Posts Tagged ‘heart and soul’

Neothink is and always will be the best thing to happen to me…

Neothink is and always will be the best thing to happen to me next to being married and having kids it has opened my eyes and giving me a new look on life more compassionate, creative and most of all wanting to be and do better for myself the family and the world, so to keep this sort and sweet i beg any body who is listening please don’t let them cheat us and the world of the pure honesty of Neothink.
Thank you with all of my heart and soul your friend in Neothink and life.

Mark Hamilton, thank you, thank you for the joy this information has brought me!


Dear Mark, 

Even though I haven’t received any response from you, I feel the need to continue writing. Because the Neothink book gave me such joy in reading, I am reading it a second time. I believe I will get even greater joy and more profound thoughts the second time around. The sequence of events in this “faction” is more than logical. It all comes together not by coincidence (I believe everything happens for a reason, we create our reality) but by knowing the greatness and beauty of our soul, going inward to find our purpose; our greatest values..sharing them and acting on them.
Everything I read is possible. I am sure some of it is reality. If even the smallest portion of it is reality, it brings my heart and soul great happiness. I want to be a part of this. I want to remember my talents and specific purpose and share it! My truth is that I am and every human is a piece of God or the Source. The name doesn’t matter. Its the pure love, intelligence and creation that matters. My truth is not that I need to learn who I am, but to remember what I know. The soul knows all, because it is a spark- a twinkle of the same stuff as my creator. And what I just wrote is not mentioned in any way in the book. I am a believer in reincarnation, but maybe that scares most people. I’m not sure why. Up until the time we don’t have the desire or need to come back to earth, it has been a comfort to me in the understanding that our souls are eternal- that we can (if we chose) come back and experience our soul in the physical realm. I love my physical body and want to be immortal. I have no desire to start over in a different body. I’ve visited this earth too many times! I just want to heal and erase the accumulation of “battle scars”.  What and incredible thought- to get our loved ones back from the spirit real into their previous, yet perfect bodies! And to live in that body as immortal! Words can’t describe how this makes me feel. I would do anything, anything to have my brother back. He committed suicide going on 3 years now. He had degenerative bone disease- between all the medications, pain and emotional distress he couldn’t take it any more.  I apologize if what I write is not in any kind of sequence, but these thoughts come from my heart. To have a Neothink President to depoliticize the US Government and then the world by the help of many value creators/neothinkers really would change the world. Mark, once again I want to be apart of this. I want to put all my heart, mind and soul into this endeavor. I’m ready. Please tell me, show me what’s next! 

Your Friend, 

Cathy Johnson

When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature

Dear Mr. Hamilton:
When I opened the email you sent us telling us that the government authorities may potentially end our cause of Neothink Society and TVP in the near future, I said to myself, this can’t be happening. I wanted to stress with my whole heart and soul that we cannot let them silence something we so strongly believe in.
When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature I realized all the time I had wasted on doing tedious things without value or importance for anyone. Neothink Society has meant a lot to me over the past two years and has changed my life for the better. I truly feel like a new woman and all my peers can see the drastic change in me. I have started to actually appreciate my family and am always working on becoming a better individual. Mr. Hamilton’s words are very close to my heart and have taught me how to achieve many great things I never dreamed of accomplishing. I believe that TVP is something that serves as an enlightening perspective for all those seeking for guidance for what our future may hold.
That is why I, Maria C. Rodriguez, testify that Neothink Society and the TVP movement is something marvelous that all humanity should want to explore. Let’s do our best to continue forth with this cause, that I’m sure has helped many people just like me.
Truly yours,
Maria C. R

