Posts Tagged ‘honesty’

Subject: my testomonial of what the Neothink society has done for me.

listen, when I was first invited into the Neothink society., ( 4 years ago ) I was looking for away to educate myself and create a better life for me and my family., You see, I do not have a high school diploma and was charge with crimes that I did not commit., Today I am an unemployed paratransist driver trying to create a income for me and my family., I cannot get a job nowhere because of my record, basically I was banned from the anticivilization., The ( Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party ) is the best Knowledge I ever came across it ( Set me Free ) in so many ways that you cant even imagined., Unless you my friend took the journey to ( FREEDOM OF THE MIND ) and come in contact with a ( LOYALTY TO HONESTY ) from this point everything in your world gets put back on the right track., If an only if you have and ( OPEN MIND ) ( YOU WILL EXPERIENCE HEAVEN ON EARTH )., TO BE TOTALLY HONEST WITH YOU I LOVE THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY AND THE KNOWLEDGE I HAVE RECEIVE., SO WILL YOU


I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature and feel extremely lucky to have done so. I wish I had happened upon it decades earlier.

Just before reading the literature I was in a situation in my life where I was looking at starting over (or at the beginning of a new chapter). I recall thinking to myself , “I really need to start to do and see things differently because this isn’t working out – my life isn’t working out!”. I’m reminded through Mark Hamilton one of the basics in life is happiness which I had forgotten.

The values received from Neothink are immense. Some of it to me is common sense forgotten as time passed by. The idea of fully integrated honesty(sounds like a no-brainer but people forget, I did); being fully honest within oneself, being one’s own authority and not just lead by others made me realize it was time to take control of my life; Remembering to use percepts and then conceptualize and look at the bigger picture (i.e,learning to see what’s ahead). Also, how to have truly healthy romantic love relationship were topics I zoned in on at first. Neothink has opened my eyes far more than I can articulate here. If I hadn’t come across it I believe I would have become a depressed, not to mention lost, person!

Neothink is about taking off our blinders and seeing things as they really are politically, philosophically, romantically, economically, etc…The time has come it seems for human beings to evolve into healthier happier people which is what Neothink is. I look forward to the experience of more and more people using Neothink.

Sincerely, Ricci

Mark Hamilton with 100% integrated honesty

I WALTER W focus downstream to testify on the behalf of The Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton with 100% integrated honesty. The Heirloom packages created and written by Mr. Hamilton are a much needed prescription for the bicameral mind infected mental paralysis masses.  
                                      Truly, WALTER W

To stop Mark Hamilton and the TVP

Hello Mark       

I am proud to be part of Neothink it has helped me in many ways. Listening to Mark and reading his twelve visions has done so must for me. When i was layoff from my job in December I did not quit.  I am starting a business online.

To stop Mark Hamilton and the TVP would be a disaster for humanity we would never over come.

The world would be lost forever.  To hell with those who want to stop Mark and the TVP.

It is up us to see that dose not happen.  The TVP stands for HONESTY, PEACE, LOVE and HAPPINESS for all. Not just for the elite it mean every person can live the LIFE they were meant to live.  Those people that do not like us because they want to keep all the power for them self.  Which is WRONG and UNJUST and will never happen.

Your Friend

Billy P

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me to learn a new wave of thinking called Neothink.  The literature has inspired me to live life to the very fullest with the knowledge of learning how to play and to be happy.  This movement brings on a tab of freedom. Without Mark Hamilton’s visions we will be lost without his guidance.  He has taught us to look ahead into our future and to move on with the visions we see.  Hamilton is a great inspiration to me, and I am very fond of him as the author of Neothink  and the Twelve Vision Party which contains powerful thoughts. I love what the future holds in this world through him and his true value. The whole world can progress through honesty, which unfolding a business, science/art, and civilization on Earth.  Thank you again Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to reach for my true self.       

Thank you,

Eva  C.

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature


I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature and feel extremely lucky to have done so. I wish I had happened upon it decades earlier.

Just before reading the literature I was in a situation in my life where I was looking at starting over (or at the beginning of a new chapter). I recall thinking to myself , “I really need to start to do and see things differently because this isn’t working out – my life isn’t working out!”. I’m reminded through Mark Hamilton one of the basics in life is happiness which I had forgotten.

The values received from Neothink are immense. Some of it to me is common sense forgotten as time passed by. The idea of fully integrated honesty (sounds like a no-brainer but people forget, I did); being fully honest within oneself, being one’s own authority and not just lead by others made me realize it was time to take control of my life; Remembering to use percepts and then conceptualize and look at the bigger picture (i.e., learning to see what’s ahead). Also, how to have truly healthy romantic love relationship were topics I zoned in on at first. Neothink has opened my eyes far more than I can articulate here. If I hadn’t come across it I believe I would have become a depressed, not to mention lost, person!

