Posts Tagged ‘illusion’

Because with Mark Hamilton you read…


THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!!! STAY OUT OF DEALLASS OOps Dallas and you should be fine I think if you [we] start passing around the news as I have done [word of mouth] the movement will be stronger and more believable You have a divine concept all around Please don’t let money or anything else stand in the way of your dream And I mean NOTHING Keep Positive 100% think of your father and the vision Avoid negative at all costs ALL COSTS Let NOTHING stand in the way of this [your] dream that you have founded You will note that on the internet there is a totally different Constitution then what I learned in his I believe the Constitution changes that have been unlawfully [according to the real Constitution of the 13 original United states] is the beginning or focal point we need to unveil @#^%*! Dallas Begin with reality The working people of the America they believe to be a part of You have my backing 100+% I live on a small island and i will have spread the word by mouth across the entire island soon! Then I want to organize – believers or nonbelievers Is that do able?

Self esteem! creativity I didn’t know I had. Because with Mark Hamilton you read and study and the knowledge of creating something just opens up in your mind. And you focus and study more of his books, because they give you step by step guidance to becoming the person you were meant to be. His lectures teach you that you are more value than you ever thought you were. And I thought of what was going on in my life, that there is a way to help out. So I sent a email to someone and told them about this situation they had mentioned, with these state workers acting like they have power over on someone  just because they are supervisor or boss. That is a bad influence on me because I know something better, and I didn’t tell them what either. I saw through the illusion and saw what is and came up with a Neothink puzzle and saw a lawsuit up ahead. That these people are influenced by trying to hinder and control every thing and everybody. One worker , every time she look up and see me, she would say hey! Myrle are you going to the file room? and  I would say no Im doing something for( so in so) and she would get an attitude and say well when you get finished will you take this to the file room? and I would say nothing because I am not there for her. And one time we got in an argument, but she said nothing. And this was the time when she called me and said take this to the file room and pointed to one that was on the floor, and I said now you gonna have to pick it up. And excuse me for saying, but I went off because I got the impression she trying to say I’m her slave that big old googly-eyed giant of a woman. So I thought f the S.O.S secrets and put together a Neothink puzzle And I was coming up with ideas. I came up with who right there. is there in the FDA that is a medical doctor? for them to stop medicine  from coming over here that can cure and heal people, that is a mile practice suit. And this is the land of the American dream, and they should grant those people u.s. citizen ship. And the ones that are already over here give the u.s. citizenship to them, so they can pursue their dream, because some of these over here take it for granted. And I said the people who are talking about their medicare, give it to them. And someone mentioned about insolvent banks? give it to them also, and the government should be for protection only, and not try to hinder and control everything and everybody. And the people in prison overseas should be tried over here and attend the work shop that Im a member of and build a company without a company an that is their friday night essence. And on the news a spoke person said the united states is in the lead and they want other countries to follow. And I was so excited, i knew this is the physical movement and the primary law, and the power generator. I did  not mention Mr. Hamiltons name I did what I supposed to do by emailing some one to get this going. And I hoped Mr. Hamilton and the society would recognize their philosophy and knew it has to be one of their members, because who else would it be? Three dots and three dashes a S.O.S call. I give thanks to the higher realm, to give people away to go and turn to in order to get out of a rut. To see through the illusion. And the spoke person said on tv dont invest in something that’s a hindence. And one day at work I heard a worker yelling at another worker saying you supposed  to protect them, this is for protection only.

I have been introduce to Neothink Society & Mark Hamilton Two (2) years now, Mark Hamilton literature as empower me with a new way of thinking to see things what they truly are and not by what it appears to be, deep down in my Soul as a young boy i always know within myself that there’s more to life than what was thought to me as a Child, over the years growing up i was thought good morals and attitude ,but not the way i was meant to live. I grow up where society tells us how to live from my early days in school, the Twelve Visions Party is not here to Break down what is already built but to improve it make it better for all Mankind without any suppression of our lives but to uplift us as individuals and to ensure that our individual rights and life being protected and respected. I am therefore taking this opportunity by thanking Mark Hamilton for being the type of person that he his, now i can sincerely say that i can speak for myself without fear as i am seeing things much clearer now for what it is,

we must stand up for what we believe in The Neothink Society as thought me just that.

