Posts Tagged ‘heirloom books’

thank you


Thank you Mark Hamilton, for giving me a chance to be involved in the neo think Neothink Society. Since i read the three heirloom books, I have learned to become my own value creator. With my very own friday night essential,I can now move forward with my own vision. The new out come of my life is wonderful. Thanks to you.

Life Changing


I have to be perfectly honest with you, I have been raised as a hard working individual, I don’t have a lot of education, but I’m full of common sense. I have worked with my hands most of my life in construction, and for years now as a painting contractor. I have always knew that their has to be a better way of living, a better way of life. A doubtful person though just thinks this is it, this is all that my life has to offer, and it is easy to assume that way of thinking when your stuck in a routine rut of this life and job that we have to do to make a living, pay our bills, and just get by.
Sense you found me, Mr. Hamilton, I have been slowly reading and absorbing the books of the Neothink Society that I have so far and I want to tell you “WOW” this information, to see through appearances to the essence of things is helping me greatly! And also the information in these heirloom books Neothink Society is helping me see through the illusions we face today. I feel nothing but gratification to read, see, and feel these insights that are before me and coming into my life, to change my life for the better. I know when I meet or am around these people in the Neothink Society, I will be in company with some of the best people on earth because of reading this literature and because of sharing the same ideals and principles we will all agree on. This is going to be life changing for me and my family, I want to learn and understand about all the information in the Neothink Society that I can possibly take in, to make a better life for me and my family and hopefully help as many other wonderful people as best I can.
Mr. Hamilton, I want to Thank You very much for finding me, and to think as busy as we all know you are, to even think about helping me an many, many others is exemplary. True Greatness, I believe you are a genius. Your work has to keep growing and with the help of the Society that will continually grow, we all are behind you to make this world a better place to live, and a better life for everyone. Learning Values and Value Creating is wonderful for any person to learn and to apply in their life.
This is what America needs!
This is what the whole world needs!
Thank You very much for being my Mentor and a true friend.

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton:

I have always been a searcher trying to better myself and be able to give my children a good education and a healthy happy life.  I have many talents, self-educated and plenty of motivation.  I wanted a change from the everyday struggle in life and working two full time jobs for many years.  Life was not getting any easier.

After losing all of my family and caring for them during their illnesses, I myself became ill.  I decided to relocate closer to my grown children at this point and time.  I changed jobs and worked in a wonderful job environment that was very different than I was use to.  This alone changed my life forever, but not until I read your books Mark, did I have any idea that this had been a Neothink® job.  It was the most organized position I ever had in my life, but I never knew why.   Regretfully I left the job and moved to another state.  I missed that job so much, that I had a very hard time adjusting to the way the world was today.  This is when I truly realized the dishonesties, illusions, religious beliefs, broken promises and anything else anyone could get away with, had taken over America.  The hurt and pain was so bad that it almost destroyed my life.  I was literally thrown out of a secretarial job in a church and six months later laid off on a stagnated, false promise job with no integrity.  A few months later I received your literature and decided things couldn’t get much worst.  I still missed the Neothink® job I had quit and knew I had made a big mistake leaving, especially being exposed to an all together different broken world.

As I studied the Multigenerational manuscripts, learned about integrations, Neothink® and the business plan I then really began to see what I had and left when I quit that special job.  I was back in the anti-civilization.   Mark you gave me a second chance to get out of the stagnated traps, especially the huge illusions of the church. All of the Heirloom books are absolutely phenomenal and I read every day.  What is so amazing to me is that when you wrote about Israel originally thinking about settling in Grand Island, NY and then choosing Israel instead.  This was another place I lived as a child.  I lived on Grand Island and went to Junior High School there.

