Posts Tagged ‘honest value’

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love a human can give to their family, friends, and their fellow man. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and country where the honest Value Creator is king and the destroyer can no longer prosper.
Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in ruling class abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.
The Twelve Visions Party will open the floodgates of prosperity, break the walls of oppression, and dismantle neo-cheaters from our civilization through The Prime Law. That can only lead to Man taking full authority over Himself and living as a powerful genius creating and producing values for others.
The Constitution tries to communicate that Man has inalienable rights and that He is bound by the Laws of Nature. The Prime Law will secure that fact and government will have no choice but to obey Natural Law and integrate justice. The ruling class and other bogus authorities will no longer be able to “change” reality according to their whims and put Man under an illusion that He is incompetent and can’t live without them.
Without Neothink and the TVP Man is headed for an even MORE difficult time in discovering what it really means to be happy, in control of His destiny and without subjective or objective constraints. With the ruling class, the individual is just part of a machine producing for the ones that run and maintain it. He has limited sovereignty and authority over His life. His individuality and essence are suppressed and He is unaware of the quality and importance of His being.
With the TVP, Man will begin to realize the value of His consciousness. With His ever-growing self awareness He will begin to appreciate and even love other conscious beings exponentially. He will want to make His world a better place through value creation using His precious mind rather being a drone serving robot in a dead-end, mindless non-living job.
Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness and self-leadership will win over those who wish to destroy us and over those who choose the lazy and incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use of deception and force.
I am extremely grateful for Mark Hamilton sharing his knowledge with us. It will lift man to his final evolution into the Value Creator He is born to be.
May You be blessed forever!
Stephen J. May

Thank you Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mark…
Before you introduced me to the Neothink Society, I was looking for something more, something better to live for. Thanks to you, I found that something more, something better. You are a true genius in finding the right words to bring excitement, and above all, love and happiness to my Life. You gave me the answer and the key to a happier, more prosperous lifestyle. What you taught me opened my eyes to a whole new world; a world that can exist on planet Earth through honesty and love, but never has existed because of dishonesty and envy. There is not enough words in the dictionary to explain how valuable you are to our planet. Incompetent Value Destroyers (dishonest, lazy, envious individuals), don’t like competent Value Creators, (honest, hard working, creative individuals). You are a true Value Creator Mark. You showed me the war between Value Creators and Value Destroyers that has existed on our planet since the beginning of civilization. Now you are going to put 40 hard working, Value Creating years on the line to end this battle, and to bring the citizens of our planet the ultimate value of Life, which is HAPPINESS and LOVE. This is something the Value Destroyers are determined to stop you and the Neothink Society from doing, in the name of POWER and GREED. I want those who read my testimonial to know that you, Mark Hamilton are the most honest, loving, happiest family man on Earth, and an exceptional leader as well, who is leading the way by example with the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society. You mentored me to become an honest, Value Creator and a valuable self-leader. And for that, I support all that you do for our beautiful planet. Thank you Mark, for all the knowledge you brought into my Life. Thank you for opening my eyes to a better world. Thank you Mark Hamilton…Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my loving heart. J
Jonathan G

