Posts Tagged ‘human spirit’

Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP

Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP:
Mark Hamilton, all I can say now in my burnt out state is, you and the Original Twelve Visions Party Team, I believe are the only way that I may be able to get my beloved spouse Susan Mary Strain, back in physical presence. And that only through your visions and applications of new technologies, along with your Twelve Visions Party team, may all the earth’s people finely have a way for humanity to exist hear on earth, along with everlasting life, for all of us on planet earth and in the heavens of the universe of conscious life, through the human spirit.
With the very highest educational materials I have received from you, Mark Hamilton, I believe it is possible for me and my beloved Susan, to continue living the love and happiness we shared without being crushed by evil. Not only would we be able to continue in the greatest love and happiness of all, ( “that was the love and life we shared together”), but we would have the opportunity to have children and normalize our life completely as we grow into the future.
My hope is that we Americans may all find a way to work together to utilize Mark Hamilton’s ideas for a bright and beautiful life and future for all of us. Hopefully we Americans can all pull together and use all new and old ideas that help us all as Americans; and that help all human life. That we may live the greatest and most beautiful life, love, peace and happiness of all, ( even as we do now all share, in some ways), right here in America, and share that love and life with the world. America has been know as having the leading edge in bringing peace and humanity to all Americans and also to the world round. My hope is that we can remain in this capacity for the sake of all Americans and all the world round. That all humanity and civilization may continue, and also grow into a more beautiful world and life, for all human existence and humanity the world round.
I hope this message will help you Mark Hamilton and the Original Twelve Visions Party team, and all, in some capacity. If you call upon me again at some time, I will do my best to share my thoughts and feeling at that time.

My son’s name is Mark Hamilton Wilson


Mr. Hamilton,

My name is Alexander Hamilton Wilson Jr.. My son’s name is Mark Hamilton Wilson.  I found it
interesting to note that your name is Mark Hamilton.

I especially want to thank you and the Neothink Society for the timely contact with me and
offering me the opportunity to be part of the Neothink Society. I have been very moved by everything presented in the Heirloom Books and especially the things that happened to Miss Annabelle, her twelve students, and those who she and her students came in contact with. I love to see, hear or read about the Triumph of the Human Spirit.

I am 66 years old and I am retired. I am having a difficult time identifying my Friday Night Essence and it bugs me. One thought that came to me yesterday was to try to remember my childhood years and to pinpoint what it was that I was told I could not do or what could not be done. I hate it when I hear someone say that to a child.

I have studied the Level one lessons and am now enjoying the Formula for Biological Immortality.

So much of what I read in the Heirloom Books generated in me responses of Ahah! When I read about the Immortal evolved Conscious Being bringing the necessary conditions about to create a new Universe and then saying ” Let their be Light “. I exclaimed to myself ” YES! “

I have been convinced for years that what a man or woman conceives of, he or she or someone
else will bring to fruition sometime in the future.

Lastly, I am totally enjoying your lessons and what has been reawakened in a man that thought he was in the end days of his life. I do not feel that way anymore. Thank you.

Thank you also for being my Mentor.