Mark Hamilton, for nearly forty years,…

Mark Hamilton, for nearly forty years, I went through life anesthetized by drinking beer, blaming others for my failures and singing the “Oh poor me” song to myself over and over. I was stuck in a mindset that it really didn’t matter because all I had to look forward to was old age and death and an afterlife that may be there and then again may not be there. Even through the fog of the alcohol, I knew that the Church was somehow corrupt at it’s core just like our politicians and the White House. Intuitively, I knew that some group held the puppet strings and played us all like fools. Then, in desperation, I responded to your letter that promised something new, something refreshing. I put the first manuscript down many times, sometimes for months before returning to it to digest a little bit more. A change was taking place inside me. The second manuscript arrived and I couldn’t put it down. The same with the third. Every time I re-read the third manuscript, I cry. My heart and soul resonate with this masterpiece. It has been a long journey to this point and I know it is only the beginning of the beginning. It has been nearly three years since I have had a drop of alcohol. I have lost 30 pounds. My relationship with my parents, wife and children is now one of joy and happiness. I was a millionaire on paper once. Back then, I created a company from scratch and found exhilaration and pleasure in what I was doing. Then, I lost the business and started blaming anything and everything and everybody for the failure. I should have looked in the mirror. Now, I own three companies and am a partner in a fourth. This time, I know that I am creating more than I ever dreamed possible before and that the rewards will make my previous paper status look like chump change. Now I look forward to a long, long, long healthy life, full of satisfaction from learning and growing personally, helping others and a fabulous, bright future that I create. Stephen N.

Thank you Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I just wanted to leave you a Testimonial about how you have helped me and gave me the tools to create a life that is truly worth living.
Mark from the depths of my heart and soul the literature you have devoted your life to be more valuable that all the wealth this world could ever offer!
My life has changed so for the better and continues to grow and develop in ways I never imagined was possible. I cannot for the life of me look back and see how I had spent my life , only forward looking and expectations now fill my days and nights. Your personal attention care and wealth of knowledge will forever continue creating great values in my life; my daughter and two grand kids now have the possibility of truly having a prosperous happy loving future because of you and your literature. I am deeply Grateful and Honored to be a part of this Great Evolution in neo think, it’s the Greatest and Historical even to come into this world in many of thousands of years. I know without a doubt any person alive today will benefit enormously from the work you do being a member of neo think and having Mark Hamilton in their personal lives. I see the universe smiling down on you for the Great effort you have devoted your life you. Yes I am a neo think man and very proud of it. No more sacrificing for others or misleading illusions will ever again cloud my thoughts, I have the tools to live the life I was created to live and share in enormous values for myself and society as a whole.
The Twelve Vision Party now launched around the country is the most remarkable event to hit this world since the founding of America in 1776!! This will not only assure me of a lasting prosperity happiness as well as REAL FREEDOM in a totally honest Government doing what it is meant to do. Protection only our country to finally FULL FILL ITS GLORY !!! it will not only allow us to Prosper like never before but will Change the whole WORLD .
We were never created to live under suppression and deception, never to be ruled over by Mad Men corrupt and only allowing special interest to ever actual prospers. The Twelve Vision Party in the only and I mean ONLY way for HUMANITY to reach a Higher Cause and live in a world of total Honesty and Value Creation for everyone which has never been seen before on Earth! The Twelve Vision Party will and cannot fail or this world is DOOMED to fail in a miserable END!!! we are at the Final Crossroads of Life or Death scenario , either we MOVE FOWARD WITH A TOTALLY OPEN AND Honest Government under the Leadership of Business Driven Honest Men and women of The Twelve Vision Party who are dedicated to make the world a Better place for each and every individual no matter race creed color religion or person status in life . I can only TREMBLE with the thought if our Government keeps the same path they have for 100 yrs trying to take total control of the Greatest Country ever created on this planet America the Great!! let us pay Homage and Tribute to our original Founders and GO FOWARD TO FULL FILLING THEUR DREAMS TO FINALLY MAKE AMERICA THE LEADERS OF THE WORLD HEADS HELD HIGH AND HEARTS FILLED WITH LOVE FOR ALL HUIMANITY !!
To paraphrase one man’s words in American History, Neal, as he stepped down on the surface of the moon, THE TEWELVE VISION PARTY CAN PROUDLY ANNOUNCE “ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN ONE HUGE LEAP FOR MANKIND”
Thank you Mark Hamilton, I’m Honored to be a part of your dreams for America and the World as a whole! Looking forward to our SUCESS in the WHITE HOUSE!!! THE TWELVE VISION PART CREATING VALUES FOR EVERYONE FOREVER!!!!!
A PERSONAL NOTES FOR ALL MEMBERS, Never in my life have I experienced such LOVE from anyone outside Neothink, wow it fills you with such incredible energy and happiness. HONESTY LOVE AND GENUINE VAALUES .GREAT WORK MARKS!!
Sincerely from the heart Wayne H

