Posts Tagged ‘history of mankind’

I thank Mark Hamilton for bringing many things to light.

I wanted to take the time to reflect on what Neothink has meant for me for the several years I have been participating in the knowledge, techniques, and passion of others and a fresh new way of thinking. It really is not a new way of thinking when you read about the history of mankind. I think about people often saying they wish they could live in simpler times and that is just what these methods of thinking for yourself will do for you. You are reminded to think for yourself again, question the politician who do not contribute to society, except adding more and more laws that hurt the businesses, stall progress, hurt the economy by adding more red tape, wasting trees, bickering like kids and doing favorites for their rich constituents those who pull their purse strings. They have forgotten the little guy and the real creators, the businesses. The truth is we don’t need them, they need us to pay them for nothing off of the taxes we earn and while they contribute nothing to human man kind. To rid government of every agency except defense would alleviate our deficits, end big taxation and the many inundated laws that stall new inventions, much needed health cures. Free of all taxes and bureaucrats medicine would be sold cheaper and the economy would rapidly sore ahead. Our income would increase and everyone’s standard of living would rise like it never has before. You would feel the best you ever had because all the nonsense would be gone. Everyone is free to create good for others and raise your income as high as you want without politicians telling you how to spend your hard earned income. Think of the computer age that rapidly made it into the majority of homes, enriching your lifestyle and the cost getting lower and lower. Then when the government got hold of the computer industry with laws and lawsuits it slowed down growth. Imagine if we once and for all got rid of the red tape and only funded protection how simpler life would be for us all. We would end the democratic and republican party. the defense would be privately operating making it more efficient without big budgets and wasteful spending. The U.S. a leader in the world once again. The politicians give us war with other countries instead of peace for all man kind. Added to this the religious denominations that have always controlled the world so that they control you and how you think in a mystical god. Come on folks we need to wake up and put our passion into helping all man kind. Following good wholesome principals such as love your neighbor as you would yourself, do not hurt others and protect everyone. If we are left to think for ourselves for a change, all homelessness, mental illness, and mistreatment of others would drastically reduced because we would not be relying on the government to solve our problems. We would truly be a free world. I have worked with the miniday schedule and it really works. My only weakness part of human nature, part of the world we live in, is that I do not constantly day in day out follow through on my objectives. I thank Mark Hamilton for bringing many things to light. This is no cult, no religion, no branch of government, but only putting you back into the driving seat of your life and your families and making you a much more happier, richer, and passionate person for life and others. I truly believe this is the answer we have all been waiting for searching our lives for.
I once again, starting dreaming of the good things I would like to contribute to this world and government and bias religious sects out of the way the only person stopping my progress is me. I hope that whoever reads this will come away with some grain of hope, desire and love for all mankind.

Love Led me here…

… me to this wonderful group of friends who have passion, love, happiness, and pride in what they do. When others are daily experiencing skepticism, doubt and are living discouraging lives, the members of the Neothink Society® are full of hope for the future.
The hope is the Twelve Visions Party® a grassroots effort of many who plan to bring “Wealth, Health, Peace” which contains “The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program for the Masses In the History of Mankind”. How will that happen? Simply, with a vote in favor of Individual Rights. If anyone reading this has skepticism and wants to do an analysis, please visit to understand how easy this will be and how the Twelve Visions Party®, founded by Mark Hamilton, offers the opportunity for men, women and children to finally be free.
As families share the Prime Law of Protection they will no longer be content with the Ruling Elite deciding how they spend their days. The Neothink Society® is scattered throughout the United States, and several foreign countries, and their teachings can show you how to step into the role you have always wanted. The life of your dreams. The movie the Secret revealed how powerful your mind is; now, you can use that knowledge to change the political structure in this once strong Country, too!
I am grateful to Mark Hamilton who is not anything like the scam artists, and hucksters that are out there in these times trying to make a dishonest buck. He is a loving, compassionate, honest businessman who is giving others a leg up!
Come learn more about us by going to
Jill A. Reed

The Twelve Visions Party is the only way Americans can prosper again

The Twelve Visions Party is the only way Americans can prosper again. Sadly, most do not know that our political leaders only have power because we provide their livelihoods. For many years, children have not been taught to take perceptions and group them into integrated knowledge, this has kept us from seeing the illusions of politics. Our Education System has failed our children.

Our Forefathers arrived because they were suppressed by rulers. We face the same dominance today. Our taxes support career politicians who pass hundreds of bills that do not serve to Protect or honestly help Us. Yet that is their job, as reflected in our Foundation, so long ago prepared.

Today force, used to bring fear to the people, causes us to be subservient to the rulers. There are only two classes of people the ruling elite and the rest of us. There is nothing in between.

If you are reading this and you do not make the rules, you should check into this party founded by Mark Hamilton. The Twelve Visions Party is the solution to a force-backed system that is failing each American’s Prosperity. Join today and become part of the Greatest Get Rich Program in the History of Mankind.

