Posts Tagged ‘illusions’

The Twelve Visions Party is the only way Americans can prosper again

The Twelve Visions Party is the only way Americans can prosper again. Sadly, most do not know that our political leaders only have power because we provide their livelihoods. For many years, children have not been taught to take perceptions and group them into integrated knowledge, this has kept us from seeing the illusions of politics. Our Education System has failed our children.

Our Forefathers arrived because they were suppressed by rulers. We face the same dominance today. Our taxes support career politicians who pass hundreds of bills that do not serve to Protect or honestly help Us. Yet that is their job, as reflected in our Foundation, so long ago prepared.

Today force, used to bring fear to the people, causes us to be subservient to the rulers. There are only two classes of people the ruling elite and the rest of us. There is nothing in between.

If you are reading this and you do not make the rules, you should check into this party founded by Mark Hamilton. The Twelve Visions Party is the solution to a force-backed system that is failing each American’s Prosperity. Join today and become part of the Greatest Get Rich Program in the History of Mankind.

Find me in Facebook to ask questions, I am wearing a Fun Meter on my lapel. I am bringing fun to America again, come join me!

Jill Reed

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.

I received my first letter of invitation to join The Neothink Secret Society in October 2006.  I read thro’ numerous manuscripts and went through Neothink mentoring under Mark Hamilton. I have found that it is a Genuine Organization founded on Love, Truth, Honesty and Sincererity dedicated to Peace and tranquility amongst men thro’ a new approach to Business with  the objective of creating wealth. It is not given to sinister social, political, religious lives of Dishonesty, Fallacies and Illusions.  As an apprentice under Mark Hamilton, I have learnt thro’ the discoveries of Neothink, how to identify my Life’s Passion and transform it into a Living thus Creating Values for others to Produce and make a living too.  Though I have not yet attained, all I know is ” I am not what I used to be. ”

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.


I want to say something really fast about the media; the media is OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT! Now this may or may not be the first time you have heard this, but it doesnt matter, because we all know on some level our Government is dishonest. They go far beyond dishonesty but dishonesty would be the lowest possible level of their crimes, so let’s go with that.

When an honest man like Mark Hamilton trys to do what is honest, like trying to reveal the secrets to health, happiness, success, and love, the government dishonestly creates harmful illusions against this man’s efforts through THE MEDIA! The media that they control!!!!
They want to portray him as someone who is harmful to you, so they will create any lie or illusion to do so, and this is because the government does not want you to know the truth!!!! IF you know what is honest about the government you will understand that they are parasitical, illusion creating, thieves, that even murder innocent values, businesses, and EVEN INNOCENT LIFE! They have done this! While Mr. Mark Hamilton HELPS people to change their lives, all atround the world and here in America the government is TAKING LIVES!!!! Even if they don’t physically kill! For they create by design the burden that makes life unbearable to live. Men like Mark Hamilton and myself are fighting against all that drains then tries to kill, health, happiness, success, love, and all like values, but those values are to strong and can never die! Mark Hamilton is an honest man fighting for the people, fighting the honest fight. My advice to you is this don’t believe any form of Media instead think for yourself, search for yourself, and you will find the Honesty!


I want to say something really fast about the media; the media is OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT! Now this may or may not be the first time you have heard this, but it doesnt matter, because we all know on some level our Government is dishonest. They go far beyond dishonesty but dishonesty would be the lowest possible level of their crimes, so let’s go with that.

When an honest man like Mark Hamilton trys to do what is honest, like trying to reveal the secrets to health, happiness, success, and love, the government dishonestly creates harmful illusions against this man’s efforts through THE MEDIA! The media that they control!!!!
They want to portray him as someone who is harmful to you, so they will create any lie or illusion to do so, and this is because the government does not want you to know the truth!!!! IF you know what is honest about the government you will understand that they are parasitical, illusion creating, thieves, that even murder innocent values, businesses, and EVEN INNOCENT LIFE! They have done this! While Mr. Mark Hamilton HELPS people to change their lives, all atround the world and here in America the government is TAKING LIVES!!!! Even if they don’t physically kill! For they create by design the burden that makes life unbearable to live. Men like Mark Hamilton and myself are fighting against all that drains then tries to kill, health, happiness, success, love, and all like values, but those values are to strong and can never die! Mark Hamilton is an honest man fighting for the people, fighting the honest fight. My advice to you is this don’t believe any form of Media instead think for yourself, search for yourself, and you will find the Honesty!