Neothink is about taking off our blinders and seeing things as they really are politically, philosophically, romantically, economically, etc…The time has come it seems for human beings to evolve into healthier happier people which is what Neothink is. I look forward to the experience of more and more people using Neothink.



Mark Hamilton, and your army are like the oxygen

First of all you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink team and everyone who was part of this beautiful life changing, breathtaking illuminating honest built, literate knowledge.  You’ve all made me feel much better, happier, and am not afraid of the “DARK” anymore. 

YOU, Mark Hamilton, and your army are like the oxygen we earthlings NEED and for THEY to try and stop your TVP movements reminds me of a bully who faced me ones in school not good for the bully.  THEY are like the cleverly hidden quicksand that waits and does nothing, eating and eating at anything, good or bad, that lands on its turf the time has come for CHANGE and your ideas are the way to go. They’re built out of HONESTY, and LOVE.  You can’t go wrong with that.  This INFESTATION of MALEVOLENT fools that plagues this planet is reaching its peak and I can’t wait for the upcoming gifts you Mark,  have built nothing but beauty is coming our way and me and my future family will experience your wonderful thought-out world of LOVE we will all be one, and even the TRICKY bible says it thanks for impregnating my brain with HONESTY, and with REALITY streaming thoughts may this planet never be the same.

by Gisela

Mark Hamilton is an fully honest, integrated, value creating genius

My name is Mark H and I want to first say that, this testimonial is based on a life value known as fully integrated honesty.  In no way, have I been paid, forced, coerced, deceived to write this testimonial, or asked to exaggerate. Again everything that you will read is based on fully integrated honesty, and the passion to express this honesty.

You can see that the world around you isn’t the safe, secure, place that allows you to build the life and values that you want, to feel all the happiness you want, all the time. As the economy is falling down, it has been predicted to be the worse fall ever. We are already on pace.  Job loss and poverty is seemingly the future, but you sense that there must be something more. Would you believe me if I told you there was something more? Probably not, but I was just like you, living my life, doing my job, unknowingly sinking further into the stagnation trap and the burden of not living the life I deeply wanted to live.  A life of freedom, happiness, love success and exhilaration a life where I had everything I desired everything; what was worse is that I thought I was really living. But I wasn’t. Listen I can’t do this, I got give it to you straight so read carefully because this is going to be what you have been denied all this time, that is the HONESTY. Whatever happened to good old honesty? Do you even care? You should. Because the more we let honesty slip away the more dishonesty takes its place. I can’t let that happen. I won’t let that happen, so I am here to give you the straight talk! Read carefully we start now!

The world around you is an illusion!  Everything you see is an illusion created by higher authorities of the past and maintained or made better by higher authorities of the present. These illusions exist to make you feel stimulation. These illusions are based on security, and the social good. When in reality, this is outside of the illusion, a higher authority can only exist to control you, for that is the nature of an authority, and the only way they can control you is if something gives them the right or power to do so. That right or power came through something called the illusion. With this technique, where everything seems real but isn’t, you are tricked into believing in a life, a world, that doesn’t really exist. For everything is already systematically setup for you, and this system is not in your favor.

This system is actually a trap that keeps you in a rut of stagnation.

