Posts Tagged ‘heirloom’

Mr. Mark Hamilton


Hi everybody, I need to tell about my journey. I was walking alone when Mr. Mark Hamilton contact me, end set me up with a bunch of people lake me. The filing, the progression, the elevation, the joy, listening to them is so rewording. I’m ready to get involve very soon, Mr. Mark Hamilton will be proud, his heirloom made it happen. I always wanted all the people could get together end be happy, perhaps now we will.

Love to read!


Dear Mark Hamilton
I have read the three heirloom packages, three time so far.
I change my life from stagnation to the Neo-Think mode and it feel great to be alive.
The child of the past is shining in me my dear Mark.
The TVP is a excellent idea to dump the goy politicians for good.
What a waste to my family, which I love very much, but want to stay behind, since there are Jesus freak.
I know who the real Is reality Jesus is, since he light up the power of our consciousness.
TVP is like a moth to a flame.
TVP is indeed, the prime law
.The fundamental protection of all our cousin in the Twelve Visions World.
Again, Mark Hamilton is the best.
Good night my friend!


When I got in the Neothink Society my life was down. Now my life has change in so many ways. There are three things that did it Neothink, Mark Hamilton, and his literature. The twelve visions in the second heirloom, I open my mind and clear. And my movtivational in many ways my family and work. Oh yes my life is going to the right path. Now I have not fullest my life yet. But I know it is coming to me soon. Thank you Mr. Hamilton you gave me.
Robert D

My Testimonial

While reading the Heirloom’s by Mark Hamilton the ice melted. The truth was right in front of me, I had been frozen by the mysticism and I had used it to govern my choices. Today, I am grateful for everyone who challenges me to think a little deeper, notice a little more, and give back what I can. If we had a government that loved us in the way that Mark Hamilton and the TVP… a government that wasn’t afraid of empowering people, there wouldn’t be anything stopping us from being the most successful, healthiest and happiest people alive.

Personal responsibility is a natural law and makes pointing the finger, or laying the blame an exercise in futility. World peace, happiness, and success for everyone starts with individuals living their lives, dreaming their dreams, creating values, and emanating thoughts that harmonize with the wonders of life and the universe.

Simple truths, simple ideas, keep it simple…people don’t need more handouts, they need empowerment. Individual people who love themselves, love their life and understand natural law don’t interact in other peoples lives without extending that love to them.

I have seen the current politician…political system, and as things spiral out of control it becomes very apparent that all this is happening because of a lack of, said control. “The Prime Law” presented by, Mark Hamilton, and the TVP returns control to “We the people…”, and takes it out of the hands of politicians. It is a strong return to the original intent of our government, it empowers people.

me and the Neothink Society

hello all
being in the Neothink Society founded by the Mark Hamilton the author of the greatest heirloom ever written and being among the Twelve visions Party all of this made me wanting everybody out there to be involve to experience the peace of mine,the happiness and the new integrated stage we’re in , just for people to understand what I’m talking about,please you people out there don’t assume that you know it all. allow your self to discover the path to the happy,healthy and wealthy life you deserve the new you.
without Mark Hamilton’s dedications to the Neothink Society and the twelve Visions Party we wont be here serve the humanity.
Thank you Mark

My Testimonial

When I got that letter from Mark Hamilton a year and a half ago, it got my attention. I never seen a letter so well thought out. This letter was the third awakening that got me into imagining a better world for all of us.

The first awakening was a spontaneous one. I woke up in April 2003. I looked around me and for the first in my life, everything made sense to me. I remember being truly happy.

The second awakening was when I read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki in 2003 It was recommended by a mentor in an MLM I was in. When I finished that book, I realized that I have been taught the wrong financial information in school, and by my mother. In that book, Robert explains what the rich teach their kids about finances, and what the poor and middle class do not.
After reading the first two heirloom packages, almost magically, books I needed to read, people I needed to network with, and more education I needed to study came to me. Also, my Friday Night Essences, writing, and two recent ones, video producing and business development magically came to me. I am working on writing my first book, and developing an online based personal development business. I am learning how to make videos. I also met my soulmate, who lives in the Philippines. We chat every day, and even though we haven’t met physically yet, we love each other.
If I hadn’t received that letter from Mark, My life today would be miserable, with no hope. I am forever grateful to Mark for teaching me that I have the power within me to dictate my destiny.
None of these experiences would have happened if I threw out that letter. If you get this letter, my advise to you is ACT!!

