Posts Tagged ‘immortality’




It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


Thank you Mark Hamilton.


First I would like to start off by stating…….. Thank you Mark Hamilton.

Since becoming a member in the Neo-think Society in 2006, my life and the life of my family has changed tremendously for the better. We see hope for ourselves, for our family and friends….and for the world. We see that the world doesn’t have to be like this, it can be changed, We can save the lives of everyone!!!

Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Neo-think Society means the world to me. I have not found any one or anything that has presented to me the honesty and integrity that Mark Hamilton has for the Human Race. His desire to make a better world for all of us is very inspirational, and Heart felt.

Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Vision Party will move this anti-civilization to the Twelve Visions World and make this world a business/science/art world and remove all the dishonesty, in politics, religion, and government. It will be a safe, loving, nurturing and prosperous world.

To Stop Mark Hamilton, his literature, or the twelve vision party will totally devastate myself, my children and my family. This whole world will be devastated without them. Mark Hamilton’s 12 visions for this world is what is going to save this world!!!

To remove them or silence them is to remove all hope for a better world, for immortality, and for the survival of the Earth.

I want what Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Neo-think society is offering this world, my children want what Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Neo-think society is offering this world and my family wants what Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Neo-think society is offering this world. He is offering all of us a great life with love, prosperity, true honesty and immortality. Mark Hamilton has spent his whole life to make this possible for all of us and he is bringing it to all of us threw the Twelve Vision Party.


Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


My name is Robert K and this is my Neothink story. In April of 2004 I received a letter that changed my life forever, at first I thought it was a sales gimmick but as I read on I knew something was different about what I was reading this time. That was my first exposure to the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton which at that time was a secret society (recently the Neothink Society has gone public) After I received the first Heirloom literature I found it held a lot answers I had been looking for most of my life which at that time I was 55 years old, I only wish that Mark Hamilton could have found me when I was younger but I guess he had his reasons, but as they say never too late to learn. The fact that now I know I will be able to live longer then I could have ever imagined through the Neothink Society and the pursuit of immortality through the writings of Mark Hamilton, I feel age is not issue. This is one thing I also worried about was to live long enough to do what I wanted to do in my retirement years. The one thing Neothink has taught me is now I can feel comfortable in my own skin, this was because I was never sure about the God/heaven religion issue, I was always was sort of a fence sitter until I became a Neothinker (as now I know the truth)I know I was different but not sure why. At that point &time (4-04) I never knew what integrated vs bicameral thinking was or, FNE, Childhood of the past, TSM etc. I am still learning everyday by reading the Neothink literature, and also being able to understand it better by becoming more integrated, there are some Neothink members that have read the heirlooms two or three times. I have learned more about myself and more knowledge through Mark Hamilton’s essence meetings and taking part in the weekly conference calls with other  Neothink members. The one thing that I am continually amazed at  is the self improvement I have made in myself. Through most of my life I have had a self destructive behavior and also a short temper that now both of these tendencies have all but disappeared and it was all due to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and not through an anticiviliztion therapist. My goals are to live as I long as I can as I have been more focused on natural supplements to try and get off of some of my prescriptions. Another goal is to become fully integrated and live in a fully integrated society(Twelve Visions World)where everyone will be able to live in a fully integrated Neothink Society where we will be able to enjoy health, wealth and happiness by removing the dishonest Neocheater politicians and the mystic religions from the world.

Mark Hamilton has envisioned this life for all of us

I am a very proud member of the Neothink Society. I have read all of Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature. Mark shows us in his writings that life for man-kind is suppose to be a healthy, prosperous, fun filled adventure…where we all love our fellow man, our freedom, and our earth.  Mark Hamilton has envisioned this life for all of us and he has envisioned what its going to take to get us to where we are suppose to be. We have been suppressed for thousands of years due to neo-cheaters. We live in an anti-civilization and we will remain there if something isn’t done and done soon!!

Mark Hamilton has spent his entire life writing about his visions of a world of hope, of love, and prosperity for every man, woman and child. But his visions haven’t stopped there. His visions told him what has to be done to get this world to that place of beauty, peace and harmony. His love for life and man-kind has led him to the understanding that the government is the place we must all start. That is when he founded the Twelve Visions Party. For the changes must start in the highest ranking fields in America….The White House, the presidency, the congress, the senate, clear down to the mayors of each city. We must take back our country from the neo-cheaters. With this being said I back Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party 100%.  With out them our world as we know it will self destruct and human-kind will exist NO MORE!!!

I believe that Mark Hamilton and the TVP is the cure to the fears, illnesses, depression, diseases, crime, pain, the poor, and a multitude of other ailments that this world is enduring. Mark Hamilton’s goals and desires are to bring this world to a place were happiness, love for each other and prosperity are rampant instead of crime.

Mark Hamilton loves people and this world so much that his ultimate goal is to bring immortality to us all so that none of us will ever have to feel the pain of loosing a loved one again. This is the  type of a man that I want running my country!!! He lives and breathes Honesty, who in their right mind does not want to live a life of pure honesty, love, health, wealth, and freedom!

I encourage everyone who reads these testimonials to get a copy of Miss Annabelle’s Story. READ IT!!!  It is so enchanting and real, it will send tingles down your spine. I am an avid reader and this book was the most exciting book I have ever read. I have read it over and over….I WANT THIS LIFE FOR ALL OF US!!!   Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party is our ticket to this life.

As I have learned through my readings of Earl Nightingale, Zig Zigler, Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. David Schwartz, Rhonda Byrne, and Jerry and Esther Hicks is you get what you think if we all think about this, believe in it and have faith in Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party we will get all that they are offering to us and more.

Have Faith and Believe my Friends and nothing or no one can bring us down!!
With Love and faith,

For those who happen to read this: All of your eyes, if you can read….because there are those who read, but still in doubt of what we are and what we are here, for?……As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…I’ve learned deep in my heart, that  ” THIS IS IT “….I’ve read the 3 Heirlooms, meet Neothink members face to face, listen to tele-conference, joined a business entity with NT members, a TVP CA visionary and in my own little way a warrior ( for life’s existence in a more meaningful ways ) with a secret weapon to protect myself and fight against those who takes advantage over me.

There’s nothing to be afraid of….Mr. Mark Hamilton….we are protected by what we believed is true….whatever happens….the Truth will come to surface….even if they are going to destroy us ( our movement ). We need the Change….only, majority are still blinded by their beliefs….and they will start seeing it more clearly when we are stop, we are destroyed, or jailed…..because, they will ask ( the public ) what are we dying for?

We Are Here For A Better World the Twelve Visions World. No more killings ( terrorist ), no more hunger / famine, no more diseases or H1N1 scare, no more corruption, no more recession / unemployment, and most of all; no more human made laws that protect the interest of those who are in the authority. NO MORE NEO-CHEATERS.

In my open testimonial to the public….we are not asking you to join us….just do something, in your own little ways to protect yourself and learn how to fight back against those who cheated you. You just made yourself…a warrior….seeking for a better world.

Jun D

March 2025