Posts Tagged ‘hopelessness’

Without Mark Hamilton and his literature …

Before I received the literature I was falling into hopelessness and was beginning to think about taking my own life. Do to no hope for the future, not enough money to pay the bills, and loneliness. After I received my first package as I began to read hope filled me for the first time in a long time. The more I read the better I felt. The more hope that began to fill me. Not long after my girlfriend returned to me I did not start gaining wealth but I did gain the knowledge on how to start building wealth and how to grow my business. I plan on starting a second business and I have very high hopes of its success. Without Mark Hamilton and his literature I would not have any hope at all and most likely may have died. I can not tell you what the difference of how I feel about life and the future. I owe all of this to him and the secret society.
As far as his political agenda I am all for it. Politicians today suck up a lot of money out of the economy, and I mean a lot. Law makers have been making laws for over 200 years don’t you think every law imaginable should have and could have been written in that amount of time. As far as I am concerned this new party of Marks solves a lot of our problems while enforcing individual rights. Keeping the right amount of politicians to do only what needs to be done. But getting ride of all the ones that suck our tax dollars up. Freeing Americans to build values and create enough jobs for every one.
Tony I

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

Hey! Mark,
It’s always great to hear from you. Don’t worry too much about the anti civilization and what the neo-cheaters will do. They cannot stand against Neothink and the true map to a new and life-changing society. That is why from where I live, have been very cautious and not spoken out about this wonderful opportunity that has truly changed my life and the way I think and feel for the rest of my life. No one could possibly ever take from me what you have given to me in a wonderful gift. Do not put yourself in danger. You are too important to so many people; not to mention your own family.
Will write a better testimony and send later. Just wanted to get something out there right away.
Neo-think has brought me from a state of deep depression, hopelessness, and despair;
to a life of exhilaration and excitement that can’t be put into words. Since joining the society
a little over a year ago, I have gone from being stuck in stagnation, not going anywhere, to a zeal for life and it is just the beginning. For ten years had worked as a housekeeper feeling it was too late for real accomplishments. Have started to college and am making all A’s.
Am 55 years old with a tenth grade education. Took my GED at 19.
Also wanted to mention how much the Neothink web-cite has increased my synergy and it is so wonderful to be able to communicate with other members who are like-minded. There has never been a group of people known to me that were so wonderfully connected.
The honesty open support have sent us soaring to new heights. Am sure that many others feel as blessed because have heard countless testimonies coming from the web-cite.
Would encourage all people everywhere to plug into neo=tech and the Twelve Visions Party. Also, the Global Information Network will be our asset for the few fortunate ones who are able to plug in.
If there is any material that ever comes by the pen of Mark Hamilton. please, please count me in. The answer will always be Yes!
A Life-time Member of the Neothink Society,
Deborah S

Hey! Mark,
It’s always great to hear from you. Don’t worry too much about the anti civilization and what the neo-cheaters will do. They cannnot stand against Neothink and the true map to a new and life-changing society. That is why from where I live, have been very cautious and not spoken out about this wonderful opportunity that has truly changed my life and the way I think and feel for the rest of my life. Noone could possibily ever take from me what you have given to me in a wonderful gift. Do not put yourself in danger. You are too important to so many people; not to mention your own family.
   Will write a better testimony and send later. Just wanted to get something out there right away.
    Neo-think has brought me from a state of deep depression, hopelessness, and despair;
to a life of exhiliration and excitement that can’t be put into words. Since joining the society
a little over a year ago, I have gone from being stuck in stagnation, not going anywhere, to a zeal for life and it is just the beginning. For ten years had worked as a housekeeper feeling it was too late for real accomplishments. Have started to college and am making all A’s.
Am 55 years old with a tenth grade education. Took my GED at 19.
    Also wanted to mention how much the Neothink web-cite has increased my synergy and it is so wonderful to be able to communicate with other members who are like-minded. There has never been a group of people known to me that were so wonderfully connected.
The honesty open support have sent us soaring to new heights. Am sure that many others feel as blessed because have heard countless testimonies coming from the web-cite.
   Would encourage all people everywhere to plug into neo=tech and the Twelve Visions Party. Also, the Global Information Network will be our asset for the few fortunate ones who are able to plug in.
    If there is any material that ever comes by the pen of Mark Hamilton. please, please count me in. The answer will always be Yes!
                                                       A Life-time Member of the Neothink Society,
                                                                       Deborah S

Tony I


Before I received the literature I was falling into hopelessness and was beginning to think about taking my own life. Do to no hope for the future, not enough money to pay the bills, and loneliness. After I received my first package as I began to read hope filled me for the first time in a long time. The more I read the better I felt. The more hope that began to fill me. Not long after my girlfriend returned to me I did not start gaining wealth but I did gain the knowledge  on how to start building wealth and  how to grow my business. I plan on starting a second business and I have very high hopes of its success. Without Mark and his literature I would not have any hope at all and most likely may have died. I can not tell you what the difference of how I feel about life and the future. I owe all of this to him and the secret society.
     As far as his political agenda I am all for it. Politicians today suck up a lot of money out of the economy, and I mean a lot. Law makers have been making laws for over 200 years don’t you think every law imaginable should have and could have been written in that amount of time. As far as I am concerned  this new party of  Marks  solves a  lot of our problems while enforcing individual rights.  Keeping  the right amount of politicians to do only what needs to be done. But getting ride of all the ones that suck our tax dollars up. Freeing Americans to build values and create enough jobs for every one.

Tony I

TVP is our only way to live Happily & Peacefully !!!

Mark Hamilton is one of the most honest, loving, life lifting & wonderful individuals living on this planet.
This man stands for fully integrated honesty!!! His multi-generational manuscripts changed my life. It awakened me from a deep sleep and guiding me toward
the life I was meant to live and forgotten about.
His writings can do the same for anyone!!! It’s a priceless value to experience a more meaningful life, the most meaningful life!
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is the only way to reach a real paradise on earth and end the current confusing, upside down, stagnation filled, painful life most people live.
The Neothink Society is a unique place where one has the chance of meeting people whom they can connect with on the deepest of levels! Everyone should come and try to
experience it for themselves!

If anyone tries to block or stop the movement and success of TVP and the Neothink Society it must be based upon lies and illusions. We should always stop and ask ourselves “Ok, that’s what he says but what is the benefit and intention behind it? What does such a parasite gains and what do all the people really receive?
If TVP doesn’t succeed it’s simply Good Night and Goodbye!!! I personally don’t even want to consider or think about what would happen in that case!!!

Long live Mark Hamilton, TVP and the Neothink Society!

Happiness, Peace, Health, Wealth, Love and Prosperity awaits all of us once the TVP succeeds in its mission!



March 2025