Posts Tagged ‘illusions’

My involvement in the Neothink society has been one of the greatest …

To whom it may concern,

My involvement in the Neothink society has been one of the greatest life enhancing experiences ever. As a student of Mark Hamilton’s teachings I have become a more integrated man, one who sees through illusions and makes the world a better place. What I have gained from Neothink is a desire to be a greater individual, a part of the cause rather than the effect. As a parent and teacher myself my ability to guide and give good direction to others is a testament to Neothink. Another tremendous benefit I have gained from Neothink is my increased efficiency as a value producer, there is no more doubt about what I can do now it’s just a matter of how much more I can learn to do and create.

A truly wonderful transformation has occurred within me over the last few years and that is seeing what is wrong and being magnanimous in virtually all situations. Teaching by example and being good to others and working within the laws of the universe is something I am grateful to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society. I have become the self-leader and my skills have been on display endlessly and wherever I go and whoever I meet gets a hand up as opposed to a hand out. No longer am I stagnant and without direction I am closing in on my Master’s degree and perhaps one day earn a Phd. but nothing that I do is without the God man principle inside of me.

The new Neothink me is a man of virtue and value creator and producer who I never knew existed within me. For those pundits and lobbyists who think Mark Hamilton is a huckster or a fraud I have one thing to tell them, “take a good look at yourself before you attempt to put down a great man and a credit to society.” It is these very people who are causing problems for the world, I believe all people should practice daily self-introspection so that they came become better human beings instead of looking for the wrong in others. Leave Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society alone for this is truly the way for a better world today and for our future generations.


Armando V

would like to thank Mark Hamilton and all the Neothink members for shining …

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and all the Neothink members for shining the light my way. It has been a very interesting and informative time filled with true love and compassion. As they say “it is what it is” and we all need to take our blinders off and help the world do the same. Thanks to Mark Hamilton opening our eyes to the Neothink inside secrets we all are living closer to our true self, Our natural right!!! He has helped us open doors to our true natural being that were never opened before. There are angels here on earth!!

I feel we are responsible in life for the information and knowledge that the universe has downloaded into our mind though Mark Hamilton and the Neothink inside secrets. When we accept this information from the Neothink inside secrets we will have the strength and knowledge to change the world. Opening new doors that were always there but we could never see . By accepting and uncovering the illusions getting past the resistance we allow our higher self to take over. Believe me as I speak from experiences this higher self

I have read Marks' books and I believe he's a visionary …

Hi, Mark

My name is Ralph C., I’m an apprentice, I have read Marks’ books and I believe he’s a visionary and has a system that can benefit all of mankind.

I believe Mark has a big heart and just wants all the population of the world to have great wealth and good health and romantic relationships for everyone.

The information I have received from Marks’ Neothink books has enriched my life to a higher level than I’ve ever been. I can now see through the illusions to the essence

of what is.

My involvement in the Neothink society has been one of the greatest life …

To whom it may concern,

My involvement in the Neothink Society has been one of the greatest life enhancing experiences ever. As a student of Mark Hamilton’s teachings I have become a more integrated man, one who sees through illusions and makes the world a better place. What I have gained from Neothink is a desire to be a greater individual, a part of the cause rather than the effect. As a parent and teacher myself my ability to guide and give good direction to others is a testament to Neothink. Another tremendous benefit I have gained from Neothink is my increased efficiency as a value producer, there is no more doubt about what I can do now it’s just a matter of how much more I can learn to do and create.

A truly wonderful transformation has occurred within me over the last few years and that is seeing what is wrong and being magnanimous in virtually all situations. Teaching by example and being good to others and working within the laws of the universe is something I am grateful to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society. I have become the self-leader and my skills have been on display endlessly and wherever I go and whoever I meet gets a hand up as opposed to a hand out. No longer am I stagnant and without direction I am closing in on my Master’s degree and perhaps one day earns a Phd. but nothing that I do is without the God man principle inside of me.

The new Neothink me is a man of virtue and value creator and producer who I never knew existed within me. For those pundits and lobbyists who think Mark Hamilton is a huckster or a fraud I have one thing to tell them, “take a good look at yourself before you attempt to put down a great man and a credit to society.” It is these very people who are causing problems for the world, I believe all people should practice daily self-introspection so that they can become better human beings instead of looking for the wrong in others. Leave Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society alone for this is truly the way for a better world today and for our future generations.
Armando V

We need a more equal society for all the people to prosper.

We need a more equal society for all the people to prosper. I thank you Mark Hamilton and is Neothink for a positive future in the society. To have every person to grow to is highest potential, to do that is for honesty and true with a positive mind without the dishonest and illusions with this political leaders. to have wealth, health peace in mind

Hello, I would like to start by saying that without Mark Hamilton and the …

Hello, I would like to start by saying that without Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society I would be lost.

With so many illusions and so much deception in this world the Neothink Society is a beacon of light full of honesty.