Neothink Society has meant a lot to me…

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

            When I opened the email you sent us telling us that the government authorities may potentially end our cause of Neothink Society and TVP in the near future, I said to myself, this can’t be happening. I wanted to stress with my whole heart and soul that we cannot let them silence something we so strongly believe in.

            When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature I realized all the time I had wasted on doing tedious things without value or importance for anyone. Neothink Society has meant a lot to me over the past two years and has changed my life for the better. I truly feel like a new woman and all my peers can see the drastic change in me. I have started to actually appreciate my family and am always working on becoming a better individual. Mr. Hamilton’s words are very close to my heart and have taught me how to achieve many great things I never dreamed of accomplishing. I believe that TVP is something that serves as an enlightening perspective for all those seeking for guidance for what our future may hold.

            That is why I, Maria C. Rodriguez, testify that Neothink Society and the TVP movement is something marvelous that all humanity should want to explore. Let’s do our best to continue forth with this cause, that I’m sure has helped many people just like me.

Truly yours,

Maria C. R

I can barely express in words…



      I can barely express in words what Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party has meant to me over the last 17 years. My exposure to the initial literature expanded my consciousness and tore down the boundaries that had build up in my mind throughout the years prior to Neothink. It was like experiencing the most momentous sunrise the world has ever witnessed, and it happened inside my own mind, heart and soul. Neothink gives us hope for limitless prosperity and eternal joy. It integrates and encompasses everything human beings are meant to be and become. Through the Twelve Visions Party, the people of earth will forge an eternal value based society free of value destroying vestiges of the past. My self-worth, confidence, sense of hope and motivation to be everything that I can be has been deeply influenced by everything Neothink represents. I can’t imagine a world without it. Mark, I support everything you and all other members of the Neothink society are doing to bring our world into a new Renaissance. It will be a Renaissance, an enlightenment, that will surpass all others of the past. We shall soon join our neighbors throughout the cosmos in the application of the geometric expansion of knowledge, forever!  Mr. Hamilton, if you need anything, just ask. Thank you Mark Hamilton. Thank you Neothink.

Words alone can not describe how grateful and good I feel

Dear Mark,
I’ve been meaning to write you for some time now, and I first want to start out by saying  Thank You!!  Words alone can not describe how grateful and good I feel. The Neothink books I’ve read, to say they have changed my life would be an understatement! The value I have received from reading them is priceless.

For those of you reading this and have ears to hear, listen to what I’ve learned in my own words. The story of my life could only be described as magical. From the time I was born until now I could tell you stories of my life that many of you would not believe, but I assure you are true. There’s no doubt if I shared this story and it was made into a movie it would break all the records and touch many of you deep within your heart and soul.

