Posts Tagged ‘honesty’

Change my complete outlook

Hello all of future friends and family. To begin with, I have lived in the anticivilization for many years. I have never really been happy there. It is very difficult to live in a world where I found out that in my early 20’s the government teached us how to lie, cheat and worry about our actions. The “Hall of Justice” is really “The Hall of Money” In alot of cases it isn’t what you know but rather who you know. So I wanted or rather needed to believe in something so I got very involved with religion and even to the point of planning my mansion when I finally died and went to Heaven as I was taught. I also had to endure abuses after I grew up and left my wonderful loving parents home. I learned to protect myself and in so cases children, animals, the homeless and the unfortunates. I worked in many positions and lived in several states and went to different schools. I finally worked for my GED and got it, then with the help of my parents went back to high school and recieved my diploma. I have been married 3 times. The first two lasted 10 years each. This time has been 25 years to date and hopefully forever. After recieving Mark Hamiltons first invitation letter and studying it for a week (figuring it was just another scam) I decided to try again to have faith in something else that might just work. I purchased his first heirloom and read every word that took me one month. Then I read his second heirloom and finally the third, went through all twelve levels and joined NeoSpace where I met many, many friends that are totally honest in every aspect. I found myself and love every thing about me. I want to share my new knowledge and want to live in a world that is total honesty, love, healthy and eventually without the disease of death. Thank you Mark Hamilton for taking the time and caring enough to include me and my family in the civilation of the Universe. Pat

Change my complete outlook

Hello all of future friends and family. To begin with, I have lived in the anticivilization for many years. I have never really been happy there. It is very difficult to live in a world where I found out that in my early 20’s the government taught us how to lie, cheat and worry about our actions. The “Hall of Justice” is really “The Hall of Money” In a lot of cases it isn’t what you know but rather who you know. So I wanted or rather needed to believe in something so I got very involved with religion and even to the point of planning my mansion when I finally died and went to Heaven as I was taught. I also had to endure abuses after I grew up and left my wonderful loving parents home. I learned to protect myself and in so cases children, animals, the homeless and the unfortunates. I worked in many positions and lived in several states and went to different schools. I finally worked for my GED and got it, then with the help of my parents went back to high school and received my diploma. I have been married 3 times. The first two lasted 10 years each. This time has been 25 years to date and hopefully forever. After recieving Mark Hamilton’s first invitation letter and studying it for a week (figuring it was just another scam) I decided to try again to have faith in something else that might just work. I purchased his first heirloom and read every word that took me one month. Then I read his second heirloom and finally the third, went through all twelve levels and joined NeoSpace where I met many, many friends that are totally honest in every aspect. I found myself and love every thing about me. I want to share my new knowledge and want to live in a world that is total honesty, love, healthy and eventually without the disease of death. Thank you Mark Hamilton for taking the time and caring enough to include me and my family in the Twelve Visions World. Pat

thanks to MARK HAMILTON and Neothink Society,

This is most inspirational way of life
Knowing their is this wonderful truth of
Living the good life, that begins with
Honesty, and this comes through because
Happy like minded people moving in the
same direction, Mark Hamilton literature
Founder of the twelve vision party, allow
this for myself and others becoming the
person we were meant to be thanks to
MARK HAMILTON and Neothink Society,

would like to thank Mark Hamilton…

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening up an entirely new world of wonder and contentment. They have opened my eyes and my heart and made me realize that with neothink, the TVP, true honesty and dedication we can change this crazy mixed up world for the betterment of all. The world needs to see that love, honestly and a new way of thinking can and will change everything for the better, as it has in my life as well as my family.
I am sure that there will opposition, people who will try to make us look like a bunch of kooks. We are not, we are a proud group of ordinary people who have discovered the truth about society and it’s hoax. The hoax that drags you down to make you believe that you can’t make a difference. Believe me you can! You can be, do or have anything and everything you want. All you have to do is BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. YOU HAVE THE POWER!!!
Very Sincerely,
Kimberly J. C

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me…

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me to learn a new wave of thinking called Neothink. The literature has inspired me to live life to the very fullest with the knowledge of learning how to play and to be happy. This movement brings on a tab of freedom. Without Mark Hamilton’s visions we will be lost without his guidance. He has taught us to look ahead into our future and to move on with the visions we see. Hamilton is a great inspiration to me, and I am very fond of him as the author of Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party which contains powerful thoughts. I love what the future holds in this world through him and his true value. The whole world can progress through honesty, which unfolding a business, science/art, and civilization on Earth. Thank you again Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to reach for my true self.
Thank you,
Eva C.

