Posts Tagged ‘hello’

Yes, I read your first three very thick books and the letters you sent

Hello Mark,

Yes, I read your first three very thick books and the letters you sent in between.

Thanks for opening my third eye.

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,
This is Gregg F. Thanks for opening my third eye. I’ve advanced my way of thinking and understanding the way this universe operate on an infinite way. The rest I’m doing on a physical level. The anticivilization is a thing of the past. HAIL! Neothink! If you get selected. I promise you it’s worth the ride. Again, Thanks. I hope we can cross paths in the near future.
D. J.

The Neothink Society had open and filled my mind with useful information

Hello Mr. Hamilton,

The Neothink Society had open

The Good Things that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society Has Done For Me

Hello, I am sending a testimonial on the good things that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has done for me. I believe everything that is written in the Multi-Generational Manuscripts. It has made me a better person inside and out, it has made me happier and healthier and more fit physically, and mentally. I am bettering myself so others can also, this is the best state of mind you can be in. Come join us for the best part of your life in the Neothink Society. And helping Twelve Visions Party grow to have a better way of life for yourself, your family and your friends. And better health above all else.
Yours Most Sincerely
Wolfgang L

My life has improved in so many ways…

Hello, this is the first time I’ve put the effort into doing this type of thing in writing. While I have not finished getting through all of the material I can say that it has opened my eyes to a wider more hopeful world. My life has improved in so many ways and for me that is wonderful. I still have a long ways to go but I can now look forwards to the journey instead of dreading it. Thank you for all the work you and your father have done and I can’t wait to see what happens next because I know it will all work out for the betterment of myself and everyone else in this world. Thanks and be well, John Young
There’s always something going to try to stop every that is good and it’s always the ones who’s afraid of the truth.
The one and only thing can stop Neothink is Neothink It’s self; Because we have find to get past all the untruth what bend set in our mine’s for a long time. But Neothink show’s us that life is not always what you see. Go for what you know and do It now. Mark Hamilton keep up the good work and take Neothink to the next level, ABRAHAM RICE

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

Hello America,
I have been with Neothink for around nine years now. I owe a lot to Neothink as I am a different person now. I see reality and I can recognize the lies and non sequiturs that are being used to confuse us all. Before Neothink I didn’t see or recognize any of that so I just followed along as we are all supposed to do.
I am my own person and love not having to follow anyone any longer. I follow only my own mind. This Neothink has brought me out of the typical “work rut.” Neothink is for us all and wants to help us all get away from what we all seeing happening to this great country. I dont like the direction this country is going to, so I am fully behind Neo-Think and the TVP. There is absolutely nothing dishonest about Neothink or TVP. We are all here to help.
No smoke and mirrors, no lies, no non sequiturs. Just the plain and whole truth. Neo-Think members are the most loving and honest people you will ever meet. So please keep your minds open when you see the TVP coming and please get some info so you can learn what we are all about. I hope you will join us! You are all welcomed!

Neothink came into my life when I needed it most, and has had a positive effect!

Hello! I am writing because I believe in Neothink!
Neothink came into my life when I needed it most, and has had a positive effect!
Everyone has a right to be who they are and to help others…and that is exactly what Neothink is doing!
Please keep up the good and positive work!
J Sexton

Neothink means freedom to me

Neothink means freedom to me. It means this in every way If my ancestry knew what i know now by being part of the Neothink movement. They would be right along side me. Learning all they can,and putting the things they learned from the Neothink to work for them. My children and grandchildren etc. will be able to enjoy true freedom of life. This what Neothink is really all about.
Lee R. Curtis

Thank you Mark Hamilton for your good work

Hello Mark,
I am sending this Email as a testimony for you to know how Neothink has been an eye opener for me.
I have learned so much from the Neothink books that you send to me. In fact these books has been my guideline in anything that I do now with my life today. I have seen so much good things coming my way now, I wish so many people will have the chance to see how Neothink works.
I will love to see Neothink staying forever and I bet Neothink is going to change the world for better very soon. Thank you Mark Hamilton for your good works. Let the people know the truth.
Thank you so much,
Emmanuel Quaye

Mark Hamilton is a great American

Hello. My name is Michael Crozier. I read, all of Mark Hamilton books. Mark Hamilton is a great American. He has great vision and ideas, to bring value back into, every area of your life. Please get his books. They will change your life. They have changed mine. His ideas will make America and the world a better place to live.

March 2025