The Honest Value of the Twelve Visions Party

As a youngster and young man I was told there were 2 parties, no choices. Following the 2 parties was the American way. Like many Americans I was born into a family of one dominant party focus. Through family direction I followed the leaders, Yes Followed the leaders.
From the beginning I followed, and did what I was told. I was told there are leader so I had to follow their decisions. I needed to be respectful of, and follow the leader’s decisions. Never rock the boat.
I always know there was something wrong with this concept. So Wrong!
But as a follower, I didn’t truly get it, could not snap the pieces of the puzzle together.
Today through the Neothink Generational Manuscripts and the Twelve Visions Party, my eyes and ears are opened to the true integrated honesty and reality of the dishonestly of government officials/ career politicians who are carelessly and meticulously manipulating our lives and our futures.
I am saying what happened to our government all of a sudden. The integrated honestly is our government officials have for many years, worked in a self-centered manner.
The difference is that, I am now aware of this reality, through the readings and works of Mark Hamilton.
I am transitioning from a muted follower accepting dishonesties and illusions, to a self-leader asking questions.
I am now wide awake to the corruption and greed that is around me.
Now as a Value Creator, I am willing to step up and be a leader, I am losing the follower mentality, and actively, on a daily basis, study then create activities that will help mankind live a life of love, happiness, and even wealth.
It is time to address the illusions and bring in the honesties that will help all mankind.
Live The Lives each man and women are meant to live.
Today I am a very happy value creating man who is gaining ongoing happiness by creating values for others. I understand the way to achieve happiness and pursue that direction.
Mark Hamilton and Neothink have given me the tools to turn my life around from a follower to a happy effective Value Creator for society. Today, I know I can contribute to the happiness of all men and women and even help make all the people rich including the poor.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and seeing reality!!!!!
Steve F.

Thank You Mark Hamilton for being here

Thank You Mark Hamilton for being here
in this century of a troubled and uncertain future of America and the world. Your neothink Literature such
as The Neothink Package and Miss Annabelle`s Secrets, PaxNeothink all make sense in this Anti-Civilized,psycotic,irrational,dishonest world disguised as politics and religion. These are not philosopys but
accurate truths that you and others have uncovered. Today,that reality provides
a new psychology for replacing impoverishment with prosperity, stagnation with romance, hatred with camaraderie,war with peace and death with life. Everyone will be rich even the poor,Congressional members of both House and Senate both Federal and State will be replaced with honest,Value creation business men and women and the Prime Law of the Land when added to the Constitution and end the terrany that has plagued humans for thousands of years. Mark Hamilton is the true Phrophet of today and the future and it is a honor and privledge to help change this world to one for happiness, prosperity, Love and immortaltlity.
Live Long and Prosper,
S.W.(Mike) Cramer 3rd
will end

The TVP World(opposite side of new world order)


I am motivated to work with the TVP because I know in my heart that this is the movement that will change the world for better. I know this is honest because their exist no hidden agenda based on value usurpation, force, coercion, or deception, not even the threat of usurpation, force, coercion, or deception exist. In the twelve visions world a person can live not just a free life but a care free life. Care free of usurpation, force, coercion, and deception, even care free from the threat of such non values. A care free life based on unlimited freedom, values, creation, health success,exhilaration, happiness, love, and life. The TVP is based on creating those previous life enhancing values thus exist through honesty and value creation. This type of movement is the only real, only honest value, that can most honestly benefit the people, thus is the movement for the people, and the movement against higher authorities. This movement again is to the advantage of the people because no hidden agendas exist against the people, through illusionary politics used only to control, dominate, and rule over the people for ultimate unearned power and values. The TVP movement takes the unearned power, unearned values away all higher authorities, in doing so that power, those values, naturally flows back to the original owners THE PEOPLE, the ones who created or produced those values in the first place. THIS POWER/VALUE EXCHANGE will free technology, creation, happiness, love, success, exhilaration, values, ultimately it will free society from the burden that allows our people to unconsciously live for death! Living to die whether knowingly or unknowing is almost the greatest tragedy ever. The greatest tragedy ever is that unfulfilled life that dies! I know this, the value of the TVP is in my heart, we must eradicate the higher authorities, by awakening the people, by out competing every life destroying stimulation, that exist replacing that destruction of life with life enhancing/life sustaining exhilaration! It is up to us to free the people by showing them a better life, a better world, THE TWELVE VISIONS WORLD! Trust me, I’m on board! My name is MARK HOLDER JR!

