Posts Tagged ‘heirloom’

I am not afraid anymore!


I have been religious most of my life. When I was first contacted by Neothink I was very critical of the society. I wanted to study this society  and find out what made it tick. I was living in a desperate situation. Whether to worship god or follow my own path. I had terrible nightmares and visions making me scared but I kept on reading and studying the heirloom packages. One day I read about our Neothinker. It all fit together. I had been thinking that maybe this is how things really are for a long time but I just ignored It . After reading about this I understood how things really are. The stress that had made me have all those nightmares disappeared. I feel like a new person. All those bicameral thoughts are leaving me. I know someday I will be completely cured of the old way of thinking. Life is good.
I personally believe that right now it is most important to defeat the Republicans. They really represent everything you say you are against. After that try to influence the Democrats.

My own personal agenda involves a combination of the Law of Attraction and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). I think this what will save the world.
You need to reduce the amount of anger in the world with EFT (tapping on acupuncture points) and moving toward the positive qualities in people with visualizations of what is really possible in the world. What each individual is really capable of and what the peoples of the world really need.

Barbara Shepardson

Mark Hamilton, and his literature

When I got in the Neothink Society my life was down. Now my life has change in so many ways. There are three things that did it Neothink, Mark Hamilton, and his literature. The twelve visions in the second heirloom, I open my mind and clear. And my movtivational in many ways my family and work. Oh yes my life is going to the right path. Now I have not fullest my life yet. But I know it is coming to me soon. Thank you Mr. Hamilton you gave me.
Robert D

I Encountered Neothink

My name is Mike C here in CA central Valley.
My testimonial is this… I was deep in stagnation as well in mysticism.
back in late 2004 I encounter with Neothink I received your invitation to
be part of this society.
well as an old man with a traditional “believes” well rooted into my
psychic. I decide to get inside I order the first orientation pamphlet.
Then I ordered the first heirloom for me is (priceless) information
I ordered the second heirloom…… that was my turning point.
that book specially the SECOND INSIGHT opened my eyes!!!!
Mr.Mark Hamilton I am 100% with you…. because where else can go
is nothing up there but irrationalities, cruelties and oppression
I am 64 year old virtually blind.
I believe in you Mark I believed in your dad Mark Hamilton. This a
historical DAD the dawn of freedom for all of us and eventually for
all humanity.
“GO” FO IT” Mark you wll have my 100% support.
sincerely Mike C

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

After having received a copy of the literature from the Neothink® Society, I was amazed at what I read from it. Then I thought to myself, “Why didn’t I get this book sooner? And why was it only now being offered to me?” At first I was very upset because I felt that I needed to know and to have the information from the Heirloom to help me through the difficult times that I was facing with the economy taking such a downturn. But after having read through the material a few times and after having experienced personal growth, I realized that the reason why I did not have access to this information before was because I simply was not ready for it.
How true it is that even in today’s tumbling economy and the availability of this information, many people are still not aware that it exists. The information in these multigenerational manuscripts is invaluable. This information changed my life for the better. It made me aware of the fact that I had the ability to become a self leader and be in a position to help others. With the present state of the economy, I would advise anyone to acquire this information and obtain the results you want to attain in your life today.
Jacqueline B

Love Neothink Sociciety

I received my first letter from Mark Hamilton, my reply was not on time but i did so this gives me the opportunity this waste the way i started to read the
HEIRLOOM, and was glad at time when i began reading, their was many issued to be dealt with, I am thankful for Mark
Hamilton writing, that gave me the love
TO forgive with peace thank you MARK. But I as it should
On that

Change my complete outlook

Hello all of future friends and family. To begin with, I have lived in the anticivilization for many years. I have never really been happy there. It is very difficult to live in a world where I found out that in my early 20’s the government teached us how to lie, cheat and worry about our actions. The “Hall of Justice” is really “The Hall of Money” In alot of cases it isn’t what you know but rather who you know. So I wanted or rather needed to believe in something so I got very involved with religion and even to the point of planning my mansion when I finally died and went to Heaven as I was taught. I also had to endure abuses after I grew up and left my wonderful loving parents home. I learned to protect myself and in so cases children, animals, the homeless and the unfortunates. I worked in many positions and lived in several states and went to different schools. I finally worked for my GED and got it, then with the help of my parents went back to high school and recieved my diploma. I have been married 3 times. The first two lasted 10 years each. This time has been 25 years to date and hopefully forever. After recieving Mark Hamiltons first invitation letter and studying it for a week (figuring it was just another scam) I decided to try again to have faith in something else that might just work. I purchased his first heirloom and read every word that took me one month. Then I read his second heirloom and finally the third, went through all twelve levels and joined NeoSpace where I met many, many friends that are totally honest in every aspect. I found myself and love every thing about me. I want to share my new knowledge and want to live in a world that is total honesty, love, healthy and eventually without the disease of death. Thank you Mark Hamilton for taking the time and caring enough to include me and my family in the civilation of the Universe. Pat