Alex Wilson


A Testimonial – part one
Today as I sat up on the High Lonesome I closed my eyes, cleared my mind , and set forth on my travels once again.
I walked today through the streets of the cities and saw all around me the defeated spirit of humanity. The lonely, the broken spirited, the dejected, the downtrodden, the hopeless and as I walked I asked “why God, Why?”
I saw the drunks in the bars and the drug addicts in the alleyways chained to their addictions. Their blank stares and their frenzied expressions mirrored the fear and hopelessness in their souls and again I asked “Why God ? Why?”
I saw the pimps and the prostitutes hustling their temporary “fix”– the illusion of love, and the desperate need in the faces of all who did commerce with them. I saw the homeless staring out at the world as it raced by without them, cold and uncaring. I saw their dreams withered and dying, their hopes crushed by the horde of humanity too entranced with their own pursuits to even notice let alone , to care. I looked up to the heavens and asked “Why God? Why?
I saw the muggers , the rapists, the abusers, the ravagers, the murderers, deeply entrenched in their dark world, devoid of any compassion, feeding on the helpless. I saw cruelty and a meanness of the human spirit as it preyed upon the weak and dejected. I turned away in disgust and cried out in anger “Why God? Why?”
I saw then the kingdoms of the world at war with one another, the leaders of these mighty kingdoms making impossible, irrational decisions and expending the lives so carelessly of their citizens, like so much cannon fodder, all for king and country!
I saw the battlefields choked with the dead bodies and the screams of agony from the dying. The horrible carnage all around, the waste of lives so precious. And far away from the battlefront, encastled in safety, I saw the dark shadowy figures in conclave devising more ways to rend and tear, rack and torture the human body and forever enslave the human spirit. Choking in terror I turned away and cried out “Why God? Why?”
I stumbled away only to find mass graves filled with entire races exterminated for their beliefs. Entire cities razed and leveled to the ground, a dark pall of smoke and the stench of death hovering over it all. Again I saw, far away in safety, the architects of all these evils and horrors living in decadent luxury from the profits of their evil deeds, dancing, laughing, celebrating at all of the misery and sorrow they had caused. There was no place on the face of the earth that they had not touched and infected with their filth, their evil, their touch of death and despair.
I turned and ran. I ran as far as I could seeking a place of safety, some remaining place yet untouched by all I had seen, some sanctuary from the hells I had witnessed. But there seemed to be none. Exhausted, I stumbled and fell to my knees, gasping for breath, sobbing at the memory of all that I had seen. The awful, horrifying sights I had seen played back across my vision like some insane movie that would not end.
My body was trembling with pain. Sorrow brought tears that filled my eyes blurring the awful things I had witnessed. I turned my faced upwards once again to the heavens and shaking my fist I cried out with every ounce of my remaining strength; “Why God Why? Why do you allow this to happen? Why do you let us suffer so? How can you allow men to continue to hate, persecute, to torture, to maim, to abuse and murder others with no sense of guilt or shame? How can you continue to let these evil ones to go unpunished? How can you let the weak and innocent be victimized over and over again? Will you not punish those who commit these sickening acts of depravity? Are we not created in your own image? Are you not a loving father of compassion? of mercy? Why does all of this horror continue , on and on over and over endlessly? WHY GOD WHY?
I sank down once more and bowed my head in fear and I awaited his rebuke. The world grew silent around me. An awful calm settled upon me. I seemed poised at the edge of a precipice that was dark and bottomless and if I even breathed I would plunge into the darkness forever. My eyes were closed tightly as I waited. There was only silence. An eternity of silence…
Then I felt something stirring from deep within me. Something was awakening. A soft feeling of warmth began to spread through me. The pain in my body lessened, the turmoil of my spirit subsided. I lifted my face once more and felt the warm sun caress my face. My thoughts cleared and my heart was calm once again . Then I saw the answer. It was clear. It was unmistakable and it was simple. The answer had come from within me! Not any external source. The answer was simply “Why man? Why?”
All of these awful things are of our own making just as the beauty that still survives in this world is. When we point the finger of blame we must not forget to include ourselves. Man , and man alone is responsible for man’s inhumanity to man. and only man has the responsibility, the capability, and the power to set things right. Yes we have all of that but one more thing is needed and that is the willingness to set things right.
That is our purpose here in our society. We see through the illusions, we see the reality of what is , and we have the willingness and the strength and the vision to go forward and set things right! Our conscious minds are awake and growing stronger minute by minute, day by day and there is no limit to what we can accomplish!
So dry your tears, set aside your fears, roll up your sleeves, and join in this mighty endeavor to free all mankind from the bonds of slavery. A life of happiness, prosperity, freedom, health, safety and creation awaits us all to pursue and attain as we set our feet upon the path of our natural and true direction
Thank you, Mark Hamilton for taking my hand and journeying with me into a better a better world. Thank you , my Neothink family for journeying with me towards that better world that we have just begun to build.
Rik Fowler.
The Neothink Society
The Twelve Visions Party

Mark Hamilton, thanks to you I had…

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

I am going to assume that I am actually writing to you. I was a bit dismayed at receiving this e-mail. Let me back up a bit. I always knew that I was missing something I could not place my finger on. When I was 20 I read The Magic of Believing and it seemed to reacquaint me with a feeling that I cannot place into words but somehow I had felt it before. I never stopped looking. Then, I came across your materials and read everything. Again, I had re-discovered a long lost feeling that was to be described as nothing less than exhilaration and because I am of an entrepreneurial mindset a person who has multiple patents and trademarks I had an intense increase in the feeling that anything is possible and there are no barriers other than what is imposed upon us by those people who are not creators but love to control and dampen any human spirit so that they are looked upon as the only true source of knowledge when that could not further from the truth and is outright laughable.

My belief is that people at this point in time are infants for the most part in this way of thinking. Mark Hamilton, thanks to you I had the pleasure of ordering Kevin’s CD’s which was another eye opener which still has me on a natural high. The average person in those few times I talk about the law of attraction or God man or anything remotely of this nature I am looked upon as an alien. Unless people are spoon fed in mass these concepts, little by little, the average person who’s main thinking is going to a nine to five job, getting bogged down with a 40 year mortgage, getting a big screen tv , sending their kids to a second rate college and thinking that is the height of what they can accomplish in this life and that is the American Dream are going to look at us like we have 3 heads if out of the blue you discuss the Neothink philosophy.

My opinion is that these concepts first have to be worked into the masses before you can hope to run for an office or legitimize a political party. Ignorance of the masses of these concepts will be used in order to foster fear, disinformation, rumor, lies etc. so that those in power continue to keep the veil over the eyes of the majority. Now, most people somewhere deep inside feel that there is another way but just don’t know where to turn or who to trust.

I think a book or movement should concentrate on value producers vs. value destroyers and clearly explain what this means with real world examples and the implications of this. Initially, God Man, living forever etc. would only be looked upon as radical and wacko etc. at this point in time. When people not so far up the road see that anything imagined can be realized they will no longer see these concepts as radical nor fear those who espouse them.

At this moment , the average indoctrinated, brainwashed person can understand value producers vs. value destroyers and that would be a good first step. Since I listen to talk radio on a daily basis, the democrats are portrayed whether they know it or not as value destroyers by the right. Once the spotlight is placed on the value destroyer class whether it be by the Neothink Society, the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Party or any party that understands the concept this will be the beginning of the end for those who which to hold down progress and withhold the ability for the general public to live the life that you have envisioned in your books. By the public becoming comfortable with this knowledge will open the door for other Neothink concepts to be introduced.

Do not think you have to do anything at any particular time. Afterall, you are in charge. You release what you feel can be absorbed and appreciated at this moment. Most people are truly infants in these matters and reaching them has to be a gradual learning experience.

Your materials always work like a reality snap back into the unending possibilities for me.



March 2025