That was a statement to my mentor Mr. Mark Hamilton in response to his question why am I motivated to be apart of TVP?
Understand fully that the above TVP movement cannot exist through any form of usurption, force coercion or deception or the threat of usurption, force coercion or decption, because then we would only be replacing one corrupt authority with another. Then the world will be as it has always been a stagnation to death trap! In order to reverse this sick trap, we need something, a value, free from corruption, a value based solely on honesty, we need THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY! This Twelve Visions Party movement is the only real value the people can trust because it was created for the people based on the immediate and long terms, rights and values that all human life should not be deprived of.For example values like being free, and being able to live, and live happily. Those vales that naturally belong to us is actuallty an impossibility as long as higher authorities exist, for they exist to take those values away from us because it weakens us making us easier to manipulate and control! These higher authorities need to control us because they cannot create a livelihood for themselves, even if they could, it would not be good enough for these higher authorities because of their ego’s they want ultimate control over everything that exist. The easiest, and only way to do that is by controling us, the people!

One man could not take it anymore! One man HONESTLY vowed in his mind and in his heart to TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, PERSONAL INITIATIVE, towards the self leader he was meant to be, in order to live his dream life. He vowed in his mind, in his heart to create a system that would eradicate all forms of higher authorities because he knows in his mind and in his heart that you must go to the essence of the problem to eradicate the recurring problems. Job loss, poverty, stagnation, harmful illusions, force, coercion, deception, violence, all these non values are recurring problems that HIGHR AUTHORITIES PURPOSEFULLY CREATE.

One man through honest, deep thinking, began to see all the way past illusions in order to see the deepest level of thinking in a moment that happened so fast he almost missed it, but he didnt! He saw the future, THE TWELVE VISIONS of the future. That man, that one man that decided to take PERSONAL INITIATIVE, to stand for all that is honest and right, that one man that dedicated his real entire life, real blood,real sweat, and real tears, that one man that has continually risen in a world that has been designed for us to fail, stagnate and die, that one man fighting for all of us, is MARK HAMILTON! One man, imagine all that this one man has done to tear down illusions to bring us the honesty. Imagine, his successful lifestyle in a world were you are destine to fail, stagnate, and die! Imagine, Mark Hamilton as one man, ONE MAN, HAS SAVED/HELPED counless lives worldwide and here in America. One man, has saved countless lives by showing people how to become happy! THE REASON FOR LIVING IS TO BE HAPPY people! Are you happy? Happiness is an imposibility for no but Mark Hamilton knows that to be happy is the reason for living. He lives that. One man people has created a successful life and used hids life to save countless live in America and worldwide. This is all honest and documented. In fact you are reading documented proof right now as you are reading my words! Mr. HAMILTON is the real deal because he is honest. I take this way about this man because it is honest. If Mark Hamilton was a bum then that is the information you then would receive. If MARK hAMILTON was a liar, a theif, a con artist, if, Mark Hamilton was a greedy business executive, then by wasy of fully integrated honesty you would receive that information. Especially from me!!! In honesty, Mark Hamilton is a life saving, value creating, businessman, and that doesnt not even do half the justice his great name deserves! Nothing can justify this man, because I have never seen someone like him; that tells you all that happened in the past, showa you with proof how it happend, tell you of the present and you can see what he is saying is honest, then of the future which is being put into action! basically everything this one man said has happened in the past, present or future actually happened, is happening or will happen, and it is all documented as proof! This is the most honest man I have ever meet! You can feel his heart even when “you are worlds apart!” He is really honest.
Now I want you to imagine all that Mark Hamilton has done for himself to be not a businessman of success, but a businessman who creates value for the people thus has continuous success which seeems endless. I know his values are endless! Their is no end! Imagine all he has done for us! Now imagine that Mr. Hamilton is just one man! One MAN! I say this over and over again to you because when you understand, when you fully understand that Mark Hamilton is just one man, you began to grasp the honest understanding of how much power you have as one MAN/WOMAN! THEN, on a deeper level how much power we have whenwe all come together! That is what TVP is all about, US! The People coming together!
It has been a great pleasure of mind to write this for you, as I had the opportunity to talk about TVP, and Mark Hamilton. Then on a deeper level I was able to give you some honest information about something that is real. something that will change the world for better. I was able to give you something to act upon The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY MOVEMENT! GET INVLOVED! TAKE PERSONAL INITIATIVE TODAY! IT’S OUR TIME! OUR TIME!
The creator of The Twelve Visions party is a man named Mr. Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions World

this is the edited version of my previous post. I only had time to edit the words though and not the formation, as timefor me is very limited right now. Still formation is nothingness, it is the value of my words that you must focus on and you will began to see, began to feel, WHAT IS HONEST.