Mark Hamilton I thank you and your Father Mark Hamilton without him none of this would be possible .

Christopher G

East Hartford CT

Mark Hamilton I’m with you.


Dear Mark: I am still waiting to meet you and see you. You were the most important person in my life when I was down. There I was alone, nobody cared in the way I wanted them to care for me. I see life different now, never thought this would happened, but it happened which was a lesson to me to find my worth. No one can say, “It doesn’t matter how “he-she” treat you, you have to learn a valuable lesson to find your worth. We’re incredible people for what we do for Love, Love can cure you or kill you. Those are the options of how I see life now. I’m in my own boat now I’m the master of my life now. The differences between reality and illusion is the way you perceive life to be. I have met people who don’t believe me when I try to sell them something, we’re in two different worlds now, the ones who care and the ones who use others to get there gain and leave you down and out. I hope this will be sufficient for you to let you know your worth is what my worth is “Everything not nothing” I know you will make a differences because I have been in that boat that has nothing to give but my thoughts, my dad always said, “I don’t need your advice” and I always thought, “then what’s my worth?” But I had to figure out myself to feel my worth. Now I know the differences between use and abuse, well no more. This lonely boat won’t take either and I know you won’t either. It like a battle Zone, so I guess will fight. No more suffer in silences, but we have to be creative enough to outwit the other side. No one knows who’s coming and that’s silent until we get there. No matter where to go there you are but what you haven’t seen is better yet. Mark Hamilton  I’m with you.


I will stand with you Bro…


Dearest Mark,

Although I have not joined a clubhouse for reasons we don’t need to go into now, I have read, absorbed and reveled in the literature, watched all your mentor levels, listened to 95% of the links sent to me by Neothink Members and Tom Cary. Additionally, I have spoken to many people about Neothink, the Society and the TVP. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for who you are, the giant contribution to human development, through integrations, honesty and real values you bring to  everyone.

I will stand with you Bro, no doubt, and when the time comes I will be an advocate for you and Neothink will all of my abilities.

Attached is my Endorsement, which will cut like a knife through the illusion the media or anyone else tries to foist on Neothink, the members and you.

You Rock!


Mark Hamilton has provided a way out.


What other choice is out there for us?  I go to work everyday watching the and listening to the dis-satisfaction on peoples faces and coming out of their mouths. Knowing the ugly truths about what they say and why they feel the way that they do.  Being stuck in an illusion filled world were we are constantly being used, manipulated, intimidated, and just plain broken down until we begin to give up looking for a way out.  Well Mark Hamilton has provided a way out.  The evolution of man is a necessity and has been long awaited. If you walk away with nothing but the knowledge and belief  that you yourself has control of your own present and future, then the possibilities of a greater day are not far off.

I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in January of 2007



The Neothink Society, has changed my life since January of 2007. My Name is Timothy Bergman I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in January of 2007, to invite me to become a member of the Neothink Society. And since then my life has changed for the greatest thing in my life of 54 years .I am very grateful for that opportunity. Because this has changed my life in all aspects of my life, in all sorts of ways from health, honesty, peace, happiness, to learn to become a self leader. To become aware of why our society is in the current condition that is going on today. To become aware of all the illusion’s that are created to hold back society as a whole. To learn how the outside authorities have held back society as a whole, throughout the years for generation’s year after year.  The Neothink Society has created a pure honest, pure loving society that is based on honest business progressive idea’s. The love and compassion that is here in the Neothink Society is like nothing else  of any other organization that i have belonged to. the Neothink Society is Great!

