Posts Tagged ‘honesty’

Mark Hamilton literature is very useful…

My name is Henry L. and I am real and a very honest man. I can be a very skeptical man but I have strong faith and beliefs of things, information and methods that this world has to offer. I am taking my time to write this to express my pure honesty on how I feel about the Twelve Vision Party created by Mark Hamilton on what it means to me.
Mark Hamilton literature is very useful and it focuses mainly on my own life and what I can do for me if I allow myself to think about it honestly, clear, and right. It helps me to improve my life to what I am meant to be and showed me how valuable I really am to this world. It touches me deeply because it makes sense and it really works as long as you apply your mind and time into it. It is no scam and it is very original and basic information. It also gives you a chance to me your own leader and think for yourself and do for yourself. This Will cause you to create values to make this world the place it is suppose to be.
Neothink Society also means a lot to me because they let you see for yourself that you the pure power within your own self to do whatever you want to do that is good without being controlled and then let down. This is what the our system is doing to all of us today by our own government which we all trusts and believe in so much. I will not look back and will not allow myself to be involved in this ever again. If the system real cares then i will really see it. Just don’t tell me show me as well. I see this very clearly on my own free will that Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society, and the Twelve Vision Party can help with this to happen.
Twelve Vision Party means a lot to me, my love ones, and the world because it gives us a new opportunity to do things right and does not let no other ways to get in its way and we all need this. We will always go down the right road if we are given the right information and if we get wrong information we will end up in the wrong place. Can you see the pure honesty I am expressing. See it for yourself.
If you silence Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party me, my loves ones, and the world will be missing out on great value of life, methods and information that we all will need and able to use which will make our lives more healthy, happier, smarter, and wealthy. We the people been waiting for this all our lives and Mark Hamilton Society and the Twelve Vision Party has the skills and knowledge to make this happen for all of us.
Please do not do this to them it will ruin a lot of valuable lives and we all suffered enough. Let this happen and all of us the poor, average and the rich can and will be rich upon this world finally and forever. This is a equal opportunity for all human beings on this earth.
Take this testimony very seriously as I am being very fair minded and sincere of what I express in this real testimony of a man who cares deeply about this world very much.
Henry L

Mark Hamilton and Neothink society has given me direction…

Mark Hamilton and Neothink society has given me direction in the way life and business should be handled. He and neothink has shown me that society can function together and create a better way to live, IN a honest environment, free of mysticism ,cheaters , value destroyers and parasitical politicians and lawyers. Neothink will teach our kid’s value and honesty ,and teach them to prosper and live a healthy life. WE ALL can live a better life by achieving these goals, As Mark Hamilton and Neothink showed only great concern for the well being of all people and nations. don s

Thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me Neothink

Thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me Neothink. Neothink has taught me my life belongs to me and I am responsible for it. This knowledge has set me free from external controls and I feel the power of freedom.
With Neothink, I live a value-filled life of honesty and happiness. As a Neothink Person, I go within to bring beautiful feelings to each moment. I am in a wonderful journey into fully-integrated honesty. My relationship with my family and friends is one of love and joy and much pleasure.
Mark Hamilton’s literature is a treasure, which will give us the Twelve Visions Party. This Party recognizes that the purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily and that the function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose. The Twelve Visions Party will guarantee those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. The comfortable establishment leaders will lose their supervisory roles over me and everyone.
This Neothink world will bring us so much health, happiness and values that I plan to live to 120 years and ask for more.
Kay S

Mark Hamilton’s 12 visions has changed my way of thinking…

I first found out about the Neothink Society a few years ago. I was very interested in reading about the 12 visions and it opened my eyes to a lot of truths that I never thought about before, but I am now finding validation of them with the news and what’s going on in the world through the media. Mark Hamilton and his 12 visions has opened my eyes to realizing that I want to put values into this world also and help our society to progress in a healthy and productive way. I am grateful for Mark for having the courage to bring truths out that most people would be afraid of saying, but if we as a society are to survive, we need to become aware and to wake up to what is really going on in our world and to bring about the changes needed to improve it. I want these changes for myself, my family and for society as a whole.
Mark Hamilton’s 12 visions has changed my way of thinking on a lower, only-of-myself level to caring about others throughout the world as well and wanting the best for each individual. It’s clear now that by helping others we are only helping ourselves as well.
To silence Mark, his literature and the TVP would be dooming all of us now and future generations to a life of stagnation and desolation.
I applaud Mark for his courage, honesty and love for all of mankind.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party

My name is Chuck M. I am 50 years old and live in beautiful North Idaho. Currently, I work as an insurance agent.
Over the past several months, I have sought out and read everything written and by Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society. Words alone cannot express the life changing value, how important, how influencial his work has been to my family and I. Even though I have never met Mr. Hamilton face-to-face, I consider him to be my “Life Mentor”!
During this period, I’ve also become very familiar with the ”Twelve Visions Party”. I’m sure by now, most of you can see the “dishonesty” in todays politicians/government! Now is the time for ”real honesty”, “real value’s”, etc.
I would drop everything, right here, right now, if Mr. Mark Hamilton called and asked for my help! I would do that whether it was to help him in his business, The Neothink Society or the Twelve Visions Party! I would consider it an honor, a privilege and a pleasure to assist Mr. Hamilton in any way possible. Thank You!!!
Chuck M

Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which…

My thanks and gratitude to you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society for the Wealth of knowledge I received. By reading the Neothink literature, as taught me to know the value livening.
Over the months and years since started reading the Neothink literature am truly a changed person in my life this enabled me to see my condition their is not enough words to describe my path of livening before reading the, literature , my mental attuned towards understanding may path in my life as taught me much,
Knowing this that integration is the path to honesty regardless of whom the person might be make life for me much hipper in livening ,
Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which I believe will inspire hope in and happiness in the lives of many others as this wonder full writing’s did for me .because in everything I happen to be doing I can
Do with a feeling of happiness from within yet there are many that county to live under the burden and Stagnation why is that? There is a wonder full way to know, I call your action to James J Hill a Genius of Society many years ago who was well on his way to mottling the stander of livening for order people?
Taking care of every need until he got healed down by the Movement regulation his story represent all Genus of society.

and this is Ruth TESTIMONIAL,

best regard thank you.

With what I am learning from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton…

When I was first introduced to the Neothink Society and mark Hamilton, I was a bit skeptic. But after reading the three multigenerational manuscripts, I realized I wasn’t alone in the way I perceived the world. Human compassion for one another, (or lack thereof!!). I have always felt out of place. I felt I belonged in another time, because I just didn’t fit in! Not because people didn’t like me; NO; I’m a very friendly, compassionate, sensitive person. I didn’t fit, because I didn’t like the way people treat one another! I practically became a hermit.
With what I am learning from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton. I am coming out of my shell, and becoming the person I always knew I should be. Some things I need to work on, can be really hard! But I noticed, a lot comes to me naturally.
I have seen the future thru the TVP. This is the way the world Should be. With all the Love, Compassion, Honesty, Freedom, and Life.
Silencing Mark Hamilton will only make me realize even more, that we have no freedoms in this world. I cherish everything this man has made known to me. For the wisdom to pass on. So we can all be really free to soar!!

Mr. Mark Hamilton, in my opinion, is a truly remarkable visionary …

Mr. Mark Hamilton, in my opinion, is a truly remarkable visionary to say the least. A man of great honesty and integrity. I believe if I could somehow articulate the impact of his teachings on MY life, that it would read like some overstated fairytale. In reality, it would be understated fact. I couldn’t possibly thank him enough.
This man saw something special in me that I had trouble seeing for myself. Thanks to him, I went from seeing no possible way out, to seeing no possible way to fail. He gave me a knowledge that allows me to recognize deceit even if he himself were the perpetuator. Priceless.
Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party is something I believe we should ALL be lining up around the block to support. His belief in the equality and importance of EVERY SINGLE individual means that by default HIS success is EVERYONE’S success. So to is his failure.
I couldn’t envision how my life would be without being exposed to Mark Hamilton and Neothink. Well, actually I could, but why put myself through such misery? My outlook is so much brighter now that I have been. Yours will be too if you place a little faith In this man.
Mr S.D. W

My Journey With Neothink Society

Where do I begin ….. well back in 1995 my whole world changed we my family lost my older at the age of 45yrs to cancer & kidney failer . I had just started to know him well , he was always doing his own thing . After his death I married in 2001 to a man who made my life a living hell . Seven years I wasted my life with a man who didn’t love , respect or even cared if I was hurt or sick . My parents health got worst , my job took its toll on me and my friends could do nothing but tell me how wrong my ex was for me and stopped talking to me .
In 2006 a special letter came to me from a person who seemed to know alot about me better then I knew myself . This letter came at a time when I was ready to take my own life because I couldn’t any reason for me to live the way I was . To have happiness in abundance , peace without distruptions , excellent health with little effort , romantic love for ever .
Basically anything I want in life ….. No one is in control of me BUT ME !!!! The TVP is long over due , change is coming and it won’t be stopped this time . We have to change the way things have been going if we don’t all will feel pain of what WE AS A NATION HAVE MESS UP ….. AND ALLOWED THE WRONG CARETAKERS TO CONTROL . All Mark Hamilton has done is opened eyes and hearts to plain HONESTY . To block that is to self inflict your own wounds . I’m never going back to the life I once had ….. He helped me to see and I greatful to him always and for ever
Sylvia F Taylor -Akonor

Mark Hamilton, Your Mentoring on value creation…

Dear Mark,
Thank you for your tuition. Your Mentoring on value creation and integration has changed my life completely. A life of joy and excitement at the prospect of becoming the person I was meant to be!. Producing and creating values for a better world, a prosperous world, based on honesty and wide scope accounting. Neothink removes the irrationalities of society to bring the next step in mans development into Neothink. We must prevail whatever the cost.

February 2025