Posts Tagged ‘heirlooms’

Thank you Mark Hamilton


This testimonial has been a long process for me as I am still searching for my FNE.  I have spent the winter reading and rereading the heirlooms and the mini heirlooms still searching for my FNE.  I see many opportunity’s for this coming year ahead of us.  The training has been a wonderful journey allowing me to grow and expand my knowledge.  I am looking forward to using this integrated knowledge to benefit others in our society.  I thank you for the knowledge and mentoring this past year for now I have the tools to forage ahead and be there for others who also want to learn how to overcome the uncertain time the lie ahead.
Thanks for this wonderful journey.   James Perry

What do you believe dictates the outcome of your life?


What do you believe dictates the outcome of your life? Within the heirlooms I have found that the outcome of my life will be dictated by the extent to which I am able to Neothink which is being dictated by the extent to which I am able to remove my mysticism.
It has been an exciting adventure to discover the extent to which I was relying on and turning toward outside authorities for virtually every problem and decision that up until now I was using to run and control my entire life. Now that I have learned that my two chamber brain is exactly the same brain that the greatest geniuses of all time had, I am able, with the information in the heirlooms, to turn within, through deep integrated thinking, and solve my own problems.
When you come up with that answer or solution for the first time, no matter how small or insignificant the task, you will experience an euphoria that will rush through your entire body, igniting all your senses and emotions. The light will be turned on, because any doubt of your ability to experience Neothink will be diminished and most importantly your confidence will grow by leaps and bounds as you start challenging yourself to tackle anything you are confronted with.  Slowly at first and then you go back to the basics, you develop the complete outcome picture in your mind and analyzing the whole picture you zero in on the fuzzy pieces and get down to serious power thinking and bit by bit the piece becomes clearer and clearer and every once in a while, sometimes when you are thinking or doing something completely unrelated you get that AHA! moment and all of a sudden you have it.
When I began this journey, as the weeks and months passed and I wondered if I would ever be able to find Neothink there was something that I would like to share that kept me going. It was belief, I truly believed, it was that belief that I developed because I knew that this wasn’t just another hype and I knew this because my mentor, Mark Hamilton, was not just preaching another hyped philosophy, he has achieved all that he teaches.
This along with the desire to make the necessary changes in my life and the desire to always remain teachable and the attitude that my goal is to grasp new knowledge while realizing that I may never GET IT, I will always be advancing as long as I grasp what is being taught to me, somewhere out there in the future I just may GET IT. Until that time comes I will continue to enjoy all the learning which has added and continues daily to add value and happiness to my life.

Marvin Michaud
A-team business Kansas Integrated Visions LLC
A-team name Kansas City Kansas Southwest

What a journey with the Neothink Society!


