Posts Tagged ‘illusions’

Integrared Honesty


Mark Hamilton, (a peace loving man) has taught us to look at all of the rational facts for ourselves, by doing our own research on what he has to say, in the ways of honesty integrations. Now, when new information is discovered and accepted about facts, facts will change of society. For there is only one perfect law (rational integrated honesty/Prime Law) in the universe, and that is everything must change. The principles of integrated rational facts will help you to discover what ‘IS’. So, know what the facts are before accepting an illusion of lies from the media and others, about Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton, has demonstrated his love for those that have made him their enemy, by sharing the Prime Law of love to all of society.

Soon, there will come a time that those (value destroyers) that produce every little value in society, if any, will want to stop Mark Hamilton, from bring the honesty mentality to the public, because of the threat to their dishonest earning and unearned power off of the USA public and the world, with their illusions. They will try to prosecute him to destroy his honest works to the world, with their dishonest media and by other means, as they did prosecute Jesus over two thousand years ago. Honesty needs no defense!

Since being exposed to the Neo-think Society principles (for over twenty years) and the Twelve Vision Party, as mentored by Mark Hamilton, I have been able to live the principles in my life, as a responsible self-leader, the life I was meant to live, with integrated honesty.

Blessed is Mark Hamilton, for helping so many to know live as it should be lived. All of the principles from Neo-Think, which I have applied in my living, has bought out the unique genius we all can process from inside us, and not the genius of the status quo. The genius that I discovered within me (with honesty integration), helps me to create and produce great values for all of man kind.

In my Neo-Think studies, I found that there are two mentalities (encouraged by philosophies), honesty and dishonesty, evolving in the world today. We live by the principles of our accepted philosophy. The most noted philosophers are Plato and Aristotle, for over the last twenty-five hundred years.

The Platonian philosophy decreased the value of all conscious being here on earth to day, which led to valve destruction in these times that we all live. His philosophy takes away the individuals rights, which sets in place external authorities, a ruling class, the elites, and value destruction. The core meaning of his philosophy, means altruism, the cause justifies the means. Sacrifice of the cause! Whether if it means giving up your life, rights, property or taxes. The Platonian Philosophy (mentality) gives you happiness after your death.

The Aristotle philosophy: the coming mentality to society today, stresses the individual’s rights, because when the individual right is protected, all rights are protected. He also defines that the conscious human being is the most precious value in the universe, and that not even one should have to sacrifice any of his values other than by choice. This philosophy, also defines that an individual has the right to create and produce his own values for himself and others through business, without initiatory forced, fraud, or coercion. Aristotle’s Philosophy: says creation own values of happiness during your live.

Mark Hamilton, has discovered the missing piece to bring this new mentality to fruition, through his Twelve Visions. He found that flawed man can’t be trusted with implementing the universal law with honest integrations; therefore, man must be under a signed contract, which will manage him, instead of him manage it.

Mark Hamilton, has created and produced most value in society with his Twelve Visions Plan, than any man or woman that has ever lived on planet earth. To those that are reading my testimonial, please join with Mark Hamilton and the Neo-Think Society, so that we can eradicate suffering, poverty, crime and war from our planet.

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Otto Beasley

Mark Hamilton and his literature …


Mark Hamilton and his literature and visions have taught me how to think for myself…how to use my own mind to manifest things in life that I want.  I have learned how to break free from the illusions of safety and freedom that our government so adamantly claims we have, and to recognize when I am being used, mislead, and first and foremost controlled.  The government claims to be here to help us and to keep order, yet the only beneficiaries of all their rules and regulations are the big government themselves. They little guy has always footed the bill and will continue to take the down fall if nothing is changed. Mark Hamilton is about freeing the people and allowing the geniuses of society to make this a world a better and more productive place to live.

Jessika T

Mark Hamilton is a Gift to the World


America and the world have tasted what both the republicans and democrats have done and can do. I believe if we will be honest with ourselves, we can agree that none of these two parties have provided American and the world what they always promise. It has become even serious that we seem to accept theirs lies, deceptions and illusions as normal. We have allowed our minds to be played with all the time and we seems not to care anymore. How long will Americans continue to allow these rulers to “fool” them and the world? I believe we are in the turn of civilization and if our new civilization will be of peace, honesty, love and prosperity then, Americans and all humanity have to sit up to listen to what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party is offering Americans and the world at large. It is time to get people who will note seek the mandate of voters just to latter let them know its all political speech for votes. Americans, you have this time to free yourselves and the world to bring peace, love and prosperity to everyone through Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party. There is more to life than we really know. This is what I have personally experience and still experiencing with Mark Hamilton’s teachings through the neothink® Society.

