Posts Tagged ‘humility’

Power of a Huge dream


Thank you Thank you Mark Hamilton for having the boldness and courage to seek me out and then proclaim me the searcher. Thank you for telling me I am more than a human being, I am a human becoming. Thank you for giving me hope for the future and what a glorious future it will be. A future with the gorgeous simplicity of prime law. I stand in jaw dropping, drooling Awe at what you have done at such a young age and am thrilled and grateful that I can recognize it. Seneca said, “nothing is more disgracelful than that an old man should have nothing to show to prove that he has lived long, except his years”.You and anyone that learns Neothink will never suffer that affliction. You are a brillant brillant man and with all humility say that I and anyone can achieve the same genius. WOW! Neothink. A new way of thinking.You have shown me the power of a huge dream.I know this is just the beginning. I do not know how I will fit or integrate into the scheme of things, but after I close my jaw and wipe my face I am going to find a way to “participate” not just watch in the wonders of the Twelve Visions World. JG

Thank you Mark Hamilton

To All, Greetings,

My name is Thomas Shute, and I am very happy to be a part of the NeoThink Society. Mark Hamilton, and The Neothink literature has been like an owners manual to the brain, and mine. Here is what I mean. When you buy a fancy new car,Let’s say a sports car with all the bells, and whistles, the first thing you do is hop in and take off. You drive that car for years, and years to come. And one day, you decide to look in the glove compartment, to get that big 400 page manual you have been thinking about reading. You didn’t feel you  need to read a manual, because you know how to make the car turn left, and right, You know how to put the key in and start the engine, hit the accelerator and go as fast, or as slow you want. But wait! In the manual, you fine the car you’ve been driving for years, have features you never knew about. And now  the car  you’ve driven for years, is now a hold new experience, and much more fun to drive. Mark Hamilton, and The Neothink literature, have helped me to understand the power within me, and how I’m connected to the universe, and all that is in it.

In just reading the literature itself, have made a profound change in my professional life, as well as my personal life. You see, I’m an Occupational Therapist, for 35 years, And I thought I was a pretty good therapist. when I started reading the literature,I noticed my skills improving. I’m more creative in my treatment plans. No one else in my department do what I do. I say this not to boast, but with great humility, and  gratefulness. 99.9 percent of my patients under my rehab treatment are showing great  improvement, noted by my co-workers, and more important, their families. Patients go home, happy, and rehabilitated, living a better quality of life. I feel good about that. Thank you Mark Hamilton

Mark, and all who may read this, know that this is only the beginning. There is much more I could tell you about. But this one more thing I will say. I am so glad I took the letters  Mark Hamilton sent me seriously. the  literature is both eye, and mind opening.

March 2025