Posts Tagged ‘heirloom books’

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books

Mark Hamilton,

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books, I have had the pleasure of experiencing the change in my life since 2007 when the first Heirloom book came.

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books …

Mark Hamilton,

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books, I have had the pleasure of experiencing the change in my life since 2007 when the first Heirloom book came.

Hello Mark! The Neothink heirloom books taught me how to …

Hello Mark! The Neothink heirloom books taught me how to recognize dishonesty and immorality among people, I feel at a higher level of thinking because people don’t recognize they’re doing it. Your books are truly amazing to discover a new one’s self.

Mark, you are really a genius!

My son’s name is Mark Hamilton Wilson


Mr. Hamilton,

My name is Alexander Hamilton Wilson Jr.. My son’s name is Mark Hamilton Wilson.  I found it
interesting to note that your name is Mark Hamilton.

I especially want to thank you and the Neothink Society for the timely contact with me and
offering me the opportunity to be part of the Neothink Society. I have been very moved by everything presented in the Heirloom Books and especially the things that happened to Miss Annabelle, her twelve students, and those who she and her students came in contact with. I love to see, hear or read about the Triumph of the Human Spirit.

I am 66 years old and I am retired. I am having a difficult time identifying my Friday Night Essence and it bugs me. One thought that came to me yesterday was to try to remember my childhood years and to pinpoint what it was that I was told I could not do or what could not be done. I hate it when I hear someone say that to a child.

I have studied the Level one lessons and am now enjoying the Formula for Biological Immortality.

So much of what I read in the Heirloom Books generated in me responses of Ahah! When I read about the Immortal evolved Conscious Being bringing the necessary conditions about to create a new Universe and then saying ” Let their be Light “. I exclaimed to myself ” YES! “

I have been convinced for years that what a man or woman conceives of, he or she or someone
else will bring to fruition sometime in the future.

Lastly, I am totally enjoying your lessons and what has been reawakened in a man that thought he was in the end days of his life. I do not feel that way anymore. Thank you.

Thank you also for being my Mentor.

Alex Wilson

when I purchased the first book of Mark Hamilton…

This testimonial is coming from the heart and I would to share this to the whole world who happens to read it.
I am a Filipino who migrated to the United States and become a US citizen with great hopes and aspirations. I started working from the ground – up. The sequence was….from a Fast Food Grill Worker ( Mc Donald ), to a Kitchen Help at The Hilton; to a Warehouse at Macy’s; a Warehouse at Ross Stores; to a Mail Man at USPS; and the last one is being a Real Estate Agent. Carrier wise and financially successful; but with the down-turn of our economy…..I’m back to square one. My two properties were foreclosed and my debts are beyond my head….with a real experience of rejection, debt collectors, harassment, IRS audit, Court Judgment of my debts, Identity Thief and you name them…..I had tried them all.
With strong determination and focus of what life has to offer….I get into this ” Neothink ” society….as I received a personal invitation to join and become a member. My membership starts with….my discovery of my-self and where am I heading through…..when I purchased the first book of Mark Hamilton ” The Heirloom “. There were three large heirloom books that I read, again and again to capture the real meaning and purpose of our existence….and I was very happy that I was able to discover my true self….my passion….and purpose in life. So I join the TVP ( Twelve Vision Party ) as a visionary. Before I decided to be a visionary…..I was able to share my frustrations to other visionaries….who also was having similar bottlenecks in life.
We need change….change in our system of government. In spite of all our hard works, aspirations, dreams, and purposes in life….we are TRAPPED by the system. You will be able to understand more about this if you know how to integrate ideas and events you’re going through in life. I have opened my two eyes and I am willing to bring about CHANGE as a Visionary under the TVP of California.
How can I change the system? My answer to this is….begin in your-self. Create your own, better than what the present government has offered. With all my readings, meetings with fellow visionaries….we are able to decide a new system for all. Make all the people healthy, wealthy, and happy guided with our very own Prime Law under the TVP of California.
This testimonial is dedicated to all the people who happens to read and are in doubt of what they are now doing.
Simplicio D

Mark Hamilton found me!