NT Warrior


Greetings to all. Let me start by making a long story short full of honest facts that are not taken out of context. Neothink, Neothink Society, or the Twelve Vision World is the universal, and honest way to all aspects of life. Without fear to mention ther is a war or battle between to worlds; the dishonest antcivilization vs. the honest Neothink civilization. I have recapture this new world and way of thinking honestly from birth as a child eleven years ago. I am rebirth back to my origin as a human being and my mind is free from the lies and illusions of that fake, powerless, leeching world and the corrupted ones with their false authority to control others. Thanks to Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society the battle can be won beyond victory. Neothink is life and shall prevail over death.

No more Illusions


I first began receiving invitations to read Neothink literature from Mark Hamilton some years ago. But because I had grown up in, and was still a part of a high control religious cult, I held back from taking advantage of the opportunity, even though I really wanted to. You see, the illusionary cult that I had been brought up in basically forbade its members to read outside literature. This was how they kept tyrannical control over everyone. I eventually broke out of that cult but I was still without any real direction in life and was still affected by the illusions that have been foisted onto us by religion and the political system.

Despite my non-response to their invitations for me to read Neothink literature, the Neothink Society did not give up on me.

And I am forever grateful to Mark Hamilton for his continued confidence in me that I really was a person who could
be valuable to this world.

After I finally responded and obtained the Neothink literature, the information immediately resonated with me.All of my questions about life and the purpose of my existence were answered.I became so excited about life for the first time in my life.

I continued to obtain every piece of Neothink literature that was offered to me. I read it voratiously. I benefited from each one in more ways than I could have imagined.

The Neothink Society and the Neothink literature has made me strong, self-sufficient, and has even given me the desire and the courage to work on opening my own business. Prior to being introduced to the Neothink Society, and the literature, I never thought I would ever even want to have a business of my own.
Additionally, before Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society came into my life, I also did not know what I really wanted to do in life. But after reading one particular piece of their literature, the epiphany that was promised to me really happened. And when it happened I literally jumped into the air!That epiphany showed me that I really love teaching and science and I have always really wanted to be a teacher and a scientist. I was so excited about finally realizing what I should be doing with my life that I walked away from 19 years of civil service employment with no regret and no looking back, to become an entry level scientist and assistant teacher for a small company even at the age of 46. But since I really want my own science company, I am taking integrated steps to eventually open my own science education business.

So, thank you Mark Hamilton, and the Neothink Society!
Your confidence in me as a person, has erased all of the illusions.

Charles Riley

Thank you Mark Hamilton, for this great gift of the Neothink Society!


Before receiving and accepting the invitation to join the Neothink® Society, by Mark Hamilton, I was unaware that I was living a life filled with external authority’s (religions and politicians) dishonest illusions, which instilled mystical-illness upon me and family, and society as a whole.

After reading the Prime Literature provide by the Neothink® Society, I came to the conclusion that the powers that be, were taking away my rights as an individual and the rights of the masses and controlling our lives for the “common good”.  Furthermore, I found by their enactment of “for-the-common-good-of-the-masses” laws, their real purpose was to make us depended on them for our survival.  With these programs (common good), they have instilled laziness into the masses, in order to make us easier to control and depend on them.

This illusionary system that we all live under today, is setup with altruistic sound good approaches to steal real earned values from society, while producing little value on its own, if any.  Research will show that they will cause problems where none exist just to come to your rescue with more lies and illusions, to make you more dependence on them.  They need you to believe in their illusions, in order to exist.  I find that our lives and happiness doesn’t mean anything to them because their agenda is to build more power for themselves, at any cost to you and your family.  In other words, the cause justifies the means.