What a journey with the Neothink Society!  For me, it started with all the self-help out there, I was searching for ways to improve myself as well as uncover the bogus information that surrounds society.  I figured with the information, I could help my friends & family.  Then on August 11th, 2007, I received the initial invitation to the Neothink Society.  This became the most enlightening time of my 43 years.   With completion of my first reading of the heirlooms and access to the Neothink Society website, I was flooded with information making my head swim.  Yet, there was this smile on my face growing every minute
Reading the heirlooms took me back to being a child knowing that the world was filled with endless possibilities.  Nothing was impossible!  I dreamed I was floating around in my house & I knew one day it would happen (I still believe we will control gravity).   By 3rd grade, society was already weighing down my classmates as many would say, “I can’t do that.”  My 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Cascarelli, straightened us out by saying, “You’re an AmeriCAN, not an AmeriCAN’T.”  We can do anything while helping others with discipline, thought, and then control.
I spent most of my childhood involved in scouting, always questioning nature & how to overcome it while staying in the thick of it.  When I received my Eagle Scout, my scoutmaster said, “Someday you will do something big!”  Every time I share with him a “Something Big,” he says, “No, that wasn’t it.”  Even my educational path wound me to a Masters program in Organizational Leadership where our director told us to Question Everything to include the director himself.   Questions build ideas which build concepts which build puzzles which build new knowledge.  
The biggest thing of all that I remember, was since about the 6th grade was saying, “I will bowl a strike when I am 125 years old.”  Everyone laughed at me.  I hope they become a member of the Neothink Society to see me prove it!!!  I just wonder how many of my mentors are members of the Neothink Society???
So, this brings us to my birthday on March 7th of this year.  I decided as my present & after much research on the happenings nationally and in my state with the Neothink Society, that I would start a Clubhouse.  Using the techniques discussed in the prime literature, I gathered all the data necessary to get going in Tennessee.  Yes, I asked myself the “what ifs” with some not getting answered.  I still moved FORWARD!!!!
Another Tennessean & I spoke and he, as I, was eager to be active.  So, we jumped in with both feet within 4 days, Friday through Monday, we were a launched team within the Neothink Society.  The Neothink Society – Nashville, TN is here!!!!!!  We have made contact with many members in Tennessee & are very excited.  These are the times of dreams coming true.  We will grow as the need arises allowing all Tennesseans to have easy access to a clubhouse meeting.  Let’s Keep The Playground Open & when we get stuck in whatever you do, don’t give up.  You’re an AmeriCAN, and you can always Ask Your Inner Child!!!!

Tim Lambright, M.A., Advanced Tennessee Integrators, LLC, NEOTHINK SOCIETY – Nashville, TN

Thanks Mark Hamilton


The three Heirlooms I read in early 2008 were truly amazing to say the least, As I have said many times to others is the Annabelle story should be put into a movie for everyone to see, and am sure it would be the movie of the year. Mark Hamilton and son Mark Hamilton have opened my eyes tremendously with very insightful information gathered from many years of research, and feel would help everyone in the world to read these beautifully written books. I now support both the Neothink society, and Twelve vision party, along with many topic’s they educate and expand the mind, and where people can jump aboard and share and participate and listen to any subject you want to know about. The Twelve vision party will REALLY be something to look into even for the most skeptical critic’s. People will be able to hear something different other than two usual political parties and hear how it will unfold. Thanks Mark Hamilton and Mark Hamilton for these  heirloom books and what doors it has opened for me with meeting such nice people to boot.
Ron K

Last November I received a letter from Neothink society


Last November I received a letter from Neothink society. It was fascinating ! I felt that at last it’s here. I started looking forward to hearing from this wonderful group of people. I’ve saved all of the letters and even the envelopes. I realized that the profound information, (The Heirlooms, the book, Pax NT and Cd’s on the laws of attraction) are all tools to freeing myself from bondage. Mark Hamilton has an exceptional natural capacity for creative original conceptions, a super genius! I have an over flowing feeling of appreciation and gratitude towards being a member of Neothink Society. I’m an apprentice and Mark Hamilton is a person that I truly listen to. He is empowering and I want to learn more. To look through the appearances to the essence of what is, Is very powerful almost magical and this is only one thing that I’ve learned there’s so much more to know and experience. Honesty is something I think about now more than ever. It starts from within myself. I feel that there’s a New World emerging into our very existence and the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for is the key. Yes! the key! Anew way of thinking. This is something that most all of us truly want. Just imagine, beauty arising everywhere and in all forms, a world full of super conscious beings. A world becoming what it is truly meant to be. (TVP,PN-T)                         Mark Hamilton, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!          Sincerely, Gina C

