVEMENT, THE FORWARD ESSENCE and help create the world you want to LIVE IN!!!  Help remove the ruling class and the suppressed class will rise up to bring about Wealth, Health and Peace not only in this country but eventually throughout the World.

Join the TV – TWELVE VISION PARTY, they understand what needs to be changed and they will work for us and our individual right under the PRIME LAW.

Out of The Neothink Society has emerged a new political party

I want to thank Mark Hamilton for being the business minded genius that he is. The books he writes and publishes through his publishing company shows that genius.  He has developed a philosophy that is unprecedented to any other.  Out of this philosophy has emerged a new way of thinking.  I am so grateful to be a part of The Neothink Society.  I am shown something that many don’t see.  I have learned how to think for myself.  This is quite a new concept for most of society.  I am growing to know who I really am.   Not what others say I should be.  It is a wonderful, empowering experience.  I am on a journey of no return.  It is an exhilarating journey.

Out of The Neothink Society has emerged a new political party.  The Twelve Visions Party.  I believe in this party with all of my heart.  The TVP stands for individual rights.  It doesn’t get any more fundamental than that.

The purpose of life is to live happily.  The purpose of government is to provide that condition.  No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract.  This means FREEDOM for all!  Not just a minority.    No more government interference in anything other than protection.  What a wonderful THOUGHT after the farce that the career politicians have made of OUR Country.  Time to take it back!  We are all smart enough to know that the small bit of freedom we think we’ve got will only get smaller if we continue to travel the political path we are on.  We need a new way of thinking.  NEOTHINK.  We need to take our country back.  We are also smart enough to know that when these career politicians begin to feel the importance of The Twelve Visions Party they will do everything in their power to silence this party, this philosophy, and this man.  EVERYTHING.

I must stand up for what I believe in.  For the future of my family, my friends, and  the world.  I WILL THINK FOR MYSELF!     LET FREEDOM RING!  Thank you for this gift to ME  Mark Hamilton.  I am now a Neothinker.  I am also becoming a self leader.  What a wonderful gift you have given the world.

With Gratitude, Happiness, and Love,

Rhonda L. F

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I have been considering some thoughts regarding the Neothink Philosophy and the books that you produce and sell.  I own 3 of your books which are collectively called the Heirloom Package.  The following are my thoughts regarding our right as Americans or to put it in perspective United States Citizens, to read, speak and follow our own dictates, as long as we are not infringing upon the rights of other individuals.

It would seem that in this country our individual rights have been taken away by the few who govern this land.  Instead of running an efficient business and cutting back on the bureaucracy, our government continues to sprawl.  The powers to be in this country continue to print money at will, without regard to any standard (which used to be the Gold standard) that does not support the paper it is printed upon.  Due to runaway inflation caused by this very mechanism, the American people are continuously loosing ground in regards to personal wealth.  Even the very people that this so called government intends to assist in the long run loose.  No one is safe, and all our individual rights as citizens continuously erode until we have become mere slaves to our own illusions regarding who has control over our lives.

“We the People”  have the right by our constitution to free speech, and to address the ills that our current government is imposing upon us.  It is unfortunate that far too many citizens do not understand that regardless of their position in life, in one instant all can be taken away when the people who reportedly work for us, continue to lie, cheat and sell us out for their own gain.  It has gone far beyond the freedom of speech being taken away, soon just like the Nazi’s tried to eliminate a entire race of people, one day they will be coming for anyone who dares to think for themselves.  

I am not sure who said this statement but I am going to paraphrase it here.  “They came for my neighbor because he did not conform, and I did nothing.  They came for my friend and I did nothing.  Then they came for me and there was no one.”  This is the epitome of an apathetic approach to  not paying attention to the real cause and effect of a government that has gone bad.  The illusion has been put into place by many different organizations.  Our own political process is so corrupt it is a small wonder that anyone at all wants to vote.  The two-party system is so dysfunctional with little hope for any positive change what so ever. Add to that the social institutions of religion, and our public schools which sets forth innuendo that stifles our imagination and our right to think for ourselves.   Business itself has so many constraints and limitations that it is difficult at best for most individuals to attain their highest potential in their personal endeavors.

“Big Brother” “Uncle Sam” or what ever you would like to call the usurpers who rob us daily of our basic human rights have so many “Gate Keepers”  it is almost impossible to attain any freedom to be a free enterprise operating on honest principles.  Health Care today is not the real issue, but yet another illusion to keep “We The People” locked in a battle that is futile at best to stay free from the tyranny of back ground insight committee’s and all the rest of the political machine that prevails in pure corruption at the American Peoples Expense.

I already have a consciousness that tells me things are not what they seem.  Any business man or woman who tries to prevail in this infuriating climate knows the powers to be are hovering just outside with more regulations, more restriction, more taxation and less freedom for individuals rights.  We not only need a fresh approach, we deserve one that is honest and insightful to give the human race the opportunity to rise above all the tyranny that has prevailed for thousand of years.  

It is my opinion that your books and organization only want what is best for individuals.  A format that says, look despite what you have been told, or taught you do count.  Regardless of your current situation you can become what ever it is you want, and accomplish whatever it is you desire.  There is a better way to view the world and the people who reside in it.  We can become more than servants to a bureaucracy that has definitely out lived its usefulness. We as individuals can save OUR country and ourselves when we wake up and cut through the illusions that have been placed before us merely to usurp our power for the benefit of “The Others”.  It is your right through freedom of speech to illustrate a fresh idea, one that the one’s in control would rather keep secret for their own gain.

I applaud your willingness to expose yourself and walk your talk.  There are many people out there who need encouragement to succeed when every where there is defeat and desperation prevailing.  I have felt encouraged myself for your fathers insight over the years.  I have been brought up to believe that there is good in all people, and that if you apply yourself you can accomplish your goals.  Your business model gives business a boost, and the time to accomplish all that needs to be done with time to spare.  I understand that limited government is the real ticket to a successful business environment.  I also understand that small businesses can grow when the “Big Brother”  keeps his nose out of business.

When they come for me and they will one day, I hope that I can say I stood up for what I believed was the honest business model for free enterprise and for a sound government.  I love my country and I hope that your books will stand the test of time and that you prevail in your endeavors to awaken the people on this earth so peace can ultimately prevail and mankind can remain productive without interference from 

the ruling minority that currently enslave our souls.  It is with great pleasure that I stand with you.  It is our right of freedom to make our own choices without government interference into our daily lives and our business affairs.  Thank you for trying to illustrate this message in your daily endeavors, books and business dealings.

Laurie H

March 2025