Most honestly written by:

Dear Mentor Mark Hamilton


Dear Mentor Mark Hamilton,
I take the opportunity of this season to express my heartfelt appreciation to you in particular and the Neothink Society especially. You said it a year ago that this year is going to be the best year I have ever had, and that is exactly how this year 2009 has been. In fact, I find it limiting to address you with just the title above because you are more than a mentor to me especially and other Neothink family as a whole. Even though I have not seen you physically yet, meeting you virtually at our level meetings put a lot of smiles on my face each time, that at times cause a fear in me with the thought of the impossible happening to you as other past great teachers.
Mentor, you are a special gift to humanity as you know yourself and I can feel greater values coming from you and the Neothink Society to me in person and the world as a whole. You and the Neothink Society are what the world really needs at this time and it is good you have come out with the Twelve Vision Party that will really set everyone free from the dishonesties and illusions that we all battle with, starting from America then to the world.
By your help I can now understand a whole lot of things around me even thought I still have a long way to fully evolve into who I believe I am meant to be.
Even as I can say I have not make much money this year 2009, I believe consistently using the tools in the literatures by working with downstream focus will make me realized the benefits. This I believe is a puzzle in my personal life that will enable me to free my mind with no financial burdens as I evolve into great value creations and help others in the same direction.
It has been an exiting journey since I first received your invite into the society. I can truly say that yes! I feel really free and exited as I can see the direction of my life now.
In fact, I know it can only get better with you, Neothink Society and the new Twelve Vision political party as our passion is widely heard in the world for freedom of humanity.
Much love


Thank You Mark Hamilton and Twelve Visions Party


Thank You Mark Hamilton!

Your valuable literature has changed my life permanently! I will never be the same after becoming enlightened and empowered by your wonderful writings. The fog cleared in my mind…the veil was lifted from my eyes. I can see right through to the essence of things now. I see through illusions, dishonesty and deception like never before! This has been invaluable to me! Thank you!

My life is on fire now with passion, exhilaration and abundance. I never knew life could be so fulfilling and wonderful. I keep your books close to me all the time. They are invaluable to me. My family and friends enjoy a better me and I do too. I can never thank you enough!

The Twelve Visions Party you’ve founded just blows me away! It is the perfect solution for the problems in this country. I can’t wait until I can go to the voting booths and cast my vote for a TVP candidate. It is high time that We, the people take back this country and make it exactly what it should be: a wonderful free enterprise filled with safety, wealth, abundance, health, and peace.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party!

Life Changing


I have to be perfectly honest with you, I have been raised as a hard working individual, I don’t have a lot of education, but I’m full of common sense. I have worked with my hands most of my life in construction, and for years now as a painting contractor. I have always knew that their has to be a better way of living, a better way of life. A doubtful person though just thinks this is it, this is all that my life has to offer, and it is easy to assume that way of thinking when your stuck in a routine rut of this life and job that we have to do to make a living, pay our bills, and just get by.
Sense you found me, Mr. Hamilton, I have been slowly reading and absorbing the books of the Neothink Society that I have so far and I want to tell you “WOW” this information, to see through appearances to the essence of things is helping me greatly! And also the information in these heirloom books Neothink Society is helping me see through the illusions we face today. I feel nothing but gratification to read, see, and feel these insights that are before me and coming into my life, to change my life for the better. I know when I meet or am around these people in the Neothink Society, I will be in company with some of the best people on earth because of reading this literature and because of sharing the same ideals and principles we will all agree on. This is going to be life changing for me and my family, I want to learn and understand about all the information in the Neothink Society that I can possibly take in, to make a better life for me and my family and hopefully help as many other wonderful people as best I can.
Mr. Hamilton, I want to Thank You very much for finding me, and to think as busy as we all know you are, to even think about helping me an many, many others is exemplary. True Greatness, I believe you are a genius. Your work has to keep growing and with the help of the Society that will continually grow, we all are behind you to make this world a better place to live, and a better life for everyone. Learning Values and Value Creating is wonderful for any person to learn and to apply in their life.
This is what America needs!
This is what the whole world needs!
Thank You very much for being my Mentor and a true friend.