Because to actually feel life, live life, and be apart of the world, to actually have success, happiness, love, and all you desire requires that you be free from all authority, all illusions, all lies, force, coercion and deception, because the secret to having happiness, love, success, and all you desire is honesty. However there exist an authority that KILLS that honesty and our happiness, love success and desires. For that is the only way to have power over us, this is by keeping us in a position to where we need an authority. The higher authority in america, is why america (rightfully not capitalized) is falling apart. For they exist through the dishonest technique known as the illusion. They create illusions that they do good but those illusions exist to keep you blind to the fact that our higher authorities are, parasitical, illusion creating, value destroying, MURDERS! This has been determined throughout all of history and even now. You have caught politicians lying, stealing, killing and driving down the value of the economy, the value of the country, thus the ultimate value of our lives! Yet you still allow such a destructive system of voting for illusion creators, liars, life and value destroyers, murders to exist! You vote for the people who are actually robbing you and hurting you the most and that is our politicians! Not only do you vote for them, you love them, and stand behind stupid irrationalities such as war. Anything that can even potentially take an innocent life is wrong and horrible, but anything that actually takes a life is the greatest tragedy that exist! Now imagine all the countless lives that have been taken sacrificed for the higher authorities illusions, your family and mine. These higher authorities killed my mother. How come you cant feel that? Because you feel something else, something more immediate, and that is the stimulation that they purposefully inflict upon you for their advantage. Now as it stands we are at one of the worst moments in the history of our world, and it is predicted by geniuses that our problems are just beginning, they see poverty and hardship ahead for us. The america we all love is falling apart, and this is just the beginning, imagine that. Then to make matters even worse, (as if realizing that poverty is just the beginning and that worse is to come, isn’t enough)higher authorities are now trying to stop the one source that is out here actually fighting for the people, fighting for you, fighting for all that is right, all that is honest, fighting not for an agenda that leads to personal power, but fighting to give the whole world strength which out competes and eradicates power. This source is the only real source, that actually cares about the people, not money and power! Instead this amazing group focuses intensely unbreakably on value. The value of life love happiness success, honesty, exhilaration. How would you like to never be bored again. Would you like that? This beautiful group is out there fighting for you, the people against all that is wrong and the higher authorities are trying to shut this beautiful group down. why? because honesty exposes illusions The higher authorities don’t want to be exposed because this means that they lose their free parasitical livelihoods and ignorant power. The higher authorities through greed, and ego want all the power because it gives them the way to continue to exist freely, without being contended. Well a beautiful group has challenged them, because they cant stand it anymore, they cant sit back and let murders run america anymore! They are ready to fight for you, the people. They are ready to fight for happiness, love, success, and FREEDOM HONEST FREEDOM! To be free, wow it just feels so beautiful, so amazing, it almost feels to good to be true, but when you feel it, you know it’s true. I’ve felt this freedom, felt the release of the burden, felt the exhilaration of rising above the trap, I have felt it and it feels so amazing, it feels so wonderful, the exhilaration that flows through you is just incredible that you cant help but feel differently.

What had allowed me that escape from the grasp of evil?

I shall be honest with you because I want this for you, It all started back in 2003, I had just lost everything, even the girl that said she would love me through it all no matter what, but as soon as trouble came my way, she left me just like everything else did. I was pathetic, sad, lonely, without her, I didn’t care that I had to move back with family, I LOST HER. I was hurt, but what made life worse was I didn’t have any power to change my life for the better, I immediately, fell fast into stagnation and couldn’t move. I couldn’t rise above the pain, the burden, and the stagnation, my life was over. No values, no house, no car, no money, no ideas, no hope, no possibilities, and I didn’t have her. I loved her, but was powerless to stop her leaving. Far worse, the mother of my baby, (who is not the girl I was describing) was not allowing me access to my daughter, that really broke me mentally emotionally and physically. All my life became was just lying in silence and hoping I’d somehow get everything back. Imagine all the awesome things one can do with one’s life and realize that my life was just lying in the dark meaninglessly hoping. I was pathetic. Beyond that this was my only life that I could ever get and it was fading away slowly but fading. By the way the slowness made my days and nights more torturous. My life had become unbearable, and I was unconcerned that I was living to die. To make matters worse I still wasn’t emotionally over the death of my mother which happened three years before. All the dreams, all that I would create for the world was over, as great as I was still I was accepting death, I gave up! Situations punished me to hard for being happy and in love and the punishment made me submit. I thought love was a lie, success, happiness, I thought it was all a lie.

Although I never really believed in God, it was still embedded in my mentality so I cursed his name with a passionate hatred. I hated him, and myself. I was at my lowest point. The worse part about all this is that this was actually my life in 2003.Now to be honest here and now I don’t know why but I had a strong urge to check the mail. It shocked me because usually I would feel nothing but if I did feel something it was passionate hatred. Still here I was lying in bed with a strong urge, maybe even a stimulation to go check the mail. I fought it for a few hours because what could possibly be in the mail that could change all that has happened. I thought that anything coming in the mail was a scam. In fact I thought everything then was a scam; but after a few hours I decided to get up and go check the mail. I couldn’t believe I finally and actually got up but I did. I walked to the mail box and I promise you my heart was pounding I don’t know why, but I opened the mail and I had no other piece of mail only one piece of mail It was red and white. I was excited but I didn’t know why and my heart was racing, I just know I felt something, I just know that I felt this way and that is was real. I was scared because I never had such a reaction to anything and I thought something was wrong with the left side of my chest where my heart is. I was really scared, but I made it back into the house, shut the door and ran into my room and locked the door. I fell onto the bed and opened up the letter. I remember that day this well because that day my life changed.

About 3 or 4 years later, I was looking into the eyes (via online secret meeting)of the person that was responsible for that letter being in my mailbox. Responsible for the change I felt all over my heart, all through my sexy body, all through my strong mind, I felt a real change.

