Posts Tagged ‘homeless people’

Thank you Mark Hamilton for creating Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party

The Twelve Visions Party is greatly needed here in Alaska. As I go about my life I have observed on a daily basis the look of hopelessness and despair on the faces of the psychologically asleep people I come in contact with on the bus commuting to and from work; the homeless people standing on the street corners holding up signs; when standing in line at the post office, grocery store, Wal-Mart, the bank and fast-food restaurants. Right now, our newly elected mayor is making the issue of the homeless one of his top 5 priorities.
There was a time I experienced depression, hated coming to work, and got sick a lot because my job was making me “sick.” I grew tired of my current job, but didn’t want to apply for another job because I came to realize that it wasn’t “the job itself” that was depressing and making me sick. It was the whole idea of “working for an employer – working for someone else” that was making me depressed and sick. I wanted something else, something more. I tried a number of home-based businesses that didn’t work. Then one day something wonderful, something magical happened…
Neothink entered my life and like magic my depression went away. So now when I go to work I feel good knowing that I have found something better, something higher. For it is through Neothink that I am learning how to apply the Law of Attraction and will:
1. achieve the excellent health I crave via the best nutritional supplements Electric Life
2. achieve financial success and freedom from working for another via The Global Information Network
3. meet my soul mate
Thank you Mark Hamilton for creating Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party and bringing their message to the world.
Melanie P

The Twelve Visions Party is greatly needed here in Alaska.  As I go about my life I have observed on a daily basis the look of hopelessness and despair on the faces of the psychologically asleep people I come in contact with on the bus commuting to and from work; the homeless people standing on the street corners holding up signs; when standing in line at the post office, grocery store, Wal-Mart, the bank and fast-food restaurants.  Right now, our newly elected mayor is making the issue of the homeless one of his top 5 priorities.
There was a time I experienced depression, hated coming to work, and got sick a lot because my job was making me “sick.”  I grew tired of my current job, but didn’t want to apply for another job because I came to realize that it wasn’t “the job itself” that was depressing and making me sick.  It was the whole idea of “working for an employer – working for someone else” that was making me depressed and sick.  I wanted something else, something more.  I tried a number of home-based businesses that didn’t work.  Then one day something wonderful, something magical happened…
Neothink entered my life and like magic my depression went away.  So now when I go to work I feel good knowing that I have found something better, something higher.  For it is through Neothink that I am learning how to apply the Law of Attraction and will:
    1.  achieve the excellent health I crave via the best nutritional supplements Electric Life
    2.  achieve financial success and freedom from working for another via The Global Information Network
    3.  meet my soul mate
Thank you Mark Hamilton for creating Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party and bringing their message to the world.
Melanie P

My Life is Changing for the Better

I have been involved with the Neo Think society only a few months so far, and have read most of the three volumes, but not finished yet. The literature that I have been reading has opened my eyes immensely to see through illusions of today. I always knew the unreal situations that happened in this anti-civilization society of my 50 years of living on earth was just not right.
I have seen different things happen with laws being passed by government and political figures that just did not make any sense. Maybe because of those senseless laws are why our country is in the mess were in now. By passing these senseless laws that doesn’t create any value for the people, then the reasoning behind it is GREED!
I want to thank Mark Hamilton for finding me and sharing with me the intelligent information of the TVP and the secrets of these three volumes.
Learning to be a Neo Thinker and a value creater is very exciting, life seems to be more exhilarating now knowing their is more to life than just being stuck in a stagnating rut.
Learning how we all are suppose to be living our lives with immense love, happiness, and value creating for our family’s, friends, neighbors, for everyone!
That type of thinking with Neo Think is absolutely TRUE and should be applied in our every day lives for the goodness sake of all mankind. With the Twelve Visions Party in control, I could say their would be NO more homeless people, their would be NO more hungry or starving people, and creating cures for diseases faster. Everyone would be Neo Thinkers and would be glad to create values for mankind.
Mr Mark Hamilton, I think your a genius.
Thank You for the knowledge I have received and I’m looking forward to more insight into the TVP in the near future. Dave N.

March 2025