Posts Tagged ‘hello’

me and the Twelve Visions Party


hello all
being in the Neothink Society founded by Mark Hamilton the author of the greatest heirloom ever written and being among the Twelve visions Party all of this made me wanting everybody out there to be involve to experience the peace of mine,the happiness and the new integrated stage we’re in , just for people to understand what I’m talking about,please you people out there don’t assume that you know it all. allow your self to discover the path to the happy,healthy and wealthy life you deserve the new you.
without Mark Hamilton’s dedications to the Neothink Society and the twelve Visions Party we wont be here serve the humanity.
Thank you Mark

Neothink can change your life…


Hello! I will keep this sweet & simple due to the reason you are obviously interested in knowing/learning more about us. It is my honor to tell you, that this is the greatest Society. If u have any doubts or questions, please take the time to read, learn & know what u can, B4 making a decision about us, due to the negativity of the officials, law enforcement & media. I know that if u take the time, Neothink can change your life 4 the better in every aspect. If u would like 2 better everything in your life, than I dare you, to learn what we know…!!!


self leader


Hello all
It’s truly being exposed to Mark Hamilton’s books it transform you to the very positive way it put you on a stage where you realize how much power and ability ,creativity,control lead you self and that will lead to the most health and happiness .
you really will be doing your self the biggest favor ever by being among the most integrated ones ever found and mentored be Mark Hamilton and being a pert of the Twelve Visions Party TVP.
Love you all
Issa .F

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart


Hello Mark,

I just want to start off by saying THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.  I feel blessed to be a part of the Neothink Society and the TVP. I am so glad that I live in the greatest Country in the world, The United States of America, where Freedom of Speech is the greatest and most powerful right that we possess, and that same right gave you the power to write down and publish your thoughts and views so that anyone if they choose to can read them and learn how you feel and what you think about any subject. That is just amazing to me, when you stop and think about how many other people around the world don’t have this as a basic right.  
And In this day and age where it is very hard to trust, where lies and half truths come spewing from sources that we should be able to trust, and should be protecting us, we soon find out just the opposite. So who do you listen to? I say listen to your heart, listen to yourself. Listen to and read everything you can get your hands on, and when you start to get the whole story or the complete information, things become a lot easier to figure out.
With the information I have received from Neothink I feel a little safer and happier knowing that there are people out there with other plans, and that there might be a chance for some POSITIVE Hope and Change in the future instead of the hope and change that is going on right now, you know the hope and change where The Media lies to us and the Government spends the Nation into a 3rd World Country. They are really going to screw us if we don’t do something quick.
Sorry about the rant. I just wanted to say that I have learned a lot from this information and it is a definite eye opening experience, and I am very glad that I was lucky enough to stumble across this information and be able to be a part of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.

Thank you for believing in me and sharing with me this amazing information.
I am truly Grateful.

Jason F.

I am writing this letter of support for Mark Hamilton…


Hello,I am writing this letter of support for Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society of which I am a member and a proud supporter .I cant really even put into words what being involved in neothink has meant to me and my family.I am also a proud supporter of the twelve visions party and feel that its time is long overdue.The twelve visions party and neothink will bring about a major change for the better inthis country and ultimately the entire world.It is time for the people of the world to stop living in fear and stand up for what is right ,and I believe that Mark Hamilton and our new political movement,the twelve visions party is the instument of change that the world needs and I for one am with you Mr Hamilton…

Joseph l. F

Thank you Mark Hamilton


Hello! I will keep this sweet & simple due 2 the reason, u r obviously interested in knowing/learning more about us. It is my honor 2 tell u, that this is the greatest Society. If u have any doubts or ?s, please take the time 2 read, learn & know what u can, B4 making a decision about us, due 2 the negativity of the officials, law enforcement & media. I know that if u take the time, neothink can change ur life 4 the better in every aspect. If u would like 2 better everything in ur life, than I dare u, 2 learn what we know…!!!


Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing…


Hello Mark

I want to mention here how’s my journey with Neothink and Twelve  Visions Party.  Before I do that I really want thank the author  and founder of these integrated honest societies.

Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing the Hamilton’s world thru these noble societies, he meant it for all mankind, he sacrificed a lot of his efforts and assets to achieve the awareness of mankind and my involvement with Neothink and TVP is making me who I’m today ,I’m  almost living the life I meant to live and living the child of the past, I can say that I’m playing to make living, truly these are the most missing things in our lives .

And for you out there, don’t take my words, get involve ,read Mark Hamilton’s  lecturers  ,start seeing beyond the created illusions     ,start living the  life you meant to live ,like millions of people who’re finding their child of the past ,who’re making living playing .

I can tell you this the findings by reading Mark’s lecturers are limitless, after all we’re in the Neothink and TVP Society living the Hamilton’s world.

Thank you Mark for fathering us.


Jeffry B


Hello I would like to tell you about my feelings on the twelve visions party. There is so much good this party has to offer. We all could live healthier be less burdened with finances. The ability to build better lives for all with having our own business. With a more financial free public there would be less stress which in turn would have healthier people. This could led to happier families with more stable love and have less divorces and with loving romance in the air people would be happier and get along which would mean less viol ace in the world PEACE is what we need I will promote the Twelve Visions Party It has what I’ve seen needed for years.
Jeffry B

me and the Neothink Society

hello all
being in the Neothink Society founded by the Mark Hamilton the author of the greatest heirloom ever written and being among the Twelve visions Party all of this made me wanting everybody out there to be involve to experience the peace of mine,the happiness and the new integrated stage we’re in , just for people to understand what I’m talking about,please you people out there don’t assume that you know it all. allow your self to discover the path to the happy,healthy and wealthy life you deserve the new you.
without Mark Hamilton’s dedications to the Neothink Society and the twelve Visions Party we wont be here serve the humanity.
Thank you Mark

With Neothink one receives the opportunity

Hello Mark,

It is with great honor that I send this email to you to let you know the information that I have received has been most rewarding.  When I say most rewarding is the fact that somewhere in the back of my mind, the information turned on the light that I felt existed.  All the information was not new to me but reaffirmed that life does have true meaning and a chance to truly live. With Neothink one receives the opportunity to seek within oneself and find their God-given talents, not manmade duties. One receives opportunity to explore, and not remain in stagnation.  Although I am a newcomer and have not exhaled at this point, the information does enlighten my understanding of the world in which we live.  I truly support this information and hope to successfully become the person I am meant to be. The history provided seems so practical and responsible for the world in which we live in today. Ha, what a sad life.  If I can do anything to help enlighten or  increase the knowledge of the cause for our destruction and stagnation to man-kind and open the eyes of the innocent, so they will have a chance to live, I will be delighted.

Thank you,

Janet G.

January 2025