Posts Tagged ‘heirloom book’

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books

Mark Hamilton,

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books, I have had the pleasure of experiencing the change in my life since 2007 when the first Heirloom book came.

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books …

Mark Hamilton,

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books, I have had the pleasure of experiencing the change in my life since 2007 when the first Heirloom book came.

Mark Hamilton, Neothink was one of the most powerful forces to ever…

Dear Mark,
I received your first heirloom book on Neothink in September 2008. It was as if a strong gravitational pull entered my life. It was difficult to put the book down. While there was so much new material, there was also so much validation of what I had been feeling for a long time. Mark Hamilton, Neothink was one of the most powerful forces to ever come into my life. No sooner than I could move through Volume 1, Volume 2 arrived. It was as if I was returning to graduate school. I was amazed at the amount of detail provided on the importance of integration and pro-active management. The essence of success was defined clearly and reinforced through volumes of anecdotal, real world experiences. Then, with the arrival of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, it all began to come together. Neothink is an incredibly powerful life lesson; it is an inspiring set of solutions to the picture puzzle of our lives and how to live them to the fullest.
I wish you every success in leading Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party. Your leadership has inspired many of us who seek to find the essence of life. As America faces its most challenging times since its founding, I am excited to see the Twelve Visions Party enter the political arena. Its potential contribution to our democracy could be extraordinary.
With all the power of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, I am most grateful.
William W. “Bill” Ditz

I would like to thank you for sending me the letter inviting me to join the Neothink Society


Dear Mark,
I would like to thank you for sending me the letter inviting me to join the Neothink Society. prior to receiving you letter I was existing in a rut running from home to work, work to home day in and day out. When I first received the letter I was leery and not sure weather I wanted to return it and I didn’t. A few weeks later I received another letter. I read the letter and was very excited about it. I set it aside and forgot about it until Thursday. I picked it up and discovered it had to be returned by Friday the next day. I panicked because I feared I had lost my chance to join the society. I discovered I could fax the return application .
A few weeks later I received my first Heirloom book and started to read it. I got excited. I couldn’t put the book down. I read it every chance I got. I carried it to work and read it whenever I could. Before the start of work, at break times, lunch etc. If I could have figured a way to read while I was driving I would have read then too. I completed all three Heirlooms by July of 2008. Some where i read that I had to complete the Heirlooms before I could join a club house.  I wanted to meet the people . Early August I met Steve Fagan the first time for coffee. The end of August I went to my first club house meeting with the Tri-State A-Team of North Jersey. I enjoyed going to the club house meetings because they were very well organized well run and fun to be at.
February 4, 2009 I registered New Jersey Creative Visions LLC and started the Neothink A Team of North Jersey. I’m still active with the Tri-State A Team of North Jersey as well as managing my own A-Team. I just love working with the people in the Tri-State A-Team.
I also signed up as a delegate for the TVP and attend meetings every month. I have been so very active with all of the events that are going on its seems I never stop having fun.
I have meet so many new people and made so many new friends it seems my life was so boring before the Neothink Society.
Thank you very much for providing the opportunities.
With Love
Your Apprentice                                                       
Bob McCaffrey

I have enjoyed all the level meetings with Mark Hamilton…


My Updated Testimonial
As I sit down to write this it is a snowy, cold, blustery night in Dublin, Ohio. I am getting so excited about what we have been working on in 2008 and now in 2009. We, meaning what we have started calling ourselves the Three TVP musketeers and Dartanian. The names that most have heard on our TVP calls and other calls are Michael Dilworth, Kenneth Townsend, and Jeff Smith. We have replicated ourselves with the second musketeers who are David, Patricia, and Jill. I have been honored to be a part of these TVP calls and also on the Wednesday night A team call with Mike and Steve and the Tuesday night Heirloom call with Chuck and Ted.. I have grown every time I have done one of these calls.
It astounds me to look back and see where I have come from. I remember getting my letter and then getting my first Heirloom book. I devoured it and couldn’t wait for the second one.. It opened my world up to a whole new way of living and thinking. I was in an apartment then and was so excited when I contacted my first Neothink brother.. It was Greg Mauter and we met at a restaurant in Toledo, Ohio where I was living at the time. We spent 3 hours together and it was like meeting a long lost brother.
I have sense met many more Neothink Society brothers and sisters in person and through the calls that I have participated in. I truly have an ever expanding family of fully integrated honest, loving, geniuses. I get real pumped up on calls now when I see people getting on from other countries and I know that this Neothink mentality will change the world.
I have enjoyed all the level meetings with Mark Hamilton and review them whenever I can. I love the website and have seen it get better and better. I am looking forward to mentoring as many people as I can by introducing them to Neo think and our parallel society we are creating. I have known what my FNE or Friday Night Essence has been from the beginning and have used these on the calls. One of the things that I love to do is act and write scripts so that is how The Taking It To The Streets came into existence. That is why I have been in sales and marketing for twenty plus years because a good sales person is a good creative thinker. I am currently with a home improvement company and have been able to use my Neothink tools I learned from the Prime Literature to not only get a promotion but have been offered to go to Dallas, Texas and be the City Director of Marketing, I accredit my mini days, ten second miracles, power thinking, and all the other things that I have learned in the five years I have been involved with the Neothink Society to this. I am looking forward to getting involved in the clubhouses, workshops, and most of all in the Texas TVP. I am currently checking hotels in the Chicago area where we will have our first TVP national conference. I am projecting having a place nailed down with a website up by February so our people can start making reservations and travel plans. I want to end with a Big Thank you to Mark Hamilton, Eric Wallace, and F.R.W. for your literature, insights, and for the mentoring. I am so thrilled to be a part of this and with my musketeers and my many new friends in the society we are looking to help BRIDGE the anti civilization into the Twelve Visions World. BRIDGE standing for Bringing Real Innovation Declaring Genuine freedom to next generations Experience.

