Posts Tagged ‘hello’

I am honored to tell you that Neothink is the future of mankind

Hello my name is Jason Paullin and I am honored to tell you that Neothink is the future of mankind. With out it I know we have little chance of survival. All our happiness depends upon the awesome knowledge contained with in these precious pages. Every one of my Neothink letters and books are treasures I shall value forever. I have seen the negative postings online and fell deep sorrow for those unfortunate people are not only missing out on complete happiness but are turning some people away with their words. Please take the risk it is infinitely worth it.

Hello Mark Hamilton


Thank you so much for being the man that you are and sharing the ability to Neothink with us.  I was just saying to an National A-Team Coordinator just this week that my self-esteem has exploded exponentially and it is all good. 
Linda Mokeme

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton


Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton
Good day, with reference to my Neothink materials, i found the materials to be fascinating.I operate a small mortgage business and i have seen a growth in production. I am more focused in my business operations. I have a more deeper knowledge of what is going on in the world. I can spot neo cheaters and am more at peace. Keep up the good works. Cannot wait to go to the next sections of the meetings…illusion confusion
Phil Marshall

Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly…


Hello Mark,

Below please find my response in regards to what Neothink has done for me:

1. Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly in the real meaning of life for me.  Together with power-thinking, I’m able to snap together puzzle pieces immediately.

2. It has affirmed the eternal honesty state of being in my future development with a clear plan of action.  With this plan, I will move forward in the never ending journey of my life, as a self-leader.

3. Neothink has measured and made known to me my progress in all phases of life. By honesty integrations of reality into my time and space, values are created, I’m able to take control of my environment and conditions thereof, where by creating time for all our future.   

Otto Beasley

It is absolutely awesome and I am excited


Hello. I have been reading the material and the new synopsis (that is kool) through a clear mind, now that all the clutter in my life and mind is being organized and cut away, and this is genius stuff! It is absolutely awesome and I am excited about playing in the Group in the Meetings and becoming happy and wealthy.
I will be starting over as I would if I had ordered all 12 of the Meetings on DVD’s. However, and am dedicated to this group because now that my eyes are open and I can see what is going on in this world compared to our teachings, there is no way that anyone can prevent us from ruling the world soon. This is kool and personally, there is not anyone or any group that can compare to our teachings.
I just wanted to keep in touch by letting you know this, and thanks for any help. Thanks Mark.

Darrin Pegram

I did the ten second miracle where I work


Hello Mark Hamilton,
I have already experienced the ten second miracle for about the last 12 years. I did the ten second miracle where I work. I have smoothed out all the problems they were having at the office where I work. They are willing to listen to me now since I’ve done this and am introduced to other staff at the main office downtown when I’m down there. I have gained all the truckers respect by getting trucks off the scale a minute apart. I could go faster but the computer is slow.
I know what my Friday Night Essence is. It’s developing an in house or in office exercise program for anyone to do with just music accompaniment and lots of twisting and moving to music. I just need some advice as to how just to get this off the floor and into making me money. Linda P

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

Hello America,
I have been with Neothink for around nine years now. I owe a lot to Neothink as I am a different person now. I see reality and I can recognize the lies and non sequiturs that are being used to confuse us all. Before Neothink I didn’t see or recognize any of that so I just followed along as we are all supposed to do.
I am my own person and love not having to follow anyone any longer. I follow only my own mind. This Neothink has brought me out of the typical “work rut.” Neothink is for us all and wants to help us all get away from what we all seeing happening to this great country. I dont like the direction this country is going to, so I am fully behind Neo-Think and the TVP. There is absolutely nothing dishonest about Neothink or TVP. We are all here to help.
No smoke and mirrors, no lies, no non sequiturs. Just the plain and whole truth. Neo-Think members are the most loving and honest people you will ever meet. So please keep your minds open when you see the TVP coming and please get some info so you can learn what we are all about. I hope you will join us! You are all welcomed!

Thank You for everything you are doing for all of u

Hello Mark!
I hope this will find you in good health. Attached to this email is my Neothink Testimony.
I wish this will be of use and is conformed to what you were expecting from us.
Thank You for everything you are doing for all of us and I know it takes great courage from you to expose yourself as you are about to but I believe in the power of Honesty and I know that humanity will prevail no matter what.
We are all behind you and we are all grateful for having you as our mentor.
Have a nice evening and take care of yourself.
Your devoted apprentice,
Patrice K

I have recently joined Neothink Society …

Hello, My name is Justin. I have recently joined Neothink Society and i’m telling you that this organization is a complete breath of fresh air. Things that you thought you were alone in thinking about, a lot of other people feel the same way that you do. Some of the things that have been talked about within the society has brought light to the dark and understanding to the confused. Some health topics and economic topics that have been discussed has given me plenty of insight on what is really going on in the world today, particularly in the US. This is one of the most helpful organizations I have ever come across. Some of the other members have called in on webcast’s and have given the rest of us great insight into things that we never even paid attention to. My health has improved and my overall happiness in life has improved due to the society helping me find my way.

I will promote the Twelve Visions Party

Hello I would like to tell you about my feelings on the twelve visions party. There is so much good this party has to offer. We all could live healthier be less burdened with finances. The ability to build better lives for all with having our own business. With a more financial free public there would be less stress which in turn would have healthier people. This could led to happier families with more stable love and have less divorces and with loving romance in the air people would be happier and get along which would mean less violence in the world PEACE is what we need I will promote the Twelve Visions Party It has what I’ve seen needed for years.
Jeffry B

March 2025