Posts Tagged ‘honest business’


To my Mentor, MARK HAMILTON:
Society in general, especially in the last 20-30 years has been degenerating at a
very fast pace. Morals and the family structure have taken a huge hit, as well as many other aspects I.E. the financial and political scenery has been dramatically altered.I’ts no
wonder the world is in such turmoil and chaos.
Throughout my adult life, which has’nt always been pleasant, I’ve fought my
“Demons” and tried very hard to live a life based on honesty and respect for others. I’ve also been searching for new ways or methods to improve using a variety of techniques offered by various experts.They work only for a short time and then it’s back to the same
old “Rutt”.Boy’O’Boy what a dull life !!!!!.
Then alas! came this letter in the mail from the S.O.S. society.I almost threw it
out, but this funny feeling in my gut told me,”hold on to it and read it.This is what you’ve been waiting for all your life.It was quite long, but right to the point and very informative, it
hit me like a brick. It finally was time to wake-up from that mediocre life I was living and start in a completely different direction.
This invitation letter came from the desk of Mark Hamilton my mentor, explaining all the advantages and the benefits the society offered if I decided to become a member. I immediately jumped at this once in a lifetime chance. For the last two years my life has
changed all for the better.I’m one of your apprentices and am becoming a mentor also.
As I slowly progress, constantly learning and reading the litterature , I become more and
more the “person I was meant to be”.
During this transformation , which I don’t think will ever stop, I ‘ve met and befriended the most amazing and admirable people in my entire life. They are like-minded and totally devoted to advancing the Neothink(r) society and changing the present structure of the world through an HONEST business approach.Honesty and love will bring a major
paradigm change to the human race.We must stop violence,suffering and human indignity caused by all the parasitical elite’s at the helm of this sinking ship.
I will forever be grateful, THANK YOU, Mark for this precious gift, this opportunity of a lifetime you’ve given me. And also for accepting me and my mysticisms into the “fold” of
your apprentices. I’ve become very involved with multiple programs in the society and I’m
now very much looking forward to a long life of HEALTH, LOVE , WEALTH and the CofU.

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love a human can give to their family, friends, and their fellow man. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and country where the honest Value Creator is king and the destroyer can no longer prosper.
Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in ruling class abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.
The Twelve Visions Party will open the floodgates of prosperity, break the walls of oppression, and dismantle neo-cheaters from our civilization through The Prime Law. That can only lead to Man taking full authority over Himself and living as a powerful genius creating and producing values for others.
The Constitution tries to communicate that Man has inalienable rights and that He is bound by the Laws of Nature. The Prime Law will secure that fact and government will have no choice but to obey Natural Law and integrate justice. The ruling class and other bogus authorities will no longer be able to “change” reality according to their whims and put Man under an illusion that He is incompetent and can’t live without them.
Without Neothink and the TVP Man is headed for an even MORE difficult time in discovering what it really means to be happy, in control of His destiny and without subjective or objective constraints. With the ruling class, the individual is just part of a machine producing for the ones that run and maintain it. He has limited sovereignty and authority over His life. His individuality and essence are suppressed and He is unaware of the quality and importance of His being.
With the TVP, Man will begin to realize the value of His consciousness. With His ever-growing self awareness He will begin to appreciate and even love other conscious beings exponentially. He will want to make His world a better place through value creation using His precious mind rather being a drone serving robot in a dead-end, mindless non-living job.
Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness and self-leadership will win over those who wish to destroy us and over those who choose the lazy and incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use of deception and force.
I am extremely grateful for Mark Hamilton sharing his knowledge with us. It will lift man to his final evolution into the Value Creator He is born to be.
May You be blessed forever!
Stephen J. May

Mark Hamilton has two concerns

From what I can see, Mark Hamilton has two concerns. He cares deeply about the well-being and happiness of people and he is concerned about being attacked by what I call shortsighted, irresponsible and malicious adversaries who don’t want him to advance vital projects related to these ideals.
I have seen him speak through videos and have read some of his various works but otherwise only know of him through contacts with his associates and underlings. I met some of them during one of their conventions and will say that I’ve never been so readily accepted and treated so warmly by strangers in my life.
He heads up a group that promotes honest business ethics, economic growth (not the accustomed stagnation and industrial job loss that we’ve been seeing) and, most of all; he and his group place a higher value on life than any political party or, for that matter, religion.
I first encountered these people as a skeptic and pretty much remained that way for some time but going to their convention and seeing them face to face left me no doubt that they are for real, they are earnest, and that their “political” agenda – if you could call it that – will leave society much better off than those of other parties; and that includes the supposedly idealistic third parties that still rely on the same subtle, legalistic, and corrupted foundations.
Those who slander, defame, or otherwise attack Mark Hamilton and his affiliates can expect well-considered denunciations thrown back at them from this quarter. If such unseemly critics want to use the arts of intimidation, duck-and-dodge, usage of front men, or other cowardly maneuvers, they will be exposed for that too. I know what those who employ the convincing con artists and paid slaves of the media are up to and if they act inappropriately, they will be called to account for their actions. From what I can see, Mr. Hamilton and his people have lots of friends in unlikely places and people everywhere are increasingly able to see through certain people’s cheap and obnoxious smear tactics.
Signed R Thomas J