Thank you My Mentor Mark Hamilton

Timothy B

Recently I joined with Twelve Visions Party…

To, Mark Hamilton 

From, Pervin
Date, March 6th—-2010
  Dear Mark,
Hi, this is Pervin. I am writing to you about Neothink world. I read your several books also i am RIBI registered too. Over this decade too many things went on me, still going on. But i never stopped read those books, because i know one day i must win with you and your associates, only this reason i never stopped read as i can alive this society. Mark you are genius, nothing wrong with that. Every bad things happened from my unknown way, as i did some thing wrong with destructive government, now i know who they are and what’s they are doing against any innocent person. Although still they are forcefully involve with my personal to other area of life. But i am sure they must eliminated by Neothink Society. Their every active is very painful, as i am getting by them. Recently I joined with Twelve Visions Party as you advised to me, i see how real world people are happy, other way how traditional world people are getting trouble by authorities. So far two world people, and both never mix together, because both of two opposite psychological minded people, one is up side down world, and one is straight stand up world. So NT only one way gets the new world.  Mark, i am assure you, you must be win. Because your literature open my mind and showing to me every aspect of life. Destructive government and political govt. taken away my job, money, love and other area of life. Their illusion made me pain full life, which is indescribable, but it is continuously happening. Only NT is my protection, sometime slowly, sometime don’t work. Another way TVP open my eye, like why life is not control, how can control every day of life. However, one day public must support MH and his literature, and TVP, when they will see those nature of destruction. And that time is not so far from now. One day everyone must know about their destructive formula, how they are flourishing in this world, and killing ordinary people’s life. So I advise to all other non read NT people, please read the MH’s NT literature and experience about this world, where we are and NT society where taking us. Neothink world is very exciting world than the old unhappiness world, wherever we are sinking in their hoax. I believe my self and Neothink society. Thank you.


I want to say something really fast about the media; the media is OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT! Now this may or may not be the first time you have heard this, but it doesnt matter, because we all know on some level our Government is dishonest. They go far beyond dishonesty but dishonesty would be the lowest possible level of their crimes, so let’s go with that.

When an honest man like Mark Hamilton trys to do what is honest, like trying to reveal the secrets to health, happiness, success, and love, the government dishonestly creates harmful illusions against this man’s efforts through THE MEDIA! The media that they control!!!!
They want to portray him as someone who is harmful to you, so they will create any lie or illusion to do so, and this is because the government does not want you to know the truth!!!! IF you know what is honest about the government you will understand that they are parasitical, illusion creating, thieves, that even murder innocent values, businesses, and EVEN INNOCENT LIFE! They have done this! While Mr. Mark Hamilton HELPS people to change their lives, all atround the world and here in America the government is TAKING LIVES!!!! Even if they don’t physically kill! For they create by design the burden that makes life unbearable to live. Men like Mark Hamilton and myself are fighting against all that drains then tries to kill, health, happiness, success, love, and all like values, but those values are to strong and can never die! Mark Hamilton is an honest man fighting for the people, fighting the honest fight. My advice to you is this don’t believe any form of Media instead think for yourself, search for yourself, and you will find the Honesty!

Most honestly written by:


I want to say something really fast about the media; the media is OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT! Now this may or may not be the first time you have heard this, but it doesnt matter, because we all know on some level our Government is dishonest. They go far beyond dishonesty but dishonesty would be the lowest possible level of their crimes, so let’s go with that.

When an honest man like Mark Hamilton trys to do what is honest, like trying to reveal the secrets to health, happiness, success, and love, the government dishonestly creates harmful illusions against this man’s efforts through THE MEDIA! The media that they control!!!!
They want to portray him as someone who is harmful to you, so they will create any lie or illusion to do so, and this is because the government does not want you to know the truth!!!! IF you know what is honest about the government you will understand that they are parasitical, illusion creating, thieves, that even murder innocent values, businesses, and EVEN INNOCENT LIFE! They have done this! While Mr. Mark Hamilton HELPS people to change their lives, all atround the world and here in America the government is TAKING LIVES!!!! Even if they don’t physically kill! For they create by design the burden that makes life unbearable to live. Men like Mark Hamilton and myself are fighting against all that drains then tries to kill, health, happiness, success, love, and all like values, but those values are to strong and can never die! Mark Hamilton is an honest man fighting for the people, fighting the honest fight. My advice to you is this don’t believe any form of Media instead think for yourself, search for yourself, and you will find the Honesty!

How will the Prime Law ensure minorities will have equal rights?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …The whole concept of minority rights is an illusion. There is only one minority- the individual. The Prime Law protects the individual and since everyone is an individual regardless of race, creed or color everyone receives equal protection.

March 2025