There was a time when I was at the lowest point in my life! I had gone through a career change; one from 20 years in uniform (US Navy) protecting this great nation and the Constitution upon which it based to one of “civilian” … seemingly lost in nightmare!
The first words from my daughter, the focus of my heart, were “Why did you come home? We don’t want you here!” Shortly thereafter, after 8 more years of struggling to recreate the family I once loved and cared for, I went through a divorce. The results: For the last 13 years none from my family has spoken to me, cared about me, or even entered my home. A lost life of loneliness, depression, and the loss of desire to even continue living consumed me. Like the old country song goes … “when you hit the bottom, go sideways! “ Well, I was tired of going “sideways” and wanted out of this situation, even at the cost of my own life.
Then, Mark Hamilton found me! I received a letter of invitation to check out the prime literature of the Neothink® Society. He told me I was “special”, and he could show me how to become the best I could be, and be a success in life (the life I no longer cared to even experience) and business. I responded to that letter and received one after another three large Heirloom books full of love, honesty, hope, and guidance; and it made all the difference in the world!
That was about four years ago. I anxiously read the material, and upon completion of each volume anxiously awaited the next; re-reading the prior one, until I had all three. I began applying what I read to my life, and saw things begin to improve, and developed the desire to experience life to the fullest, sharing what I had learned with others. I found my essence, my “calling in life” – to be a living example of his Miss Annabelle!
Mr. Hamilton began the Neothink® Society as an outreach to the world with these valuable secrets based on honesty and love. I was chosen to be one of his “300”, as he lovingly calls us, to begin this effort. When he launched the Neothink® A-Team businesses, I began the first one in the State of Florida. When he asked us to begin holding clubhouse meetings to bring others to this wonderful knowledge, I began doing so and now have six such clubhouses scattered around the state (and more to come). From there, I learned the principals of value creation through honest, loving business techniques (as taught in his book Secrets. My partner and I now have a potentially fabulous business concept to begin and turn around some of the problems of the world around us; an investment company based on the principals of Neothink® business.
I have also moved forward and become:
a. Coordinator of Florida Space Coast A-Team, LLC; one of the first 30 Neothink® A-Team businesses launched, and the first one in Florida, now with six branch clubhouses.
b. Founding member of one of the premier Neothink® businesses (Value Added Concepts, LLC).
c. A-Team Mentor/Coach for the states of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
c. Charter Member of the Neothink® Business Alliance, promoting and aiding other business ventures built upon the Neothink® principals.
d. Co-Chair for the Florida State Twelve Visions Party – fighting to bring the US Government back within the guidelines of the Constitution and providing protection to the individuals of our country, allowing the geniuses to move forward in value creation and business building to bring health, happiness and wealth to all.
e. Co-creator of Neothink® Financial Services (awaiting approval), a private investment corporation designed to provide hope, happiness and comfort to the individuals and groups of the Neothink® Society and the world et al by building income streams, saving homes, and creating jobs and wealth for the individuals.
I have accomplished more in the last 4 years than I ever in my younger days thought was possible, all thanks to that moment when Mark Hamilton found me, showed me how to live and love, as he lives and loves, and become a value creator instead of a value devourer.
There have been many lies and half-truths spouted by the unlearned concerning Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society, and Twelve Visions Party. I am here to say … stop blindly following those rumors and lies, and search for yourself! Look at people like me, and ask “How did that happen?” There are hundreds of us across this nation who will tell you the same thing … I learned from Mark!
I am the honest, loving, value creating individual I am today because of what I learned from the greatest mentor I have ever met … Mark Hamilton! He is a genius of a writer, a mentor of greatest renown, a loving husband and father, and one who willingly gives of himself to see others develop and grow into Neothinkers and value creators! How could such an individual be the evil “Antichrist” that others picture him to be?
Mark: I am by your side 100% in Neothink® and TVP. Yes, I said “by your side” – you taught us not to “follow”, but to lead and build value! Thank you, my mentor, for bringing back to me the meaning of life, the reason to continue, and the hope of a bright, happy, and healthy future! The love you showed me I now return to you, and the world around me – 100-fold!
Charles “Doc” M

