Posts Tagged ‘honest thoughts’

Mark Hamilton is the word “Trust”…

Are you looking in the right place for your answers?
We are constantly looking for answers to what, who, and why, as we look, see, hear, or read information, trust is always in our mind. Many may ask themselves “ does the word trust still exist?”
I can tell you “yes” you just have to know where to look. Most people search for the answers through the negative, dishonest world we live in.
Have you ever thought deep within your hopes, wishes, and dreams “ if only I could find a place where the truly honest people could share their information to wealth, health, happiness and prosperity”. I can tell you “yes” again, because I have discovered the secret information that has pulled me out of the trap, some of the information I thought I have already known, but I did not know how to use it correctly, until I read some of the most ancient manuscripts that have been kept secret from the average person. This information came to me one day shortly after asking the above question deep within my soul. My wish came true because soon there after I received a letter in the mail from Mark Hamilton. He has been doing extensive research obtaining true honest facts about how we all have the God Given Gift we are all born with, to achieve anything we may desire within us.
Mark Hamilton is the word “Trust” he is the first person who truly cares about the human race, and sharing his knowledge with all of us to live the life we are meant to live, to be happy and prosper and teach our children we can have a better world to live in.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for receiving my deep honest thoughts and sharing your information with me to live the life I was meant to live.
Trust With True Honesty Will Always Prevail !
Dale L

Mark Hamilton has helped me discover the Gift…

Deep within my thoughts I have often wished “ if there could only be a place, where the truly honest people can unite together and make this dishonest world we live in, a better place to live and be happy”.
My wish came true! I was introduced to the manuscripts written by the greatest author of our time, his name is Mark Hamilton. Within his manuscripts are written the honesty truth that has been kept secret from us for thousands of years. I have learned from reading these manuscripts valuable information that has changed my life, and my families lives forever.
Mark Hamilton’s research for over thirty years has been, finding the honesty truth and helping others. What a rare man in today’s world! Mark Hamilton has helped me discover the Gift we are all born with, the gift of Neothink, the Power of our mind. He is teaching me how to reach the full potential of achieving anything I want within my honest thoughts. While I was reading the manuscripts, the thoughts that entered my mind was similar to the Jesus story “ when one man was teaching, value thinking and creative thinking is the key to survival”, Jesus was telling the people they can use the Power within themselves, to overcome the value destroyers and the creative cheaters.
After I have been discovering Neothink, I have been able to teach myself how to use the computer, simply with my visions that come to me from within my deep desired thoughts. I wake up each day with a smile and feeling good, because I am now able to communicate with the growing number of like-minded individuals, that have attained the same valuable information contained inside the manuscripts.
Mark Hamilton has built a place called the Neothink Society, where all truly honest people share their thoughts, dreams, and ideas and help each other make them come real. With the help from Mark Hamilton, clubhouses are developing in every state and expanding to be in every community.
Within the Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions party has developed, this system is in place to overcome all the dishonesty, corruption, and cheating. As we all struggle to keep up with all the constant price increases on everything around us because the current thought process is to make things as cheap as possible and sell it for as much as possible, keep adding ridiculous tax increases on everything, only to put unearned money into the dishonest people’s pockets. Take ,take, take who cares about how many people suffer and try to survive. We are falsely to believe, that this is the way of life. When in fact we know deep in our hearts things have to change.
We all know this has been going on for a long time and getting worse.
During these very hard trying economic times, we are constantly searching for trust and honesty. I want a better life for my family & friends, how about you? Honesty will always prevail, now is the time to stand up and bring a better world into a better future. I encourage you to discover Neothink, The Twelve Visions Party and The Prime Law. Honest people united together, come join us and change your life into the world we are meant to live!
With True Honesty and Happiness,
Dale L


Deep within my thoughts I have often wished “ if there could only be a place, where the truly honest people can unite together and make this dishonest world we live in, a better place to live and be happy”.
My wish came true! I was introduced to the manuscripts written by the greatest author of our time, his name is Mark Hamilton. Within his manuscripts are written the honesty truth that has been kept secret from us for thousands of years. I have learned from reading these manuscripts valuable information that has changed my life, and my families lives forever.
Mark Hamilton’s research for over thirty years has been, finding the honesty truth and helping others. What a rare man in today’s world! Mark Hamilton has helped me discover the Gift we are all born with, the gift of Neothink, the Power of our mind. He is teaching me how to reach the full potential of achieving anything I want within my honest thoughts. While I was reading the manuscripts, the thoughts that entered my mind was similar to the Jesus story “ when one man was teaching, value thinking and creative thinking is the key to survival”, Jesus was telling the people they can use the Power within themselves, to overcome the value destroyers and the creative cheaters.
After I have been discovering Neothink, I have been able to teach myself how to use the computer, simply with my visions that come to me from within my deep desired thoughts. I wake up each day with a smile and feeling good, because I am now able to communicate with the growing number of like-minded individuals, that have attained the same valuable information contained inside the manuscripts.
Mark Hamilton has built a place called the Neothink Society, where all truly honest people share their thoughts, dreams, and ideas and help each other make them come real. With the help from Mark Hamilton, clubhouses are developing in every state and expanding to be in every community.
Within the Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions party has developed, this system is in place to overcome all the dishonesty, corruption, and cheating. As we all struggle to keep up with all the constant price increases on everything around us because the current thought process is to make things as cheap as possible and sell it for as much as possible, keep adding ridiculous tax increases on everything, only to put unearned money into the dishonest people’s pockets. Take ,take, take who cares about how many people suffer and try to survive. We are falsely to believe, that this is the way of life. When in fact we know deep in our hearts things have to change.
We all know this has been going on for a long time and getting worse.
During these very hard trying economic times, we are constantly searching for trust and honesty. I want a better life for my family & friends, how about you? Honesty will always prevail, now is the time to stand up and bring a better world into a better future. I encourage you to discover Neothink, The Twelve Visions Party and The Prime Law. Honest people united together, come join us and change your life into the world we are meant to live!
With True Honesty and Happiness,
Dale L

March 2025