Find me in Facebook to ask questions, I am wearing a Fun Meter on my lapel. I am bringing fun to America again, come join me!

Jill Reed

A chance to be heard!

How often have you wanted a chance to be heard? How little do you find that opportunity throughout your lifetime? When you were little and you were scolded or shunned for asking too many questions, did you just give up trying? Not so with the Neothink Society, founded by Mark Hamilton.

Come join us, be heard, show how smart you are and learn some more. Remember that pride you experienced when you “Just knew”? Feel it again! Come feel love, pride, and happiness once again! Then be part of the grass roots movement to ensure the success of the Twelve Visions Party as it brings The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program For the Masses In the History of Mankind!

Jill Reed

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I want to say that although I have not been a member of Neothink very long, I am a Level 2 member, I can say without any doubt whatsoever that Neothink, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society are absolutely the best thing that ever happen to me in my life. I am growing everyday with Neothink and with everything that I have read and seen. I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for having been chosen to be a part of the Neothink Society. I feel that since I became a member, it has become absolutely crucial to my life and my existence to be a part of this organization. Words cannot express deeply enough how strong I feel about this. To say that everything I have experienced, read and seen is amazing, wonderful, breathtaking and fantastic would be putting it mildly. I feel honored to be a part of something that is so amazing and better than anything that has ever existed before in the history of mankind.

The Neothink Society and everything and everyone related to it, must ALWAYS continue to exist. I feel that without it, conscious life would have no value. That would be terrible to say the least. The only thing worse than a conscious life without value is no conscious life at all.

The Neothink Society is more than just an organization. It is my family. It is the only society that I can really feel close to and mean so much to me. I can never be a part of the anticivilization, not after my eyes were opened to Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. How can I ever go back. That would be like modern man reverting back to the apes. Unthinkable.

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton for having chosen me to be a part of your society. My wife is a very strong minded God-fearing christian woman. I want to tell her what I have found and the Neothink Society, but fear that she may not agree with it or me. But I feel that even if she doesn’t agree with me, I will continue with the Neothink Society. Even if my wife said to me that she is sorry but she can support me or agree with me with it, and even if she wanted to leave me because of it, I would still continue to be a member of the Neothink Society and continue to grow in it, at any cost, including my marriage. I feel that strongly about it and it means that much to me.

Mr Hamilton, Thank you so much for the difference you’ve made in my life. I appreciate your wisdom and knowledge. You ‘ve truely been an inspiration to me and I’ll never forget you. Be blessed in all your endeavors to make life better for everyone in all areas.

-cynthia g

Mark Hamilton helped me realize there was more to life…

Hello my name is Many L. and I have been a member of the Neothink society for less than a year and have learned so much already. Mark Hamilton, his literature, and his Neothink Society have meant so much to me in so many ways. The Twelve Visions Party will mean so much to, my loved ones, and to the world. HE has shown me what I am missing in my life, and pointed me in the direction of what I want to be and do in this world.  Before becoming a member I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and never really thought about it. Mark Hamilton helped me realize there was more to life than a dead end job or the same boring rut every day. He is teaching me that you can make any job successful l and enjoyable.  I have never been this happy at my job, and it’s all thanks to Mr. Hamilton and Neothink. 

When I started reading the material I was given I was twenty pounds overweight. And after following the eating habits instructions I lost all that weight in just a few months. I have never looked or felt this good in my life. I owe my happiness to Mr. Hamilton and Neothink. All of the different things you can learn are priceless and very important to the history of mankind.

Love Led me here…

… me to this wonderful group of friends who have passion, love, happiness, and pride in what they do. When others are daily experiencing skepticism, doubt and are living discouraging lives, the members of the Neothink Society® are full of hope for the future.

The hope is the Twelve Visions Party® a grassroots effort of many who plan to bring “Wealth, Health, Peace” which contains “The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program for the Masses In the History of Mankind”. How will that happen? Simply, with a vote in favor of Individual Rights. If anyone reading this has skepticism and wants to do an analysis, please visit to understand how easy this will be and how the Twelve Visions Party®, founded by Mark Hamilton, offers the opportunity for men, women and children to finally be free.

As families share the Prime Law of Protection they will no longer be content with the Ruling Elite deciding how they spend their days. The Neothink Society® is scattered throughout the United States, and several foreign countries, and their teachings can show you how to step into the role you have always wanted. The life of your dreams. The movie the Secret revealed how powerful your mind is; now, you can use that knowledge to change the political structure in this once strong Country, too!

I am grateful to Mark Hamilton who is not anything like the scam artists, and hucksters that are out there in these times trying to make a dishonest buck. He is a loving, compassionate, honest businessman who is giving others a leg up!

Come learn more about us by going to

Jill A. Reed

March 2025