What Neothink and the Neothink Society has done for me

What Neothink and the Neothink Society has done for me, that have been lasting and uplifting and positive in every way, was to free me from the strong hold and bondage of religion.  After reading and applying the knowledge that I received from the the Heirlooms, I became a new person.  I became free to be myself without the guilt of being judged by a “God” that I was taught to believe in from a child, clear up into my adulthood.  That “God” no longer exists in my world.  So, I no longer suffer under the heavy control and persecution of the Church.  I now know that God and I are one.  I don’t have to look for him, he is in me, and I am in Him.  We are one.  I am free to be what I was created to be without the lies and mysticism of the controlling church to dominate my decisions and thoughts on every level.  My eyes are opened.  I know the truth, and the truth has set me free.  Religion and Church have no place in my life nor will they ever.  My life was being corrupted by the mysticism of a false “God”.  Neothink changed all of that.  Neothink is the future.  Neothink is where the world is heading.  There is nothing  strong enough to stop the truth.  There is nothing big enough to stop Neothink and the Neothink Society, because God is Neothink.  God is taking people to Neothink, and Neothink is taking people to God, who is the only real living God in us.  When people understand this Truth that Neothink brings, there is going to be Great Change.  We are going to see that Great Change.  We are going to see a new day, and a new world.

Thank-you, Mark Hamilton.  Thank-you for being the one to bring us to that Great Day of Change.

With Love and Truth,

Teresa S

I have read all the Heirlooms and was shocked to find such truths.

Hello Mark,

I am very honored to write you and have you read my thoughts. About Neothink; I was and am extremely excited about what we are about and believe in. The introduction letter in the mail seemed to be the beginning of the life that  I truly imagined existed since I was old enough to formulate thoughts … It began as fantasy, but I felt it in my heart that it had to be real. As others, I cannot claim that the anti-civilization hasn’t had a negative effect on me, because it has. My major hurdle is this learned or conditioned thing called procrastination. It has a hold of me and I am fighting it off. But believe me, my fight and loyalty for honesty and fairness in a new world is steadfast and embedded in my soul.

I have not formed an A-Team yet because there are challenging in my workplace, attempting to negating me from being a proper husband to my wife and a provider … (I got married because I’ve clung to someone that explained that she would love me until the end of time. Funny, I felt that way about everyone on earth, but to hear it from her made me want to nurture this isolated love).

I have read all the Heirlooms and was shocked to find such truths. I LOVE IT! … Suddenly my life has meaning. However, I am past the shock and pleasures of simply being a part of this new world and am taking actions starting in the workplace. My wife and I are not in a financial situation to start our own business, but maybe one day we will … as I am sure this will eliminate a lot of these anti-civilization roadblocks and allow me more time to concentrate on spreading truths and sharing ideas through A-Teams and friendships.

Your dad was very insightful and you carrying this legacy proves wonders. You are special and I wish I could walk beside you on this journey, but your stride has you miles ahead of me. I promise you that I will make you proud in my endeavors to pursue truths in my path leading to the Twelve Visions World, somehow.

I brainstorm ideas and have one that will allow you approval, of course; I would love to write fiction that so closely borders non-fiction that it would be hard to negate or dispute it. The material would be not only enjoyable, but a learning tool only when you seek answers through a website or inquire about the author. Them my involvement would be exposed … then more contributions from me would began towards the wonderful Twelve Visions World.

I know what you are going to go through during the launching of the Twelve Visions Party and any other revelations, but your courage, belief, concerns, love, and visions shall comfort you. And know that our support for you is unwavering. Know that most of us has learned and some of us has always had the gift to see through smoke screens and aren’t easily persuaded to non-truths.

We love you, Mark. And we wish that we could play a larger role in your/our endeavors.

Love and Prosperity,

Thank you so very much for inviting me to the Neothink Society

Dear Mark,

Thank you so very much for inviting me to the Neothink Society, it has changed my life in so many ways. I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together. I have never been so motivated to want to know and learn more. I felt exhilaration for the first time in my life, finding true meaning and hope for the future for myself, my family and the world! I always knew deep down there was more to this life.

The heirlooms have been life changing and the journey so far has been an exciting experience. I have been looking for something for many years and know I have finally found what I have been looking for. I am introducing the Neothink Society information to my children as their willingness to learn increases I look forward to passing Neothink Society heirlooms on for our future generations.