Moreover, I find through my own integration of the Prime Literature that there have been collaborations between dishonest government and dishonest business that forms the White Collar Hoax throughout the world.  This elite group was setup to take unfair advantage of the masses by stealing their earned values, with wide-spread illusions of social good.  With their illusions, I find that they have managed to corrupt our business industries, as well as, our education systems, which are the backbone of all our creative values to society.  Yes, government involvement in the matter of business and education can only lead to destruction of real values in human life and happiness.  I find that government has no place in business because its job is to protect the people only and not anything more.  Now, it’s apparent for all to see, as I do, that this corrupt establishment is crumbling every day due to the people waking up from their illusions of lies.

While integrating the Prime Literature, I find in myself the person I was meant to be and living the life I was meant to live.  Now I’m experiencing real wealth, health and romantic love, of which I never knew, existed.  My advantages entailed, living by depending on my own internal authority, to set me free from a world of illusion and lies?  In reference, this is what Jesus taught us.  The god within!  Know your own powers.

I have learned from the Prime Literature, that man must be managed by the Prime Law, so that  justice isn’t left up to flawed man’s own interpretations of laws.  I also know that the Prime Law is the greatest discovery brought forth by the Neothink® Society…it is a gift to us all.  When the individual rights are protected, all rights are protected.

Now, the Neothink® Society has given us the tools to further evolve into the next evolution of the mentality of honest minds.  The main tool is the Twelve Vision Party.  This political party will revolutionize the world by depoliticizing and deregulating America and getting rid of all inappropriate laws and policies.  Furthermore, it will throw out of office all dishonest careen politicians.  Then we will replace them, with real businessman that has some sense regarding the honest capitalist business system.  Thereafter, we will become aware that the crime rate will fall sharply, and there will be no more wars, so that peace can abide here on world.  Dishonesty is the cause of all problems in society, today.

With the TVP in place, we will make all of the people rich including the poor and elderly.  We will cure all sickness and aging with the Neothink®’s, principles.  Furthermore, everyone will be able to create values for society each and every day, where we can watcher prices fall toward zero.  As did the computer industry.  Just think about it; with prices falling, one’s buying power will increase greatly.

I know that Mark Hamilton has been attacked and will be again by those that don’t want you to know about their illusions, but honesty does need a defense.  This great and humble man have bought to the world the most integrates value creation of our time, the Neothink society.  I know that we must adhere to his gifts to the world in order to survive.

Now it’s time to take back your responsibilities from the dishonest careen politicians, and step ward as a self-leader, to value create our future.  I would love everyone that is reading my testimonial to join me in this journey into an honest mentality but, if not, I have been prepared by Mark Hamilton, to go it alone.  Yes, I’m willing to save you myself, from your mystical self, because there is no greater meaning to life’s happiness than the conscious being.

Thank you Mark Hamilton, for this great gift of the Neothink Society!

Integrated Honesty


Mark Hamilton, (a peace loving man) has taught us to look at all of the rational facts for ourselves, by doing our own research on what he has to say, in the ways of honesty integrations. Now, when new information is discovered and accepted about facts, facts will change of society. For there is only one perfect law (rational integrated honesty/Prime Law) in the universe, and that is everything must change. The principles of integrated rational facts will help you to discover what ‘IS’. So, know what the facts are before accepting an illusion of lies from the media and others, about Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton, has demonstrated his love for those that have made him their enemy, by sharing the Prime Law of love to all of society.

Soon, there will come a time that those (value destroyers) that produce every little value in society, if any, will want to stop Mark Hamilton, from bring the honesty mentality to the public, because of the threat to their dishonest earning and unearned power off of the USA public and the world, with their illusions. They will try to prosecute him to destroy his honest works to the world, with their dishonest media and by other means, as they did prosecute Jesus over two thousand years ago. Honesty needs no defense!

Since being exposed to the Neothink Society principles (for over twenty years) and the Twelve Vision Party, as mentored by Mark Hamilton, I have been able to live the principles in my life, as a responsible self-leader, the life I was meant to live, with integrated honesty.

Blessed is Mark Hamilton, for helping so many to know live as it should be lived. All of the principles from Neothink, which I have applied in my living, has bought out the unique genius we all can process from inside us, and not the genius of the status quo. The genius that I discovered within me (with honesty integration), helps me to create and produce great values for all of man kind.

