Posts Tagged ‘health and wealth’

I am grateful for The Neothink Society …

Dear Mark,

I am grateful for The Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions Party and The Twelve Visions World we eagerly await to bring us to Happiness, Desired Health and Wealth. For myself, it will be the fulfillment of my childhood fantasy to save the world from fear and destruction and all join hands

I am a Neothink member and a supporter of the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Reader,
I am a Neothink member and a supporter of the Twelve Visions Party. Words can hardly begin to express how the education in the Generational Manuscripts has begun to change my entire life. As one of the baby boomers we are taught that we have few choices after a certain age in life and that we are expected to accept what is planned for us by our ruling class government and peacefully settle into old age awaiting death. This is not true. I have learned through Neothink to love life again with an excitement for what the future will hold with the Twelve Visions Party and Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton is to be commended for his visions and effort that he is so intent on bringing us, the human race. The same love, energy, and time spent on his own loved ones, he is now sharing with you. You can learn more about TVP @, We all owe it to ourselves and Mark Hamilton to educate ourselves on the issues at hand. This is not difficult to grasp, it is hard facts explained with solid solutions that will take all of us to support the end results for a better standard of living that we should all have. I am now retired, but throughout my working years i was always told how to think and act, when to sleep, when to eat. That was always acceptable in our lifetime without the knowledge that has been now given to me through Neothink. I now have a mentor that has all positives for forward moving mentality, happiness, health and wealth for my future and my family. Our current structure of government needs to change if our standards of living are ever going to change. TVP is a strong rational solution to these issues. I am a strong supporter of these changes and Mark Hamilton. Also our educational system, where you have a minimum of 50% of our children on Ritalin so they can be controlled while being taught to blend into society just as we were instead of expanding their minds with no limit. Since entering Neothink we have experienced all walks of life and every nationality that truly love each other for the betterment of mankind., instead of all of the hate that flows through our world today. If we want a better world for all generation to come and nationalities, I believe we must support Mark Hamilton and the TVP. I intend to be a part of this movement for the rest of my life. I hope to meet and greet you soon in the TVP family or at one of the National Neothink clubhouses. Working together for the same cause will be exhilarating, powerful, and beneficial to all of mankind. Please join me in my quest for a better tomorrow through TVP and Mark Hamilton
Thank You
Rick R.

I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON

I felt so lost, confused, abused, I was angry with the world around me.
Every one I new, had betrayed me, my own family, the hypocrites telling me, how to live my life. Since I was little I was confused about the bible, peoples tell you one thing, but they go and do other thing that are not good, every body had betrayed me my whole life.I was feeling empty.
about a year ego, one letter come and I followed instruction I ordered some literature. Immediately I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON I star reading and I felt something inside me, and change my life, in the way I think, then I new this Man who His life has dedicated to understand the way peoples think, and what we should do with our life.
MR: MARK HAMILTON open his acknowledge, to help those who were willing to see another world, with in the world we live.
This abusive and destructive world we live in need the MARK HAMILTON and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to teach them everything we have learn.
NEOTHINK provide a WEALTH, of information that can make every body who are willing to learn a life full of Happiness, Health, and Wealth, that every one will embrace.
With gratitude and pride I have love this MAN MR: MARK HAMILTON and his NEOTHINK literature for inviting me to be a member of this society, Because with NEOTHINK LITERATURE we have open minds, and we understand. We have a treasure in our hand and minds, 2500 years of acknowledge.
Floris E C

