Posts Tagged ‘human beings’

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton "and friends" are …

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton “and friends” are among the rare, few human beings on planet earth that actually value humanity and the survival of mankind above all else. The “controllers” feel threatened and the “slaves” are waking up, thanks to Neothink.

My involvement in the Neothink society has been one of the greatest …

To whom it may concern,

My involvement in the Neothink society has been one of the greatest life enhancing experiences ever. As a student of Mark Hamilton’s teachings I have become a more integrated man, one who sees through illusions and makes the world a better place. What I have gained from Neothink is a desire to be a greater individual, a part of the cause rather than the effect. As a parent and teacher myself my ability to guide and give good direction to others is a testament to Neothink. Another tremendous benefit I have gained from Neothink is my increased efficiency as a value producer, there is no more doubt about what I can do now it’s just a matter of how much more I can learn to do and create.

A truly wonderful transformation has occurred within me over the last few years and that is seeing what is wrong and being magnanimous in virtually all situations. Teaching by example and being good to others and working within the laws of the universe is something I am grateful to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society. I have become the self-leader and my skills have been on display endlessly and wherever I go and whoever I meet gets a hand up as opposed to a hand out. No longer am I stagnant and without direction I am closing in on my Master’s degree and perhaps one day earn a Phd. but nothing that I do is without the God man principle inside of me.

The new Neothink me is a man of virtue and value creator and producer who I never knew existed within me. For those pundits and lobbyists who think Mark Hamilton is a huckster or a fraud I have one thing to tell them, “take a good look at yourself before you attempt to put down a great man and a credit to society.” It is these very people who are causing problems for the world, I believe all people should practice daily self-introspection so that they came become better human beings instead of looking for the wrong in others. Leave Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society alone for this is truly the way for a better world today and for our future generations.


Armando V

My involvement in the Neothink society has been one of the greatest life …

To whom it may concern,

My involvement in the Neothink Society has been one of the greatest life enhancing experiences ever. As a student of Mark Hamilton’s teachings I have become a more integrated man, one who sees through illusions and makes the world a better place. What I have gained from Neothink is a desire to be a greater individual, a part of the cause rather than the effect. As a parent and teacher myself my ability to guide and give good direction to others is a testament to Neothink. Another tremendous benefit I have gained from Neothink is my increased efficiency as a value producer, there is no more doubt about what I can do now it’s just a matter of how much more I can learn to do and create.

A truly wonderful transformation has occurred within me over the last few years and that is seeing what is wrong and being magnanimous in virtually all situations. Teaching by example and being good to others and working within the laws of the universe is something I am grateful to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society. I have become the self-leader and my skills have been on display endlessly and wherever I go and whoever I meet gets a hand up as opposed to a hand out. No longer am I stagnant and without direction I am closing in on my Master’s degree and perhaps one day earns a Phd. but nothing that I do is without the God man principle inside of me.

The new Neothink me is a man of virtue and value creator and producer who I never knew existed within me. For those pundits and lobbyists who think Mark Hamilton is a huckster or a fraud I have one thing to tell them, “take a good look at yourself before you attempt to put down a great man and a credit to society.” It is these very people who are causing problems for the world, I believe all people should practice daily self-introspection so that they can become better human beings instead of looking for the wrong in others. Leave Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society alone for this is truly the way for a better world today and for our future generations.
Armando V

I have never been much of a reader and always thought there was a better…

I have never been much of a reader and always thought there was a better way for society to live and grow into better human beings and prosper on earth without war and strife and live as a universal society. Now, I believe that even more after reading this eyeopening and mind awakening literature. As the governments of the world seem to be going the wrong way with their greed and deception, we that realize must start making changes not for us

To give our lives meaning we need our dreams, friends, family, and Mark Hamilton.

To give our lives meaning we need our dreams, friends, family, and Mark Hamilton. At present we are incomplete in our society as individuals without Neothink Inside Secrets. There are many necessary things that complete us as human beings.

First, there is hope. The best dream anyone can have is hope. That need is openly given with Neothink mentality allowing us to be fulfilled

I think Neothink was a very realistic approach to the truth…

I think Neothink was a very realistic approach to the truth about existence and a way to create unity in human beings breaking things down to a simple way of just being in the moment and believing what is in the moment is all we really got and need Neothink was about eliminating to many wishful beliefs giving you the principles to take control of your own life instead of giving it over to external authorities which from your own experiences leave you nothing in return, Neothink was about believing we are the truth and way to our own advancement if we just believe it, to me that is what every great teacher and philosopher throughout our history stood for and tried to teach us.