Free Bill

When I got my first letter, I was curious, so I replied. What was started, by doing so, has very much changed my life. I thank Mark Hamilton for this. It took a year to go through the three heirloom books. The more I studied them the more I want to read.
I feel I have reached a point of conscious competence. I have raised my mind control of doing this for the better of all around me. This has raised a love of all that’s around me and how I react to other people’s love of life and getting fulfillment.
Neothink thinking will come up with the how, no need to worry. Using the mini day schedule to free-up and make your day more productive. As we get rid of the smoke and mirrors of the mysticisms and see the truth, how great it is.
The prime Law acting as a filter for all law, will bring peace and prosperity to all. With it we will be able to create and make our Friday night essence come true.
Which will benefit all mankind.
Free Bill

I want to thank you my Beloved mentor Mark Hamilton

Last January 2009 I entered the hospital for a operation on my lower back. I walked in and came out several months later in a wheel chair with some paralysis in my arms legs and hands. I am working hard with hopes of one day walking again. My typing never was very fast but even slower now. I set my hands this day to give you my feelings and a gratitude I cannot put into words. You gave me a reason to live again. I am 75 years old and have been down a lot of roads and dead end streets. When I read in The prime literature about the AC it took no convincing on my part. I have lived it in my own life. At every level in our society of religion and politics, it’s broken. People living off the productivity of others. They are very clever in building illusions why they are needed and must
be followed for the public good. I have read all three large heirloom books and other Neothink books and literature. I value the information contained therein as priceless gems for myself, my family and dear friends. I want to thank you my Beloved mentor Mark Hamilton for making this information available to me and for your life’s work in protecting and enhancing it. Deepest Love and Gratitude.
Leonard D

I want to thank you my Beloved mentor Mark Hamilton

Last January 2009 I entered the hospital for a operation on my lower back. I walked in and came out several months later in a wheel chair with some paralysis in my arms legs and hands. I am working hard with hopes of one day walking again. My typing never was very fast but even slower now. I set my hands this day to give you my feelings and a gratitude I cannot put into words. You gave me a reason to live again. I am 75 years old and have been down a lot of roads and dead end streets. When I read in The prime literature about the AC it took no convincing on my part. I have lived it in my own life. At every level in our society of religion and politics, it’s broken. People living off the productivity of others. They are very clever in building illusions why they are needed and must
be followed for the public good. I have read all three large heirloom books and other Neothink books and literature. I value the information contained therein as priceless gems for myself, my family and dear friends. I want to thank you my Beloved mentor Mark Hamilton for making this information available to me and for your life’s work in protecting and enhancing it. Deepest Love and Gratitude.
Leonard D

Mark Hamilton have opened my eyes tremendously

The three Multigenerational manuscripts I read in early 2008 were truly amazing to say the least, As I have said many times to others is the Annabelle story should be put into a movie for everyone to see, and am sure it would be the movie of the year. Mark Hamilton have opened my eyes tremendously with very insightful information gathered from many years of research, and feel would help everyone in the world to read these beautifully written books. I now support both the Neothink society, and Twelve vision party, along with many topic’s they educate and expand the mind, and where people can jump aboard and share and participate and listen to any subject you want to know about. The Twelve vision party will REALLY be something to look into even for the most skeptical critic’s. People will be able to hear something different other than two usual political parties and hear how it will unfold. Thanks Mark Hamilton and Frank R. Wallace for these  heirloom books and what doors it has opened for me with meeting such nice people to boot.
Ron K


March 2025