As if I left one world and came into another. This man began speaking and immediately I was filled with emotions, all that I had been through to get to this moment, hearing his voice, touched me in such a deep way, that I felt like I would cry but I didn’t. I had done research on this man and there was very little about him but the SEARCHER that I am lead to some information. I read as people called this man a liar, a thief, a con artist! I read as people said that there was no secret meeting! This way only a scam to get you to keep buying books I read.

This man was trashed in every way imaginable, and here I was in the secret meeting looking at him, looking at him in his eyes. I felt so much love but that feeling was interrupted with an unexplainably deep feeling towards this man, I think it was sympathy, because being there in the meeting, I realized on thing that all those people were just trying to hurt him, to tear him down for their own personal gain! I saw him and realized what he must go through then I felt that way for him.

I knew he was honest. everything those liars was doing against him was explained by this man in his book, and through history, because liars always did attack honest men and woman who threaten their lies. That however is not their intention that is just the nature of being an honest person. I understood this man and his struggle. and through it all there he was sitting right there in front of me, here for me, and the others, to instill the value, the super puzzle. To do what he promised just lie an honest man would do. I felt so much love for him, and for myself I hadn’t felt that love in a long time. He looked so calm, as he delivered the value. I remember other members fighting with those liars one the web. When the members revealed that the meetings were real their new lie became that we were being brain washed by men and woman infinitely smarter than us. That too is a lie because if one point was made more than any other point it was thinking for yourself, being your own leader, and authority. We were also taught how to see to the deepest levels. That is why we were able to quickly realize why those people attacked us because they don’t want our honesty by its own nature to eradicate their meaningless, parasitical lives.

They have something to gain by attacking us, all that we build, our mentor and all that he has built. They have everything to gain we have everything to lose. Who is this mentor, this man that is fully integrated with honesty, and intensely driven to change this world by helping each individual realize their dream? Who was this amazing man that had the power to change my life and millions of lives worldwide?

Who is he? His name is MARK HAMILTON! Mark Hamilton is an fully honest, integrated, value creating genius. He is also a businessman who has recreated they way business is run and how it effects the world. Mark Hamilton is also a very successful man who has been CONTINUOUSLY successful because he is honest. Remember this: if you ask me to tell you the greatest secret ever, right now, that would bring you honest happiness, success, exhilaration and love, that secret would be honesty and intense focus. THAT IS THE SECRET TO EVERYTHING YOU WANT. Mark Hamilton is fully honest or he couldn’t be continuously successful.

Beyond that everything that this man has said to date has happened, is happening, or will happen. What is more honest than that? I am living this man’s honest what is more real than that? Mark Hamilton is also the man responsible for the fight for the people! because he is the author of the movement, the roadmap, to change the world, the real change; THE TWELVE VISIONS NON POLITICAL PARTY! The problem with every party is that in some way or another it is political. At the deepest level politics are just techniques that are used to control you, live off you, have power over you, and steal from you. That is the cold reality of politics. With the TWELVE VISIONS NON POLITICAL PARTY there is no politics only straight up honesty. THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY OR THE GET THE PEOPLE RICH EVEN THE POOR NON POLITICAL PARTY, is the way, the only was to eradicate the powers that be that threaten our beautiful america, our beautiful lives. and this amazing value that WILL SAVE LIVES is brought to you by an fully honest man named Mark Hamilton. Another reason why Mark Hamilton is so successful is because he really feels what he is about. What I mean is, fighting for the people isn’t some presidential catch phrase used to manipulate you, to then get elected, to then purposefully drive down the economy and hurt the people. A person like that doesn’t feel the honesty of those words and that makes all the difference. If its not honest then you don’t care what really happens so long as you get what you want. That is not the case when you feel honesty because you are driven to get the honest result. the only honest result is everyone living their dream life free  from higher authorities. That is what I, Mark Hamilton and THE TWELVE VISIONS NON POLITICAL PARTY IS ALL ABOUT, THE DREAM! THE PEOPLE! AND we feel the honesty of that. In fact that is our goal, to bring you YOUR dream! I have experienced this I have broken bondage with the higher authorities but they can still pull you down even when you are freed, as long as they exist, that is why they must be eradicated, because as long as they exist no matter who you are they are a real threat. If you want to know what is wrong with society it’s higher authorities, If you want to know how to eradiate that problem it’s the dream in your heart.

No matter who you are by your nature as a human being, you do have a dream in your heart and that dream is who you are.