First of all thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink team

First of all thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink team and everyone who was part of this beautiful-life changing, breathtaking, illuminating, honest knowledge. . .. . you all made me feel much better, happier, and am not afraid of the ”DARK” anymore . .. . . . . . . . YOU, Mark Hamilton, and your army are like the oxygen we earthlings NEED . .. . .. . and for THEY to try and stop your TVP movements reminds me of a bully who faced me ones in school. .. .. .. .. . . .. . not good for the bully. .. .. . . THEY are like the cleverly hidden quicksand that waits and does nothing, eating and eating at anything, good or bad, that lands on its turf . .. .. . . . . . ……. . . the time has come for CHANGE . . and your ideas are the way to go. They’re built out of HONESTY, and LOVE . . … . . you can’t go wrong with that . . . . … … .. … . . this INFESTATION of MALEVOLENT fools that plagues this planet is reaching its peak. . . and i can’t wait for the upcoming gifts you Mark, have built. . . .. nothing but beauty is coming our way and me and my future family will experience your wonderful thought-out world of LOVE. .. . we will all be one, and even the TRICKY bible says it. . . . . thanks for impregnating my brain with HONESTY, and with REALITY streaming thoughts . .. . may this planet never be the same . . . . …thanX

would like to thank Mark Hamilton…

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton for allowing me to purchase the literature from his company. This literature is the best information I have ever read. The information contained in his literature has enriched and enhanced my life tremendously. It has moved me on a path that I feel is wonderful and exciting. The literature opened my eyes to a lot situations and confirmed what I felt about a lot things. I feel Mark Hamilton is an outstanding individual with a high level of integrity and integrated thought processes of a Genius. Mark Hamilton’s literature provides information that I can use in many aspects of my life. What can be wrong with information that is fact and scientifically based. Doing things with love and honesty allowing yourself to be a free thinker become a self leader. I love the direction of my life and the choices I am making that allows me to move forward and achieve whatever I want. The literature has helped me to do that and to not be led by outside forces that never has my best interest in their agenda. Thanks, Mark Hamilton I hope you live forever

The Neothink Society makes you aware

I’ve been in this society for about 3 years and studied the material a year before that. Since then I have made new friends through the internet and have met some in person. The internet is a popular way that brings people together as well as cause failure in some relationships. I will say right here and now that this society has been one of the best things that could have happened to me. Before I joined this society I searched the web for info on it and I found a lot of negative comments about it. I pursued it anyway and now after 3 years I know that all those negative comments are down right wrong. The men who authored the reading material have created a great value to the world. The info given by these men only proves correct how the world thinks and listens to the wrong accusations of those that want to keep the world dumb down to control the masses.
The Neothink Society provides insightful information on how the masses are controlled by elite rulers. Rulers who control the money…the oil…the food…all that we need for survival as a human race. They do this by governing the masses and making laws that oppress people to think they need some special ruler to tell them how to live. The Neothink Society makes you aware that you only need yourself to succeed in life and through honesty you can “just get along” as the saying goes…But it is more than that…the society teaches you how to know, or figure out, your true talent and use it to create a value to others.
No…I don’t buy the governing ways of rulers and religion. I know I’m an honest man and I know I treat other humans equally. I know Jesus was trying to teach the world of his day the right way to think yet the rulers of that day and throughout history have misled his teachings…just so they can control and usurp the masses and the value they create. Don’t you think it’s time to broaden your awareness of the same and be who you are like Jesus was teaching?
Thanks for reading this…my name is Denny D…just ask me anything you want and I will tell you truth.

The Neothink Society makes you aware

I’ve been in this society for about 3 years and studied the material a year before that. Since then I have made new friends through the internet and have met some in person. The internet is a popular way that brings people together as well as cause failure in some relationships. I will say right here and now that this society has been one of the best things that could have happened to me. Before I joined this society I searched the web for info on it and I found a lot of negative comments about it. I pursued it anyway and now after 3 years I know that all those negative comments are down right wrong. The men who authored the reading material have created a great value to the world. The info given by these men only proves correct how the world thinks and listens to the wrong accusations of those that want to keep the world dumb down to control the masses.
The Neothink Society provides insightful information on how the masses are controlled by elite rulers. Rulers who control the money…the oil…the food…all that we need for survival as a human race. They do this by governing the masses and making laws that oppress people to think they need some special ruler to tell them how to live. The Neothink Society makes you aware that you only need yourself to succeed in life and through honesty you can “just get along” as the saying goes…But it is more than that…the society teaches you how to know, or figure out, your true talent and use it to create a value to others.
No…I don’t buy the governing ways of rulers and religion. I know I’m an honest man and I know I treat other humans equally. I know Jesus was trying to teach the world of his day the right way to think yet the rulers of that day and throughout history have misled his teachings…just so they can control and usurp the masses and the value they create. Don’t you think it’s time to broaden your awareness of the same and be who you are like Jesus was teaching?
Thanks for reading this…my name is Denny D…just ask me anything you want and I will tell you truth.

Mark Hamilton has really changed my life


Mark Hamilton has really changed my life! It started when I was young, thinking differently from my peers and even my parents. When I came in possession of author Mark Hamilton’s multi-generational manuscripts, I discovered for myself how honesty continues to be “the best policy.” When the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) shows society how we can live like millionaires, the magical conscious mind will be unlocked to link more truths together like a giant super-puzzle.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and all you are doing, especially through the Neothink website. Love and Peace;

Adam H.

February 2025