Before being introduced to this way of life I was very unhappy, my job had become stressful and unfulfilling, I felt I had no real purpose in life, the country seem to be on a downward spiral and no place to turn for true meaning and  purpose in this life.

 Now with the Neothink Society I have been able to use the tools from the heirlooms to think my way into a better way of life for myself and my family.

Please don’t stop providing this information it is the truth and the light that will change all our lives for the better. Thank you from the depths of my soul.

Pamela E

Mebane, NC

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


My name is Robert K and this is my Neothink story. In April of 2004 I received a letter that changed my life forever, at first I thought it was a sales gimmick but as I read on I knew something was different about what I was reading this time. That was my first exposure to the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton which at that time was a secret society (recently the Neothink Society has gone public) After I received the first Heirloom literature I found it held a lot answers I had been looking for most of my life which at that time I was 55 years old, I only wish that Mark Hamilton could have found me when I was younger but I guess he had his reasons, but as they say never too late to learn. The fact that now I know I will be able to live longer then I could have ever imagined through the Neothink Society and the pursuit of immortality through the writings of Mark Hamilton, I feel age is not issue. This is one thing I also worried about was to live long enough to do what I wanted to do in my retirement years. The one thing Neothink has taught me is now I can feel comfortable in my own skin, this was because I was never sure about the God/heaven religion issue, I was always was sort of a fence sitter until I became a Neothinker (as now I know the truth)I know I was different but not sure why. At that point &time (4-04) I never knew what integrated vs bicameral thinking was or, FNE, Childhood of the past, TSM etc. I am still learning everyday by reading the Neothink literature, and also being able to understand it better by becoming more integrated, there are some Neothink members that have read the heirlooms two or three times. I have learned more about myself and more knowledge through Mark Hamilton’s essence meetings and taking part in the weekly conference calls with other  Neothink members. The one thing that I am continually amazed at  is the self improvement I have made in myself. Through most of my life I have had a self destructive behavior and also a short temper that now both of these tendencies have all but disappeared and it was all due to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and not through an anticiviliztion therapist. My goals are to live as I long as I can as I have been more focused on natural supplements to try and get off of some of my prescriptions. Another goal is to become fully integrated and live in a fully integrated society(Twelve Visions World)where everyone will be able to live in a fully integrated Neothink Society where we will be able to enjoy health, wealth and happiness by removing the dishonest Neocheater politicians and the mystic religions from the world.

Are you ready to succeed?


Three years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton with red and blue trim on the envelope. This letter made us a lot of promises. I have received the majority of these promises. I have met a famous person; even had a meal with him. I am still getting advice from this person to help me succeed even more. My life is many times better than it has ever been; so much so that I do not like to even think about where I would be if I had not received this letter.

Are you wealthy? I am not rich, but I am closer to accomplishing this. I am wealthy compared to what I was before I received this letter. I own more than I ever thought that I would ever own. I am earning more money than I thought was possible within my career; and I am still progressing. I am enjoying my life and my career.

This has such a profound impact in my life that I want to share this with everybody so that they can experience the same. I owe 100% of what I have accomplished to what I have learned from the Heirlooms written by Mark Hamilton. I do not like to even think about where I would be today without them.

None of these things happened just because I read the Heirlooms. They have happened because I have worked hard using what I have learned from the Heirlooms. I have always worked very hard; so much so that I was rewarded with a stroke. When this happened to me it was because all that I knew was how to work hard and be good at my job. I did not have the tools to move beyond this mindset. The Heirlooms gave me the tools to move beyond that mindset.

I have used these books by Mark Hamilton in my life and continue to use them. I know that this works just as well as I know that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. I want to thank Mark Hamilton for inviting me to become a member of the Neothink Society and allowing me to read his wonderful books which have so changed my life and continue to improve my life it as I continue to read.  I look forward to the future I am creating for myself. I know what the future will bring to me, following on the journey that began by reading the Hamilton Heirlooms.

Thank you, Mark Hamilton.


March 2025