Posts Tagged ‘hatred’


I hope to see Mark Hamilton…

The  Neothink Society has lead my life from boredom, hatred, negativity, and confusion to better health, happiness, better relationships with my family for love and laughter.  I now have a total and complete turnaround of understanding life, and can learn the way I want to live.

When the twelve visions party happens for the first time, it will make so many people blissfully happy. Just imagine the love, trust, happiness, business booming, creativity, etc, with people finding their true self and becoming what they are meant to be on this wonderful planet.  That will be the day that the sun gets brighter, and the Earth gets ever so much more beautiful.

Thank you so much. I hope to see Mark Hamilton, the T.V.P. and the Neothink Society bloom into magnificence for the entire planet, so everyone can find there bliss.

Alan B.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor



Am joyous testifying to you all. This is all about  MARK HAMILTON .

He is a genius honest person. From the time i received his heirloom/books and went through, my life changed from bicameral mind to civilization, that is from sickness to health, from actress to active.

The knowledge of mark shall change lives of people world wide just as it has changed the lives of us who have led his books. Imagine Mr HAMILTON discovered the disease which is attacking nearly all human beings on earth and this is the disease which brings poverty, war, hatred, dishonest, sickness, death, etc.

Due to his genius and honest he also has the cure /medicine for this disease called mysticism. And this cure is from his knowledge.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor

Being a member of the Neothink society, am also threatened>20 march 2010.Our journey mighty be disturbed as you mentioned. Am level 9 of our journey. In level 6 you talked about the NEOTHINK SOCIETY MARK HAMILTON SECRET BOOK that you would send to members.

How can it be possible for to receive this book. I would Neothink that you send me this book and be on the way to me before 20 march 2010.

To me this threat is just like am driving the car along the desert which is mysticism to a promised land, the land of honest, success, ageless, etc then fuel of car starts finishing before arrival to the promised land.

March 2025