Hello Mark Hamilton,

Hello Mark Hamilton,
This is really deep. I don’t consider myself apart of the wordily things in life therefore, I stay away from the corruption of our society. It has been a pleasure being apart of the Neothink family and I do look for honesty and righteousness. I can offer this one advice. We are human beings with Civil Rights, Constitution rights, and Human Rights according to our government.
With this said, use your knowledge to fight the government to have those rights. What I mean about this is use their laws to fight them back. Start with the United States Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights codes of conduct and prove they are denying you of justice and equality. I’m here with you; I support the cause but have not been financial able to participate like I wanted. Stay strong and keep the faith and we will overcome.
Thank You,
Charlotte DeVance

Mr. Mark Hamilton

Mr. Mark Hamilton,
According to the last e-mail I had sent, I realize I can not control how others are going to live their life when they are somewhere else. Some of them drink too much, or smoke, or don’t save money, or what have you.
I want to give everyone a clean slate. Why? Because they are a human race and they normally make errors sometimes just from living daily lives.
Things of importance is a necessity that needs to integrate into the consciousness of everyone. The human race is important. Sure they had severely upset me in the past at different times, yet let’s move forward. Lets find a way to correct the issues that went astray in the past in a manner of noble respect and honor. It is still building…the human race that is. Today, when I walk out the door to my daily activity, I will mind my own business, yet I will look at others as normal human beings looking for a destiny, looking for their own path. Today I choose to remain in love with Terri, and greet others with some privilege, and look forward past what they can not see or know of and wish them the best for each of their lives, and watch each one of them grow in happiness.
Patrick B. Rasmusson

Thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.

Neothink Society Personal Testimonial
This will be short and to the point.
Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a society that will accomplish what our forefathers first conceived, yet fell shot of bringing completely to fruition. I believe totally that the Neothink Society supported by the Twelve Visions Party will bring total prosperity to first American and then the entire world.
I’ve always believed that we as human beings were capable of conceiving and creating anything, plus nature has everything we’ll ever need. I also believe that becoming a Twelve Visions World is definitely an achievable goal and one that has always been our destiny.
Thank you Mr. Hamilton, Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.
Douglas H

I want the world to know what the value of Mark Hamilton, his literature

Testimonial of TVP from Darin P:
I want the world to know what the value of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Twelve Visions Party are to them. The value they are to my family and I are the same they are to you.
At a time when people I trusted in the Assembly’s of God churches had tried to abuse me out of racism and unprofessional personal problems, Mark Hamilton, his literature and the TVP were there showing me why they were like that with me, guiding me by their literature into the life I was meant to live, and did not realize it.
I moved out of that area after I found out that the environment was sick due to isolation and stagnation and that this sickness was the reason they attacked me and other innocent people.
Isolation creates stagnation and stagnation makes people sick in body, mind and heart. Some areas are simply unhealthy to live in, i.e. the “boon-docks” out in the middle of nowhere where people are sick, hiding from the general population, and have no minds. I have witnessed that such people are mystical, primal and evil. Bicameral, undeveloped and anticivilized. Just as Neothink literature revealed to me.
Some may be offended at my descriptions of these human beings, but sick people need help and some people you just can’t help. They are my descriptions and not put downs.
As that environment tried to suppress and use me, as they do their people, i.e. as guinea pigs to study and learn from like they were still in the Dark Ages, Mark Hamilton, his literature and TVP placed value on my life and I realized who I was…that I was more normal than they were, and took me in a new direction showing me who I was as I began to tap my deepest motivational root.
If you live around sick people, you will catch their virus unless someone gives you medicine. That medicine was MH, TVP and the awesome multigenerational manuscripts as it kept me sane as I saw before me in their literature that I was and what was happening to me in a sickened and dead environment.
The people that started trouble with me were people I trusted because they carried a sacred name, Christian. They were sick and dead racists and adulterers and that is why they started trouble with an innocent person. Sick people can only see their sickness. They cannot fathom the innocence of their victims.
I value the honesty and value of human life that Neothink has for humanity. I believe that they literally saved my life because I was naive to the evils of small and isolated communities and trusted the Christians who also carried the same viruses due to cohabitation with them. Pastors and evangelists catch the airborne viruses of their laity and congregations because they are among them. But Neothink saved me from getting their sicknesses and I moved once I saw that they were evil people in and out of church due to the stagnation of their environment. I separated from the sick people.
Now I have my own business in real estate and my 2-girls are going to be safe from the diseases of the anticivilization. It was not God or Christians, whom I trusted in, that saved me from their evil families, i.e. the undead, it was Neothink because their values stand out among the world, including to Christian values.
For example, Christians teach love, but they don’t teach that it is unhealthy to love sick people. Sick people want to die and take you with them. MH and TVP showed me the morality of self-value and to apply this to their relationships.
Now that I am safe from sick and deprived people, my success is at hand. I have my own Mortgage Specialty business showing people the face value of their mortgages to save them from poverty. It’s a Neo kind of mortgage professional service that I know will replace the bicameral real estate agencies as the years go by because they work by slow and old standards.
Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party are unlike civil authorities today who have to create illusions in order to rule because they lack the genuine honesty of this Club. If you try to be something, you’re not it. People like honesty and if you’ve got it, people will listen to you. MH and TVP integrate honesty into business and life in general because they have honest motives. This is why they are rising over the present rulers. People are finding out that this Club has the answers they need. Come and see for yourself.
People that have to resort to lies and smut on honest and deserving people don’t have the natural honesty it takes to help people grow and live life in liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
If there were no more Mark Hamilton or TVP, like God’s Hand, helping this nation and world, due to a scandal from present authorities, this world will end in nuclear holocaust. Without Neothink, look in the future of a nuclear blast killing off you and your family because that is what Neothink are stopping from happening to this world. Not the Christian churches, but Neothink, are saving you and your families through science and not mystical religion. Get real, people. Get a dose of reality.
But don’t let fear of war scare you straight. Let the values of neothink show you who you are and how to have world peace.
Mr. Darrin M. P
Neo-Realty Investments

March 2025