I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON

I felt so lost, confused, abused, I was angry with the world around me.
Every one I new, had betrayed me, my own family, the hyprocrites telling me, how to live my life. Since I was little I was confused about the bible, peoples tell you one thing, but they go and do other thing that are not good, every body had betrayed me my whole life.I was feeling empty.
about a year ego, one letter come and I followed instrution I ordered some literature. Inmediately I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON I star reading and I felt something inside me, and change my life, in the way I think, then I new this Man who His life has dedicated to understand the way peoples think, and what we should do with our life.
MR: MARK HAMILTON open his acknowledge, to help those who were willing to see another world,with in the world we live.
This abusive and destructive world we live in need the MARK HAMILTON and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to teach them everything we have learn.
NEOTHINK provide a WEALTH, of information that can make every body who are willing to learn a life full of Happines, Health, and Wealth, that every one will embrace.
With gratitude and pride I have love this MAN MR: MARK HAMILTON and his NEOTHINK literature for inviting me to be a menber of this society, Because with NEOTHINK LITERATURE we have open minds, and we understand.We have a treasure in our hand and minds, 2500 years of ackowledge.
Floris E C

I’ve read Mark Hamilton’s books since the early 1990’s…

I’ve read Mark Hamilton’s books since the early 1990’s, and have come to realize that, we all are coming into a future of a new world order. Simply by adding the Prime Law to the constitution as an amendment.
This will get the government off our backs and an end to all the regulation, and taxation and government entities, that keep popping up.
We will prosper like never before.
The Prime Law will give us a Protection only Budget. Taxes will decrease, crime will decrease dramatically. Our health and wealth will soar.
The Prime Law will depoliticize and deregulate and get the government into a Protection only status.
Better health will be apparent without the FDA regulations. Jobs will beabundant with the technological revolution.
Our love life will blossom like never before. We will be happy people.
This is what my family looks forward to.
Eric L. L

To your success Mark Hamilton

I Believe In Mark Hamilton

To anyone who has a head on his shoulders, and can think for themselves. Who is not a follower of the masses and lets themselves be herded around like sheep to the slaughter.

By the corrupt politicians, media, TV, drug companies etc… For someone who wants a better life. You know there is more to life then what you have right now and you want it so bad, you can smell it see it touch it. I f you are someone who wants real honest change in this world of ours look to Mark Hamilton.

The man is a real true visionary and a genius in his own right. I was very fortunate to have received Marks letter to join the Neothink society. I am so glad I did.

Mark’s written material is very eye opening, He gives you the truth and facts and all the proven research that you need to know.

It has opened my mind to a much larger scope of understanding.

His vision for a better world for all mankind, can happen, and will happen with our help, in backing and supporting

Mark Hamilton.

The future you and I want for Health and Wealth is in Mark Hamilton’s life vision and the Twelve Vision Party.

Please don’t make the mistake of believing what you hear about Mark Hamilton from the main stream media, TV, news papers, web sites as truths, they are all owned by the corrupt politicians in power and have been for far too long.

It is time for us to break the shackles that are holding us down. To every one reading this testimonial, open your eyes. Look around, and listen to what is happening around you. Do you like what you see? I certainly don’t.

We need big honest change in our world and Mark Hamilton is the man that can give us all our free will back. We will have the freedom to control our own lives. So we can think for our selves, live life in harmony and prosperity. Keep out of our lives the hands of the corrupt politician.

The governments do not care about us, they lie and cheat us out of everything we have and they want more and more.

They are taking so much from us that we have no more to give. Their bank accounts are getting bigger and bigger and they leave us with absolutely nothing in the end. This is wrong and you all know it. Mark Hamilton promises us, the right to a good life, with

Health and Prosperity for all. With his insights and visions for all of our futures in mind, he is the right man for the job. He will deliver what he promises.

Think about it, hard and long the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party are the answer you have all been looking for.

Go to.

Check it out for yourselves, investigate. Study the information with open minds. See what they stand for. It is all there for you to see and learn what is the truth? and discern from the leis you hear about in the mainstream media. The corrupt politicians in power have a lot to loose if the Twelve Visions Party gains strength and power with our help. Voting in the Twelve Visions Party, we can change our lives for the better good and also the world.

