Posts Tagged ‘human beings’


The NeoThink program has reinforced working habits, recognition of a way of life which would be wonderful if all human beings could be part of. Integrity, honest work ethics, ability to think things through in the most logical and efficient way.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for your efforts and do keep up the good work you are doing

I can barely express in words…



      I can barely express in words what Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party has meant to me over the last 17 years. My exposure to the initial literature expanded my consciousness and tore down the boundaries that had build up in my mind throughout the years prior to Neothink. It was like experiencing the most momentous sunrise the world has ever witnessed, and it happened inside my own mind, heart and soul. Neothink gives us hope for limitless prosperity and eternal joy. It integrates and encompasses everything human beings are meant to be and become. Through the Twelve Visions Party, the people of earth will forge an eternal value based society free of value destroying vestiges of the past. My self-worth, confidence, sense of hope and motivation to be everything that I can be has been deeply influenced by everything Neothink represents. I can’t imagine a world without it. Mark, I support everything you and all other members of the Neothink society are doing to bring our world into a new Renaissance. It will be a Renaissance, an enlightenment, that will surpass all others of the past. We shall soon join our neighbors throughout the cosmos in the application of the geometric expansion of knowledge, forever!  Mr. Hamilton, if you need anything, just ask. Thank you Mark Hamilton. Thank you Neothink.

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature and feel extremely lucky to have done so. I wish I had happened upon it decades earlier.

Just before reading the literature I was in a situation in my life where I was looking at starting over (or at the beginning of a new chapter). I recall thinking to myself , “I really need to start to do and see things differently because this isn’t working out – my life isn’t working out!”. I’m reminded through Mark Hamilton one of the basics in life is happiness which I had forgotten.

The values received from Neothink are immense. Some of it to me is common sense forgotten as time passed by. The idea of fully integrated honesty(sounds like a no-brainer but people forget, I did); being fully honest within oneself, being one’s own authority and not just lead by others made me realize it was time to take control of my life; Remembering to use percepts and then conceptualize and look at the bigger picture (i.e,learning to see what’s ahead). Also, how to have truly healthy romantic love relationship were topics I zoned in on at first. Neothink has opened my eyes far more than I can articulate here. If I hadn’t come across it I believe I would have become a depressed, not to mention lost, person!

Neothink is about taking off our blinders and seeing things as they really are politically, philosophically, romantically, economically, etc…The time has come it seems for human beings to evolve into healthier happier people which is what Neothink is. I look forward to the experience of more and more people using Neothink.

Sincerely, Ricci

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature


I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature and feel extremely lucky to have done so. I wish I had happened upon it decades earlier.

Just before reading the literature I was in a situation in my life where I was looking at starting over (or at the beginning of a new chapter). I recall thinking to myself , “I really need to start to do and see things differently because this isn’t working out – my life isn’t working out!”. I’m reminded through Mark Hamilton one of the basics in life is happiness which I had forgotten.

The values received from Neothink are immense. Some of it to me is common sense forgotten as time passed by. The idea of fully integrated honesty (sounds like a no-brainer but people forget, I did); being fully honest within oneself, being one’s own authority and not just lead by others made me realize it was time to take control of my life; Remembering to use percepts and then conceptualize and look at the bigger picture (i.e., learning to see what’s ahead). Also, how to have truly healthy romantic love relationship were topics I zoned in on at first. Neothink has opened my eyes far more than I can articulate here. If I hadn’t come across it I believe I would have become a depressed, not to mention lost, person!

Neothink is about taking off our blinders and seeing things as they really are politically, philosophically, romantically, economically, etc…The time has come it seems for human beings to evolve into healthier happier people which is what Neothink is. I look forward to the experience of more and more people using Neothink.



Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor



Am joyous testifying to you all. This is all about  MARK HAMILTON .

He is a genius honest person. From the time i received his heirloom/books and went through, my life changed from bicameral mind to civilization, that is from sickness to health, from actress to active.

The knowledge of mark shall change lives of people world wide just as it has changed the lives of us who have led his books. Imagine Mr HAMILTON discovered the disease which is attacking nearly all human beings on earth and this is the disease which brings poverty, war, hatred, dishonest, sickness, death, etc.

Due to his genius and honest he also has the cure /medicine for this disease called mysticism. And this cure is from his knowledge.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor

Being a member of the Neothink society, am also threatened>20 march 2010.Our journey mighty be disturbed as you mentioned. Am level 9 of our journey. In level 6 you talked about the NEOTHINK SOCIETY MARK HAMILTON SECRET BOOK that you would send to members.

How can it be possible for to receive this book. I would Neothink that you send me this book and be on the way to me before 20 march 2010.

To me this threat is just like am driving the car along the desert which is mysticism to a promised land, the land of honest, success, ageless, etc then fuel of car starts finishing before arrival to the promised land.

Mr. Mark Hamilton, whatever happened to freedom of speech?

Mr. Mark Hamilton, whatever happened to freedom of speech? We are human beings, we think of better ways. I read the manuscripts and did enjoy reading them. All I got to say, is this is going to be a job. It’s going to be rough road. I do believe in what you wrote. It’s not the government; it’s the people running it. – Thank you Wayne K

March 2025