Posts Tagged ‘honesty’

The society has influence my way of thinking …

Hello Mark,
In the year 2007 I received my letter of invitation to join the society. The society has influence my way of thinking through the integration of knowledge. The true rapture, based on honesty has been a new awaking. I have implemented the concepts in every aspects of my daily life, and because of this I am able to control my destiny, my environment and this universe. We were all seekers and searchers when you found us. Now we are building and creating the Twelve Visions World. Ever thing now in my life has a purpose and true meaning. I am truly grateful for the change you have brought to my life. Peter S.

I support the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton

Honesty is a value that any thinking human being cannot be without. To be able to think honestly and know that your rights as a human being are being protected is the reason that the Neothink Society adds such a value to modern man. This is the reason that I support the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton. I want to be in a place where I and my children and their children can continue to think and express their thoughts in a honest manner.

Mark Hamilton mentoring

In about seven months, I have learn more about creating values for myself and others through Mark Hamilton mentoring and literature than many, many years of searching. Ask yourself this questions: as a child do you remember those beautiful dreams to be some one who who will be creating values for yourself and society? To be great? To find your essence in life and to find who you were meant to be in this life? That is what I have learned with Mr. Hamilton and I have yet a lot to learn in order to be useful to myself and others and to be happy in my life. He also has sparkle a light in my personal life to be motivated in whatever I do. I have found truth love and honesty, something that is hard to find in today’s world. I tank you Mr. Hamilton for taking your precious time for helping us to be creative, happy and to help us to have compassion and love for humanity like you do. We love you Mr. Hamilton and we love our Neothink organization. Marco R

Mark Hamilton has help me

Mark Hamilton has help me a 35 year old here in Portland Oregon i am Vicente and for the most part i have had a hard time keeping down a job and what Mark has done is given me tools so i can keep a job down and then move on to my own business if i want the business that Mark Hamilton runs is nothing more than pure and honesty with all members that are part of this club and one more thing look at it like this we have lots of churches the door is open to any one right? well Mark Hamilton is saying the door is open for any one you do not have to that is up to any person like myself Vicente i step in NO one made me or paid me to step in i wanted to step in all on my own. Mark Hamilton has given me hope in m self to start my own business if i want to last thing here Mark Hamilton is NOT a crook in any way he is truthful and upfront and a very honest man let his business run i ask you not to shut him down it is helping people like me in a big way thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done for me it has been great i love the life i have taken on and by the way my little one that is 6 years old her name is Leann san martin all will be past down to her and she is a smart little one for her age so i am looking to see what happens when she gets older and when i pass down all the tools to her and see what she does with her life but my life has just got going thanks to Mark Hamilton Vicente

The grate value from Mr. Hamilton

All my life i waste searching, now i feel happy and lucky that Mark Hamilton found
Me, this great value cannot be taken for granted this life changing way as brought to me many changes for the better way to live life the neothink SOCITY and the Twelve Vision Party.
By Mark Hamilton beautiful pattern of Integrated honesty and loving this.
Thank you MARK.
BY Mark

Constant Joy

The World of Neothink, being built by Mark Hamilton, and other healthy mind people who have begun to integrate factual reality into each of their lives, stands as a testament to what can be achieved by anyone who wants to apply, loyalty, honesty and persistent integrated effort toward achieving a value-filled goal.

Honesty Manifest

I am so pleased with The Science of Neothink that I find myself, many times,[metaphorically, speaking], like a “Thoroughbred Horse” wanting to dash from the starting line. Then I quickly remember, that this journey that I’m on is an Eternal One so I must pace myself. For, I have realized, that to be extreme in anything anyone does is like a poison that extinguishes things. Thank You Mark Hamilton for The Science of Neothink.

It is a honor to be a member of the neothink society

Dear Mark:
It is a honor to be a member of the neothink society let me said I been a member of the neothink society at list (6) years and my life change for the better I became smarter and wiser…..I have a bright future at head with so much to accomplish, went I get out of bed in the morning with great energy because I see in feel the future all because I take my mentality to next level of thinking.
I had gain so much knowledge from all the material I study during years of membership with the neothink society that I feel that my life is on journey to the future for riches and happiness and good health, honestly I feel like a superman I feel stronger and staying focused.
Said on I support the the twelve vision party is the way of building our childrens future in for our great country , this twelve vision party are build on honesty to bring forward wealth and riches to everyone in the world.
The twelve vision party may well bring a better future medicine and the anti-aging cure………
Vincent I. G

Mark Hamilton And NeoThink

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I will never be able to thank you enough for the positive influence in my life your mentoring and the Neothink Society have provided.
I look forward to the new dawn of INTRIGRATED HONESTY in a TWELVE VISIONS WORLD. The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY is the future with value, love, and the love of life with purpose.
Waking up each morning, looking forward to creating value for a society full of NEO-THINKERS.
The future shows hope, what a wonderful change!
Thank you again!
Rick Boyle

Ongoing Appreciation

Looking back over my life, focusing my minds’ eye on the values that I embraced such as [honesty, compassion, self-respect], I publicly declare that The Science of Neothink, has assisted me…if you will, enhance those qualities. Vision #12,[You Will Live With Perfect Physical and Mental Health] is the area of human life that I have been interested in over most of my life. And though I have many skills, and interest. The over-arching or most interesting to me has been Mental and Physical Health. So, again I thank you, Mark Hamilton for the Magnanimous-Opportunity to enhance another Life for the good of all Creation.

February 2025