To your success Mark Hamilton, you have my support. Rita D

My life changed


In three years my life has changed from one of an old bored, and maybe depressed retired lady to an active woman who is involved in making the world a better place; and my own self a better person in the package. After retirement from a very happy and busy career of 47 years I was just useless and getting nowhere fast. Mark Hamilton’s letter said that he chose me. I do not know why he chose me, but I am sure glad that he did. I bought that first wonderful book, Inside Secrets, and my life began to soar. I continue to get better all the time. Yes I am busier than when I was working at the top of my career but I am also so happy doing what makes me happy. I have learned to accomplish at least three time what I used to do in a day and I just keep going. I basically have three businesses now that I am running and all are growing. Just want to say thank you to Mark Hamilton for choosing me and teaching me to be my own person, to run my own businesses, how to find my essence, what I was created to do. On top of all that for over a year now I have been at my ideal weight. I am extremely healthy and strong for age 73. The answer to success is in Mark’s book, Inside Secrets. Thank you Mark Hamilton, Peace, Health and Wealth for all of us, Nellie


… Yes … we need “refounders” to bring back what our forefathers gave to us.
Our ancestors fled persecution and enslavement to the feudal system, packed onto small wooden vessels and sailed a great, unknown sea to find a place to call their own (and hopefully not be killed by wild animals or wilder Indians!)
Our forefathers stood up to the mightiest nation on earth to break the bonds of taxation and slavery; a rag-tag bunch of farmers and businessmen, armed with hunting rifles, against the biggest and best armed force up to that time.
I spent 20 years of my life (1/3 of it) also defending this great nation, at the cost of my family and friends. Thousands of others past and present can say the same!
Now we hear our elected officials tell us we are “too stupid” to know how to take care of ourselves, it’s up to them to do it for us. We see our jobs, our homes, our livelihoods taken away for the basis of “equality” — like Robin Hood, our elected officials think they have the right to take from the successful and give to the lazy and incompetent!
Yes … we need, nay … we MUST refound our individual rights and freedoms. We live in the greatest time in all of history! We live in the greatest nation in all of history! It is time for the greatest individuals of all time to stand up and defend the rights of freedom, happiness, health and wealth for all. The ONLY way that can be accomplished is the TVP … check it out here:

and here:
Come join me and my hero/mentor — Mark Hamilton and the TVP in freeing the individual and rebuilding the once great nation … the US of A!

We will prosper like never before.

I’ve read Mark Hamilton’s books since the early 1990’s, and have come to realize that, we all are coming into a future of a new world order. Simply by adding the Prime Law to the constitution as an amendment.

This will get the government off our backs and an end to all the regulation, and taxation and government entities, that keep popping up.

We will prosper like never before.

The Prime Law will give us a Protection only Budget. Taxes will decrease, crime will decrease dramatically. Our health and wealth will soar.

The Prime Law will depoliticize and deregulate and get the government into a Protection only status.

Better health will be apparent without the FDA regulations.  Jobs will beabundant with the technological revolution.

Our love life will blossom like never before. We will be happy people.

This is what my family looks forward to.

Eric L. L

Everything Mr. Hamilton and the Neothink Society teaches is honest and real

It’s been said that we are here so that the universe can know itself. Our reason for being is to explore, learn and advance. The only way that can happen is through honesty and team work. Every living thing evolves and Mark Hamilton has spent countless hours researching and developing the information needed to present to everyone the basic principles that will raise humanity to the next level of existence. If you look around you and see the reality of our current existence, you will see that everything Mr. Hamilton and the Neothink Society teaches is honest and real. Mr. Hamilton has not only pulled the shade on the window of our true current existence, but has opened the door allowing everyone to step into the next phase of humanity. These principles taught by Mr. Hamilton and the Neothink Society allow every human being to prosper in health and wealth bringing true happiness, not just the few who feed on those considered below them for there own prosperity. As I initially read through the information received from Mr. Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I found that I was reading the very things that I have felt in my soul for so many years. They are the same things that so many farsighted, creative and truly successful individuals over the centuries have said. It’s all simply a matter of honest education, honest insight and putting them truly into practice. Though I am not wealthy and struggled to purchase the materials provided, in the end they were well worth the price for proving to me the road I was looking as was the correct one for creating the future that we were meant for.

Duane B

March 2025