I am motivated to work with the TVP because I know in my heart that this is the movement that will change the world for better. I know this is honest because their exist no hidden agenda based on value usurpation, force, coercion, or deception, not even the threat of usurpation, force, coercion, or deception exist. In the twelve visions world a person can live not just a free life but a care free life. Care free of usurpation, force, coercion, and deception, even care free from the threat of such non values. A care free life based on unlimited freedom, values, creation, health success,exhilaration, happiness, love, and life. The TVP is based on creating those previous life enhancing values thus exist through honesty and value creation. This type of movement is the only real, only honest value, that can most honestly benefit the people, thus is the movement for the people, and the movement against higher authorities. This movement again is to the advantage of the people because no hidden agendas exist against the people, through illusionary politics used only to control, dominate, and rule over the people for ultimate unearned power and values. The TVP movement takes the unearned power, unearned values away all higher authorities, in doing so that power, those values, naturally flows back to the original owners THE PEOPLE, the ones who created or produced those values in the first place. THIS POWER/VALUE EXCHANGE will free technology, creation, happiness, love, success, exhilaration, values, ultimately it will free society from the burden that allows our people to unconsciously live for death! Living to die whether knowingly or unknowing is almost the greatest tragedy ever. The greatest tragedy ever is that unfulfilled life that dies! I know this, the value of the TVP is in my heart, we must eradicate the higher authorities, by awakening the people, by out competing every life destroying stimulation, that exist replacing that destruction of life with life enhancing/life sustaining exhilaration! It is up to us to free the people by showing them a better life, a better world, THE TWELVE VISIONS WORLD! Trust me, I’m on board! My name is MARK HOLDER JR!

That was a statement to my mentor Mr. Mark Hamilton in response to his question why am I motivated to be apart of TVP?
Understand fully that the above TVP movement cannot exist through any form of usurption, force coercion or deception or the threat of usurption, force coercion or decption, because then we would only be replacing one corrupt authority with another. Then the world will be as it has always been a stagnation to death trap! In order to reverse this sick trap, we need something, a value, free from corruption, a value based solely on honesty, we need THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY! This Twelve Visions Party movement is the only real value the people can trust because it was created for the people based on the immediate and long terms, rights and values that all human life should not be deprived of.For example values like being free, and being able to live, and live happily. Those vales that naturally belong to us is actuallty an impossibility as long as higher authorities exist, for they exist to take those values away from us because it weakens us making us easier to manipulate and control! These higher authorities need to control us because they cannot create a livelihood for themselves, even if they could, it would not be good enough for these higher authorities because of their ego’s. they Egotistically want ultimate control over everything that exist. The easiest, and only way to do that is by controling us, the people!

One man could not take it anymore! One man HONESTLY vowed in his mind and in his heart to TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, PERSONAL INITIATIVE, towards the self leader he was meant to be, in order to live his dream life. He vowed in his mind, in his heart to create a system that would eradicate all forms of higher authorities because he knows in his mind and in his heart that you must go to the essence of the problems to eradicate the recurring problems. Job loss, poverty, stagnation, harmful illusions, force, coercion, deception, violence, all these non values are recurring problems that HIGHR AUTHORITIES PURPOSEFULLY CREATE.