Before receiving the literature from the Neothink Society I was feeling very low about my life and situation, and I smoked half a pack of cigarettes a day.

I have a degree in the automotive industry and I am only able to obtain entry level positions for work in my field that anyone off the streets could get.

Talk about discouraging, I was at the point of contemplating suicide and realizing why people do commit suicide felling trapped with no way out.

I have always had a passion for music and never really took action until after I graduated college, I decided to release a CD and start a new career but had no idea where to start.

Then all of the sudden out of the blue I received a letter from the Neothink Society telling me about my hidden talents and inviting me to join their society. I was shocked.

To think I almost threw that letter away is crazy, but I almost did before I even opened it because of how I was feeling at the time and as I was over the trash with the letter in my hand my Mom said to read it.

So I did, one of the few times I listened to Mom, and to my surprise it was a letter pulling every string of my soul closer to the person I was meant to be!

After reading that letter, joining the society, and reading the Neothink Inside Secrets I have been on journey that I enjoy everyday, discovering the person I was meant to be, and I quit smoking cigarettes after 7 years.

I am now the owner of an independent record label, I have released a CD under its name and I am working on the next projects for my business and success.

It is a complete 360 degree difference from where I was in my life to where I am now all thanks to the Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton.

I wake up now felling excited about what is to come instead of dreading the day and not feeling like getting up at all. I would never kill myself!

The investment has already paid for itself twice, I am still in the red because of my college education that has NOT paid for itself yet.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you to the Neothink Society!

Have a wonderful Day!

Peace to all, since I have been introduced to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his Neothink literature…

Peace to all, since I have been introduced to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his Neothink literature it brought new visions to my life things that involve us all as a people it taught me to dig deeper into the mind from which all things came so shall it return studying Mr. Hamilton’s literature brings one out of that triple stage of darkness which is dishonesty, illusions, and mysticisms.

I want to write to let you know how much your Neothink literature has changed my life…

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,

I want to write to let you know how much your Neothink literature has changed my life for the better.

Before reading your materials, I was unaware of the degree to which my thinking was affected by illusions, by the media, by programming, and how the societal and government structure as set up and created by the elite class

I can't begin to express what Neothink has done for me since I received your…

Dear Mark,

I can’t begin to express what Neothink has done for me since I received your letters of invitation and then receiving the 3 Heirloom manuscripts. My life has literally come full circle.

Not landing me back where I was, but landing me smack dab in my parallel future. It was like opening up a veil that was blocking my view, seeing a brighter future in the Civilization of the

Universe, as a fully conscious human being and really understanding what that truly and honestly means. What a wonderful gift that is. Although I have so much more to learn, I now see the brighter side of Heaven on Earth. When I lost 3 members of my family, my dear husband and soul mate being one of them, just a few months before I received your first letter, I felt I would never see the light of day or my soul ever again. I thank the Universe every day for you,

Mark Hamilton; for finding me and helping me realize I still had a real life to live and one to enjoy to the fullest extent of my being. Yes, you Mark, brought into my life the true honesty of what is, and

gave me the chance to regain things I thought I had lost; the opportunity to learn things that I never knew existed; and helped me find things I didn’t know I already had, but were buried so deep they

were hidden and untouchable to me at the time. Now, with Neothink and your help, these things are within my reach, are visible to me in my future, and are the honest reality for my existence.

There is a passion now that runs deep within my very being that can not be stopped now. Your Manuscripts and the knowledge of what the Neothink Inside Secrets has given to me, is a power

within myself to become the person I was meant to be and the actual probability of living that life I was truly meant to live. Not just the ability to live in the illusions of what could be a life that I was led to believe in before. From the bottom of my heart, my Thanks goes out to you Mark Hamilton, and to Neothink.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Orpha M

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society I know about…

To: Mark Hamilton,
Thanks to the Neothink Society I know about the illusions that have very subtle
affects and effects in my daily living in society and throughout the societies on whole across
the Globe.
I have decided to peer through all illusions get rid of all the “BULLSHIT” all floods of lies
deceptions that are coming at me through:…People, Business’s, Places, Things. Media, Politics,
Religions, etc and otherwise than the already mentioned.
I live to be of sound mind of the all in my essence on the planet. TVP Neothink Society flows through the ebbs of the universal cosmos the truth is what I seek unconditionally.
What is truth? Where is truth? Who is truth? Why is truth? How is truth? When is truth?
Truth is now! look within go straight to the heart find LOVE COMPASSION you and all the
talents GOD has bestow to you
Wake up to you!!!… in the all GOD CONSCIOUSNESS of the COSMOS to all that is now reading this evolve now.
I know by now most of you have herd about 2012. If you have or haven’t now is the time to
plug-in seek out TVP and the Neothink Society Mark Hamilton’s work.
The power I have, is in the know of how my powers work throughout all illusions. I hope you
understand my words in this writing Get Out Of The Illusion.
Thank You! Mark Hamilton I am awake!
Princess Gibson

March 2025