To my Mentor, MARK HAMILTON:
Society in general, especially in the last 20-30 years has been degenerating at a
very fast pace. Morals and the family structure have taken a huge hit, as well as many other aspects I.E. the financial and political scenery has been dramatically altered.I’ts no
wonder the world is in such turmoil and chaos.
Throughout my adult life, which has’nt always been pleasant, I’ve fought my
“Demons” and tried very hard to live a life based on honesty and respect for others. I’ve also been searching for new ways or methods to improve using a variety of techniques offered by various experts.They work only for a short time and then it’s back to the same
old “Rutt”.Boy’O’Boy what a dull life !!!!!.
Then alas! came this letter in the mail from the NEOTHINK SOCIETY society.I almost threw it
out, but this funny feeling in my gut told me,”hold on to it and read it.This is what you’ve been waiting for all your life.It was quite long, but right to the point and very informative, it
hit me like a brick. It finally was time to wake-up from that mediocre life I was living and start in a completely different direction.
This invitation letter came from the desk of Mark Hamilton my mentor, explaining all the advantages and the benefits the society offered if I decided to become a member. I immediately jumped at this once in a lifetime chance. For the last two years my life has
changed all for the better.I’m one of your apprentices and am becoming a mentor also.
As I slowly progress, constantly learning and reading the litterature , I become more and
more the “person I was meant to be”.
During this transformation , which I don’t think will ever stop, I ‘ve met and befriended the most amazing and admirable people in my entire life. They are like-minded and totally devoted to advancing the Neothink(r) society and changing the present structure of the world through an HONEST business approach.Honesty and love will bring a major
paradigm change to the human race.We must stop violence,suffering and human indignity caused by all the parasitical elite’s at the helm of this sinking ship.
I will forever be grateful, THANK YOU, Mark for this precious gift, this opportunity of a lifetime you’ve given me. And also for accepting me and my mysticisms into the “fold” of
your apprentices. I’ve become very involved with multiple programs in the society and I’m
now very much looking forward to a long life of HEALTH, LOVE , WEALTH and the Twelve Visions World.

I Believe

I believe our country needs an uplift.
Our country needs the Twelve Visions Party to elect honest business people into all public offices. Do away with career politians. Do away with lobbyists.
Give government back to the people, for the people.
I want to help elect Twelve Visions Party persons into government offices.
I want all people to become rich including the poor.

Massive Gratitude to Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton has affected my life over the past year and a half to the better in every area. His heirloom mansucripts show THE formula to personal and business success.
My business has done extremely well since I followed your mini-day directives. I get more done than ever and I have taken on new projects I would have never gotten to had I not followed that mini-day formula.
The information is crucial right now at this time for all to benefit from. I am so grateful for have been given the opportunity to purchase the texts. To ever loose this information or no longer have it available to purchase would be a tremendous crime and must never be allowed, ever.
Mark Hamilton is a person of the highest integrity and stature. He is a fantastic father as well as an honest business entrepreneur. His values will benefit all mandkind. Please allow it to flourish immediately throughout all that is. Thank you.

most knowledgeable mentor Mark Hamilton


I have noted the wonderful posts here by many which have praised everything from our way of life, to our most knowledgeable mentor Mark Hamilton, to the spiritual-like nature of the universe itself. I relate to these posts; am thrilled by them, and find that many of them resonate with my hopes and dreams which I’m sure they will with yours – so a different line will be explored here. I sensed sort of a cry for help and was so thoroughly incensed at the idea that people could – and likely would – try to attack such a wonderful system that I figured, why not meet this specter head on.

From what I can see, Mr. Hamilton has two concerns. He cares deeply about the well-being, good health, and happiness of people and he is concerned about being attacked by what I can only call shortsighted, irresponsible and malicious adversaries who don’t want him to advance vital projects related to these ideals.