One man through honest, deep thinking, began to see all the way past illusions in order to see the deepest level of thinking in a moment that happened so fast he almost missed it, but he didnt! He saw the future, THE TWELVE VISIONS of the future. That man, that one man that decided to take PERSONAL INITIATIVE, to stand for all that is honest and right, that one man that dedicated his real entire life, real blood,real sweat, and real tears, that one man that has continually risen in a world that has been designed for us to fail, stagnate and die, that one man fighting for all of us, is MARK HAMILTON! One man, imagine all that this one man has done to tear down illusions to bring us the honesty. Imagine, his successful lifestyle in a world were you are destine to fail, stagnate, and die! Imagine, Mark Hamilton as one man, ONE MAN, HAS SAVED/HELPED countless lives worldwide and here in America. One man, has saved countless lives by showing people how to become happy! THE REASON FOR LIVING IS TO BE HAPPY people! Are you happy? Happiness is an imposibility for now but Mark Hamilton knows that to be happy is the reason for living. He lives that. One man people has created a successful life and used his one life to save countless lives in America and worldwide. This is all honest and documented. In fact you are reading documented proof right now as you are reading my words! Mr. HAMILTON is the real deal because he is honest. I talk this way about this man because it is honest. If Mark Hamilton was a bum then that is the information you then would receive. If MARK hAMILTON was a liar, a theif, a con artist, if, Mark Hamilton was a greedy business executive, then by way of fully integrated honesty you would receive that information. Especially from me!!! In honesty, Mark Hamilton is a life saving, value creating, businessman, and that doesnt not even do half the justice his great name deserves! Nothing can justify this man, because I have never seen anyone like him; that tells you all that happened in the past, shows you with proof how it happend, tells you of the present and shows you proof through honest how it happens, you can see what he is saying is honest, then he explains the future which is being put into action! basically everything this one man has said has happened, In the past, present or future everything he writes about actually happened, is happening or will happen, and it is all documented as proof! This is the most honest man I have ever meet! You can feel his heart even when “you are worlds apart!” He is really that honest.

Now I want you to imagine all that Mark Hamilton has done for himself to be not just a businessman of success, but a businessman who creates value for the people thus has continuous success which seeems endless. I know his values are endless! Their is no end! Imagine all that he has done for us! Now imagine that Mr. Hamilton is just one man! One MAN! I say this over and over again to you because when you understand, when you fully understand that Mark Hamilton is just one man, you began to grasp the honest understanding of how much power you have as one MAN/WOMAN! THEN, on a deeper level how much power we have when we all come together! That is what TVP is all about, US! The People coming together!
It has been a great pleasure of mind to write this for you, as I had the opportunity to talk about TVP, and Mark Hamilton. Then on a deeper level I was able to give you some honest information about something that is real. something that will change the world for better. I was able to give you something to act upon The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY MOVEMENT! GET INVLOVED! TAKE PERSONAL INITIATIVE TODAY! IT’S OUR TIME! OUR TIME!

Most honestly written by


Dear Mark…
Before you introduced me to the Neothink Society, I was looking for something more, something better to live for. Thanks to you, I found that something more, something better. You are a true genius in finding the right words to bring excitement, and above all, love and happiness to my Life. You gave me the answer and the key to a happier, more prosperous lifestyle. What you taught me opened my eyes to a whole new world; a world that can exist on planet Earth through honesty and love, but never has existed because of dishonesty and envy. There is not enough words in the dictionary to explain how valuable you are to our planet. Incompetent Value Destroyers (dishonest, lazy, envious individuals), don’t like competent Value Creators, (honest, hard working, creative individuals). You are a true Value Creator Mark. You showed me the war between Value Creators and Value Destroyers that has existed on our planet since the beginning of civilization. Now you are going to put 40 hard working, Value Creating years on the line to end this battle, and to bring the citizens of our planet the ultimate value of Life, which is HAPPINESS and LOVE. This is something the Value Destroyers are determined to stop you and the Neothink Society from doing, in the name of POWER and GREED. I want those who read my testimonial to know that you, Mark Hamilton are the most honest, loving, happiest family man on Earth, and an exceptional leader as well, who is leading the way by example with the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society. You mentored me to become an honest, Value Creator and a valuable self-leader. And for that, I support all that you do for our beautiful planet. Thank you Mark, for all the knowledge you brought into my Life. Thank you for opening my eyes to a better world. Thank you Mark Hamilton…Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my loving heart. J

Jonathan G

Value Creation

Yesterday I had a remarkable experience. I met a strikingly beautiful woman on Facebook who was looking for help in one of my areas of specialty. I spent a few minutes helping her with her difficulty. As I helped her I just enjoyed this nice feeling of being attracted to wonderful and beautiful woman. For the first time in my life I had the confidence to come straight out and tell about it; and miracle of miracles, SHE RECIPROCATED! She also found me attractive!