Jay A. Solether, Porthos of the Three TVP Musketeers, TVP coordinator of the Columbus A Team and mentor in training

Mark Hamilton – Neothink

When the letter arrived, I initially thought of two things. First, it was from someone from an experimental psychology class I had in college 35 years later, doing a follow up on the 20 participants, to see how they turned out. After finishing reading all the pages, however, that “no”, this is different and more importantly, for the first time I realized, I was not alone.
The revelation that there were other people out there like me, quietly doing business ”Their own way”, invigorated me at a personally challenging moment in my life. Neo-Think by luck (?) had found a prospect with their mailing, who was indeed the right target.
After reading the first Heirloom Book, I was truly amazed that even the example of how to organize a Direct Mail promotion so closely followed my own experience in my chosen profession. I had even organized my own operations and analysis of productivity, virtually the same way! From 10 second miracles, mini days to mini companies, power thinking to teaching “Power Thinking” within my own business, it was like someone had followed me around all these years documenting everything I had accomplished. For all the years that people in my own industry of Direct Marketing had thought I was doing things in a very unusual way by not doing it the usual way, suddenly I was so glad Mark Hamilton picked the list to test that included my name! As tough as this business is, I still am regarded as one of the visionaries and one of the most successful companies in the South.
I started all this in the late 70s and early 80s and when I recently read all this information, I knew I was destined to teach this concept. Without knowing it, I had and am constantly implementing the Neo Think way of doing things and they work beautifully as my own Mailing facility has grown from in 1980, from 1 person (Me) to 200 plus people today(2009). As I start a new division, I always use the picture puzzle concept to envision the variables and let the 10 second miracle put the pieces together. I have practiced this method for so long, that answers come to me very quickly and results are soon measurable. My newest endeavor will also most certainly be even more successful than everything I have done up till now
I look forward to helping others now find their calling in life utilizing all the principles of Neothink.
Norm P

Did you Ever Feel STUCK???