I have seen him speak through videos and have read some of his various works but otherwise only know of him through contacts with his associates and underlings. I met some of them during one of their conventions and will say that I’ve never been so readily accepted and treated so warmly by strangers in my life.

He heads up a group that promotes honest business ethics, economic growth (nothing like the accustomed stagnation and industrial job loss that we’ve been seeing) and, most of all; he and his group place a higher value on life than any political party or, for that matter, religion.

While impressed by their philosophy both in print and over the air, I nevertheless encountered these people as a skeptic and pretty much remained that way for some time but going to their convention and seeing them face to face left me no doubt that they are for real, they are earnest, and that their “political” agenda – if you could call it that – will leave society much better off than those of other parties; and that includes the supposedly idealistic third parties that still rely on the same subtle, legalistic, and corrupted foundations.

Those who slander, defame, or otherwise attack Mark Hamilton and his affiliates can expect well-considered denunciations thrown back at them from this quarter. If such unseemly critics want to use the arts of intimidation, duck-and-dodge, usage of front men, or other cowardly maneuvers, they will be exposed for that too. I know what those who employ the convincing con artists and paid slaves of the media are up to and if they act inappropriately, they will be called to account for their actions. From what I can see, Mr. Hamilton and his people have lots of friends in unlikely places and people everywhere are increasingly able to see through certain people’s cheap and obnoxious smear tactics.

The Twelve Visions Party® is in actuality the World’s Peace Formula.


Dear Mark,

Here is my TVP® Testimonial:

The Twelve Visions Party® is in actuality the World’s Peace Formula.

Once the Prime Law® takes effect and becomes an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,

Then Society will soar to new exciting technologies and overall values which are now suppressed by corrupt laws.

No longer will the individual be held back from progress by bad regulations and political agendas.

The government will be based on honest business and protection only for everyone.

The Twelve Visions Party® is the Key puzzle piece to having a truly free Society.

Ralph Merritt

From what I can see, Mark Hamilton has two concerns.

From what I can see, Mark Hamilton has two concerns. He cares deeply about the well-being and happiness of people and he is concerned about being attacked by what I call shortsighted, irresponsible and malicious adversaries who don’t want him to advance vital projects related to these ideals.

I have seen him speak through videos and have read some of his various works but otherwise only know of him through contacts with his associates and underlings. I met some of them during one of their conventions and will say that I’ve never been so readily accepted and treated so warmly by strangers in my life.

He heads up a group that promotes honest business ethics, economic growth (not the accustomed stagnation and industrial job loss that we’ve been seeing) and, most of all; he and his group place a higher value on life than any political party or, for that matter, religion.

I first encountered these people as a skeptic and pretty much remained that way for some time but going to their convention and seeing them face to face left me no doubt that they are for real, they are earnest, and that their “political” agenda – if you could call it that – will leave society much better off than those of other parties; and that includes the supposedly idealistic third parties that still rely on the same subtle, legalistic, and corrupted foundations.

Those who slander, defame, or otherwise attack Mark Hamilton and his affiliates can expect well-considered denunciations thrown back at them from this quarter. If such unseemly critics want to use the arts of intimidation, duck-and-dodge, usage of front men, or other cowardly maneuvers, they will be exposed for that too. I know what those who employ the convincing con artists and paid slaves of the media are up to and if they act inappropriately, they will be called to account for their actions. From what I can see, Mr. Hamilton and his people have lots of friends in unlikely places and people everywhere are increasingly able to see through certain people’s cheap and obnoxious smear tactics.

Signed R Thomas Johnson

PS: [Layers beneath Pax Neothink pages 93-94 were helpful in this]

I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in January of 2007



The Neothink Society, has changed my life since January of 2007. My Name is Timothy Bergman I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in January of 2007, to invite me to become a member of the Neothink Society. And since then my life has changed for the greatest thing in my life of 54 years .I am very grateful for that opportunity. Because this has changed my life in all aspects of my life, in all sorts of ways from health, honesty, peace, happiness, to learn to become a self leader. To become aware of why our society is in the current condition that is going on today. To become aware of all the illusion’s that are created to hold back society as a whole. To learn how the outside authorities have held back society as a whole, throughout the years for generation’s year after year.  The Neothink Society has created a pure honest, pure loving society that is based on honest business progressive idea’s. The love and compassion that is here in the Neothink Society is like nothing else  of any other organization that i have belonged to. the Neothink Society is Great!

Thank you My Mentor Mark Hamilton

Timothy B

March 2025