In my Neo-Think studies, I found that there are two mentalities (encouraged by philosophies), honesty and dishonesty, evolving in the world today. We live by the principles of our accepted philosophy. The most noted philosophers are Plato and Aristotle, for over the last twenty-five hundred years.

The Platonian philosophy decreased the value of all conscious being here on earth to day, which led to valve destruction in these times that we all live. His philosophy takes away the individuals rights, which sets in place external authorities, a ruling class, the elites, and value destruction. The core meaning of his philosophy, means altruism, the cause justifies the means. Sacrifice of the cause! Whether if it means giving up your life, rights, property or taxes. The Platonian Philosophy (mentality) gives you happiness after your death.

The Aristotle philosophy: the coming mentality to society today, stresses the individual’s rights, because when the individual right is protected, all rights are protected. He also defines that the conscious human being is the most precious value in the universe, and that not even one should have to sacrifice any of his values other than by choice. This philosophy, also defines that an individual has the right to create and produce his own values for himself and others through business, without initiatory forced, fraud, or coercion. Aristotle’s Philosophy: says creation own values of happiness during your live.

Mark Hamilton, has discovered the missing piece to bring this new mentality to fruition, through his Twelve Visions. He found that flawed man can’t be trusted with implementing the universal law with honest integrations; therefore, man must be under a signed contract, which will manage him, instead of him manage it.

Mark Hamilton, has created and produced most value in society with his Twelve Visions Plan, than any man or woman that has ever lived on planet earth. To those that are reading my testimonial, please join with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, so that we can eradicate suffering, poverty, crime and war from our planet.

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Otto Beasley

Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing…


Hello Mark

I want to mention here how’s my journey with Neothink and Twelve  Visions Party.  Before I do that I really want thank the author  and founder of these integrated honest societies.

Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing the Hamilton’s world thru these noble societies, he meant it for all mankind, he sacrificed a lot of his efforts and assets to achieve the awareness of mankind and my involvement with Neothink and TVP is making me who I’m today ,I’m  almost living the life I meant to live and living the child of the past, I can say that I’m playing to make living, truly these are the most missing things in our lives .

And for you out there, don’t take my words, get involve ,read Mark Hamilton’s  lecturers  ,start seeing beyond the created illusions     ,start living the  life you meant to live ,like millions of people who’re finding their child of the past ,who’re making living playing .

I can tell you this the findings by reading Mark’s lecturers are limitless, after all we’re in the Neothink and TVP Society living the Hamilton’s world.

Thank you Mark for fathering us.


Neothink makes me want to shout joyous…

A True Worthwhile Discovery

Neothink makes me want to shout joyous testimonials from my rooftop. I simply wish I had discovered these honest truths sooner in life. I wish I could have shared them with my dad before he passed away. 

I have never discovered anything as passionate, heartfelt and sincere as these truths provided to me by the Neothink Society.

I can attribute my ‘wanting to live life to the fullest’ attitude to the society. The Society helps me to relax, disseminate illusions, and view through smoke screens to the core truths about everything. I now see life clearer and feel really good about a true passion of being a part of it!

It instills in me the will of, not necessarily wanting more, but knowing more (although, my work status, social life, and marriage has much improved).

I remembered asking myself during the loss of my father, “why?” I really wanted to make him proud of me before losing him.

I don’t know if I ever found the answer to ”why” he died, but no one else’s explanation sufficed … That’s for certain. Even after all these years I wondered what must have went through his head while he lie there dying, leaving everything he had accumulated behind … including his kids.

Besides telling me to take care and wishing me well, I’ll never truly know his last thoughts. But the one thing that I can be certain of, is that if he were a part of the Neothink Society, he would be at peace knowing the limitless knowledge I was capable of accumulating through the multigenerational manuscripts and revelations associated with the Society.

His dying words, “Take Care” would have been more resounding and said with more confidence and conviction. His last words would have been more like a demand rather than a parting wish. And I am sure of this!

Being a part of the Neothink Society allows me to seek answers from a real-life perspective … Not just an “anti-civilization” perspective. I am now an acheiver regardless of my financial status (though it is much improved). I now walk with a passion for life, a true love and desire for others to acheive their goals, and a new-found drive to contribute effectively to society.