Did you Ever Feel STUCK???
Standing as if you are in a bucket of cement, deciding how I release myself, having your mind muffled regarding direction, decisions, which way should I turn, left, right, forward, possibly backward? But instead you are frozen and in complete bewilderment regarding your next step.
Questioning your decisions, judgment and future plans, Double Guessing Yourself
I was in this position. However, I received a letter, or should I say I was ready to open a letter. Yes, I received a letter, from the Neothink Society, a letter in an old fashioned looking special delivery envelope. An eye catching envelope caught my eye and my curiosity. I, many times, heard an old tale, curiosity killed the cat, but I figured I could take the risk.
And, yes, I am I glad I did. My recommendation: Don’t always believe in those old mystic tales, it can halt your growth, and even keep you stuck in the mind made cement.
Well, I opened the letter and was told that I was special and had special traits. I just needed to reveal these traits, talents, skills to myself and then know the right tools in which to use my talents, skill, and traits effectively.
A big secret: once I know myself and know I can take full responsibility for myself and my take actions, that’s right, you heard me, take action, I could move mountains and climb these mountains, as far up as I could vision in my mind.
Well, I believed the words in the letter and went for it. I purchased my first Heirloom Book and never looked back. Of course the words did not jump out of the page and give me instant fame, success, money. Another secret, I had to use the tools in the book and implements the tools addressed into my life.
Remember: I had to make adjustments; I had to get rid of old thinking and enter in new vibrant result oriented thinking. The Key is; I had to do it, yes, there is some elbow grease and mind thinking, but, by doing this, the good results would take care of themselves.
We’ll, guess what; the good results have been taking care of themselves, repeatedly, repeatedly and repeatedly.
By reading the Heirloom Literature, meeting and speaking regularly with other like-minded Neothink members, going to Clubhouses Meetings and connecting with The Neothink website, I was able to Blast away my mind made cement and mind made bucket, create my own road map with the correction directions for me and my purpose in this life. I am now charting my own course and building my own directions toward wealth, success, health and yes, even romance. I am eagerly moving forward, loving life because I have a purpose and a direction. Yes, by reading and actively bringing the tools, given by The Nothing Society, into my life, I am a happy, life loving man. Of course I know real happiness; Through Neothink, I know really know what makes a person happy,
Guess what! It is true/
Would you like to know? Well, read the Literature, the valuable information is in the literature. Do I have your curiosity, well, I hope so. I am not trying to just tease you much, I want to make you realize that you need to explore and find out the answers yourself; you will appreciate the wonder and the value, by your own discovery.
Oh! By The Way, Those Ten Second Miracles you hear about. Yes, they are real, very real.
Actually, I find the miracles come to me now many times in less than 5 seconds. I believe they are rapidly coming into my mind because I am aggressively using the tools offered in the Literature.
Ok, I just brought up that secret again…… You need to use the tools in the book, Get it…..
I did and I keep getting it.
I better stop now. I strongly recommend purchasing the Heirloom Literature and you can discover for yourself. (That is right you need to discover for yourself, anything of true value cannot be just handed to you) Please remember this.
I hope to be sharing the beaches of the world with all of you.
My Sincere Thank you to Mr. Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society
Steve F

Mark Hamilton is not a monster he is a…


I have learned so much form reading the three heirloom book and the Pax book as well. All of it makes more sense then going against my own nature and doing things that did not make me happy. No I did not turn into a millionaire yet but I am working my way there and I do not want to be in a routine rut all of me life I started writing my first book and I am working on getting patterns for my inventions. I realized that a title means nothing and your not able to control someone else’s intake or reaction to a situation. Biological immortality is absolutely possible only if there in more of a drive for it from the public I also learned that the pieces of the puzzles do fit together as long as you work on them. Minnie days are efficient and I use the life chart on the first day of every month. I have a abundance of useful knowledge from reading these book and I highly recommend the lessons in them to everyone Mark Hamilton is not a monster he is a eye opener asking you not to glance at the world around you but to inspect it and find everything that you will ever need from within it especially yourself. He talks about Friday night essences really and truly looking into yourself in order to find what your good at. Then creating something out of it instead of being a producer for the rest of your life reaching the end and wishing you had done something different really grabbed on and followed your dreams.

Miss Annabelle Stories ……


When I read my heirloom book ” Miss Annabelle Stories . I was blown away . This was a book that I could not put down. I became unhappy in going to work each day for what I now came to know from how mislead . O for the youth of today to have such a teach like in Miss Annabelle Stories what new things they could create values for others to enjoy and pay them for . I know I would have been a better student .

Sylvia F Taylor

thank you for sending me the letter…


Dear Mark,
I would like to thank you for sending me the letter inviting me to join the Neothink Society prior to receiving you letter I was existing in a rut running from home to work, work to home day in and day out. When I first received the letter I was leery and not sure whether I wanted to return it and I didn’t. A few weeks later I received another letter. I read the letter and was very excited about it. I set it aside and forgot about it until Thursday. I picked it up and discovered it had to be returned by Friday the next day.  I panicked because I feared I had lost my chance to join the society. I discovered I could fax the return application.

A few weeks later I received my first Heirloom book and started to read it. I got excited. I couldn’t put the book down. I read it every chance I got. I carried it to work and read it whenever I could. Before the start of work, at break times, lunch etc. If I could have figured a way to read while I was driving I would have read then too. I completed all three Multigenerational manuscripts by July of 2008. Some where i read that I had to complete the Multigenerational manuscripts before I could join a club house.  I wanted to meet the people.  Early August I met Steve Fagan the first time for coffee. The end of August I went to my first club house meeting with the Tri-State A-Team of North Jersey. I enjoyed going to the club house meetings because they were very well organized well run and fun to be at.
February 4, 2009 I registered New Jersey Creative Visions LLC and started the Neothink A Team of North Jersey. I’m still active with the Tri-State A Team of North Jersey as well as managing my own A-Team. I just love working with the people in the Tri-State A-Team.  I also signed up as a delegate for the TVP and attend meetings every month. I have been so very active with all of the events that are going on its seems I never stop having fun.  I have meet so many new people and made so many new friends it seems my life was so boring before the Neothink Society.
Thank you very much for providing the opportunities.
With Love
Your Apprentice

Bob McC

March 2025