This was a very special experience for me! After we finished her project, I sat back and just enjoyed those sweet feelings.

The Multigenerational Manuscripts DO contain the secret to Exciting Romantic Love! I can hardly believe that it worked, just like Mark Hamilton said it would!

Thank you for these WONDERFUL FEELINGS!
That could be the whole story, but there is even more.

We are both married, and not to each other. What I found most remarkable is that the second part of the concepts related to romantic relations in the Multigenerational Manuscripts was ALSO right on:

These good feelings that I shared with a total stranger actually made me LOVE my WIFE even more! The incredible boost in confidence that this encounter inspired within me was not given over to promiscuous fantasies – it was enjoyed for what it was: an expression of attraction and affinity between two honest value creators – and then the rational techniques contained within Mark Hamilton’s literature were used – and suddenly I saw how to make the most of these wonderful feelings. I used them to fuel the fire of my primary love relationship: The incredible relationship I have with my wife and eternal soul mate! I reflected on the same qualities that I was REMINDED OF in this facebook interaction that my Wife also shares. It was exciting to see that I can turn EVERY ATTRACTION I FEEL into a powerful tool for heightening my Love Relationship with my Wife!

These Concepts really do provide for the most fulfilling, stimulating, and exciting Romantic Love Relationships possible!


Yon Cole

The Honest Value of the Twelve Visions Party

The Honest Value of the Twelve Visions Party

As a youngster and young man I was told there were 2 parties, no choices.  Following the 2 parties was the American way. Like many Americans I was born into a family of one dominant party focus. Through family direction I followed the leaders, Yes Followed the leaders.

From the beginning I followed, and did what I was told. I was told there are leader so I had to follow their decisions.  I needed to be respectful of, and follow the leader’s decisions. Never rock the boat.

I always know there was something wrong with this concept.  So Wrong!

But as a follower, I didn’t truly get it, could not snap the pieces of the puzzle together.

Today through the Neothink Generational Manuscripts and the Twelve Visions Party, my eyes and ears are opened to the true integrated honesty and  reality of the dishonestly of government officials/ career politicians who are carelessly and meticulously manipulating our lives and our futures.

I am saying what happened to our government all of a sudden.  The integrated honestly is our government officials have for many years, worked in a self-centered manner.

The difference is that, I am now aware of this reality, through the readings and works of Mark Hamilton.

I am transitioning from a muted follower accepting dishonesties and illusions, to a self-leader asking questions.

I am now wide awake to the corruption and greed that is around me.

Now as a Value Creator, I am willing to step up and be a leader, I am losing the follower mentality, and actively, on a daily basis, study then create activities that will help mankind live a life of love, happiness, and even wealth.

It is time to address the illusions and bring in the honesties that will help all mankind.

Live The Lives each man and women are meant to live.

Today I am a very happy value creating man who is gaining ongoing happiness by creating values for others.  I understand the way to achieve happiness and pursue that direction.

Mark Hamilton and Neothink have given me the tools to turn my life around from a follower to a happy effective Value Creator for society.  Today, I know I can contribute to the happiness of all men and women and even help make all the people rich including the poor.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and seeing reality!!!!!

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life


Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love one man can give to his family, friends, and to others. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and a country where the honest Value-Producer is king and the destroyer is justly ostracized.

Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in “ruling class” abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.

Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness will win over our primitive natures and over those who choose to take the incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use deception and force.

Thank you Mark! Don’t give up!

May the Blessings of our Mastermind shower you in the coming years!

Stephen J. M

March 2025