The Society reaffirms a sensation that has dwelt in the pit of my stomach as a child – that gut feelings that I had throughout my adolescent years, and it remains in the consciousness of my being as an adult … That I am not only a part of the “here-and-now”, but that I am also part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.

‘No man is wholly free in the anti-civilization. He is a slave to the man-made laws of the land and the politician’s greed for wealth, fortune, and fame … Else the people restrain him from acting according to his will alone.’ Euripides (485 B.C.)


Larry D.

Otto B


Before receiving and accepting the invitation to join the Neo Think Society, by Mark Hilton, I was unaware that I was living a life filled with external authority’s (religions and politicians)dishonest illusions, which instilled mystical-illness upon me and family, and society as a whole.

After reading the Prime Literature, provide by the Neo Think Society, I came to the conclusion that the power that be, was taking away my rights, as an individual and the rights of the masses to control our lives for a common good. Further more, I found by their enactments of this common good to the masses, their purpose was to make us depended on them for our survival. With these programs (common good), they have instilled laziness into the masses, in order to make us easier to control and depend on them.

This illusionary system that we all live under today, is setup with altruistic sound good approaches to steal real earned values from society, while producing little value on its own, if any. Research will show that they will cause problems where none exist just to come to your rescue with more lies and illusions, to make you more dependence on them. They need you to believe in their illusions, in order to exist. I find that our lives and happiness doesn’t mean anything to them because their agenda is to build more power for themselves, at any cost to you and your family. In other words, the cause justifies the means.

Moreover, I find through my own integration of the Prime Literature that there have been collaborations between dishonest government and dishonest business that forms the White Collar Hoax throughout the world. This elite group was setup to take unfair advantage of the masses by stealing their earned values, with wide-spread illusions of social good. With their illusions, I find that they have managed to corrupt our business industries, as well as, our education systems, which are the backbone of all our creative values to society. Yes, government involvement in the matter of business and education can only lead to destruction of real values in human life and happiness. I find that government has no place in business because its job is to protect the people only and not anything more. Now, it’s apparent for all to see, as I do, that this corrupt establishment is crumbling every day due to the people waking up from their illusions of lies.

While integrating the Prime Literature, I find in myself the person I was meant to be and living the life I was meant to live. Now I’m experiencing real wealth, health and romantic love, of which I never knew, existed. My advantages entailed, living by depending on my own internal authority, to set me free from a world of illusion and lies? In reference, this is what Jesus taught us. The god within! Know your own powers.

I have learned from the Prime Literature, that man must be managed by the Prime Law, so that  justice isn’t left up to flawed man’s own interpretations of laws. I also find that this is the greatest discovery by the Neo Think Society, and a gift to us all. When the individual rights are protected, all rights are protected.

Now, the Neo Think Society has given us the tools to further evolve into the next evolution of the mentality of honest minds. The main tool is the Twelve Vision Party. This political party will revolutionize the world by depoliticizing America and deregulating and by getting rid of all inappropriate laws enactment and policies. Furthermore, it will throw out of office all dishonest careen politicians. Then we will replace them, with real businessman that has some sense regarding the honest capitalist business system. Thereafter, we will become aware that the crime rate will fall sharply, and there will be no more wars, so that peace can abide here on world. Because herein, with dishonesty, you have all your causes of problems in society, today.

With the TVP in place, we will make all of the people rich including the poor and elderly. We will cure all sickness and aging with the Neo Think principles. Furthermore, everyone will be able to create values for society each and everyday, where we can watcher prices fall toward zero. As did the computer industry. Just think about it, with prices falling, your buying power will increase greatly.

I know that Mark Hamilton has been attacked and will be again by those that don’t want you to know about their illusions, but honesty does need a defense. This great and humble man have bought to the world the most integrates value creation of our time, the Neo Think society. I know that we must adhere to his gifts to the world in order to survive.

Now it’s time to take back your responsibilities from the dishonest careen politicians, and step ward as a self-leader, to value create our future. I would love everyone that is reading my testimonial to join me in this journey into an honest mentality but, if not, I have been prepared by Mark Hamilton, to go it alone. Yes, I’m willing to save you myself, from your mystical self, because there is no greater meaning to life’s happiness than the conscious being.

Thank you Mark Hamilton, for this great gift of the Neo Think Society!

Otto B

March 2025