Posts Tagged ‘heirlooms’

Reading Mark Hamilton's Neothink Heirlooms …

Reading Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Heirlooms have moved me from being a person who had given up on love, to a person who has deep faith in love’s power to heal the divisiveness that is the human experience existing in today’s world.

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society,

Words can’t express how my life has changed ever since I’ve been a member of the Neothink Society. From the minute I’ve received my first letter in the mail back in April of 2009 from you until this very present moment, my life has totally altered for the better in each and every aspect of my life. My health, emotional and physical well-being has made a total 360 turn-a-around due to the teachings in all the Heirlooms that I’ve been reading. I’ve been an active member in the Neothink Society for approximately 2 years now and have attended local Clubhouse meetings, networked with positive like-minded people within Neothink and have business ventured with several other entrepreneurs like myself. Due to your teachings and priceless information in your Heirlooms, I’ve walked away from my 9 to 5 job that I worked for over 15 straight years. Yes, you heard correctly, after reading all the amazing information that the majority of society will never know, the information that you teach, I packed up my bags and FIRED my boss after 15 years and started my own very successful online eBay business, not to mention 2 other business ventures that I’m currently working on as well. That other JOB that I worked for was UPS (Fortune 500 company with full benefits and all). Walked away in 2009 after getting my pension, during a full-blown recession and started my own business and applied the mini-day schedules just like you showed us how to do. Thanks for everything, Neothink has truly been a blessing in my life and the life of so many others I’m sure! See you on the beaches of the world Mark! 🙂

Words can't express how my life has changed ever since I've been a member of the Neothink Society.

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society,

Words can’t express how my life has changed ever since I’ve been a member of the Neothink Society. From the minute I’ve received my first letter in the mail back in April of 2009 from you until this very present moment, my life has totally altered for the better in each and every aspect of my life. My health, emotional and physical well-being has made a total 360 turn-a-around due to the teachings in all the Heirlooms that I’ve been reading. I’ve been an active member in the Neothink Society for approximately 2 years now and have attended local Clubhouse meetings, networked with positive like-minded people within Neothink and have business ventured with several other entrepreneurs like myself. Due to your teachings and priceless information in your Heirlooms, I’ve walked away from my 9 to 5 job that I worked for over 15 straight years. Yes, you heard correctly, after reading all the amazing information that the majority of society will never know, the information that you teach, I packed up my bags and FIRED my boss after 15 years and started my own very successful online eBay business, not to mention 2 other business ventures that I’m currently working on as well. That other JOB that I worked for was UPS (Fortune 500 company with full benefits and all). Walked away in 2009 after getting my pension, during a full-blown recession and started my own business and applied the mini-day schedules just like you showed us how to do. Thanks for everything, Neothink has truly been a blessing in my life and the life of so many others I’m sure! See you on the beaches of the world Mark!

Michael L

Reading Mark Hamilton's Neothink Heirloom's has moved me …

Reading Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Heirloom’s has moved me from being a person who had given up on love, to a person who has deep faith in love’s power to heal the divisiveness that is the human experience existing in today’s world. The journey with the Heirloom’s has taken me to a place of honest self-discovery and has led me through a continual process of illuminating belief’s that create divisive and unbalanced results in my life. The Heirlooms are teaching me to use time and thought to honestly integrate self into my self’s creative experiences. The techniques that Mark Hamilton points out in his writings have given me a viable way to create happiness and success. I am more balanced and aware of my thoughts and effectively use self-control. I actively create thoughts and actions that enhance the loving and harmonious life that I want to live.

A ‘someone has authority over me’ control system was deeply ingrained into my life’s path before I read Mark Hamilton’s informative Heirloom’s.

You need to hear Mark Hamilton in these Heirlooms cos they will reveal your …

You need to hear Mark Hamilton in these Heirlooms cos they will reveal your essence to you and show you step by step how to use this to create life-long happiness and wealth. His literature contained the truth: that my L.A. culture is to seek my best-interests and my Tribe’s is to preserve their culture as a whole. Tribalism vs. Individuality. In his Literature I saw that Mark Hamilton and Neothink want to create world peace and my people start war over land and how to survive my Reservations warmongering and how to help them discover the truth about themselves, i.e. who they are as individuals,

