Posts Tagged ‘heart’

Freedom Lovers

Freedom Lovers,

It is with heart felt appreciation that I express my joy at discovering Mark Hamilton.

I would like to thank The Neothink

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I would like to thank The Neothink & the Neothink Team and to Mark Hamilton with all my heart and the list goes on.

Here is my heart warm feeling about …


Here is my heart warm feeling about the Neothink Society and what they did for me.

I would like to thank The Neothink & Neothink Team …

Dear Mark Hamilton.

I would like to thank The Neothink & Neothink Team and to Mark Hamilton with all my heart and the list goes on.

Freedom Lovers,

It is with heart felt appreciation that I express my joy at discovering Mark Hamilton.

I want to send you my deepest heart felt appreciation for …

Hello Mark Hamilton,

I want to send you my deepest heart felt appreciation for the eye opening literature you have made available to me through the years.

I would like to thank The Neothink & the Neothink Team …

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I would like to thank The Neothink & the Neothink Team and to Mark Hamilton with all my heart and the list goes on.

I have read Marks' books and I believe he's a visionary …

Hi, Mark

My name is Ralph C., I’m an apprentice, I have read Marks’ books and I believe he’s a visionary and has a system that can benefit all of mankind.

I believe Mark has a big heart and just wants all the population of the world to have great wealth and good health and romantic relationships for everyone.

The information I have received from Marks’ Neothink books has enriched my life to a higher level than I’ve ever been. I can now see through the illusions to the essence

of what is.

Here is my heart warm feeling about the Neothink Society and what they did for me.


Here is my heart warm feeling about the Neothink Society and what they did for me.

Good Morning!! Mark Hamilton,

Good Morning!! Mark Hamilton,

YES, I did read all the Neothink manuals and am so thankful I was chosen to receive these manuals, these are life changing formula for me. These ideas are not to be taken for granted, they are to be used again and again.

I feel in my heart that the “The Prime Law” The fundamental of Protection, and “The Twelve Visions Party” is the only way to go. I only hope this all comes to pass in my lifetime for all of us who truly want freedom the way freedom is meant to be.

I love you Mark,


February 2025