For me (one who has personally gone through the journey) this journey of the three heirloom packages, the secret meeting, and the twelve visions party its the greatest journey that exist. We are saving lives and changing the world, besides personal values nothing else compares!  Nothing!  This is the most honest, and most passionate feeling that you can ever feel when you feel love like this. This Beautiful feeling happens when you feel honesty all over you. YOU CAN FEEL THIS WAY TO.

You can live a beautiful life!  What do you desire it can be yours. I’ve gone all out for you to tell you what is honest to explain a threat, how to eradicate it, and how to have anything you want, I have explained how this has made me feel, I want this for you to, if you are reading this, the honesty is in my heart, I live this, and I want this beautiful love, these beautiful emotions, to be for you. I WANT YOU TO HAVE ALL YOU DESIRE!

If I had to tell you honestly without lies, without deception, without force, without coercion, without being paid, without exaggeration, if I had to be most honest, to tell you if MARK HAMILTON AND THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY is real, is honest,  beyond any doubt, I would have to say in all honesty, in all honesty, YES!

Everything Mr. Hamilton and the Neothink Society teaches is honest and real

It’s been said that we are here so that the universe can know itself. Our reason for being is to explore, learn and advance. The only way that can happen is through honesty and team work. Every living thing evolves and Mark Hamilton has spent countless hours researching and developing the information needed to present to everyone the basic principles that will raise humanity to the next level of existence. If you look around you and see the reality of our current existence, you will see that everything Mr. Hamilton and the Neothink Society teaches is honest and real. Mr. Hamilton has not only pulled the shade on the window of our true current existence, but has opened the door allowing everyone to step into the next phase of humanity. These principles taught by Mr. Hamilton and the Neothink Society allow every human being to prosper in health and wealth bringing true happiness, not just the few who feed on those considered below them for there own prosperity. As I initially read through the information received from Mr. Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I found that I was reading the very things that I have felt in my soul for so many years. They are the same things that so many farsighted, creative and truly successful individuals over the centuries have said. It’s all simply a matter of honest education, honest insight and putting them truly into practice. Though I am not wealthy and struggled to purchase the materials provided, in the end they were well worth the price for proving to me the road I was looking as was the correct one for creating the future that we were meant for.

Duane B

If you go back in history of media you will see how it started

If you go back in history of media you will see how it started. The reasons why it started. Then the reasons it changed. If their goal is to stop the truth, could it be their afraid of the truths people already believe. See to many people take it personal, when you don’t think or feel as they do. They feel intimidated not good enough. When we allowed poor images, injustices, to happen, to show with, well get a lawyer or your not smart enough, cause theirs always someone who feels this way. I can’t afford the gin or a lawyer, most people can’t. So to change the rules that have been ingrained for centuries, except the smart or wealthy is mind boggling. You feel dubbed, short changed because your not good enough. They weren’t told the truth in the beginning. Like when I died on the operating table, they said I bleed like a stuffed pig, they gave me 3 pints of blood. I didn’t know who I was or where I was. I had to count on those around me for truths. Someone with Alzheimer’s , I can relate to… cause you have to count on truths, honesty, & no one is perfect. You become acceptable to what is around you & the truth of what they tell you. A commercial of 20 of the same & no punishment of their taking advantage of you when you waist your hard earned money. Now we allow our government to do the same when we tried to prevent them being dishonest to begin with, but the proof is in the pudding, & boy is it bitter. Most of us don’t live in Fancy homes or expensive life styles; we may want to achieve the American dream. But to tell you the truth, I don’t want to harm anyone, judge anyone or commit a crime. But what are the playing rules. I don’t care if you have more, achieve more, but be honest with me, with us all. Have rules we can learn, to keep straight, to be honest. I have the same hopes & dreams as you. Though I may not of accomplished as you, who’s to say who learns what when. It’s not to late unless you let it be. You have to ask your self, who am I, who do I what to be. I’ll take my magic lantern to help you any way that I can. Together united we can do this, sometimes slowly, other times faster than a speeding bullet. I’ll send my peaceful Air fairy to blow the winds of truth, of light, of Justice together we can achieve the impossible, because it only continues if it stays the same, the same lies, the same untruths. I have begun to awake to the inner soul I am, & I like myself even more than just words. Together we can unite in love, kindness, peace, understanding that we unite for the good of our selves & each other. To be the best, the strongest, no more nasty perverted language, we lose who we were. To know we all have a story, let’s share it together. I’ll share mine if you share yours. Come see me & I’ll listen, tiring to all achieve  the goals we seek. Some one will win; some one will lose but to be fair & honest… Numbers don’t lie. So mighty media lets sit down, write our goals our achievements lets fact find with truth & honesty for our well being & others. Remember when you were innocent & didn’t worry about injustice. Lets start from their, & work forward     
Jim and Donna Grant

March 2025