Posts Tagged ‘holy spirit’

Mark Hamilton Contacted Me In May 2007

My name is Patricia. I was contacted by mail by Neothink in May 2007.I found it to be an interesting letter but had my doubts about it being another scam ( which we have a lot of and have had all of my life). However, I always hoped for the best, so I pursued the correspondence. I received many long letters and eventually had to purchase a large book to continue. Having nothing better to do and disliking every thing that was going on around me. It gave me a relief from all of the abuse (children being stolen, molested and even killed, Same with animals. Women being beaten by spouses. People losing jobs, homes, families, etc. The book gave me some hope of a better life for my family and friends and everyone. I was very socially religious. Definitely believed in God the father, God the son and the holy spirit and heaven help anyone who tried to change my mind. As the years went on what really caught my attention was the priest in the catholic churches molesting young boys and getting away with it and the church doing nothing about it until the public was informed and started screaming for justice. I thought why wasn’t God doing anything! Justice system is also something else. I wanted to change “Hall of Justice” to “Hall of Money” as they seemed to have it made unless the public caught wind on an injustice then there was a 50-50 chance that it would go the right way. As I grew up I was always told to not get caught up in the system (our government) as they could ruin my life. I heard the expression not too many years ago, Did God make man or did man make God. Well, as time went by I learned the reason for that. Jesus is our very first Neothink man. He had so much to tell everyone and put it into words that the people of the time could understand. Our rotten people could not understand and felt threatened by the wonders Jesus did preformed that they torched and crucified him on the cross and made up a lot of garbage in the bible to keep the people feeling subdued and guilty. People are born in sin. What garbage that is! If you do something against a man-made law you have sinned and fell short of the glory of God. That is terrible to shove down a persons throat and make me very upset. The more I read about neo-think the better I felt about myself and there is nobody in this world going to change my mind about what our future holds in store for us with the Twelve Visions World. This is going to be a tough fight as even Jesus didn’t win at the time. But I do believe with all of us, we do have a better chance in this time and place. I will fight to the end of time to make a better world for our people. I know there is a better world and we all have to stick together to bring it to past. I cannot bear to think of another day in lies, abuse, misuse, murdering, stealing all that we have to be involved in today’s world. This is not right. Our children are precious and do not deserve to live with this any longer!

The book gave me some hope of a better life for my family and friends

My name is Patricia. I was contacted by mail by neo-think in May 2007.I found it to be an interesting letter but had my doubts about it being another scam ( which we have alot of and have had all of my life). However, I always hoped for the best, so I pursued the correspondence. I received many long letters and eventually had to purchase a large book to continue. Having nothing better to do and disliking every thing  that was going on around me. It gave me a relief  from all of the abuse (children being stolen, molested and even killed, Same with animals. Women being beaten by spouses. People losing jobs, homes, families, ect. The book gave me some hope of a better life for my family and friends and everyone. I was very socially religious. Definitely believed in God the father, God the son and the holy spirit and heaven help anyone who tried to change my mind. As the years went on what really caught my attention was the priest in the catholic churches molesting young boys and getting away with it and the church doing nothing about it until the public was informed and started screaming for justice. I thought why wasn’t God doing anything! Justice system is also something else. I wanted to change “Hall of Justice” to “Hall of Money” as  they seemed to have it made unless the public caught wind on an injustice then there was a 50-50 chance that it would go the right way. As I grew up I was always told to not get caught up in the system (our government) as they could ruin my life. I heard the expression not too many years ago, Did God make man or did man make God. Well, as time went by I learned the reason for that. Jesus is our very first God Man. He had so much to tell everyone and put it into words that the people of the time could understand. Our rotten people could not understand and felt threatened by the wonders Jesus did preformed that they torched and crucified him on the cross and made up alot of garbage in the bible to keep the people feeling subdued and guilty. People are born in sin. What garbage that is! If you do something against a man-made law you have sinned and fell short of the glory of God. That is terrible to shove down a persons throat and make me very upset. The more I read about neo-think the better I felt about myself and there is nobody in this world going to change my mind about what our future holds in store for us with the Twelve Visions World. This is going to be a tough fight as even Jesus didn’t win at the time. But I do believe with all of us, we do have a better chance in this time and place. I will fight to the end of time to make a better world for our people. I know there is a better world and we all have to stick together to bring it to past. I cannot bear to think of another day in lies, abuse, misuse, murdering, stealing all that we have to be  involved in today’s world. This is not right. Our children are precious and do not deserve to live with this any longer.

In May 2007 I received an invitation from Mark Hamilton to read an heirloom book that would change my life.

As I passed through life, I swore I would write my story when I reached 80 (if I still remembered everything).  Well, I’m not eighty, but what a journey I am experiencing.  I was one of six children born in the middle of World War II. My parents were beautiful and loving and I felt lucky to be one of their children. Dad was fighting in the war and shot three times before going home. We were raised as proud Americans and very honest people. Were lucky or unlucky enough to trust. We stood up to our word and if we were wrong were strong enough to admit it. Then after 18 years old went out into the world only to discover how hard it really was. People were not always nice or trustworthy. The government was something to stay away from. Taught us how to lie and cheat when filling out our taxes.  As the years passed by and I saw abuse after abuse with children and animals and myself, I went more into religion for an escape from this society. I loved Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit as I could always count of them because I was actually talking to myself. The last few years I learned about the abuse the priest were molesting young boys in their congregation and were allowed to do so with little repercussion. Why would God allow this? So I started doubting the church. The only thing left was Heaven. I wanted to leave this rotten earth so bad that all I wanted to do was go to my mansion in Heaven where everything was Honest and true again. In May 2007 I received an invitation from Mark Hamilton to read an heirloom book that would change my life. He made it sound to interesting that I thought “What the Hay” I’ll check into it. So I ordered the book and read it. It took my about a month. I didn’t understand everything but did absorb it. Then I ordered a second book, read it and was shocked with the honest, eye opening information I read I started feeling better about myself and then the third book flat opened up the world to me. What a shock it was to learn what we are, where we came from and where we are going.  We do have a future filled with honesty and love and wealth right here on earth. The only thing stopping us is the dishonesty, envy, jealousy, that we are living with today. We all have to realize how important each one of us is. Take the time to study the books and meet the best, most honest and truly lovely people we all are.  We are now admitting we have a broken system and all know it but don’t know how to fix it, well now we know how to fix it. We need to take the leap into consciousness and know ourselves. We have a mentor, Mark Hamilton. You noticed I did not say leader, because you don’t need a leader anymore. There are many rotten, dishonest people that we have to overcome to advance into the beautiful future that is awaiting us. All we need to do is stand up to all of the wrong and right it. Check it out for yourselves and you will finally live the life you are meant to live. You are not alone and you are not crazy. You are a very intelligent person and deserve the best of everything.  This is my story and I am happy to be here to tell it. Pat

March 2025