The TVP remains one of the most important things in my life

Hello Mark. Hamilton,
I love you. I have been preoccupied while dealing with my recent unemployment status, marital issues, and bills piling up faster than I’d ever thought they could.
My wife is worth the fight, so I’m certainly fighting to keep the relationship healthy, and her by my side, first and foremost. I’m downsizing luxuries at an alarming rate as well.
The TVP remains one of the most important things in my life. And thanks to those Heirlooms, I have the knowledge, understanding and belief that, this [financial situation] too shall pass.
I apologize that I haven’t been as active as I should be with our movement, but these circumstances came from out of no where … whew!
I will certain take time to write a heartfelt testimony for you and the TVP movement. After all, that movement is me.
Please disturb me any time to contribute anything I can! For this anticivilization has a hold of me, but with a very lose grip ; – )
Love & Prosperity
Larry D. Snell

I simply could not stop reading the material…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
In 2006 or so , when I received a letter inviting me to be a part of the Neothink Society, having a daughter in High school and being divorced I was pulled in to discover what this was all about. Fortunately I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together.
Being a slow reader, and disorganized, it took some time to discovering the value of Marks literature. I simply could not stop reading the material, did more reading in these last years then I did my whole entire life, I’m am now 70 years old I feel better than I did in my 50’s and am the happiest that I have ever been.
I thank you and will be forever grateful. I am looking forward to integrating in activities and telling everyone who will listen to see for themselves the value, and how things can change for everyone in a better world.
Horst Stresing

Greetings Mr. Mark Hamilton

Greetings Mr. Mark Hamilton:
My journey since reading the heirlooms has been very interesting. When I first received the pamphlet two and a half years ago, I was just recently divorced.
My self esteem was very low and I mentally torn apart. In that pamphlet there was a story of man, whose wife cheated on him and eventually had another man’s baby.
The man also mentioned that he eventually got divorced and his ex-wife married the guy she had the baby by. The man expressed low his self-esteem was at that time, but his life started to change after he read a book from the society. He got his self esteem back and women wanted him, including his ex-wife.
My story is similar to his story. Since reading the heirlooms, my self esteem is at a all time high. I have been able to preserve through tough situations in this anti-civilization. I have always been on a quest to discover the secrets of the world. I have studied different religions and philosophies but after reading the heirlooms, I realized that the religions and philosophies are specialized usage of metaphors, similes, personifications, and parables to control conscious minds by mysticism.
The twelve vision party will be very useful because, it transcends race, class, and religion and it focuses on honesty at all times. If people is honest at all times and treat every individual fairly, the world would be a better place.
In conclusion, my journey still continues, I haven’t found the financial wealth yet, but I have discovered my ten second miracle and I now know that one day my wealth will come. Thank you Mark and Frank for your enlightenment.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for Awakening Me

Ever since I received my first Heirloom five years ago and recently my second and third Heirlooms from Mark Hamilton, My thinking about life in general will never be the same again as i have absorbed the most Powerful Knowledge in our Planet.
I feel very Blessed to be Part of the upcoming Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Advantages for Unlimited Prosperity, Happiness, and Romantic Love Including The Poor.
Thank you Mark and the Neothink Society for Awakening Me, GOD BLESS.
My self and my family sincerely thank you.

I would like to thank you for sending me the letter inviting me to join the Neothink Society


Dear Mark,
I would like to thank you for sending me the letter inviting me to join the Neothink Society. prior to receiving you letter I was existing in a rut running from home to work, work to home day in and day out. When I first received the letter I was leery and not sure weather I wanted to return it and I didn’t. A few weeks later I received another letter. I read the letter and was very excited about it. I set it aside and forgot about it until Thursday. I picked it up and discovered it had to be returned by Friday the next day. I panicked because I feared I had lost my chance to join the society. I discovered I could fax the return application .
A few weeks later I received my first Heirloom book and started to read it. I got excited. I couldn’t put the book down. I read it every chance I got. I carried it to work and read it whenever I could. Before the start of work, at break times, lunch etc. If I could have figured a way to read while I was driving I would have read then too. I completed all three Heirlooms by July of 2008. Some where i read that I had to complete the Heirlooms before I could join a club house.  I wanted to meet the people . Early August I met Steve Fagan the first time for coffee. The end of August I went to my first club house meeting with the Tri-State A-Team of North Jersey. I enjoyed going to the club house meetings because they were very well organized well run and fun to be at.
February 4, 2009 I registered New Jersey Creative Visions LLC and started the Neothink A Team of North Jersey. I’m still active with the Tri-State A Team of North Jersey as well as managing my own A-Team. I just love working with the people in the Tri-State A-Team.
I also signed up as a delegate for the TVP and attend meetings every month. I have been so very active with all of the events that are going on its seems I never stop having fun.
I have meet so many new people and made so many new friends it seems my life was so boring before the Neothink Society.
Thank you very much for providing the opportunities.
With Love
Your Apprentice                                                       
Bob McCaffrey

March 2025