Change my complete outlook

Hello all of future friends and family. To begin with, I have lived in the anticivilization for many years. I have never really been happy there. It is very difficult to live in a world where I found out that in my early 20’s the government taught us how to lie, cheat and worry about our actions. The “Hall of Justice” is really “The Hall of Money” In a lot of cases it isn’t what you know but rather who you know. So I wanted or rather needed to believe in something so I got very involved with religion and even to the point of planning my mansion when I finally died and went to Heaven as I was taught. I also had to endure abuses after I grew up and left my wonderful loving parents home. I learned to protect myself and in so cases children, animals, the homeless and the unfortunates. I worked in many positions and lived in several states and went to different schools. I finally worked for my GED and got it, then with the help of my parents went back to high school and received my diploma. I have been married 3 times. The first two lasted 10 years each. This time has been 25 years to date and hopefully forever. After recieving Mark Hamilton’s first invitation letter and studying it for a week (figuring it was just another scam) I decided to try again to have faith in something else that might just work. I purchased his first heirloom and read every word that took me one month. Then I read his second heirloom and finally the third, went through all twelve levels and joined NeoSpace where I met many, many friends that are totally honest in every aspect. I found myself and love every thing about me. I want to share my new knowledge and want to live in a world that is total honesty, love, healthy and eventually without the disease of death. Thank you Mark Hamilton for taking the time and caring enough to include me and my family in the Twelve Visions World. Pat

me and the Twelve Visions Party


hello all
being in the Neothink Society founded by Mark Hamilton the author of the greatest heirloom ever written and being among the Twelve visions Party all of this made me wanting everybody out there to be involve to experience the peace of mine,the happiness and the new integrated stage we’re in , just for people to understand what I’m talking about,please you people out there don’t assume that you know it all. allow your self to discover the path to the happy,healthy and wealthy life you deserve the new you.
without Mark Hamilton’s dedications to the Neothink Society and the twelve Visions Party we wont be here serve the humanity.
Thank you Mark

Massive Gratitude to Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton has affected my life over the past year and a half to the better in every area. His heirloom mansucripts show THE formula to personal and business success.
My business has done extremely well since I followed your mini-day directives. I get more done than ever and I have taken on new projects I would have never gotten to had I not followed that mini-day formula.
The information is crucial right now at this time for all to benefit from. I am so grateful for have been given the opportunity to purchase the texts. To ever loose this information or no longer have it available to purchase would be a tremendous crime and must never be allowed, ever.
Mark Hamilton is a person of the highest integrity and stature. He is a fantastic father as well as an honest business entrepreneur. His values will benefit all mandkind. Please allow it to flourish immediately throughout all that is. Thank you.

A little story of my journey


As I grew up in the 60’s religion was a big part of my family life. Growing up in an old school Portuguese environment. Bible study on Saturday and church on Sunday. As I reached my teen years I started to rebel. Bad friends drugs and running wild became the norm. Then I decided to join the Marines in 1972.That helped me to grow up some and help me to become a self leader. Then in 1973. I got married and wife gave me two beautiful children.

Even though we married for the wrong reasons. We stood together for 19 long years.And in 1993 I found myself getting divorced. By the time that first Christmas without my family came I was a Heroin & Cocaine smoking snorting Addict Alcoholic Pot smoking fiend. Trying to kill myself during that first Christmas without my family.But some how I found away to see myself in the mirror for the first time in my life.

I realized I need to do something before my children looses their father. So I had to self teach myself how to love myself all over again. Which in turn taught me how to respect myself. And let me tell you! That wasn’t an easy task to do in fact it was the hardest thing I ever done in my life. And in the process of going through all that. I started to do searches on the computer for a better way because what I was doing was going nowhere fast.
Then out of the blue I got a white envelope with red strips on it from some unknown. I opened it and read it. I have to admit! That letter peaked my interest a lot.The letter was from Mark Hamilton. And let me tell you that insignificant letter changed my whole life by changing my way of thinking. I quickly read all the letters that were sent to me. An I bought the first heirloom which was amazing. So I bought the second heirloom and that too is an amazing book. Then I bought the third heirloom. That right it too is amazing.

I gained knowledge I never knew existed. And that knowledge I’m speaking of has value for me that to me unrivaled any knowledge I had up to that point in my life. That knowledge has turned me from a person that knew the self leader in me and forgetting later on down road. After getting out of the services. I went right back to being the follower that I learned to be. But as soon as I got into my multigenerational manuscripts all that changed me into a self leader once again.

I may not be financially rich yet but I am on that road to becoming rich. And so is everyone else who has the knowledge and those that don’t have the knowledge will also gain riches too. But that will come no doubt in my mind it will come. As for right now I am on track to being financially using the amazing array of knowledge from the multigenerational manuscripts. And because of all that knowledge. I’m now a Neothinker. And now I support and believe in the TVP. For our country need this TVP so we can make this country the greatest place on earth. And this AC we find ourselves in now that seems to be getting worst by the seconds.

Things need to change have to change and must change not just for us but for our children and our children’s children and beyond. That is why I support the TVP.
A special Thanks to Mark Hamilton and to his family. And to all my Neothinking Brothers and Sisters of the Neothink Society. AND POWER TO THE TVP AND THE PEOPLE OF THE USE!!

February 2025