Hello Great One


Hello Great One,
This is Gregg F. One of your great Neothink apprentices. I want to thank for coming into my life when life wasn’t all that great. I always knew there was another world where humans thought and saw things the way I did. There you were! Since joining the society; you’ve open mind from bicameral tendencies to endless possibilities. The literature and visions you’ve shown me have brought my mind out of the dark and in to the light! I can’t thank you enough for helping me break through illusions and really seeing what is. I’m very pleased to see that TVP is full speed ahead. This movement could change my life, plus everyone around me. People can say what they want. You’re the answer. The only answer if our civilization want to move ahead into the Twelve Visions World. It’s time to get rid of old and began with the new. That’s you! Don’t feel alone. We are here if you need us. Again, thank you for showing me the right road to travel. Your road is way smoother than that of our present anticivilization. I know it will be kind of a rough battle. At the end I know you will prevail! Sometimes, in order to get through the woods. You got to chop a few trees down. I’m in it until the motor stop. Thank you again.

Gregg F

I found Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions in the Neothink Society


All my life I have worked very hard and never really got ahead. I am a middle class American that follows the rules and I do what I can to survive a comfortable life. The problem is that every year it get’s harder and harder to get ahead because the regulatory government is taking more and more from me. Prices are sky rocketing and medical insurance is outrageous. I have always figured that there was a way a middle class hard working American could get ahead in life and live the way he wants to instead of be limited by regulations and the lack of money. I never did figure out how to do that until I found Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions in the Neothink Society. Following Marks program opened the skies to a whole new light. Along with many other facts of reality, the Twelve Visions made a whole lot of sense to me.  This is what I have been searching for my whole life. A way to produce values for those around me and a way to get ahead instead of struggling all the time. There were no illusions like the political, religious and media world today. Just the facts of the past and the present. Mark Hamilton spent a big part of his life preparing this for people like me. The material and Society he has built is one of a kind. The best part of it all, it is the truth. All the unanswered questions that I have had almost my whole life have been answered. All the hard work Mark Hamilton put into his work to bring the truth out from under the political and religious networks is fantastic. It finally gave me some hope  and something to believe in. Now with the TVP movement going forward, I actually want to get involved. I have never wanted to get involved in any kind of political activities before. The TVP is out to put the right into our world and take away the wrong of the world in today’s government. How exciting is that! Pretty exciting to me. No more illusions or lying from officials just so they can get a job that makes them look good and gives them big fat paycheck with our hard earned money. All the wrongful spending  just because they won a popularity contest. Doesn’t seem right to me. I am really looking forward to the TVP movement to take hold of our future and we have Mark Hamilton to thank for that. Thank you Mark Hamilton for letting me be a part of your movement and I look forward to a better future.

A Hard working American,
David Michael I

Twelve Visions World of the Future


Read Mark Hamiltons’ trilogy “Superpuzzle” and you will find what is possible when integrated honesty and universal love are used to create value for society. Health, wealth and happiness for all in the Twelve Visions future as opposed to the dishonest illusions all the worlds’ governments and religions currently surround us with. All you have to do is look around you and ask yourself if there isn’t a better way of life possible. What kind of a world do you want your children and grandchildren to live in? Build them a better world than the one you see now. Read Mark Hamiltons’ literature for the tools and knowledge to advance civilization!

March 2025