I never in my life heard of Neothink® or the Neothink Society yet I sense when I am around the Neothink® people.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton for giving me a second chance to become what I was meant to be.  What a ten second miracle! Now I have the opportunity to become my own Value Creator and with my Friday Night Essences I can move forward with all of my visions, common denominators and my picture puzzles snapping into place. I realize I am being given a wonderful opportunity, and I will become what I was meant to be by creating my own value in life.  The Multigenerational manuscripts gave me the honest truth on how to advance my life and it was the Neothink® job that I had previously that I was still searching for when you found me.  I thank you Mark Hamilton for finding me and changing my life forever. You have brought me back into the wonderful life of Civilization.  This is where I want to stay.  It is the Multigenerational manuscripts, Mark that enlightened my life and removed all of the illusions and dishonesties that were imbedded in me during my life.  My deep motivational roots and the education that I have learned from all of the self-leaders of the society is what has enabled me to move forward and become the person I am today. What wonderful human beings in the Neothink Society…

I am advancing very rapidly now and my visions are forthcoming every day.  My Friday Night Essence for the first six months was working on my self using the common denominators of Neothink®. This is my first value creation.  Now I am proud to say I am creating a few Friday Night Essences with common denominators and the picture puzzles are snapping in place one by one.  My life has changed forever with no illusions or dishonesties.  What a Wonderful World! Everyone in the Universe can have this great opportunity. The happiness and self satisfaction without the dishonesties is available to all people willing to advance to the Twelve Visions World.

Mark Hamilton you are certainly a genius and a phenomenal writer and teacher.  I am really proud to have you as my mentor.  I would not be here if it were not for you and the many hardworking self-leaders devoting their time and knowledge to advance the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions World. The new Friday Night Essence I am creating will be for you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  “My Greatest Value Creation Is Forthcoming!” I admire and appreciate all of you.  It’s now my time to give back to the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions World so we can all enjoy and prosper in the beautiful world of Mark Hamilton-America including the poor and the elderly.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you Mark for giving me the chance to live again and mentoring me to become a true value creator.  I honor and love you and I am here to help bring about the Twelve Visions World to the wonderful world of Mark Hamilton-America.



Thanks Mark Hamilton


The three Heirlooms I read in early 2008 were truly amazing to say the least, As I have said many times to others is the Annabelle story should be put into a movie for everyone to see, and am sure it would be the movie of the year. Mark Hamilton and son Mark Hamilton have opened my eyes tremendously with very insightful information gathered from many years of research, and feel would help everyone in the world to read these beautifully written books. I now support both the Neothink society, and Twelve vision party, along with many topic’s they educate and expand the mind, and where people can jump aboard and share and participate and listen to any subject you want to know about. The Twelve vision party will REALLY be something to look into even for the most skeptical critic’s. People will be able to hear something different other than two usual political parties and hear how it will unfold. Thanks Mark Hamilton and Mark Hamilton for these  heirloom books and what doors it has opened for me with meeting such nice people to boot.
Ron K

My Journey to Life ……


Greetings family , it has been 5years now in being apart of the Neothink . Upon receiving my heirloom books I was a confused person who was being usurped by many for my kindness and resources . I didn’t know how to stop what was happening nor did I know why it was happening to me .

And then I received my books and that’s when my journey began to in rich my life . Powerful information Mark Hamilton was say in these books that I could not put them down. They were very special to me and strengthening . All things that were never shared , he did say I could have anything I needed , wanted , look forward to . No one could stop me from having . Ever since that first letter I have had nothing but clear vision , a path that has direction , a life that can be happy for ever . Thank you Mark Hamilton

Sylvia F Taylor

Since I got my first invitation to the Neothink Society


hello this is Sean McL.  Since I got my first invitation to the Neothink Society I learned more things that are beyond normal school education it gave me a little more hope for the future and more enthusiasm of what can be if the rules of the twelve visions party actually passed it changed my life mentally more than anything still have more learning and reading to do the information in the three heirloom books teaches you a lot how to be independent and be your own self leader including the conference calls that I attend everyday helps me gain more clarity of the movement and I do appreciate the members on the call that bring there integrations to the table listening to the calls give me more intelligence and vigor to keep doing my FNE which is music when I first got the letter i was a little scared but the only thing i was scared of was leaving my comfort Zone and learning something incredibly new it also teaches honesty and respect and how to keep healthy and live longer for all man kind which should be practiced daily but is not especially in the ac it helped my speech become more effective and help emptied some of the mysticism that i was carrying around thank you mark Hamilton for introducing me to the Neothink society and thank you to all the members thank you very much


To Whom It May Concern: 

There was a time when I was at the lowest point in my life!  I had gone through a career change; one from 20 years in uniform (US Navy) protecting this great nation and the Constitution upon which it based to one of “civilian” … seemingly lost in nightmare! 