When I was a child I always knew there was more to this world than what I could see with my own two eyes .I knew as a child that there was something magical about this world in which I was a part of, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. As I grew older that magic seemed to fade with my past, until one day my situation had hit rock bottom and it was gone. I was as low as you could possibly get and I wanted answers. So I started seeking, asking why this? Why me? I started my journey that led me out of this negative cesspool of reality I was living. You know that saying, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Well I asked and it was given, I sought for something and boy did I find it, I knocked and the door was opened and all I had to do was have the courage to walk through it.
For the past 5 years I have been on one awesome ride that I call the magic of life and I wish everyone could feel as good as I do right now. A few years ago the secret was released to the general public, it’s also called the law of attraction, and all I have to say is WAKE UP!!!!! EVERYONE, WAKE UP!!!! Just yesterday I was flipping through the channels and the was a 13 year old gymnast being interviewed and the reporter asked how were you able to nail that performance and do you know what she said? I focused and I used the secret to see myself do it before I started. When I saw this I wish I could have shook that little girls hand. Now if this little girl gets it, can I ask one question? Why doesn’t everyone else? Is it fear? Lack of courage? Or is it that you see the lie to be real and what’s really real a lie? Have we all been duped? So dark is the con of man is what comes to my mind. The secret follows biblical writing and is backed by science. Here is a quote from the bible Mark 9-23, Jesus said to him,” if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes”. Albert Einstein said” thoughts become things” . Thomas A. Edison said a few years before he died” Ideas come from space”, and Buddha said many centuries ago” All that we are is the result of what we have thought”.
Lets go back in history and see that a few great people who had incredible powers and powers of influence and how they were dealt with. Let’s start with Jesus, he healed people, raised people from the dead, walked on water ,turned water into wine and you know the rest. So what happened to him? He was a threat to the corrupt church at the time and a threat to the Roman government so they nailed him to a cross. How about Joan of Arc, an illiterate peasant girl who at age 17 led the outnumbered French army to defeat the superior English army in one the greatest upsets in military history. She saved her country, put a king into power and because the church and the French and English politicians feared her power, she was convicted of heresy and sorcery and publicly burned alive at the age of 19. So what’s my point of bringing this up, for the last 2000 years and even before man has used government and religion to control and manipulate the uneducated masses I call the herd. The truth is we all have this power maybe not to the extent Jesus and Joan of Arc had, but we do have it. It was given to each and every one of us at birth when you breathed your first breath. You have always had it you just didn’t know you had it. Now you have to learn how to tap into it.

What gives one man the right to tell another what to do? what to believe? Are we born to blindly follow? what is the truth? Honestly I think the truth is whatever some one can get you to believe. I think the truth can just be some ones opinion, and lately I have found out many things I thought were true to be a lie, disguised as the truth. I came to realize that the little man behind the curtain with all the smoke and mirrors trying to scare everybody has no greater power than I. A man only has power over another if you let him. Just like the only value money has is the value we give it.

I could talk to you until I’m blue in the face but I can’t make you believe anything, nor would I want to try. It’s like leading a horse to water but you cant make him drink it.You have to come to a point in your life when you seek the truth and when you finally find it you will know and believe it on your own. Like this reference from the bible John 8-32 “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”.

I have learned so much in the past 5 years but I have barely scratched the surface, and I’m still learning and will never stop. Once you get there you’ll know what I mean. You will live the magic of life and the more you believe the more it will happen and the more it happens the more you will believe. Open your eyes and see the good that is all of us. Keep your ears open and listen, its all around you. Find a meaning in a movie, listen to the words in a song, and on a hot summer night look up at the stars and as they shine down on you, remember to let your light shine. The white light energy that’s connected to your heart that we call our soul. They say home is where the heart is. I think its time we all find our way back home. A wise man once said to a tin man, a heart is not judged by how much you love ,but by how much you are loved by others. My Grandfather always had a quote that hung in his office it said” love wasn’t put in the heart to stay for love isn’t love until you give it away”.

I have come to find meanings in a few quotes from songs that have helped me change the way I look at life.”Its along way to the top if you want to rock and roll” ,have the courage to take the first step, fear is man made (false energy appearing real).”long live the day that I decided to fly from the inside”,you have too look inside of your self and like what you see, you have to go in to get out. How can any one love you? if you don’t love yourself. “Always trust in who you are and nothing else matters”, we’re all spiritual beings having a physical experience, not physical beings having a spiritual experience.”The road to nowhere leads to me” only I control my thoughts,beliefs, and decisions so I can have, be or do whatever I want in this world.
When I grew up my mom was a big Elvis fan and you can even ask the neighbors 12 houses down because the heard Elvis too.
There was this one song that he sang, If I can Dream was the title and there was a part in the song that went like this “and as long as a man has the strength to dream he can redeem his soul and fly”. I think Walt Disney said it best”A dream is a wish your heart makes”. I guess what I’m trying to say is, just like we all have different finger prints, we all have different dreams there are no two alike. Follow your heart it will always lead you to your dreams. And lastly be yourself because every one else is taken. Learn to live the magic that life truly is.

March 2025