The only thing I have to say about Mark Hamilton is:

Hi there: I’m Olga G from Tucson,Az. the only thing I have to say about Mark Hamilton is: thanks to his 4 books (the heirloom packages) now I’m beginning my own business & I’m taking a lot of very good ideas from my books! I’m able to see how this world really is & work & I’m trying to contribute with my own little changes, he is a very good member of this world & I’m very proud of him & his work.
Attn: O. G

the values from the Neothink knowledge

In October 2005 I found myself reading my first heirloom in front of a computer strung out on meth. My mind was full of questions, I wondered if I was doing the right thing reading this book. I asked this question desperately out loud and sat in my chair shaking as my glass pipe full of meth shattered into pieces all by it. There was no reason for that pipe to explode like it did; I had the answer to my question. I was working for an excavation company driving an end dump, applying some of the techniques from the heirloom; I was operating every piece of heavy equipment in the company before I left to expand my opportunities. I went to work for another company driving over the road in a black W 900 Kenworth that wanted to have for years. I was barely making ends meet and learned the man I was diving for had not made a payment on the truck I was driving for over six months. I was presented with the opportunity to buy the truck if I repossessed it. I turned the truck in to the finance company and shortly after I was the new owner of my own trucking company with my very own truck. In a little over a year and a half I have built my trucking company to four trucks that I lease to the operators. These operators have their own business that I helped them create and they run over the road under my trucking authority. I will have seven trucks shortly in my company, all of this I have been able to produce from having nothing. This is a very brief description of my story, the values from the Neothink knowledge to me is beyond incredible. If you open your mind to allow yourself to learn new things then your ability to achieve anything you desire will become possible with the things you will learn through the Neothink Society.

Anthony James H

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way…

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way Of Thinking, And Has opened My Eyes To See Through The Illusions To What Is.”

Hi, Mr. Hamilton

    I just want to say thank you for all that you do, you really mean a lot to me as far as a mentor.

Every month I get so excited, because do to the monthly meetings with you; I know that your going to bring value, stimulation, and knowledge that is new and refreshing.

The value and true knowledge that you have shared with myself and all of your apprentices has done something that no-one else has been able to do.

That is to awaken the child-of-the-past that is buried and lying dormant deep inside of each and everyone of us.

We were all searchers, looking for that something better in life that we knew was always there, but didn’t know how to find it.


Loosing you as a mentor means loosing all this value-creation, and that would be a tragedy, because no-one else can bring this to us.

Now getting to your literature, I have always enjoyed reading, but your literature is very powerful and life changing.

Every time I read through and study your literature exhilaration rises up within me from the truths that are brought to the forefront, and as far as I’m concerned that’s priceless.

I am honored to have had the opportunity to own this literature that you (Mr. Hamilton) have made possible for anyone in the world to have.

So, not having this literature is not an option.

Being a part of the (Neothink Society) means a lot to me because of it’s many advantages: one being the secret-website, which allows you to interact with like-minded people within the society.

Now, the (Twelve Visions Party) is something I’m looking forward to and means everything to me and my family as far as the country’s future. The world needs all the benefits from the (Twelve Visions Party) such as: prices dropping in every industry; which will make all the people rich, government being used for protection of the people only; which will allow the people to live as individuals and think for themselves, better health-care and the best doctors,etc.

Thank You For Everything Your Doing For Society (Mr. Hamilton).


     Marvin C

Mark Hamilton with 100% integrated honesty

I WALTER W focus downstream to testify on the behalf of The Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton with 100% integrated honesty. The Heirloom packages created and written by Mr. Hamilton are a much needed prescription for the bicameral mind infected mental paralysis masses.  
                                      Truly, WALTER W

February 2025