The first words from my daughter, the focus of my heart, were “Why did you come home?  We don’t want you here!”  Shortly thereafter, after 8 more years of struggling to recreate the family I once loved and cared for, I went through a divorce.  The results:  For the last 13 years not one of my family has spoken to me, cared about me, or even entered my home.  A lost life of loneliness, depression, and the loss of the desire to even continue living.  Like the old country song goes … when you hit the bottom, go sideways!

Well, I was tired of going “sideways” and wanted out of this situation, even at the cost of my own life. 

Then, Mark Hamilton found me!  I received a letter of invitation to check out the prime literature of the Neothink® Society.  He told me I was “special”, and he could show me how to become the best I could be, and be a success in life (the life I no longer cared to even experience) and business.  I responded to that letter and received one after another three large Heirloom books full of love, honesty, hope, and guidance; and it made all the difference in the world! 

That was about four years ago.  I anxiously read the material, and upon completion of each volume anxiously awaited the next; re-reading the prior one, until I had all three.  I began applying what I read to my life, and saw things begin to improve, and developed the desire to experience life to the fullest, sharing what I had learned with others.  I found my essence, my “calling in life” – to be a living example of his Miss Annabelle! 

Mr. Hamilton began the Neothink® Society as an outreach to the world with these valuable secrets based on honesty and love.  I was chosen to be one of his “300”, as he lovingly calls us, to begin this effort.  When he launched the Neothink® A-Team businesses, I began the first one in the State of Florida.  When he asked us to begin holding clubhouse meetings to bring others to this wonderful knowledge, I began doing so and now have six such clubhouses scattered around the state (and more to come).  From there, I learned the principals of value creation through honest, loving business techniques (as taught in his book Secrets.  My partner and I now have a potentially fabulous business concept to begin and turn around some of the problems of the world around us; an investment company based on the principals of Neothink® business. 

I have also moved forward and become: 
a.         Coordinator of Florida Space Coast A-Team, LLC; one of the first 30 Neothink® A-Team businesses launched, and the first one in Florida, now with six branch clubhouses.
b.         Founding member of one of the premier Neothink® businesses (Value Added Concepts, LLC).
c.         A-Team Mentor/Coach for the states of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
c.         Charter Member of the Neothink® Business Alliance, promoting and aiding other business ventures built upon the Neothink® principals. 
d.         Co-Chair for the Florida State Twelve Visions Party – fighting to bring the US Government back within the guidelines of the Constitution and providing protection to the individuals of our country, allowing the geniuses to move forward in value creation and business building to bring health, happiness and wealth to all. 
e.         Co-creator of Neothink® Financial Services (awaiting approval), a private investment corporation designed to provide hope, happiness and comfort to the individuals and groups of the Neothink® Society and the world et al by building income streams, saving homes, and creating jobs and wealth for the individuals. 

I have accomplished more in the last 4 years than I ever in my younger days thought was possible, all thanks to that moment when Mark Hamilton found me, showed me how to live and love, as he lives and loves, and become a value creator instead of a value devourer. 

There have been many lies and half-truths spouted by the unlearned concerning Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society, and Twelve Visions Party.  I am here to say … stop blindly following those rumors and lies, and search for yourself!  Look at people like me, and ask “How did that happen?”  There are hundreds of us across this nation who will tell you the same thing … I learned from Mark!

I am the honest, loving, value creating individual I am today because of what I learned from the greatest mentor I have ever met … Mark Hamilton!  He is a genius of a writer, a mentor of greatest renown, a loving husband and father, and one who willingly gives of himself to see others develop and grow into Neothinkers and value creators!  How could such an individual be the evil “antichrist” that others picture him to be?

Mark:  I am by your side 100% in Neothink® and TVP.  Yes, I said “by your side” – you taught us not to “follow”, but to lead and build value!  Thank you, my mentor, for bringing back to me the meaning of life, the reason to continue, and the hope of a bright, happy, and healthy future!  The love you showed me I now return to you, and the world around me – 100-fold!
Charles “Doc” M

Mark Hamilton. Thank you.

Dear Mr. Hamilton

I thank you so very much for Heirloom Books(philosophies, psychology, self hypnotize magic book) and mentoring me. The book and 12 vision party has the big impact on me. I have so much to tell you. The truth that is I don’t know where to begin.

At beginning I was skeptical and I thought this thing was evil but I was wrong. Evil was inside of me. More I read more I went into twilight Zone. Your mental power was so strong but I fought back. In May 2008. I went to Bafferow, New York. Just before the trip I felt my brain has split apart. there was no pain but I can feel tearing the brain tissues. After I come back from N.Y.(Although I missed two Air plane) The same week end I sat down in my bed and closed my eyes, my memories has come to took me to my conception. It was phenomenon thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.

It has been over two years ago, I had visitor. It was sometime in April, 2007. I was broke as usual. I was so board and nothing good on TV. I was surfing the TV channel. I got up to use the bath room and come back to set down on the couch. As I sit down to my favorite left side of couch I saw a shadow sitting right side of my couch. As I turn my head to see, I was no longer in my living room. I was taking the place somewhere on the hill.

A shepherd!! I saw a man on my right side. He had black hair and bared, He wore white clothing. Like Jesus wore  and he held Kane on his right hand  and setting on the rock. There was a tree by him. Down below was open meadow hill. There were some sheep and care takers. Rushes green glass, the sun was shine on the meadow. At distance, there was Great Mountain.(no snow)

A shepherd spoke to me. I could not exactly understand what he was saying to me but sounded like He was telling my future. Then I was surrounded by a woman with blue scarf on her head and tree or may be four men with white and brown clothing.

All the sudden I was back in my living room on the couch. I did not think too much then because I experience similar to this kind of things sometimes.

Walk with FAITH is very difficult task to fallow.  I was saved 1983 by Gods grace and I thought I was walking with Him but I was not.

In 2008, You come along and wake me up. A door is wide open, the old things become new. Now I can see.   I can understand Jesus’ path.

I come to realized procrastinating, fear, disbelieving and few more, those things are sin and I am working on my seven horse man to diminish. I am ashsmed. I must strence to my weakness.  I always said to myself and few people that “We must answer to God someday”.   I am a one of most lucky woman on the Earth because I did my mistakes on past my life and I asked GOD that if only I can have another chance to do it over again and those chances were giving it to me.  I am much stronger then before and happier then before.

Mark Hamilton. Thank you.

You unfold my blindness and changed my life.  I have learned humanity. What is true. I think I’ve learned more then humanity and I still have a lot to learn.  I wish that more people could have chance to purchase and read this Heirloom.  It could be the life changing to many, many people.

Yumiko E

I get into this ” Neothink ” society…

This testimonial is coming from the heart and I would to share this to the whole world who happens to read it.

I am a Filipino who migrated to the United States and become a US citizen with great hopes and aspirations. I started working from the ground – up. The sequence was….from a Fast Food Grill Worker ( Mc Donald ), to a Kitchen Help at The Hilton; to a Warehouse at Macy’s; a Warehouse at Ross Stores; to a Mail Man at USPS; and the last one is being a Real Estate Agent.Carrier wise and financially successful; but with the down-turn of our economy…..I’m back to square one. My two properties were foreclosed and my debts is beyond my head….with a real experience of ejectment, debt collectors harrasment, IRS audit, Court Judgement of my debts, Identity Thieft and you name them…..I had tried them all. ( Inspite of my hardwork and a very dedicated person to pursue happiness in life ).

With strong determination and focus of what life has to offer….I get into this ” Neothink ” society….as I received a personal invitation to join and become a member. My membership starts with….my discovery of my-self and where am I heading through…..when I purchased the first book of Mark Hamilton ” The Heirloom “. There were three large heirloom books that I read, again and again to capture the real meaning and purpose of our existence….and I was very happy that I was able to discover my true self….my passion….and purpose in life. So I join the TVP ( Twelve Vision Party ) as a visionary. Before I decided to be a visionary…..I was able to share my frustrations to other visionaries….who also was having similar bottlenecks in life.

We need change….change in our system of government. Inspite of all our hardworks,aspirations, dreams, and purposes in life….we are TRAPPED by the system. You will be able to understand more about this if you know how to integrate ideas and events you’re going through in life. I have openned my two eyes and I am willing to bring about CHANGE as a Visionary under the TVP of California.

How can I change the system? My answer to this is….begin in  your-self. Create your own, better than what the present government has offered. With all my readings, meetings with fellow visionaries….we are able to decide a new system for all. Make all the people healthy, wealthy, and happy guided with our very own Prime Law under the TVP of California.

This testimonial is dedicated to all the people who happens to read and are in doubt of what they are now doing.

Simplicio D

we can all enjoy and prosper in the beautiful world of Mark Hamilton-America

Dear Mark Hamilton:

It is an honor and a privilege to write this testimonial.  I am truly the happiest I have ever been in my life thanks to you.  I am a level 5 apprentice and have read all three large Heirloom Books, Pax Neothink and the CD’s, “Your Wish Is Your Command!”

I have always been a searcher trying to better myself and be able to give my children a good education and a healthy happy life.  I have many talents, self-educated and plenty of motivation.  I wanted a change from the everyday struggle in life and working two full time jobs for many years.  Life was not getting any easier.

After loosing all of my family and caring for them during their illnesses, I myself became ill.  I decided to relocate closer to my grown children at this point and time.  I changed jobs and worked in a wonderful job environment that was very different than I was use to.  This alone changed my life forever, but not until I read your books Mark,  did I have any idea that this had been a neothink job.  It was the most organized position I ever had in my life, but I never knew why.   Regretfully I left the job and moved to another state.  I missed that job so much, that I had a very hard time adjusting to the way the world was today.  This is when I truly realized the dishonesties, illusions, religious beliefs, broken promises and anything else anyone could get away with, had taken over America.  The hurt and pain was so bad that it almost destroyed my life.  I was literally thrown out of a secretarial job in a church and six months later laid off on a stagnated, false promise job with no integrity.  A few months later I received your literature and decided things couldn’t get much worst.  I still missed the neothink job I had quit and knew I had made a big mistake leaving, especially being exposed to an all together different broken world.

As I studied the Heirlooms, learned about integrations, neothink and the business plan I then really began to see what I had and left when I quit that special job.  I was back in the anti-civilization.   Mark you gave me a second chance to get out of the stagnated traps, especially the huge illusions of the church. All of the Heirloom books are absolutely phenomenal and I read every day.  What is so amazing to me is that when you wrote about Israel originally thinking about settling in Grand Island, NY and then choosing Israel instead.  This was another place I lived as a child.  I lived on Grand Island and went to Junior High School there.

I  had never in my life heard of neothink or the Neothink Society yet I sense when I am around the neothink people.  Thank you Mark for giving me a second chance to become what I was meant to be.  What a ten second miracle! Now I have the opportunity to become my own Value Creator and with my Friday Night Essences I can move forward with all of my visions, common denominators and my picture puzzles snapping into place. I realize I am being given a wonderful opportunity, and I will become what I was meant to be by creating my own value in life.  The Heirlooms gave me the honest truth on how to advance my life and it was the neothink job that I had previously that I was still searching for when you found me.  I thank you Mark Hamilton for finding me and changing my life forever. You have brought me back into the wonderful life of Civilization.  This is where I want to stay.  It is the Heirlooms, Mark that enlightened my life and removed all of the illusions and dishonesties that were imbedded in me during my life.  My deep motivational roots and the education that I have learned from all of the self-leaders of the society is what has enabled me to move forward and become the person I am today. What wonderful human beings in the Neothink Society..

I am advancing very rapidly now and my visions are forthcoming every day. My Friday Night Essence for the first six months was working on my self using the common denominators of neothink. This is my first value creation.  Now I am proud to say I am creating a few Friday Night Essences with common denominators and the picture puzzles are snapping in place one by one.  My life has changed forever with no illusions or dishonesties.  What a Wonderful World! Everyone in the Universe can have this great opportunity. The happiness and self satisfaction without the dishonesties is available to all people willing to advance to the Twelve Visions World.

Mark Hamilton you are certainly a genius and a phenomenal writer and teacher.  I am really proud to have you as my mentor.  I would not be here if it were not for you and the many hardworking self-leaders devoting their time and knowledge to advance the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions World. The new Friday Night Essence I am creating will be for you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  “My Greatest Value Creation Is Forthcoming!” I admire and appreciate all of you.  It’s now my time to give back to the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions World so we can all enjoy and prosper in the beautiful world of Mark Hamilton-America including the poor and the elderly.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you Mark for giving me the chance to live again and mentoring me to become a true value creator.  I honor and love you and I am here to help bring about the Twelve Visions World to the wonderful world of Mark Hamilton-America.


Elynor L.

March 2025